ODS View Scenario/Lesson Plan Summary Page

Learning Scenario
Flipped polygon
Last updated 20/04/2014, by Danilo Borovnica
Domain: ICT>ICT tools, Mathematics>Geometry>Elementary plane geometry>Simple solid objects
Learning objectivesCognitive - Knowledge:
Cognitive - Process:
To understand
To apply
To respond and participate
To perform confidentially following instructions
To adapt and perform creatively
Grade & Age10-11
Grade: informal context, primary education
Keywords/subjectMathematics, Polygon, Moodle, GeoGebra
Matematika, Mnogougao, Moodle, GeoGebra
Prerequisites What is the edge, angle, triangle, convexity
Šta je stranica, ugao, trougao, konveksnost.
Difficulty Levelmedium
Duration3 Hours
Assessment strategyDiagnostic-assessment, Summative assessment
Learning environmentComputer-based, Video, Work-based
Teaching approachBehaviourist: Drill and practise
Cognitivist: Collaborative learning, Inquiry learning
Constructivist: Action research
CostUse is free of charge
Author(s)Name: Danilo Borovnica Organization: Primary school Sveti Sava Kikinda Role: Teacher of mathematics
Description/ main idea

The aim of this work is to train students to work independently (flipped classroom), peer learning and motivation for critical thinking. Students at home watching the lesson as text and video on the Moodle platform. Share their experiences with their friends so they work together or through Skype. At a school they confirmed their knowledge and work assignments. At home, they do a test in Moodle as a preparation for a test in school that will also work in Moodle.

Cilj ovakvog rada je obuka učenika za samostalan rad (obrnuta učionica), vršnjačko učenje kao i motivacija za kritičko razmišljanje. Učenici kod kuće gledaju lekcije u tekstualnom obliku i video zapisu na platformi Moodle. Razmenjuju iskustva sa drugovima tako što rade zajedno ili putem Skype-a. U školi potvrđuju svoja znanja i rade zadatke. Kod kuće rade testove u Moodle-u kao pripremu za test u školi koji će isto raditi u Moodle-u.

Work at home

Students at home first watching video lesson, which introduces them to the basic concepts of the polygon. Then read the text lesson in Moodle. Trying to solve basic assignment in that lesson. To check solutions them serve dynamic image of the polygon created with GeoGebra, as an aid . To proof what they learned communicate with a few friends to see if they have a good grasp of what they were doing.

Rad kod kuće

Učenici kod kuće prvo gledaju video lekciju koja ih uvodi u osnovne pojmove mnogougla. Potom čitaju tekstualnu lekciju isto na Moodle-u. Pokušavaju da reše elementarne zadatke u toj lekciji. Kao pomoć za proveru služi im dinamička slika mnogougla napravljena u GeoGebri. Kao proveru naučenog komuniciraju sa nekoliko drugova i proveravaju da li su dobro shvatili ono što su radili.

Watching video lessons
Gledanje video lekcije


In this activity, the student watching the video and accept the basic concepts of the polygon. U ovoj aktivnosti učenik gleda video i prihvata osnovne pojmove o mnogouglu.


Software Tools: Learning management systems (http://moodle.svetisava.edu.rs/course/view.php?id=25)
Hardware Tools: Computer


Educational objects (as url):
1. Moodle platform on web site of school Sveti Sava


10 Minutes

Reading text lessons
Čitanje tekstualne lekcije


After watching the video lesson students read text elsson on Moodle and trying to do basic tasks that are in the lesson. Učenici posle odgledanog videa čitaju lekciju na Moodle-u i pokušavaju da urade elementarne zadatke koji se nalaze u lekciji.

Types and Techniques

Receptive Type: Reading
Receptive Technique: Hightlight relevant information


Hardware Tools: Computer


10 Minutes

Dynamic image of a polygon in GeoGebra
Dinamička slika mnogougla u GeoGebri


In GeoGebra by changing the edges number of polygon a student can see the change in the number of diagonal, the sum of the interior angles, the size of angles. This helps them to better understand the previously learned.U GeoGebri menjajući broj stranica mnogougla učenik može da vidi promene u broju dijagonala, zbiru unutrašnjih uglova, veličini uglova. Ovo mu pomaže da bolje shvati prethodno naučeno.


Hardware Tools: Computer


10 Minutes

Exchange opinions with their friends learned, either directly or via Skype.
Razmena mišljenja o naučenom sa drugovima, direktno ili preko Skype-a.


In an conversation with fellows, student better notes that it all figured out and how well he understood the lesson. U razgovoru sa drugovima učenik bolje uočava da li je sve shvatio i koliko dobro je razumeo lekciju.


Software Tools: Email Chat
Hardware Tools: Computer, Webcams


10 Minutes

School work

In school pupils first exchanging experiences related to a given lesson. What there were easier, what more difficult. How was interesting, what would they change and what left in the lesson. Through discussion and questions come to the basic concepts related to polygon. In the second part of the class on several tasks we check learned.

Rad u školi

U školi prvo učenici međusobno razmenjuju iskustva vezano za datu lekciju. Šta im je bilo lakše, a šta teže. Koliko je bilo interesantno, šta bi ostavili a šta promenili u lekciji. Kroz diskusiju i pitanja dolazimo do osnovnih pojmova vezanih za poligon. U drugom delu časa na nekoliko zadataka proveravamo naučeno.

Repetition of learning
Ponavljanje naučenog


Students exchanging experiences related to a given lesson with each other. What they were easier, what more difficult. How was interesting, what would you change and what is left in the lesson. Through discussion and questions come to the basic concepts related to polygon. The teacher explains the further course of learning.Učenici međusobno razmenjuju iskustva vezano za datu lekciju. Šta im je bilo lakše, a šta teže. Koliko je bilo interesantno, šta bi ostavili a šta promenili u lekciji. Kroz diskusiju i pitanja dolazimo do osnovnih pojmova vezanih za poligon. Nastavnik objašnjava dalji tok učenja.


Software Tools: Learning management systems
Hardware Tools: Computer, Projector, Video, Interactive whiteboard


10 Minutes

Checking learned
Provera naučenog


Trying to solve assignment, students checked learned, acquired skill and speed in solving assignment, acquiring permanent knowledge. Rešavanjem zadataka učenici proveravaju naučeno, stiču veštinu i brzinu prilikom rešavanja zadataka, stiču trajnije znanje.


30 Minutes

Checking at home

Students at home on the platform Moodle solve the given tests. Time to deal with test and the number of attempts to solve the tests are limitless. This serves as a preparation for the test at the school which will be graded.

Provera kod kuće

Učenici kod kuće na platformi Moodle rešavaju zadate testove. Vreme za rešavanje i broj pokušaja za rešavanje testova su neograničeni. Ovo im služi kao priprema za test koji će raditi u školi i koji će se ocenjivati.

Solving test at home
Rešavanje testa kod kuće


Students at home on the platform Moodle solve the given tests. Time to deal with test and the number of attempts to solve the tests are limitless. This serves as a preparation for the test at the school which will be graded.Učenici kod kuće na platformi Moodle rešavaju zadate testove. Vreme za rešavanje i broj pokušaja za rešavanje testova su neograničeni. Ovo im služi kao priprema za test koji će raditi u školi i koji će se ocenjivati.


Hardware Tools: Computer


20 Minutes

Peer learning
Vršnjačko učenje


Through conversations with fellow students clarify the problem if you have it. They help each other and then try to do the test again. Compare the results of the tests. Kroz razgovor sa drugovima učenici razjašnjavaju problem ako ga imaju. Pomažu jedni drugima i posle toga pokušavaju da urade test ponovo. Upoređuju rezultate testova.


20 Minutes

Checking at school

On the platform Moodle students solves a given test. They have one attempt and the time is limited to 30 minutes.

Provera u školi

Na platformi Moodle učenici rešavaju zadati test. Imaju jedan pokušaj i vreme ograničeno na 30 minuta.

Repeat the basic concepts of the lessons learned
Ponavljanje osnovnih pojmova o naučenom


Short repetition of the basic things about the polygon. Kratko ponavljanje osnovnih stvari vezanih za poligon.


5 Minutes

Solving test
Rešavanje testa


Students are attached to the platform Moodle with their accounts and take the test. Test time is limited to 30 minutes. Immediately after completion of the test the teacher reviews the results and announce the individual results and the general attitude of what they have learned. Učenici se kače na platformu Moodle sa svojim nalozima i rade test. Vreme testa je ograničeno na 30 minuta. Odmah po završetku testa nastavnik pregleda rezultate i saopštava pojedinačne rezultate kao i generalni stav o naučenom.


Software Tools: Learning management systems (http://moodle.svetisava.edu.rs/course/view.php?id=25)
Hardware Tools: Computer


Educational objects (as url):
1. Moodle platform on web site of school Sveti Sava