Create your own Board Game for Road Safety

School: 6o EPA.L Irakliou - 6th Vocational High School of Herakleio
Teacher: Afroditi Michailidi
No of students participated: a class of up to 25 students in groups of 4-5
Subject domain: ICT tools, Digital Products, Graphics and sounds, Media, Presentation, Processing text & images
Contact info

Teacher Creator: Afroditi Michailidi

OSOS use name:amichail

Feel free to contact me via the platform for any further assistance.


The teacher introduces the topic of road safety and suggests the designing of an onboard game. The initiative is given and students are divided into groups. Each group brainstorms on how to design their own game and on their roles in the group. They can use collaborative tools such as Google docs or Padlet to write down their ideas

This is followed by Brainstorming on Basic road safety issues followed by presentations e.g. videos such as  

(SussexSaferRoads – Embrace Life always wear your seat belt)

Through a webquest designed by the teacher, the students working in their group acquire the resources necessary for their work.

(45 minutes)