Erasmus Accreditation for Schools

There has never been a greater need for educators to receive training to face the challenges provided by SARS-CoV-2. Every year, the European Union funds thousands of mobilities and professional development activities for teachers and other school staff to receive the training they need. Take advantage of these opportunities and secure easier access to the yearly mobility funding through the 2020 Erasmus accreditation.

This accreditation is a tool for schools that plan to implement cross-border teacher training as well as teacher and/or student exchange and cooperation. Accredited organizations will have simplified access to Key Action 1 funding opportunities under the future Programme (2021-2027)! Being accredited brings many advantages:

  • Easier application for funding: it will be much easier to ask and get funds for new mobility activities without having to write a detailed plan and activities each year! A big part of the overall Erasmus mobility funding will be reserved for accredited schools!
  • Setting your own goals: each school can choose to develop their own long-term goals and plans for the whole period of Erasmus (2021-2027)!
  • Investing into professional development: create a long-term plan for improving the quality of learning and teaching in your school!
  • Better long-term planning and less stress: your school can plan for several years the training activities and times, so it will be easier to design a fair and transparent training plan together with all teachers of the school. Stop worrying about deadlines or writing and submitting each year a new full application!

You will find more information about the opportunities and call here and at the website of your National Agency.The deadline for submitting applications for accreditation is 29 October 2020.

There is online support provided by School Education Gateway that will walk you through the steps of the new scheme. The course will introduce the participants to the Erasmus accreditation scheme, what it is and how their organization can benefit from it.

  • Find out the key principles of the Erasmus Accreditation
  • Learn about the benefits of Erasmus Accreditation in the framework of the new funding programme
  • Become familiar with the application process
  • Start to reflect on your organisation’s Erasmus Plan

If you are looking for teacher training opportunities (online or offline), make sure you follow the European School Innovation Academy! We are already preparing a new set of courses for the upcoming months and summer 2021!

Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter!

Stay tuned for updates and upcoming opportunities to take part in this fascinating project and sign up for the ESIA newsletter to stay informed!



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