ODS 2015 Summer Academy
Event Date
Join us this Summer in Attica, Greece, to bring and sustain innovation in your school!
The Open Discovery Space Summer School 2015 is a certified course by EC’s Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and it is officially registered on EC’s School Education Gateway Course Catalogue.
The aim of the Academy is to support school innovation and to train school leaders and leading members of school staff to promote the development of their schools into open learning communities, and thus improve the quality of all aspects of schooling.
You will be trained on how to promote innovation in your school by:
- using the school innovation tool-kit, that has been developed by the Open Discovery Space project and is being used by more that 2000 schools across Europe.
- strengthening your organisational and administrative skills, as defined by the UNESCO ICT competence framework to level KC.5, i.e. being able to play a leadership role in training, providing follow-up support to colleagues and in creating and implementing a vision of your school as a community based on innovation and continuous learning enriched by ICT.
- addressing resistance to change within the school and improving your change management skills,
- introducing new ways of producing, accessing and using educational content,
- opening up the school to pupils' parents and successfully engage them throughout schooling,
- fostering sharing and collaboration,
- systematically acting as a change leader in your school as a developing community.
Towards tailor-made innovation
Throughout the course you will be encouraged and guided to monitor and evaluate the current context, the prevailing culture and attitudes in your school towards change and innovation, as well as to identify the real needs and identify priorities. Following a participatory process, you will then collaborate with your group in order to design an innovation plan for your school that will address those needs, as well as methods to evaluate the impact of your innovation strategy in a specific time-frame.
The course will include presentations of actual experiences, lectures, interviews, group-work, observations and hands-on activities aimed to stimulate you to think out of the box.
Participants: School leaders and leading members of school staff acting as change agents.
Participation in the course can be funded by the ERASMUS+ programme. More info on the eligible countries and on the process for applying is available here. Further support for preparing your applications will be offerred by the course organisers through a dedicated webinar to ODS schools and other schools interested to participate in the Summer school.
The course, as well as all training material, will be delivered in English.
For more info please visit http://ods.ea.gr/
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