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Following Baurdoux and Kyprianou (2008) we consider the McKean stochastic game, a game version of the McKean optimal stopping problem (American put), driven by a...
Abstract not available
India fell further behind the UK in terms of GDP per capita and overall labour productivity between the 1870s and the 1970s, but has been catching-up since. This...
Alongside a suite of other constitutional reforms, the coalition government also plans to change electoral registration from household to individual registration....
This paper examines model specification issues and estimates diffusive and jump risk premia using S&P futures option prices from 1987 to 2003. We first develop a...
Abstract not available
The time between purchase and replacement of a capital asset.…
Be a financial professional at Tanro, Inc. a lawnmower manufacturer, and plan the introduction of a new electric mower line. But be careful: you must break even...
This paper examines model specification issues and estimates diffusive and jump risk premia using S&P futures option prices from 1987 to 2003. We first develop a...
New Democracy's victory in the March 2004 Greek elections immediately raised questions about the continued development of the process of rapprochement between...
In this second part of a series of surveys on the geometry of finite dimensional Banach spaces (Minkowski spaces) we discuss results that refer to the following three...
This paper investigates the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on growth in an economy, consisting of three sectors, ICT-producing, ICT-using...
By studying performance measures via reward structures, on-line error bounds are obtained by successive approximation. These bounds enable one to determine when to...
Sommario, forum, suggerimenti e spiegazione completa di Value Based Management filosofia. Assicurarsi che le società sono gestite in modo compatibile con la...
With President Bush vowing to bring democracy to Iraq and the Middle East, Arab governments have begun professing a new commitment to encouraging democracy. Kings,...
An agent-based artificial financial market (AFM) is used to study market efficiency and learning in the context of the Neo-Austrian economic paradigm. Efficiency is...
The time between purchase and replacement of a capital asset.…
Abstract not available
RandD project selection is a critical interface between the product development strategy of an organization and the process of managing projects day-to-day....
Abstract not available
This paper is based on a variety of small research interventions, including observation of a range of health care managers, from the chief executive of the National...
Antreprenorul și...
Competenţele-cheie pentru învăţarea pe tot parcursul vieţii reprezintă o combinaţie a cunoştinţelor, a abilităţilor şi a atitudinilor adecvate fiecărui context....
Vă recomand parcurgerea Programului HP-Life alcătuit din cele 25 de cursuri din imaginea următoare.
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Antreprenorii prezintă un stil comportamental aparte, definit printr-o...
Adaugi foarte ușor un curs format din module (sau o lectie formată din momente de lecție) de...
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Sed pulvinar mauris arcu, id porttitor risus elementum sagittis. Vivamus nibh sapien, sodales in suscipit vel, semper at nisl. Mauris sit amet fermentum quam,...
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