Create your own Board Game for Road Safety
Hosted by OSOS, contributed by Afroditi Michailidi on 29/07/2020

As part of a citizen education program, road safety awareness is achieved by designing a board game

Total time is 4 school hours.

The project can by done by hand or with online tools for older students.

What curriculum content will be addressed?

  • Responsible Citizenship
  • Road Safety Awareness
  • Sustainability

How are four key 21st Century Skills addressed?

Creativity: Students research, imagine and design their own version of a board game

Communication: Students present their ideas and creations to the whole class

Collaboration: Students work in groups and interact with each other

Critical Thinking: Students research the material and choose the aspects they want to focus on


How will you know that they are learning? Students work in groups, share ideas, design their own template, present it to others and get feedback


In what ways will students reflect on progress? Self evaluation at each step of the design process both for each student and for the team. Peer evaluation after the presentation of their project

What is the challenge your students will tackle? Cooperate with each other, assimilate the material and produce a feasible design


Why is this meaningful to the students - what’s the hook? Students are encouraged to be creative while learning in a playfully way


What “enduring understanding” will be developed by students? Soft skills, Road Safety Awareness, Responsible Citizenship


Specifically, by the end of this project students will

  • learn traffic signs and appropriate traffic behavior
  • understand how practicing road safety leads to better quality of life overall
  • be aware of responsible road behavior whether on foot , bicycle or riding in a car
  • research the material and put it together to create their own version
Keywords: responsible citizenship. road safety awareness, soft skills
Learning Objectives: 1.learn traffic signs and appropriate traffic behavior 2.understand how practicing road safety leads to better quality of life overall aware of responsible road behavior whether on foot , bicycle or riding in a car 4research,collaborate and present
Tags: road safety, citizenship, ICT, road safety, hands-on, project based
Rating: -/5
Views: 215
Languages: English
Students age group: 9 - 12, 12 - 15
Subject domain: ICT tools, Digital Products, Graphics and sounds, Media, Presentation, Processing text & images
# of students participating: a class of up to 25 students in groups of 4-5
Updated on: 30.07.2020


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