Earthquake - Evangeliki School of Smyrna
Hosted by OSOS, contributed by Gregory Milopoulos il 23/04/2018

Two teams of students, under the guidance of their professor, create two diferrent devices that can measure earthquakes. 

Parole chiave Earthquake, Seismograph, Arduino, waves, seismic, seismology
Learning Objectives: Seismology, Waves, Dealing with real-world problems, data collection, data visualisation, problem solving, inquire based learning, creativity, responsibility, use of ICT
Rating: -/5
Views: 11
Languages: English
Students age group: 15 - 18
Subject domain: Science, Forces and motion, Solids, liquids and gases, Waves, Gadgets, ICT tools, Benefits & problems, Simple networking, Storage devices, Understanding of hardware and software, Interpreting information, Reading for information, Search, ICT in society, Reviewing and reflecting critically on what people produce using ICT, Select and use ICT tools and techniques appropriately, safely and efficiently, Collaboration, Digital citizens, Information literacy, Research a problem using ICT, Use text, tables, images and sound to develop ideas, Technology
# of students participating: 8
Published on: 23.04.2018


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