ODS View Scenario/Lesson Plan Summary Page

Learning Scenario
Putovanje Transsibirskom željeznicom
Last updated 29/09/2014, by Vesna Janko
Domain: Science>Geography and Earth Science>Geography>Regional scale
Learning objectivesCognitive - Knowledge:
Cognitive - Process:
To understand
To think critically and creatively
To pay attention
To respond and participate
To organize values
To perform confidentially following instructions
To adapt and perform creatively
Grade & Age Grade: primary education
Assessment strategySelf-assessment
Learning environmentVideo, Work-based
Special needVisual, Psychomotor
- promatranje video isječka - sudjelovanje u pripremanju i izvedbi igre uloga
Teaching approachBehaviourist: Drill and practise
Cognitivist: Problem – based
Constructivist: Action research

URL: http://ruskafed.pbworks.com/
CoverageRuska Federacija
Size14 MB
Interactivity Typeactive
Interactivity Levelmedium
Semantic Density
Author(s)Name: Vesna Janko Organization: II. osnovna škola Bjelovar Role: učiteljica geografije
Description/ main idea

U uvodnom dijelu učenici gledaju kratki video o Transsibirskoj željeznici za motivaciju na poveznici http://ruskafed.pbworks.com/ .

U videu se nalaze kratke upute na što učenici mnoraju obratiti pažnju.

Učenici se dijele po grupama od 4 do 6 učenika.

Zadatak im je da zamisle putovanje Transsibirskom željeznicom od Moskve do Vladivostoka te odigraju igru uloga. Za osmišljavanje dijaloga koriste se poveznicama na internetu i udžbenikom, http://ruskafed.pbworks.com/w/page/59343257/Literatura.

U svojim dijalozima trebaju opisati sljedeće:



-osnovne geografske informacije o Ruskoj Federaciji (površina, broj stanovnika, ustroj države)

-prošlost i sadašnjost Transsibirske željeznice 

-kulturu i povijest Ruske Federacije

-prirodno - geografska obilježja Ruske Federacije (reljef, klima, biljne zajednice, rijeke i jezera)

-drušveno - gospodarska obilježja (stanovništvo, gospodarstvo)

-zanimljivosti i poznate osobe Ruske Federacije


In the introductory part of the students watch a short video on the Trans-Siberian Railway for motivation on the link http://ruskafed.pbworks.com/

In the video there are brief instructions on what students need to pay attention. 

Students are divided in groups of 4 to 6 students. 

Their task is to imagine traveling the Trans-Siberian railway from Moscow to Vladivostok, and play a role play. For the design of dialogue used links on the Internet and textbook, http://ruskafed.pbworks.com/w/page/59343257/Literatura

In their dialogues should describe the following: 

-basic geographic information about the Russian Federation (area, population, government structure) 

-past and present of the Trans-Siberian Railway 

-the culture and history of the Russian Federation 

-natural - geographic characteristics of the Russian Federation (relief, climate, vegetation, rivers and lakes) 

-to the social - economic characteristics (population, economy) 

-interesting and famous people of the Russian Federation


Motivacija i priprema učenika za aktivnost.



Motivation and prepares students for the activity.


učenici će pogledati i komentirati video isječak
students will look at and comment on the video clip

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podjela učenika po skupinama
division of students into small groups

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dodjela uloga i teksta iz udžbenika i web stranica
assign roles and text from books and websites

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Usvajanje novih činjenica pomoću udžbenika, atlasa i informacija s interneta:

- učenici zamišljaju putovanje Transsibirskom željeznicom od Moskve do Vladivostoka,

- prirodno i drušveno geografski opisuju prostor Ruske Federacije kroz koji "putuju".


Adoption of new facts using textbooks, atlases and information from the Internet: 

- Students envision the Trans-Siberian train journey from Moscow to Vladivostok, 

- Natural to the social and geographical space described by the Russian Federation that "travel".

čitanje teksta i proučavanje karata
reading the text and studying maps

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pisanje scenarija i dijaloga za igru uloga
scriptwriting and dialogue for the role play

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Izvedba igre uloga, samovrednovanje i zaključak.


Performance RPGs, self-evaluation and conclusion.

izvedba igre uloga
performance of RPGs

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samovrdnovanje i zaključak
self-evaluation and conclusion


Vrednovanje rada i igre uloga


  • svi učenici trebaju imati zapisane bilješke i dijaloge
  • svi učenici skupine trebaju podjednako sudjelovati u igrokazu
  • uvažavajte tuđe mišljenje i prijedloge
  • poštujte dogovoreno vrijeme izvedbe (do 10 min.)
  • igrokaz treba imati geografske elemente
  • cijenimo dobro naučen tekst i dobru izvedbu

Rules of evaluation work and role-play  

  • All students should have written notes and dialogues 
  • all students groups should equally participate in a play 
  • Please follow others' opinions and suggestions 
  • Observe the agreed time performance (up to 10 min.) 
  • play should have geographic elements 
  • learned to appreciate a good text and good performance