ODS webinar on metadata harvesting

ODS webinar on metadata harvesting

Online, November 12th at 17:00 CET
Registrations over here!

The 12th webinar in the Open Discovery Space series is entitled "Metadata Ingestion in ODS". It is especially targeted at content providers, but anyone willing to know how to mix and match metadata schemas may find it interesting. It is recommended that participants have a good knowledge on metadata, the IEEE LOM application profile, and ODS application profile.

This webinar aims at introducing the concept of harvesting as well as the protocols and technologies related to harvesting in ODS. After this module, learners will understand and be familiar with metadata harvesting basics, they will know and be able to implement the OAI-PMH protocol in their repositories and will be able to implement and make public their collections through an OAI-PMH endpoint. This webinar uses the materials elaborated by UAH with the collaboration of CTI in the context of the Open Discovery Space training academies (WP6) and more precisely the “Content Providers” training academy.

The speaker will be Mr. Enayat Rajabi. He is a researcher and PhD candidate at University of Alcalá. He is coordinating UAH works at ODS WP7 (Open Learning Content), which includes everything related to harvesting and other content integration tasks in ODS.



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