Eratosthenes Experiment photo contest September 2017

Eratosthenes Experiment photo contest September 2017

Take a photo of the experiment or the work behind it or a creative snapshot of those involved in the experiment, submit it to the Eratosthenes Photo Competition and don’t miss the opportunity to travel to the 2018 Inspiring Science Education Summer Academy in Athens.

You may submit your photo by clicking on the “Comment” tab in the “Discussion” with the title “Please submit your photo September 2017”. Offer a description by adding your country, your school’s name and your own name in the “Comment” area. “Select” your file, “Upload” it and then “Save”.

Biedrs 5


Giannis Alexopoulos

You may submit your photo by clicking on the “Comment” tab in the “Discussion” with the title “Please submit your photo September 2017”.

Giannis Alexopoulos

You may submit your photo by clicking on the “Comment” tab in the “Discussion” with the title “Please submit your photo September 2017”.



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