New Technologies in Education and Research-Virtual Learning-Virtual Reality

New Technologies in Education and Research-Virtual Learning-Virtual Reality
This is a schools community of University of Bucharest - Romania
Domain: ICT


2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030; Virtual Environments for Education and Training, Software and Management for Education

Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st Century

"Learning is evolution of knowledge over time." Roger E. Bohn, 1994 

„Thinking is evolution of learning over time” M. Vlada, 2014
"All what is correct thinking is either mathematics or feasible to be transposed in a mathematical model."
Grigore C. Moisil (1906-1973)- Computer Pioneer Award of IEEE (1996)
"With the help of technology, teachers will be leaders in the transformation of education around the world." Craig R. Barrett – Chairman, Intel Corporation

ICVL Project intends to explore and propose innovations in education in the perspective of the Knowledge Society. The International Conference on Virtual Learning has the following objectives: creating a framework for a large scale introduction of the eLearning approaches in teaching and training activities; assisting the teachers, professors and trainers in the use of innovative teaching technologies both in formal education and life-long learning; stimulating the development of eLearning projects and software for education process and systems; promoting and developing scientific research for eLearning, educational software and virtual reality. Ref.:

Web pag :

Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st Century

  • MODELS & METHODOLOGIES (M&M): Innovative Teaching and Learning Technologies; Web-based Methods and Tools in Traditional, Online Education and Training; Collaborative Virtual Learning, E-Pedagogy; Design and Development of Online Courseware; Information and Knowledge Processing; Knowledge Representation and Ontologism; Cognitive Modelling and Intelligent systems; Algorithms and Programming for Modelling. 
  • TECHNOLOGIES (TECH): Innovative VR and Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies; Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies; Web, Virtual Reality/AR and mixed technologies; Web-based Education (WBE), Web-based Training (WBT); New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills / e-Competences; Educational Technology, Web-Lecturing Technology; Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology Applications; Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry. Intelligent Virtual Environments. 
  • SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS (SOFT): New software environments for education & training; Software and management for education; Virtual Reality Applications in Web-based Education; Computer Graphics, Web, VR/AR and mixed-based applications for education & training, business, medicine, industry and other sciences; Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT; Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning; Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs; Software Computing in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence; Avatars and Intelligent Agents.
  • Intel® Education - Innovation in education and research (IntelEdu): Digital Curriculum, collaborative rich-media applications, student software, teacher software; Improved Learning Methods, interactive and collaborative methods to help teachers incorporate technology into their lesson plans and enable students to learn anytime, anywhere; Professional Development, readily available training to help teachers acquire the necessary ICT skills; Connectivity and Technology, group projects and improve communication among teachers, students, parents and administrators.

Phase III - Period 2020-2030: Intelligence Learning

Virtual Learning
virtual reality
new tecnologies

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Created on: 04.11.2015
Last visited: 18.09.2022