ISE community

ISE community
Domain: Φυσικές Επιστήμες

This community will enable teachers, students and researchers involved in extended collaborative activities. It introducesthem to the field of science through the use of resources and tools bringing together a network of educational communities, eLearning tools and resources and relevant partners of the field.

Through the Inspiring Science Education website and the activities organised by the partners, teachers can help students make their own scientific discoveries, witness and understand natural and scientific phenomena and access the latest, interactive tools and digital resources from within their classrooms.

Providing special authoring the delivering tools and services, the project aims to create opportunities for wide scale use of e-learning resources and inquiry based science education through the Inspiring Science Education Educational Design and Scenarios of Use.

Inspiring Science Education is all about providing the tools to make science education more challenging, more playful and above all more more imaginative and inspiring for today’s students, the citizens of tomorrow’s world.

Here you can find the guidelines in how to use the ISE Authoring Tool

Guidelines of ISE Authoring Tool

eLearning tools
Created on: 08.01.2014
Last visited: 17.08.2022