ODS transnational learning events in Estonia and Latvia

ODS transnational learning events in Estonia and Latvia

5-7 September 2014, Saaremaa, Estonia

33 teachers from Latvia and Estonia took part of the ODS practice reflection workshop organised by Miksike. The focus of the meeting was on how to organize online collaborative learning events transnationally between learners speaking different languages. Participants also discussed how to find synergies between ODS and other EU projects. The formal learning session in the Saaremaa Ühisgümnaasium' was followed on the next day by group discussions and informal networking at the Marditalu Tourist Farm.

Besides gaining new skills and knowledge about ODS and new learning tools/methods teachers used the opportunity to create new contacts, get to know each other and plan collaborative learning events for the coming school year. According to the teachers' feedback this ODS workshop generated enough enthusiasm to make collaborative lerning a reality. Discussions will continue online.



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