Учене в сътрудничество - метод на мозайката

Collaborative learning - Jigsaw method
Original hosted in "ODS", contributed by Noortje Janssen on 23/01/2015

Scenario template including several steps from the jigsaw method:

- form expertise groups.

- split groups and form heterogeneous groups.

- create final product considering every expertise area.

- present final product in expertise group.

You can finish this description by including the resources and content you will be using during your lessons. Make sure that in your scenario students learn about different subjects in different groups and eventually create one product together.

Rating: -/5
Views: 9101
Resource type: Educational Scenario
Languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, English, Estonian, French, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
Copyright: No
Cost: Use is free of charge


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