Open Science Resources - OSR community

Open Science Resources - OSR community
projekta menedžeris
Domain: Zinātne

The Open Science Resources (OSR) community enables you to access the finest digital collections in European science centres and museums, to follow educational pathways connecting objects tagged with semantic metadata and to enrich the contents provided with social tags of your own choice.

The OSR community contains educational material in the form of educational content (images of exhibits and scientific instruments, videos, animations, exercises, graphs, links) and of educational pathways (structured and open learning activities organized according the inquiry based pedagogical model). Users can search for the educational materials or to upload their own materials. 

The OSR Repository goes mobile! Now OSR Educational Content is available for mobile and handheld devices. Visit Mobile OSR and explore the repository through your mobile phone. 


Visit OSR Camp in Second Life! Explore the Foucault's Pendulum interactive exhibit and numerous other contents of the OSR through a unique immersive experience in a realistic context. From here you can download and install Second Life Viewer which is used for entering the Sciences Camp in Second Life. Teleport to Sciences Camp.

open resources
Created on: 14.05.2014
Last visited: 30.06.2022