Upgrade in process

Dear user

We are in the process of upgrading the community portal infrastructure. The process will be realised in the summer break period and the system will be back in full operation from September 1st. All accounts, scenarios, projects, and resources along with the community structure will be transferred automatically and no further actions is needed from you. For your current activities we are recommending the use of the new interface available at https://www.schoolofthefuture.eu/osos

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.

The OSOS team

"Schools Studying Earthquakes" is expanding

OSOS team is very happy to announce the instalation of the 24th school based seismometer at Emporio, Thera (Santorini) Island. Thera Island is a volcanic island in the Aegean Sea. Apart from being one of the top turistic destinations in the world it is famous due to the Minoan eruption of Thera, also referred to as the Thera eruption, or Late Bronze Age eruption, which was a major catastrophic volcanic eruption with a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or 7 and a dense-rock equivalent (DRE) of 60 km3(14 cu mi).
Dated to the mid-second millennium BC, the eruption was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in recorded history. It devastated the island of Thera (now called Santorini), including the Minoan settlement at Akrotiri and communities and agricultural areas on nearby islands and the coast of Crete with a related earthquake and tsunami.OSOS in cooperation with the new European Initiative called SNAC , coordinated by Gerasimos Chouliaras, are developing further the Schools Study Earthquakes network of school based seismometers.



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