Discover the COSMOS

This community brings together teachers who are using resources, virtual experiments and online labs from the fields of Astronomy and High Energy Physics (HEP). Among other activities, it offers access training, resources and to a network of robotic telescopes and the major CERN experiments, ATLAS and CMS.
Transit of Mercury 2016 Live at:
The organisers of the recent projects IYA2009 - Shape of the Earth, ERATOSTHENES experiment and IYA2009 - Distance to the Moon and Transit of Venus 2012 will repeat the observations and measurements done during the transit of Venus (2012) trying to make the parallax of Mercury visible and to determine the distance to the sun.
Ellinogermaniki Agogi in cooperation with schools in Germany and Portugal will be involved in this global scale project. See more info here:
A detailed paper that describes the theory, the measurementents and the calculations needed is available here:
The experiment will start at about 12:30CET and it will last till 19.30CET.
Webinars on a range of science & astronomy topics
Twenty topics that range from the Big Bang to looking for life on other worlds will be discussed. The webinars are part of a joint initiative by Open Discovery Space, Inspiring Science Education & the Galileo Teacher Training Program. It is designed to tell a cohesive story about how the universe formed, what matter is made of, the basic physics that has controlled how the universe has evolved. The twenty topics we’ll address are outlined below. For more info, please visit here:
As part of this initiative, teachers will be invited to work alongside to create educational materials – learning scenarios – that are customized to the needs of their classrooms. To recognise teachers efforts, there will be integration with the Credly badging system to offer a small reward that teachers can showcase.
Educational Field Trips at the World’s Largest Physics Laboratory:
Produced by: CERN Education Group
School Virtual Visit at the CMS detector at CERN