Global Science Opera in Real Time
The official GSOrt logo was based on the painting "Έμπνευση από το Μουσείο Paul Klee της Βέρνης" ("Inspiration from the Paul Klee Museum in Verne") by Ελευθερία Παπαθανασίου (Eleftheria Papathanasiou), February 2016. (School visit at CERN, February 2016). The original painting is the official logo for the Experimental School of Pallini participation in the Global Science Opera 2016 Community page.
The idea
"Global Science Opera in Real-time " (GSOrt) initiative aims to integrate remote rural schools from Greece and the rest of Europe into the annual effort of the Global Science Opera practice. Its main aim is to encourage collaborations between multiple remote schools (more than two) using teleconference and similar online collaboration platforms to arrange and perform a joint-stage performance within a synchronous or asynchronous digital environment. The final outcome becomes part of one or more scenes in the Global Science Opera. The name "real-time" in its title is related to the use of videoconference designed in such a way so that any task of performance (e.g. stage action, music, movement, etc) is distributed in more than two places at asynchronous or, more preferably, synchronous manner (at the same time). Global Science Opera Real Time (GSOrt) is a community of European remote and rural schools working together in creating a distributed online-performance event.
Primary and Secondary education remote pupils participate in planning, developing, preparing and performing a video-recorded / live-multicasted artistic web-event, following the educational standards of CREATIONS project and the Global-Science-Opera practice as it was developed under CREAT-IT project.
In 2017 “Global Science Opera in Real Time” was selected by the Greek Ministry of Education as one the innovative good practices to be included in the "Open Book of Educational Innovation" of the European School Network (p. 145-146).
Activities of this community formed one scene under the first Global Science Opera "Skylight"
Find more on the following links:
- The global Skyscenes:
- The Greek scene:
- The Greek "Global Science Opera in real time" community:
Activities of this community formed one scene under the Global Science Opera "Ghost Particles".
Find more on the following links:
- Experimental Music School of Pallini (GR):
- Music group at the CREATIONS Summer School 2016:
Activities of this community will form one scene of the Global Science Opera "Moon Village".
Find more on the following links:
- Rethymno workshop:
- Global Science Opera GR / Greek teachers community:
The Objective
Long-term objective is to set the foundations for a global network of remote and rural educational communities, working in advanced-interaction technologies that promote Art, Performance and Science as a common ground for creative practices.
The Future
Local tradition and culture give enormous opportunities for organizing distributed/online/multicast events, capable of inspiring young students in almost every kind of educational task. The activities that are going to be organized within the framework of the CREATIONs project (H2020, Ref. Num: 665917) are about to encourage distributed multicast Performance-Arts events focusing in Science Education. These activities are about to be built upon the practice of the Write A Science Opera initiative, the CREAT-IT Inquiry Based Science Education pedagogical framework, and the experience of "Skylight, A Global Science Opera".
Full presentations for this task can be viewed in the following links: ,
Art is already part of the activities at CERN.
The GSOrt community image is a photograph of the painting by artist Xavier Cortada entitled "In search of the Higgs boson: H -> WW", (with the participation of physicist Pete Markowitz), digital art, 2013.
Please bookmark : GSOrt is already following ART @ CMS...!
AUDIOVISUAL ideas in progress
MIDI Visualisation on Original Music
Improvisation using clusters: Petros Stergiopoulos
To watch the VIDEO please click on the above image
or click this Direct Video Link to watch in full screen, or click here to watch via Connect player.
Download the "Global Science Opera in real time" scene under "Ghost Particles" 2016
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