Hosted by OSOS, contributed by conchy molina perez il 14/05/2019

Playing with Protons represents a novel science education initiative led by the CMS Experiment at CERN that is aimed at nurturing and promoting creativity, science motivation and aspirations among K-6 students. It focuses on learning resources communities of interest and ideas student projects and supports in schools in carrying out such projects (especially those that serve students from remote or relatively disadvantaged communities).

Playing with protons aims at enriching teachers’ pedagogical practice with creative, hands-on methodologies through which K-6 students can, in turn, get engaged effectively with science, technology and innovation. Students become familiar with big ideas and latest discoveries in particle physics mainly through hands-on experimentation with everyday materials. The educational approach promotes inquiry, creativity and collaborative learning.

RRI Principles
One of the key aspects of OSOS is the inclusion of RRI - Responsible Research and Innovation principles in innovative pedagogical practices. RRI  principles are addressed in the "Playing with Protons " accelerator:



Playing with protons offers an inclusive and creative approach to science education, one that offers the opportunity to rethink and remodel the field  (science education) by achieving changes at the policy level as well.     

Public engagement

Playing with Protons, given that it was conceived as a partnership between various educational stakeholders, namely schools, the Greek Ministry of Education, CERN, EU-funded initiatives, the Ogden Trust, promotes public engagement and wishes to incorporate school projects that involve local community, especially parents          

Gender equality

A range of Playing with Proton activities address the issue of gender equity in science, especially in tackling the image of the “male mad scientist”  

Science Education

The Playing with protons accelerator supports students in developing their problem-solving skills and in participating in important science inquiry activities, as they are asked to place themselves in the shoes of astronomers, astronauts, cosmologists, etc.  


The playing with protons approach address issues such as the role of scientific in society and strives to change the image and misconception by delivering school projects that bring CERN and its legacy in primary education. A number of activities tackle major ethical issues such why we need to trust scientific knowledge and it pioneers.   

Open Access

This accelerator promotes the use of open online content, tools and ideas in an effort to reach as further as possible by spreading the message of  high energy science and innovations that have been     



Stakeholders Participation

The accelerator offers an excellent opportunity to attempt to turn the school in to a hub for scientific knowledge transfer. In particular, schools with the support from local stakeholders, such as science centres, museums, companies, individual experts and event CERN itself, could organise events in which the students assume the role of experts informing the public on scientific breakthroughs, on what science and CERN in particular has done for us (the discovery of MRI or the Web, for example) on busting myths. Projects that are being created from this accelerator could  focus on guiding students in becoming researchers themselves, designing and organising such an event or campaign.     


Parole chiave teachers’ pedagogical practice, creativity, hands-on methodology
Learning Objectives: Development of positive attitudes towards science, exposure to scientific phenomena, understanding of scientific concepts, use of scientifically informed language, development of scientific thinking.
Visualizzazioni: 547
Lingue: English, Spanish
Students age group: 18 - 25
Ambito della materia: Astronomy, Physics, Engineering, Technology, Science, ICT
# of students participating: 13
Updated on: 22.01.2020


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