We will be presenting Erasmus+ project VISTE: Empowering Spatial Thinking of Students with Visual Impairment, at NTUA Researcher's Night 2019. At the National Technical University of...
ODS News
Joi, Ianuarie 17, 2019

Το Σάββατο 19 Ιανουαρίου 2019, το Ειδικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο Τυφλών Καλλιθέας διοργανώνει ημερίδα για την «Καλλιέργεια της χωρικής σκέψης για παιδιά με σοβαρά προβλήματα όρασης με τη χρήση...
Luni, Noiembrie 19, 2018

The National Technical University of Athens invites teachers, trainers, and other education staff to the VISTE Multiplier Event: Empowering Spatial Thinking of Students with Visual Impairment.
Marţi, Octombrie 30, 2018

Welcome to an interactive world of experimentation, creative thinking and discovery
Imagine a class that resembles a music design studio or a workshop of design and artistic creation. Imagine this...
Joi, Septembrie 27, 2018

Friday September, 28 2018
National Technical University of Athens, Averof Building, Patission Campus
from 17:00 to midnight.
Every year, on the last Friday in September, 1,500,...
Joi, Septembrie 27, 2018

The second joint staff training event for Erasmus+ project “VISTE: Empowering Spatial Thinking of Students with Visual Impairment” was held on September 3-7, 2018. It was hosted by the Special...
Luni, Iunie 18, 2018

The OSOS Summer School aims to offer a high-impact and transformative experience in personal and organizational level. Contributing to the professional development of the participants, the...
Marţi, Ianuarie 09, 2018

CREATIONS Summer School 2018
“Developing an engaging science classroom”
Are you a teacher interested in bridging Science and Art...