Upgrade in process

Dear user

We are in the process of upgrading the community portal infrastructure. The process will be realised in the summer break period and the system will be back in full operation from September 1st. All accounts, scenarios, projects, and resources along with the community structure will be transferred automatically and no further actions is needed from you. For your current activities we are recommending the use of the new interface available at https://www.schoolofthefuture.eu/osos

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.

The OSOS team

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Science Theater

Science Theater is a case study that incorporates art elements in teaching science

There are three goals: 1) to explore the use of metaphor in scientific and theatrical frameworks 2) to explore the evolution of role playing 3) to test a common training for future liberal art and science teachers. As part of the exploration towards the creation of a play, students will be asked to explore science topics, supported by script outlines, which will inspire them. The play’s characters, costumes, music and dance all represent potential ways of interpreting the students' inquiries. They thus engage in Possibility Thinking (PT) regarding how the creative artistic process can act as a base for deeper inquiry as well as an aesthetic medium of communication of the various hypotheses and evidence- based conclusions.

Implementing Science Theater into the Classroom

In the resources section of this page you could find guidelines on how you could implement science theater into the classroom. You could have a good example following the "Learning Science Trhough Theater" activity implemented in Greece with 14 participating schools and almost 500 students involved. The implementation scenarion for this activity is available by clicking below.