The workshop is organised in the context of the UDLnet Network.
Teachers Academy
Welcome to Teachers Academy! This training framework is targeted to both non-technically oriented teachers as well as to IT-coordinators.
The modules are self-contained for flexibility and offer individual learning paths, to take into account different levels of ICT competence and experience with metadata and repositories. Some modules assume little experience with ICT and provide a general practical introduction, others build on previous knowledge.
In response to needs for training on specific applications and tools, there are modules covering the most frequently mentioned products. One or two modules aim to showcase good examples of practice to ensure that the pedagogical value of the training is to the forefront and to motivate teachers to apply their training in sustained and effective day to day practice. The following table shows how the modules fit into the framework and the needs addressed. Different ways to interconnect these modules are possible.
Learn how to use innovative ICT applications
Select the Topic of your Interest
2015.09.20 |
2015.07.12 to 2015.07.17 Join us this Summer in Attica, Greece, to bring and sustain innovation in your school! |
2015.04.29 To Tμημα Έρευνας & Ανάπτυξης της Ελληνογερμανικής Αγωγής σε συνεργασία με το εργαστήριο «Φωνής και Προσβασιμότητας», Τμήμα Πληροφορικής και Τηλ |
2014.07.17 A training workshop dedicated to engaging parents in school education will be organised during the ODS |
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