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Learning Scenario
Multimedija- Informatika 6. razred kroz Footloose mjuzikl
Last updated 16/07/2015, by Ana Budojević
Domain: ICT>Graphics and sounds, Special Educational Needs>Well Being / Emotional Literacy>Self-esteem, Special Educational Needs>Gifted and talented>Projects, emotional and social difficulties (BESD)>Motivation, Special Educational Needs>Behavioral, Music>Music Education>Notation / Music Theory / Harmony/Musical Morphology, ICT>Processing text & images>Creating & editing images, ICT>Media>Multimedia, ICT>Media>Animation, ICT>Digital Products>Working with cameras & video, ICT>Media>Internet>Web 2.0 tools, ICT>Media>Internet>Social networking
Learning objectivesCognitive - Process:
To remember: naučiti izrađivati animacije i plakate, snimati i obrađivati video i zvučne zapise; razvijati osjećaj za ritam, točno reproducirati ritam, u pjevanju primjenjivati zadani tempo, dinamiku i mjeru; osmišljavajući i stvarajući scenografiju usvajati i razvijati vještine i ovladavanje likovnim tehnikama To remember: learn to create animations and posters, record and process video and audio clips and to process digital photos; develop a sense of rhythm, exactly reproduce the rhythm, the right tempo, dynamics and measure while singing; designing and creating a scenery acquire and develop skills and master the art techniques
To think critically and creatively: razvijati estetkse vrijednosti develop esthetic values
To respond and participate: razvijati razumijevanje, zanimanje, poštovanje za vlastiti jezik; razvijati sposobnost javnoga nastupanja i govorenja pred drugima; razvijati odgovornost i izvršavati preuzete zadatke To respond and participate: to develop understanding, interest, respect for native language; to develop the ability of public speaking and events; realize the consequences of their own and others manners and behavior; accept the rule of collaborative relationships in the group, solidarity, courtesy, mutual support and accept the diversities; develop responsibility, execute given tasks
To adapt and perform creatively
Grade & Age6. i 8. razred; 11-14 years
6th and 8th grade; 11-14 years
Keywords/subjectobrada zvuka, videa i fotografije, javni nastup, ritam, dinamika, estetika
sound, photo and video processing, public appearance, rhythm, dynamics, aesthetic values.
TitleMultimedija- Informatika 6. razred kroz Footloose mjuzikl
Multimedia - 6th grade Computer science through Footloose Musical
Author(s)Name: Ana Budojević Organization: Osnovna škola Gornje Vrapče Role: teacher
Description/ main idea


postaviti vlastiti mjuzikl u trajanju od 2 sata


1. razvijati razumijevanje, zanimanje, poštovanje za vlastiti jezik

2. razvijati sposobnost javnoga nastupanja i govorenja pred drugima

3. naučiti  izrađivati animacije i plakate, snimati i obrađivati video i         zvučne zapise, obrađivati fotografije

4. razvijati osjećaj za ritam, točno reproducirati ritam, u pjevanju           primjenjivati zadani tempo, dinamiku i mjeru

5. osmišljavajući i stvarajući  scenografiju usvajati i razvijati vještine     i ovladavanje likovnim tehnikama, kao i razvijati estetske             vrijednosti.


1. uvidjeti posljedice svojih i tuđih stavova i postupaka

2. prihvaćati pravila suradničkih odnosa u skupini, solidarnosti,             uljudnoga ponašanja, uzajamnoga pomaganja i prihvaćanja               različitosti

3. razvijati odgovornost, izvršavati preuzete zadatke

Educational objective setting up the Footloose musical (duration -2hours)

Learning objectives

1. to develop understanding, interest, respect for native language

2. to develop the ability of public speaking and public events

3. to learn to create animations and posters, record and process video and     audio clips and to process digital photos

4. to develop a sense of rhythm, exactly reproduce the rhythm,  the right  tempo, dynamics and measure while singing

5.  designing and creating a scenery acquire and develop skills and master the art techniques, as well as develop aesthetic values.

Educational objectives

1. to realize the consequences of their own and others manners and behavior

2. to accept the rule of collaborative relationships in the group, solidarity, courtesy, mutual support and accept the diversities        

3. to develop responsibility, execute given tasks


Motivirati učenike 

U sklopu nastave Hrvatskog jezika (medijska kultura) pogledati mjuzikl Footloose BGlad produkcije

Održati profesionalnu audiciju za odabir glumaca u našem mjuziklu. Na audiciji sudjeluju glumci iz ansamlba "velikog" Footloosa koji će zajedno s profesoricom odabrati pobjednike.

klikni na sliku 


The main role of this phase is to motivate students.

Visiting the theater to see the original  musical  Footloose (BGlad production) as a part of  the Croatian language (media culture) class.


On the professional casting having to choose the actors for school musical. The guests, which will help to choose our actors, will also be the actors from the Footloose musical (Nikola Milat, Lela Kaplowitz and Bojan Jambrošić) and one of the musical producers, Tadija Kolovrat.

Click on photo

Pogledati nastup Footloosa BGlad produkcija
Watch the Footloose musical BGlad production


Učenici odlaze pogledati Footloose mjuzikl BGlad produkcije-motivacija

Students visiting the theater to see original Footloose musical (BGlad production) as a part of  motivation.



4 Hours

Održati audiciju s gostima glumcima iz velikog Footlosa
Casting with guests (actors and producer)


Učenici su na audiciji trebali pokazati da znaju glumiti, ali i pjevati i plesati. Zadatak su ozbiljno shvatili. Kako bi sve bilo kao na pravoj broadwayskoj audiciji i kako bismo dodatno motivirali učenike, ugostili smo i članove ansambla "velikog" Footloosea. Svi učenici dobili su poklon od glumaca.

Ovako se predstavio 6. a razred na audiciji

Students have to act, sing and dance at the casting. Our special guests (Nikola Milat, Lela Kaplowitz and Bojan Jambrošić) contributed to the real Broadway atmosphere and have additionally motivated the students.


By clicking the link below you can see the 6. A grade performance



2 Hours


Postavljanje mjuzikla 2 sata tjedno

Prilagoditi scenarij

Usvojiti tekst

Dramsko scenska priprema mjuzikla

Drama and stage musical preparation

Performing acts 2 hours weekly

Customizing scenario (text)

Learning the text scenario

Drama and stage musical preparation

Prilagođavanje i usvajanje scenarija
Customizing scenario (text)


Učenici sažimaju scenarij i usvajaju opsežan tekst (cca 200 A4 stranice). Ovdje je važno motivirati učenike kako ne bi odustali zbog teškoće zadatka.

While students are trying to memorize the text it is very important to motivate them constantly.


20 Hours

Dramsko scenska priprema mjuzikla
Drama and stage musical preparation


Nakon što su usvojili scenarij kreću probe. Za vrijeme proba  povezali  smo učenike 6. i 8. razreda i učenike koji su u razredima bili izolirani.  Učenici su pokazali volju, trud i zajedništvo za stvaranjem vlastitog mjuzikla. 




After the students have   memorized the text, we have to start with the rehersals. During the rehersals we have connected students from 6th  and 8th  grade, isolated and introverted students. Students demonstrate their willingness, effort and sense of togetherness for creating their musical.





40 Hours

Interview-obrada videa
Interview-video processing


Učenici na nastavi Informatike usvajaju zadaće učenja iz obrade videa. Video su obrađivali u Windows Movie Makeru. Više video uradaka učenika pogledajte na facebook stranici mjuzikla ili u drugim fazama ovog scenarija.

Na dan premijere, kamerom snimiti nastup i napraviti DVD snimke mjuzikla i odgovarajući cover.


During Computer science class students adopt the rules of video processing in Windows Movie Maker. Videos they have made you can see on the musical Facebook page or in the other phases of this scenario.

Capture premiere performance with camera, make DVD and its cover.


Hardware Tools: Computer, Projector


2 Hours

Izrada animacija i obrada fotografije
Creating animated gifs


Nastava Informatike-multimedija

Usvajanje rada u Easy Gif Animatoru; obrada fotografija i izrada plakata i covera za soundtrck u Pixlr express, Pixlr Photo editoru i glogsteru.

Izraditi gif animacije na temu Footloose


Computer science - multimedia

Learn to work in Easy Gif Animator; digital image processing, creating posters and  covers for soundtrack and DVD in Pixlr  express, Pixlr Photo editor and Glogster .

Create animated gifs with Footloose theme





Software Tools: Search engines Web browsers Email
Hardware Tools: Computer, Headphones


2 Hours

Internet i društvene mreže
Internet and Social Media


Učenici  otkrivaju  svrhu  društvene mreže u edukaciji i širenju  informacija kreirajući Facebook stranicu „Footloose mjuzikl OŠ Gornje Vrapče“ na kojoj su sustavno obilježavali sve događaje i informacije o mjuziklu.

Sva događanja uz mjuzikl objavljuju na webu škole i FB stranici mjuzikla

Students discover the purpose of social networking in education and dissemination of information by creating a Facebook page " Footloose mjuzikl OŠ Gornje Vrapče " where they are systematically posting all events and information about the musical. In this phase we have also engaded parents who could see and comment and upload media from musical activities.


  Publishing all events about musical on the school web site and musical Facebook  page

Obrada i snimanje zvuka
Processing and recording audio


Učenici usvajaju zakonitosti ritma i melodije. Pravilno pjevaju i reproduciraju ritam. Snimaju svoj soundtrack u profesionalnom studiu. Upoznaju se sa profesionalnom opremom i načinom obrade zvuka. Na nastavi usvajaju jednostavniju obradu zvuka u Audacityu.

 Vježbati pjevati i snimiti soundtrack za svoj mjuzikl u profesionalnom studiju-vidjeti kako se  profesionalno obrađuje zvuk



Students adopt the rules of rhythm and melody. They sing and reproduce the rhythm correctly.

They play american idol karaoke game and sing the songs from musical.

In professional recording studio they record musical soundtrack. Students meet professionals who process music with professional software and professional equipment. In school they adopt rules of sound processing in Audacity.

Practice singing and record musical soundtrack in professional recording studio-see the professional sound processing 






18 Hours

snimanje reportaže Puni krug
Croatian radiotelevison show Puni krug


Školu je posjetila i ekipa HTVeove emisije Puni krug. Učenici su uživo vidjeli kako izgledaju kamere i s kamermanima razmijenili znanja. Snimili su reportažu o pripremama mjuzikla. 

The Croatian radiotelevision  team visited our school. Students could see the professional equipment. With cinematographers they exchanged   knowledge. The reportage about preparing musical was recorded and will be played on national TV.  






2 Hours


Izraditi scenografiju

prikupiti materijal i oslikati scenografiju

Učenici na Internetu pronalaze informacije o mjestu i cijeni kupnje materijala potrebnih za izradu scenografije. Profesorice kupuju materijal. Učenici usvajaju načine rada određenim likovnim tehnikama oslikavajući platna.

Making a scenery

Making  a scenery

Collect material and paint a scenery

Student search the internet to find place and price for materials they need in building scenery. Professors buy material. Students learn specific art techniques during painting canvases.

Izrada scenografije
Making a scenery


Parents helped with sewing costumes for the musical.


Na pozornici pokazati produkt svog napornog rada i snimiti mjuzikl kamerom. Novac za troškove tehničke opreme prikupili su učenici prodajom soundtracka, dvd snimke, plakata, nakita s motivima Footloose-a. 

 „Naš“ je Footloose oplemenio sve sudionike, pokazao kako škola može biti oaza zabave, veselja, kreativnog provođenja slobodnog vremena, druženja i učenja na više načina. Mjuzikl je ojačao kulturu škole, ali i zajednice u kojoj škola djeluje, što se pokazalo na samoj izvedbi, punom dvoranom ponosnih roditelja, prijatelja, susjeda, učitelja.

Na aktivnosti Premijera nalazi se video.

Iz medija


Premiere show

On stage students show the product of their hard work. They capture show with cameras. Money for the costs of professional technical equipment have collected students by selling soundtrack, dvd , posters, jewelry with Footloose motif.

"Our" Footloose has enobled all participants, showed that school can be an oasis of fun, joy, creative leisure time, socializing and learning in several ways. The musical has strengthened school culture, but also the community in which the school operates, which was proved during the premiere show with full hall of proud parents, friends, neighbors, teachers.


From media

See the little part of it in video on activity Premiere.











After the show we make TAE workshop in which students will show us their feelings and what they think about all the phases they have made in this scenario.


2 Hours