Live-Music Education Academy

Independent Communities for Music Collaboration

Open Workshop


The idea of "Sympraxis"

If Music is an act of performance in which many musicians collaborate together in order to create it ("sympraxis"), then internet can be conceived as a live virtual stage in which many remote participants produce a live concert using multiple-site videoconference as a tool. It is a music (cultural) event created by students assisted by their teachers. All places collaborate together from a distance so as to produce a web-concert as a final event ("dromenon").



The scope: communities creating music performance

Distace learning Music Agoge aims to relate Music as a Performance Act ("Praxis") with multiple-site teleconference tools in order to establish Music performance as an active procedure using ICT merely as a tool next to the physical way of producing sound and not as a final task. Working in parallel to this approach, the project aims to enhance special music tuition from a distance to places where music education is scarce or impossible. Workshop is addressed to teachers with prior experience in multiple-site videoconferences who are interested in hosting cultural events prepared by remote educational communities.

Available Courses


This course focuses on the ways to exploit web-conference applications for enhancing Music Education in remote areas.


Training Activities: 2

This course introduces all aspects of a multiple-site web-event including communication, topic definition, scheduling and live link management. Participants are being introduced in the differencies between Multicast and "Linkcast" environments.

Training Activities: 2

This course focuses on the preparation and development of a "Link - Scenario". Participants are being introduced in the final phases for producing a live, online and multiple-site web-event.

Training Activities: 2



The workshop is organised in the context of the UDLnet Network.

2015.07.12 to 2015.07.17

Join us this Summer in Attica, Greece, to bring and sustain innovation in your school!


To Tμημα Έρευνας & Ανάπτυξης της Ελληνογερμανικής Αγωγής σε συνεργασία με το εργαστήριο «Φωνής και Προσβασιμότητας», Τμήμα Πληροφορικής και Τηλ


A training workshop dedicated to engaging parents in school education will be organised during the ODS