Welcome to the 2000th school in the ODS Community

Welcome to the 2000th school in the ODS Community

In December 2014, 9 months before the project's contractual end ODS can claim to have been active in 2050 European Schools, reaching over 6500 teachers with its 440 online communities of peers.

The Open Discovery Space platform offers a wealth of high quality digital content and an innovation model that aspires to transform these schools into state-of-the-art learning environments. To celebrate this achievement, ODS is launching a School Contest (not to be confused with the Contest launched in October 2014) that will reward the 15 most active schools. Our aim is to bring to the limelight the schools that have endeavored to realize the ODS vision in as many aspects of the educational process as possible.

15 winning schools will be able to send two members of their staff (e.g. the school principal and one "change agent") to the ODS Summer School, organized by Ellinogermaniki Agogi in Attica Greece between 12 and 17 of July 2015. Read more about how to join, the indicative criteria and the terms and conditions here.



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