GEOTHNK International Scenario Contest

GEOTHNK International Scenario Contest
Parent Community: GEOTHiNK Community

We are happy to announce the 

GEOTHNK International Scenario Contest


We would like to thank you for participating in the GEOTHNK International Scenario Contest smiley

The quality of all scenarios has been exceptionally high which results to useful and valuable education material for the students’ development of geospatial skills!

Our designated Jury has just announced the results.

Here are the winners in alphabetical order:

yes Christos Harharos

yes Foteini Karatza

yes Dimitiris Mamouras

yes Eugenia-Victoria Marcu

yes Nada Stojicevic

The winners are awarded 5 scholarships for the GEOTHNK Summer School with all expenses covered. 



We are happy to announce the 

GEOTHNK International Scenario Contest

enlightenedTake a chance and create a fun educational scenario involving ideas that develop the geospatial skills of your students!

The Jury will select the five (5) best scenarios and the winners will attend the 6day GEOTHNK Summer School 2015, in Greece with  all expenses* covered by the relevant scholarships!

EXTENSION:The deadline for scenarios' submission is on Thursday 15th of May, 2015. 

Steps to participate in the contest :

yes Join** the Contest by clicking on Join on the right part of this page!

yes Create your scenario in English - step by step directions provided here - you may,also, find helpful guidelines here and useful vocabulary here

yes E-mail your scenario to [email protected] in a pdf format with the following subject: GEOTHNK International Contest

The successful scenarios should...

  •  enable  the development of geospatial thinking through educational objectives
  •  be complete and properly structured according to the Inquiry Based Model
  •  make use of modern and innovative teaching methods and approaches
  •  support  interdisciplinarity
  •  combine also informal education context
  •  provide multiple means of action and expression
  •  encourage engagement throughout the learning process
  •  take into account  imagination and  the creative  and entertaining features of knowledge
  •  make use of digital resources
  •  emphasize the development of students’ skills and their personalities

* Scholarships include fees, travel, accommodation and meals

** Note: For composing and submitting your scenario it is required to first register in the GEOTHNK Community and to make use of the GEOTHNK authoring tool



Geleid door:

Created on: 26.02.2015
Last visited: 15.05.2022