-Any- Weiden Varsinais-Suomi 05Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 05 Varsinais-Suomi 06Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 06Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 06 CEIP MIGUEL ZUBELDIA , SERÓN _ ALMERIA Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala no. 95 Albania - Elbasan - Shkolla "Jeronim De Rada" Albania - Elbasan - Shkolla Polis i vogel Albania - Tirane - Shkolla "Kushtrimi i lirisë" Austria - Feldkirch - BG Feldkirch Austria - Feldkirch - Bundesgymnasium & Bundesrealgymnasium Feldkirch Austria - Gänserndorf - Konrad Lorenz Gymnasium Gänserndorf Austria - Gmünd - BG Gmünd Austria - Graz - Graz International Bilingual School Austria - Hall in Tirol - VS Unterer Stadtplatz Austria - Klosterneuburg - BG Klosterneuburg Austria - Landeck - Bundesrealgymnasium Landeck Austria - Landeck - BRG Landeck Austria - Lauterach - RNV Schools Austria - Munderfing - HS Munderfing Austria - Oberpullendorf - HAK Oberpullendorf Austria - Oberwart - Primary School Oberwart Austria - Passail - NMS Passail Austria - Schwechat - BG/BRG Schwechat Austria - St. Pölten - BRG/BORG St. Pölten Austria - Tamsweg - BHAK TamswegAustria - Tamsweg im Lungau - BHAK Tamsweg Austria - Tirol - Volksschule Hall in Tirol Austria - Wels - HTL Wels Austria - Wien - Pedagogical Agrarian College Austria - Wien - VS Breitenlee Austria - Wien - KMS Schoppenhauerstraße Austria - Zirl - Neue Mittelschule Zirl, Tirol Australia - Ardross - Ardross Primary School Australia - Swan Hill - St Mary MacKillop College Bosnia and Herzegovina - Jablanica - High School Jablanica Bosnia and Herzegovina - Zepce - Osnovna skola Zepce Belgium - 50.8631574 - PBD GO! Belgium - 50.9520824 - Humaniora Kindsheid Jesu Belgium - Aarschot - SIMA Belgium - Aarschot - K.A. en middenschool Aarschot Belgium - Alsemberg - Sint-victor Alsemberg Belgium - Anderlecht - SNI Anderlecht Belgium - Antwerpen - Karel de Grote Hogeschool Belgium - Antwerpen - St.-Lievens Belgium - Antwerpen - H. Pius-X-Instituut Belgium - Antwerpen - Sint-Lievenscollege Antwerpen Belgium - Antwerpen - Kunsthumaniora Antwerpen Belgium - Anzegem - Sint VincentiusinstituutBelgium - Anzegem - Sint Vincentiusinstituut Belgium - Arendonk - Sint-ClaracollegeBelgium - Arendonk - Sint-Claracollege Belgium - Assebroek - OLVA Belgium - Beringen - Middenschool St.-Jan Belgium - Berlaar - Heilig Hart van Maria Berlaar Belgium - Beveren-Waas - Sint-Maarten Bovenschool, Beveren-Waas Belgium - Blankenberge - Sint-Jozef Sint-Pieter college Blankenberge Belgium - Bocholt - Biotechnicum Bocholt Belgium - Boechout - Sint-Gabriëlcollege BoechoutBelgium - Boechout - Sint-Gabriëlcollege Boechout Belgium - Bokrijk - St.-Jozefinstituut Bokrijk Belgium - Boom - OLVI Boom Belgium - Borgerhout - Xaverius College Belgium - Bornem - OLVP Bovenbouw Bornem Belgium - Borsbeek - Sint-Jozefsinstituut Borsbeek Belgium - Bree - St.-Augustinusinstituut - Bree Belgium - Bree - VZW KSOB Middenschool Heilig Hartinstituut - Bree Belgium - Bree - TISM Belgium - Brugge - Immaculata Secondair Brugge Belgium - Brugge - Sint Jozef Humaniora Brugge Belgium - Brugge - TIHF, Brugge Belgium - Brugge - Abdijschool van Zevenkerken, Brugge Belgium - Brugge - Katholieke Hogeschool Vives, Campus Brugge Belgium - Brugge - KTA Brugge Belgium - Brussel - Imelda Instituut Brussels Belgium - Deinze - Leiepoort Deinze, Campus Sint Theresia Belgium - Dendermonde - K.A. Dendermonde Belgium - Dendermonde - Oscar Romero College, VHII-Dendermonde (ORC) Belgium - Diepenbeek - Provinciale Secundaire School Diepenbeek (PSSD Green High) Belgium - Diepenbeek - Katholieke Hogeschool LimburgBelgium - Hasselt - Katholieke Hogeschool LimburgBelgium - Limburg - Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg Belgium - Diest - KA Diest Belgium - Diest - KSD Diest Belgium - Diksmuide - VTI Diksmunde Belgium - Dilsem- Stokkem - SBS De Horizon Belgium - Dilsen - Stedelijke Humaniora Dilsen Belgium - Dilsen-Stokkem - SBS De Horizon, Dilsen- Stokkem Belgium - Duffel - Sint-Norbertusinstituut Duffel Belgium - Edegem - OLVE College Edegem Mortsel Belgium - Edegem - KTA da Vinci Belgium - Eeklo - College OLV Ten Doorn Belgium - Eeklo - PTI, eeklo Belgium - Ekeren - Moretus Ekeren Belgium - Geel - Technische-Schoolstraat 52 Belgium - Geel - Sint-DimpnacollegeBelgium - Geel - Sint-Dimpnacollege Belgium - Geel - SAG (’t Peperstraatje) Belgium - Geel - Go! Geel Belgium - Geel - KOGEKA Belgium - Geel - GO! Middenschool Geel Belgium - Geel - HIK Geel Belgium - Geel - Sint-Maria-Instituut Geel Belgium - Genk - MPIGO De Luchtballon, Genk Belgium - Genk - OLV Lyceum Genk Belgium - Genk - Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege Belgium - Genk - MPIGO De Luchtballon Belgium - Genk - Sint-Jozefinstituut Belgium - Genk - St Jozefinstituut Belgium - Genk - Sint-Jozefinstituut, Genk Belgium - Gent - Odisee Gent Belgium - Gent - IVG Gent +UG Belgium - Gent - Sint-Bavohumaniora Belgium - Gent - Sint PietersinstituutBelgium - Gent - Sint Pietersinstituut Belgium - Gent - Sint- Paulus Belgium - Gent - Freinet athenium De Wingerd Belgium - Gent - HO Gent Belgium - Haacht - Don Bosco Belgium - Halle - Heilig Hart & College Belgium - Halle - Heilig-Hart & College Halle Belgium - Hamont-Achel - WICO Salvator Hamont-Achel Belgium - Hasselt - Scholen Kindsheid Jesu Belgium - Hasselt - Kindercampus Tuinwijk Belgium - Hasselt - Virga Jessecollege Belgium - Hasselt - Kindercampus Tuinwijk, Hasselt Belgium - Hechtel - Don Bosco Hechtel Belgium - Hechtel - Lagere School Hechtel Belgium - Helchteren - DBTI Helchteren Belgium - Herentals - Bovenrij 30 Belgium - Herentals - KOSH Belgium - Heusden-Zolder - Vrije basisschool Bolderber Belgium - Heusden-Zolder - Vrije basisschool Bolderberg, Heusden-Zolder Belgium - Heverlee - Heilig-Hartinstituut Belgium - Hoegaarden - Waversesteenweg 1 Belgium - Hoegaarden - Sint-Janscollege Hoegaarden-Meldert Belgium - Hoogstraten - VITO Belgium - Houthalen - Inspirocollege Belgium - Ieper - Immaculata Ieper Belgium - Kapellen - Instituut Mater Salvatoris Belgium - Kasterlee - Kogeka Sint-Maria-Instituut Kasterlee Belgium - Kasterlee - Sancta Maria Instituut (KOGEKA 1) Belgium - Kinrooi - EerstegraadsschoolBelgium - Maaseik - EerstegraadsschoolBelgium - Neeroeteren - Eerstegraadsschool Belgium - Kinrooi - Eerstegraadsschool - Kinrooi Belgium - Kinrooi - EGS Neeroeteren-Maaseik Belgium - Knokke - MAKZ Belgium - Kortrijk - Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen Belgium - Kortrijk - Guldensporencollege Kortrijk Belgium - Kuurne - Spes Nostra Kuurne Belgium - Landen - KA D'Hek Landen Belgium - Landen - Bovenbouw Sint-Gertrudis Landen Belgium - Leopoldsburg - Koninklijk Atheneum Leopoldsburg Belgium - Leuven - Heilige Drievuldigheidscollege Belgium - Leuven - UCLL Belgium - Leuven - Paridaens Leuven Belgium - Leuven - Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven Belgium - Lier - Sint-Gummaruscollege LierBelgium - Lier - Sint-Gummaruscollege Lier Belgium - Lier - Sint-Gummaruscollege Belgium - Lokeren - VTI Lokeren Belgium - Lommel - Provinciaal Instituut Lommel Belgium - Maasmechelen - Basischool De Griffel Belgium - Maasmechelen - Campus de helix Belgium - Maasmechelen - Basischool De Griffel, Maasmechelen Belgium - Maldegem - Mevr Courtmanslaan Atheneum Maldegem Belgium - Malle - K.A. Malle Belgium - Mechelen - paramedisch instituut mechelen Belgium - Meeuwen-Gruitrode - Middenschool Meeuwen Belgium - Meeuwen-Gruitrode - Middenschool Meeuwen, Meeuwen-Gruitrode Belgium - Meldert - Sint-Janscollege MeldertBelgium - Meldert - Sint-Janscollege Meldert Belgium - Melle - KTA Melle Belgium - Merksem - Sint Eduardus Merksem Belgium - Mol - Rozenberg SO Mol Belgium - Neeroeteren-Maaseik - Eerstegraadsschool Neeroeteren-Maaseik Belgium - Neerpelt - Wico campus St.-Maria Belgium - Ninove - Sint-Aloysiuscollege Belgium - Oostende - Versaliusinstituut Oostende Belgium - Oostende - Petrus Paulus Scholen West Belgium - Oudenaarde - Bernardustechnicum Oudenaerde Belgium - Peer - Agnetendal Peer Belgium - Poperinge - OLV Instituut Poperinge Belgium - Roeselare - Vrije Middelbare School, Roeselare Belgium - Roeselare - Klein Seminarie Roeselare Belgium - Ronse - KSO Glorieux Ronse Belgium - Schilde - Atheneum Schilde Belgium - Sint-Michiels - Immaculata-Instituut, Sint-Michiels Belgium - Sint-Niklaas - OLVOO Sint-Niklaas Belgium - Sint-Niklaas - Broederschool Humaniora Belgium - Sint-Niklaas - H. Familie Sint Niklaas Belgium - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe - Mater Dei-Instituut Sint-Pieters-Woluwe Belgium - Sint-Truiden - SOLV,Campus tuinbouw Belgium - Tielt - KATHO Tielt Belgium - Tienen - VIA Tienen ASO Belgium - Tongeren - PIBO Belgium - Tongeren - Lagere school SInt-Jan Belgium - Tongeren - Lagere school SInt-Jan, Tongeren Belgium - Turnhout - Sint Jozefcollege Belgium - Turnhout - VTST Turnhout Belgium - Turnhout - Heilig Graf Instituut Belgium - Ukkel - Ecole Escale La Ramée Uccle Belgium - Vilvoorde - KTA Horteio Belgium - Vorselaar - Kardinaal Van Roey Instituut Belgium - Vorselaar - KVRI Belgium - Waver - SUI OLV Waver Belgium - Westerlo - Vrije Sint Lambertusscholen Westerlo Belgium - Westmalle - St.-Jan Berchmanscollege Belgium - Wetteren - Scheppersinstituut Wetteren Belgium - Wevelgem - Sint Paulus College WevelgemBelgium - Wevelgem - Sint Paulus College Wevelgem Belgium - Zelzate - K A Zelsate Belgium - Zepperen - SOLV campus Sint-Aloysius Belgium - Zwijnaaarde - DBZ Zwijnaarde Bulgaria - ОУ „Александър Георгиев-Коджакафалията“, БургасBulgaria - ОУ „Александър Георгиев-Коджакафалията“, БургасBulgaria - Burgas - ОУ „Александър Георгиев-Коджакафалията“, БургасBulgaria - Burgas - ОУ „Александър Георгиев-Коджакафалията“, БургасBulgaria - Burgas - ОУ „Александър Георгиев-Коджакафалията“, Бургас Bulgaria - 6th Primary school “Ivan Vasov” - SmolyanBulgaria - 6th Primary school “Ivan Vasov” - SmolyanBulgaria - Smolyan - 6th Primary school “Ivan Vasov” - SmolyanBulgaria - Smolyan - 6th Primary school “Ivan Vasov” - Smolyan Bulgaria - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - Haskovo - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - Haskovo - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - Haskovo - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - Haskovo - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - Haskovo - “Akademik Boyan Petkanchin” High School - Haskovo Bulgaria - High School Matematicheska Gimnaziya "Baba Tonka", Russe Bulgaria - High School Matematicheska Gimnaziya "Baba Tonka", Russe Bulgaria - гр. Русе 7000 - High School Matematicheska Gimnaziya "Baba Tonka", Russe Bulgaria - гр. Русе 7000 - High School Matematicheska Gimnaziya "Baba Tonka", Russe Bulgaria - гр. Русе 7000 - High School Matematicheska Gimnaziya "Baba Tonka", Russe Bulgaria - 3320 Kozloduy - "St. St. Kiril and Metodiy" Secondary school - KozloduyBulgaria - 3320 Kozloduy - "St. St. Kiril and Metodiy" Secondary school - KozloduyBulgaria - 3320 Kozloduy - "St. St. Kiril and Metodiy" Secondary school - KozloduyBulgaria - 3320 Kozloduy - "St. St. Kiril and Metodiy" Secondary school - Kozloduy Bulgaria - Chelopech - Частна профилирана гимназия с чуждоезиково обучение "Челопеч" Bulgaria - Долна баня - СУ „Неофит Рилски” - Долна баня Bulgaria - Долна баня - СУ „Неофит Рилски” - Долна баня Bulgaria - Долна баня - СУ „Неофит Рилски” - Долна баня Bulgaria - Ловеч - Природо-математическа гимназия – ЛовечBulgaria - Ловеч - Природо-математическа гимназия – ЛовечBulgaria - Ловеч - Природо-математическа гимназия – Ловеч Bulgaria - Нови пазар - СУ "Хан Исперих" - Нови пазарBulgaria - Нови пазар - СУ "Хан Исперих" - Нови пазарBulgaria - Нови пазар - СУ "Хан Исперих" - Нови пазар Bulgaria - обл. Силистра - Основно училище "Цанко Церковски" - с. СредищеBulgaria - обл. Силистра - Основно училище "Цанко Церковски" - с. СредищеBulgaria - обл. Силистра - Основно училище "Цанко Церковски" - с. Средище Bulgaria - община Цар Калоян, с. Езерче - ОУ „Св. Паисий Хилендарски”, с. Езерче Bulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - РадомирBulgaria - Радомир - Средно училище „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” - Радомир Bulgaria - 1303 Sofia - "M.V. Lomonosov" High school - Sofia Bulgaria - 2161 Pravets - Professional high School of Computing and Technology Systems - Pravets Bulgaria - 2304 Pernik - "Simeon Radev" High School - PernikBulgaria - 2304 Pernik - "Simeon Radev" High School - PernikBulgaria - 2304 Pernik - "Simeon Radev" High School - PernikBulgaria - Pernik - "Simeon Radev" High School - PernikBulgaria - Pernik - "Simeon Radev" High School - Pernik Bulgaria - 6400 Димитровград - ПМГ "Иван Вазов" ДимитровградBulgaria - 6400 Димитровград - ПМГ "Иван Вазов" ДимитровградBulgaria - 6400 Димитровград - ПМГ "Иван Вазов" ДимитровградBulgaria - 6400 Димитровград - ПМГ "Иван Вазов" Димитровград Bulgaria - Ahelоy - Secondary 'Hristo Botev' - Ahelоy Bulgaria - Aksakоvо - Secondary School 'St. Kliment Ohridski' - Aksakоvо Bulgaria - Aleksandrоvо - Hristo Botev Secondary School - Aleksandrоvо Bulgaria - Alfatar - Hristo Botev Primary school - Alfatar Bulgaria - Antоn - Grade school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Antоn Bulgaria - Arda - Primary School " Sveti Sveti Cyril and Metodii" - Arda Bulgaria - Asenоvgrad - Angel Kanchev Junior School - Asenоvgrad Bulgaria - Asenоvgrad - Hristo Botev Primary School - Asenоvgrad Bulgaria - Asenоvgrad - Panayot Volov Basic School - Asenоvgrad Bulgaria - Asenоvgrad - Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius Comprehensive High School - Asenоvgrad Bulgaria - Asenоvgrad - PROFESIONALNA GIMNAZIA SVETI PATRIARH EVTIMII - Asenоvgrad Bulgaria - Asenоvtsi - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Asenоvtsi Bulgaria - Avren - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Avren Bulgaria - Aytоs - SOU Hristo Botev - Aytоs Bulgaria - Aytоs - Professional High School of Agriculture "Zlatna niva" - Aytоs Bulgaria - Balchik - Primary School "St. St. Ciril and Methodius" - Balchik Bulgaria - Balgarоvо - School "Vasil Levski" Balgarovo - Balgarоvо Bulgaria - Banite - Secondary School "Hristo Botev" - Banite Bulgaria - Banitsa - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Banitsa Bulgaria - Bankya - 78 high school "Hristo Smirnensky" - Bankya Bulgaria - Banskо - Secondary School "Neoft Rilski" - Banskо Bulgaria - Banskо - Professional High School of agriculture and tourism "Aleko Konstantinov" - Banskо Bulgaria - Barutin - OU "Nikola Vapcarov" Barutin - Barutin Bulgaria - Barziya - Georgi Rakovski secondary school - Barziya Bulgaria - Batak - Otets Paisiy Secondary School - Batak Bulgaria - Beglezh - Primary School "Vasil Levski" - Beglezh Bulgaria - Belasitsa - Secondary school "Hristo Botev" - Belasitsa Bulgaria - Belene - 'Vasil Levski' Elementary School - Belene Bulgaria - Belene - Belene, Dimcho Debelyanov Secondary School - Belene Bulgaria - Belitsa - High Comprehensive School "Saint Kiril and Metodi - Belitsa Bulgaria - Belitsa - Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov high school - Belitsa Bulgaria - Belоslav - Comprehensive school "St.st. Cyril and Methodius" - Belоslav Bulgaria - Belоslav - Basically school "St. Patriarch Evtimiy" - Belоslav Bulgaria - Belоslav - Professional High School of St. Dimitar" - Belоslav Bulgaria - Belоvets - Basic School "Vasil Levski" - Belоvets Bulgaria - Belоvо - High Comprehensive School 'Aleksander Ivanov - Chapai' - Belоvо Bulgaria - Belоzem - Geo Milev Secondary School - Belоzem Bulgaria - Belоzem - Professional School of Agriculture - Belоzem Bulgaria - Benkоvski - Secondary school "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Benkоvski Bulgaria - Berkоvitsa - Dr Ivan Panov High School - Berkоvitsa Bulgaria - Berkоvitsa - First Secondary School "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Berkоvitsa Bulgaria - Berkоvitsa - Hristo Smirnenski second secondary school - Berkоvitsa Bulgaria - Berkоvitsa - Ivan Vazov Third Primary School - Berkоvitsa Bulgaria - Bistritsa - 192 High School "Hristo Botev" - Bistritsa Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - BlagоevgradBulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Foreign Language School "Akad. Liudmil Stoyanov" - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - Dimitar Blagoev School - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - IV Primary School Dimcho Debelyanov - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - VII Secondary School "Kuzman Shapkarev" - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - The Eleventh Primary School Hristo Botev - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - High Natural Science and Mathematics School "Acad. Korolyov" - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blagоevgrad - VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS "IVAN ILIEV" - Blagоevgrad Bulgaria - Blatets - Elementary school "st. Kliment Ohridski" - Blatets Bulgaria - Botevgrad - ПМГ „Акад. проф. д-р Асен Златаров“ – БотевградBulgaria - Botevgrad - ПМГ „Акад. проф. д-р Асен Златаров“ – БотевградBulgaria - Botevgrad - ПМГ „Акад. проф. д-р Асен Златаров“ – БотевградBulgaria - Botevgrad - ПМГ „Акад. проф. д-р Асен Златаров“ – Ботевград Bulgaria - Bozhurishte - SOU “Pilot Hristo Toprakchiev” Bulgaria - Bozhurishte - СУ „Летец Христо Топракчиев” – Божурище Bulgaria - Bradvari - Primary school "Sveti sveti Kiril i Metodii" - Bradvari Bulgaria - Branichevо - YORDAN YOVKOV PRIMARY SCHOOL - Branichevо Bulgaria - Branipоle - St.St.Cyril and MethodiusSecondary School - Branipоle Bulgaria - Brashlyanitsa - elementary school "Kiril iMetodii" - Brashlyanitsa Bulgaria - Bratya Kunchevi - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Bratya Kunchevi Bulgaria - Brenitsa - Hristo Botev Primary School - Brenitsa Bulgaria - Brest - Hristo Botev village Brest - Brest Bulgaria - Brestnitsa - Secondary school "Hristo Botev" - Brestnitsa Bulgaria - Brestоvitsa - Elementary school "Hristo Botev" - Brestоvitsa Bulgaria - Breznik - СУ "Васил Левски" - Брезник Bulgaria - Breznitsa - Secondary school "St.Cyril and Methodious" - Breznitsa Bulgaria - Brezоvо - General Educational School "Hristo Smirnenski " - Brezоvо Bulgaria - brоchishte - Secondary School "Hristo Smirnenski" - brоchishte Bulgaria - Buhоvо - 117 Kiril and Metodii High school - Buhоvо Bulgaria - Bukоvlak - Primary school "St. Kliment Ohridski " - Bukоvlak Bulgaria - Bukоvо - OU Ivan Vazov - Bukоvо Bulgaria - Burgas - Lycйe bilingue de langues romanes " G.S.Rakovski " - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - ELMS "Geo Milev" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - GIMNASY FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGES "VASSIL LEVSKI" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Sports School "Yuri Gagarin" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Vocational School of Mechanoelectrotechnics and Electronics - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Vocational School in Chemistry "Acad.N. D. Zelinski " - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - ППМГ ”Академик Никола Обрешков” - Бургас Bulgaria - Burgas - ПГЕЕ "К. Фотинов" - БургасBulgaria - Burgas - ПГЕЕ "К. Фотинов" - БургасBulgaria - Burgas - ПГЕЕ "К. Фотинов" - БургасBulgaria - Burgas - ПГЕЕ "К. Фотинов" - Бургас Bulgaria - Burgas - АЕГ "Гео Милев" - Бургас Bulgaria - Burgas - Primary school Mihail Lakatnik - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Petko Rachev Slaveykov Primary School - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - School "St. Knyaz Boris I " - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Luben Karavelov Prymary School - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Naiden Gerov Primary School - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Primary/secondary school "Anton Strashimirov" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Primary school "Bratya Miladinovi" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - PRIMARY SCHOOL ''VASIL LEVSKI" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - HRISTO BOTEV SECONADARY SCHOOL - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Basic School "Hristo Botev " - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - OU HRISTO BOTEV - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Secondary comprehensive school "Dimtcho Debelyanov" - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Dobri Chintulov Secondary School - Burgas Bulgaria - Burgas - Secondary School "Petko Rosen" - Burgas Bulgaria - Butan - Primary school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Butan Bulgaria - Byala - Vocational School of Agriculture and Tourism - Byala Bulgaria - Byala - Elementary school "Petko R.Slaveykov" - Byala Bulgaria - Byala - General Comprehensive School 'P.Volov' - Byala Bulgaria - Byala - Elementary School "Hadji Dimitar" - Byala Bulgaria - Byala Palanka - Primary school "Nicola Y. Vaptsarov" - Byala Palanka Bulgaria - Byala Slatina - Proffesional Agricultural School "N. Y. Vapcarov" - Byala Slatina Bulgaria - Byala Slatina - St Kliment Ohridski Secondary school - Byala Slatina Bulgaria - Bоbоshevо - "Dr Petar Beron" Secondary school - Bоbоshevо Bulgaria - Bоbоv Dоl - Primary School Nikola Yonkov Vaptzarov - Bоbоv Dоl Bulgaria - Bоbоv Dоl - High school " Hristo Botev" - Bоbоv Dоl Bulgaria - Bоhоt - Primary school "Anton Strashimirov" - Bоhоt Bulgaria - Bоrоvan - Saint Paisius Elementary School - Bоrоvan Bulgaria - Bоrоvan - Kosta Petrov High School of Transport - Bоrоvan Bulgaria - Bоtevgrad - Akad.Prof.Dr Asen Zlatarov secondary school of Maths and Sciences - Bоtevgrad Bulgaria - Bоtevgrad - Professional high school in technique and management "Hristo Botev" - Bоtevgrad Bulgaria - Bоtevgrad - Technical Vocational High School "Stamen Pantchev" - Bоtevgrad Bulgaria - Bоtevgrad - Secondary school 'St.St. Kiril and Metodii' - Bоtevgrad Bulgaria - Bоtevgrad - Nikola Vaptsarov Primary School - Bоtevgrad Bulgaria - Bоtevо - Elementary School "Hristo Botev" - Bоtevо Bulgaria - Bоyadzhik - Elementary school "st. st. Kiril and Metodiy" - Bоyadzhik Bulgaria - Bоyanоvо - Elementary school "st. Paisiy Hilendarski" - Bоyanоvо Bulgaria - Bоyanоvо - Professional School of Agricultural Mechanization "Ernesto Che Guevara" - Bоyanоvо Bulgaria - Bоzhurishte - Letec Hristo Toprakchiev Comprehensive School - Bоzhurishte Bulgaria - Bоzveliyskо - Primary school "Vasil Levski" - Bоzveliyskо Bulgaria - Chavdar - Primary school "Sv.Sv. Kiril I Metodiy" - ChavdarBulgaria - Chavdar - Primary school "Sv.Sv. Kiril I Metodiy" - Chavdar Bulgaria - Chepelare - Professional High School of Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism / PG SGST/ - Chepelare Bulgaria - Chepelare - Sport School "Olimpiyski nadezhdi" - Chepelare Bulgaria - Chepintsi - ,,Hristo Botev''- High school - Chepintsi Bulgaria - Cherni vit - Primary school ''Georgi Benkovski'' - Cherni vit Bulgaria - Chernik - Primary school "Sveti sveti Kiril i Metodii" - Chernik Bulgaria - Chernоlik - D-r Petar Beron Primary school - Chernоlik Bulgaria - Cherven Bryag - Dr. Petar Beron Secondary School - Cherven Bryag Bulgaria - Cherven Bryag - Professional high school of food technologies "Juri Gagarin" - Cherven Bryag Bulgaria - Cherven Bryag - Vasil Aprilov Highschool of Economics - Cherven Bryag Bulgaria - Cherven Bryag - Aleko Konstantinov Primary School - Cherven Bryag Bulgaria - Chiprоvtsi - Petar Parchevich primary school - Chiprоvtsi Bulgaria - Chirpan - Vocational Secondary school of Agriculture - Chirpan Bulgaria - Chоmakоvtsi - Professional School of farm "Alexander Stambolijski" - Chоmakоvtsi Bulgaria - Chоmakоvtsi - HristoBotev" Primary School" - Chоmakоvtsi Bulgaria - Dabоvо - St. st. Kyril and Methodyi Primary School - Dabоvо Bulgaria - Dalbоk Izvоr - OU "Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodiy" - Dalbоk Izvоr Bulgaria - Dalgо Pоle - Hristo Botev Primary School - Dalgо Pоle Bulgaria - Dalgоpоl - Saint Kliment Ohrisdki Secondary School - Dalgоpоl Bulgaria - Davidkоvо - Primary school " St..st.. Kiril and Metodii" - Davidkоvо Bulgaria - Debelets - school "Dr Petar Beron" - Debelets Bulgaria - Debnevо - OU "Luben Karavelov" - Debnevо Bulgaria - Debren - OU"St.Kliment Ohridski" - Debren Bulgaria - Devin - High School "Hristo Botev" - Devin Bulgaria - Devin - PROFFESSIONAL HIGH SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING "A. S. Popov" - Devin Bulgaria - Devnya - Secondary School 'Vasil Levski' - Devnya Bulgaria - Dibich - Primary school "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Dibich Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - School "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - Aleko Konstantinov Primary School - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - Pentcho Slaveikov Primary school - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - Vasil Levski Secondary school - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - Secondary school "Luben Karavelov" - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - PMG "Ivan Vazov" - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dimitrоvgrad - Vocational Highschool of Chemical and Food Technologies "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" - Dimitrоvgrad Bulgaria - Dobrich - СУ „Димитър Талев“- Добрич Bulgaria - Dobrich - Езикова Гимназия "Гео Милев" – Добрич Bulgaria - Dragichevо - St.St. Cyril and Methodius primary school - Dragichevо Bulgaria - Dragоman - School "Hristo Botev" - Dragоman Bulgaria - Drangоvо - Primary school"Vasil Levski" - Drangоvо Bulgaria - Drazhevо - Elementary School "St. st. Kiril and Metodiy" - Drazhevо Bulgaria - Dryanоvо - Maxim Raikovich Secondary School - Dryanоvо Bulgaria - Dryanоvо - Professional School of Economic "Racho Stoyanov" - Dryanоvо Bulgaria - Dupnitsa - St.Paisiy Hilendarski Secondary School - Dupnitsa Bulgaria - Dupnitsa - Neofit Rilski Primary School - Dupnitsa Bulgaria - Dupnitsa - High School "Hristo Botev" Dupnitsa - Dupnitsa Bulgaria - Dupnitsa - Profiled High School Hristo Botev - Dupnitsa Bulgaria - Dupnitsa - High school of transport - Dupnitsa Bulgaria - Dupnitsa - Professional School of Food and Chemical Technologies - Dupnitsa Bulgaria - Durankulak - Primary school "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Durankulak Bulgaria - Dushevо - School "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Dushevо Bulgaria - Dve Mоgili - Secondary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Dve Mоgili Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Prirodomathenmaticheska gimnazia "Ivan Vazov" - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Professional School of Veterinary Medicine "Prof. Dr Georgi Pavlov" - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Finance and Economics School "Vasil Levski" - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Middle school Yordan Yovkov - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Primary school Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Panayot Volov Primary School - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Hristo Botev Primary School - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Sports school "Georgi Stoikov Rakovski - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Secondary School Dimitar Talev - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Secondary school "Dora Gabe" - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - St. Kliment Ohridski High School - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Lyuben Karavelov High School - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоbrich - Cyril and Methodius High School of Humanities - Dоbrich Bulgaria - Dоlna Mitrоpоliya - School "Vasil APRILOV" - Dоlna Mitrоpоliya Bulgaria - Dоlni Chiflik - Vocational Agricultural School "Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin" - Dоlni Chiflik Bulgaria - Dоlni Dabnik - FT "St. St. Cyril and Methodius " - Dоlni Dabnik Bulgaria - Dоlni Dabnik - Hristo Botev Secondary school - Dоlni Dabnik Bulgaria - Dоlni Dabnik - Special School Boarding "Asen Kiselinchev - Dоlni Dabnik Bulgaria - Dоlni Pasarel - 202 Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Dоlni Pasarel Bulgaria - Dоnchevо - Primary School "St. St. Kiril and Methodiy" - Dоnchevо Bulgaria - Dоspat - Secondary school "Dimitar Blagoev" - Dоspat Bulgaria - Elena - SOU "Ivan N. Momchilov" - Elena Bulgaria - Elhоvо - Secondary school "Saint Kliment Ohridski" - Elhоvо Bulgaria - Elhоvо - St. Paisiy Hilendarski primary school - Elhоvо Bulgaria - Elhоvо - Vocational School Stefan Karadzha - Elhоvо Bulgaria - Elin Pelin - SU Vasil Levski - Elin Pelin Bulgaria - Elin Pelin - Hristo Botev Primary School - Elin Pelin Bulgaria - Enina - Primary School "HRISTO BOTEV" - Enina Bulgaria - Enitsa - Primary School "Vasil Levski " - Enitsa Bulgaria - Etrоpоle - Hristo Yassenov Secondary School - Etrоpоle Bulgaria - Etrоpоle - Hristo Botev Primary School - Etrоpоle Bulgaria - Ezerоvо - Elementary School "Sts Cyril and Methodius'' - Ezerоvо Bulgaria - Gabare - Hristo Botev secondary school - Gabare Bulgaria - Gabarevо - Elementary School Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov - Gabarevо Bulgaria - Gabrovo - ПТГ „Д-р Никола Василиади“ – ГабровоBulgaria - Gabrovo - ПТГ „Д-р Никола Василиади“ – ГабровоBulgaria - Gabrovo - ПТГ „Д-р Никола Василиади“ – Габрово Bulgaria - Gabrovo - ПМГ „Акад. Иван Гюзелев“ - Габрово Bulgaria - Gabrоvnitsa - School "St. Cyril and Methodius " - Gabrоvnitsa Bulgaria - Gabrоvо - Neofit Rilski Primary School - Gabrоvо Bulgaria - Gabrоvо - Secondary school "Otec Paisij" - Gabrоvо Bulgaria - Gabrоvо - Science and Maths High School "Academician Ivan Gyuzelev" - Gabrоvо Bulgaria - Gabrоvо - Vocational School of Construction in Gabrovo - Gabrоvо Bulgaria - Gabrоvо - Secondary Technical School "Dr Nikola Vasiliadi" - Gabrоvо Bulgaria - Gabrоvо - Gabrоvо Bulgaria - Galabоvо - Second Primary School " Hristo Botev" - Galabоvо Bulgaria - Galabоvо - Vassil Levski SOU - Galabоvо Bulgaria - Galabоvо - First Primary School "St. Paisii Hilendarski" - Galabоvо Bulgaria - Galiche - Secondary Comprehensive School "Hristo Botev" - Galiche Bulgaria - Gavrailоvо - Elementary School "Naiden Gerov" - Gavrailоvо Bulgaria - General Tоshevо - PRIMARY SCHOOL "HRISTO SMIRNENSKI" - General Tоshevо Bulgaria - General Tоshevо - SOU Nikola Vapcarov - General Tоshevо Bulgaria - Geоrgi Damyanоvо - Vocational School for Agriculture - Geоrgi Damyanоvо Bulgaria - Gigen - Secondary school ''Asen Zlatarov'' - Gigen Bulgaria - Glava - School "Hristo Botev" - Glava Bulgaria - Glavinitsa - School "Vasil Levski" - Glavinitsa Bulgaria - Gorna Malina - SU "Hristo Botev" - Gorna Malina Bulgaria - Gorna Oryahovitsa - Professional School of Electrical and Electronics "M. V. Lomonosov" Bulgaria - Gotse Delchev - НЕВРОКОПСКА ПГ ДИМИТЪР ТАЛЕВ - Гоце Делчев Bulgaria - Gradets - Elementary school 'Kapitan Petar Parmakov' - Gradets Bulgaria - Gradinarоvо - Primary school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Gradinarоvо Bulgaria - Gradishte - Primary School"Vasil Levski" - Gradishte Bulgaria - Graf Ignatievо - OU Graf Ignatiev - Graf Ignatievо Bulgaria - Granitоvо - Elementary school "st. Hadji Dimityr" - Granitоvо Bulgaria - Gurkоvо - Comprehensive School "Hristo Smirnenski" - Gurkоvо Bulgaria - Gоdech - Secondary School "Prof. dr. Assen Zatarov" - Gоdech Bulgaria - Gоrna оryahоvitsa - St Cyril and St Methodius Primary School - Gоrna оryahоvitsa Bulgaria - Gоrna оryahоvitsa - Vicho Grancharov Comprehensive Secondary School - Gоrna оryahоvitsa Bulgaria - Gоrna оryahоvitsa - Vocational High School of Electrics and Electronics- "M.V.Lomonosov" - Gоrna оryahоvitsa Bulgaria - Gоrna оryahоvitsa - Vocational High school of food technologies "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" - Gоrna оryahоvitsa Bulgaria - Gоrna оryahоvitsa - Atanas Burov Light Industry and Economics Vocational School - Gоrna оryahоvitsa Bulgaria - Gоrna оryahоvitsa - Vocational Secondary School of Railway Transport "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Gоrna оryahоvitsa Bulgaria - Gоrnо Dryanоvо - Primary school"St.Paisiy Hilendarski" - Gоrnо Dryanоvо Bulgaria - Gоtse Delchev - Nevrokop vocational high school "Dimitar Talev" (NPG) - Gоtse Delchev Bulgaria - Gоtse Delchev - Science and Mathematics High School " Yane Sandanski" - Gоtse Delchev Bulgaria - Gоtse Delchev - First primary school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Gоtse Delchev Bulgaria - Gоtse Delchev - II Secondary School "Gotse Delchev" - Gоtse Delchev Bulgaria - Gоtse Delchev - Third primary school "Bratya Miladinovi" - Gоtse Delchev Bulgaria - Gоtse Delchev - School for children with learning difficulties "Vasil Levski" - Gоtse Delchev Bulgaria - Harmanli - Ivan Vazov Primary school - Harmanli Bulgaria - Harmanli - PUI "P.R.Svaveikov" - Harmanli Bulgaria - Haskovo - Финансово стопанска гимназия "Атанас Буров" - Хасково Bulgaria - Haskоvо - Primary school "Shandor Petyofi" - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - Saint Kliment Ohridski School - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - Primary School "Nikola Vaptsarov" - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - St. Ivan Rilski Primary School - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - St Paissiy Hilendarski high school - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - Stefan Karadzha Sport School - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - Foreign Language School "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - VOCATIONAL SCHOOL AGRICULTURE - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Haskоvо - Vocational High School of Mechanics and Electric Technology - Haskоvо Bulgaria - Hisarya - OY "Vasil Levski" Hissar - Hisarya Bulgaria - Hristо Danоvо - Elementary School "General Kartsov" - Hristо Danоvо Bulgaria - Ignatievо - SOU "SV.SV.KIRIL I METODII" - Ignatievо Bulgaria - Ihtiman - Hristo Botev Secondary School - Ihtiman Bulgaria - Iskar - Secondary School "Hristo Smirnensky" - Iskar Bulgaria - Isperih - Secondary school "Vasil Aprilov" - Isperih Bulgaria - Kalоfer - PGO "Ivanka Boteva'' - Kalоfer Bulgaria - Kalоyanоvо - 'Ivan Vazov' Primary school - Kalоyanоvо Bulgaria - Kamen - Elementary School "St. st. Kiril and Metodiy" - Kamen Bulgaria - Kamenar - Dobri Voinikov - Kamenar Bulgaria - Kamenо - Hristo Botev Secondary school - Kamenо Bulgaria - Kanchevо - Primary School " Sveti Sveti Kiril I Metodiy" - Kanchevо Bulgaria - Karabunar - SECONDARY SCHOOL "HRISTO BOTEV" - Karabunar Bulgaria - Karadzhоvо - Vasil Levski Primary School - Karadzhоvо Bulgaria - Karageоrgievо - OU"ST.ST. Cyril and Metodious" - Karageоrgievо Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Vladimir Dimitrov - Maystora school - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Yordan Yovkov Secondary School Kardzhali - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Petko Rachov Slaveikov Secondary School - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - ПГ по икономика "Алеко Константинов" - Кърджали Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Vocational School of Economics "Aleko Konstantinov" - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Professional School of clothing and design "Eurydice" - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - PGEE 'Captain Petko voyvoda' - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Vocational School of Construction "Smirnenski" - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - OU "Vasil Levski" - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Osnovno uchilishte "Sveti Sveti Kiril I Metodii" - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - Primary School "Peyo Kracholov Yavorov" - Kardzhali Bulgaria - Kardzhali - ЕГ "Христо Ботев" - Кърджали Bulgaria - Karlovo - Hristo Prodanov High School Bulgaria - Karlоvо - Vassil Levski Secondary Comprehensive School - Karlоvо Bulgaria - Karlоvо - Hristo Prodanov High School - Karlоvо Bulgaria - Karlоvо - School "Rayno Popovich" - Karlоvо Bulgaria - Karlоvо - VS "Bratya Evlogii i Hristo Georgievi" - Karlоvо Bulgaria - Karnobat - SU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - KarnobatBulgaria - Karnobat - SU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - KarnobatBulgaria - Karnobat - SU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - KarnobatBulgaria - Karnobat - SU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Karnobat Bulgaria - Karnоbat - Hristo Smirnenski Secondary School - Karnоbat Bulgaria - Karnоbat - Petko Rachev Slaveykov Primary School - Karnоbat Bulgaria - Karnоbat - High school Cyril and Methodius - Karnоbat Bulgaria - Kaynardzha - Chernorizec Hrabar - Kaynardzha Bulgaria - Kazanlak - ПМГ "Никола Обрешков" - Казанлък Bulgaria - Kazanlak - Sts. Cyril and Methodius Humanitarian High School - Kazanlak Bulgaria - Kazanlak - Ekzarh Antim I Secondary School - Kazanlak Bulgaria - Kazanlak - Professional School "Ivan Hadjienov" - Kazanlak Bulgaria - Kazanlak - Vocational School of Transport and Transport Management - Kazanlak Bulgaria - Kazanlak - MATI BOLGARIA PRIMARY SCHOOL - Kazanlak Bulgaria - Kazanlak - National School of Plastic Arts and Design "Academician Detchko Uzunov" - Kazanlak Bulgaria - Kermen - Secondary School "Hristo Smirnenski" - Kermen Bulgaria - Kilifarevо - Primary School "Neofit Rilski" - Kilifarevо Bulgaria - Klisura - Professional School of Economics "Todor Vlaykov" - Klisura Bulgaria - Klisura - Secondary School "Hristo Gruev Danov" - Klisura Bulgaria - Knezha - OU "Otec Paisii", Knezha - Knezha Bulgaria - Knezha - Professional agricultural school "Stefan Tsanov" - Knezha Bulgaria - Knezha - Professional School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering ''Hristo Smirnenski'' - Knezha Bulgaria - Knezha - ОУ «Васил Левски» - Кнежа Bulgaria - Knizhоvnik - OU "Vasil Levski" s. Knijovnik - Knizhоvnik Bulgaria - Koinare - СУ «Христо Смирненски» - гр. Койнаре Bulgaria - Kozloduy - Професионална гимназия по ядрена енергетика Bulgaria - Kran - Saint Kliment Ohridski Primary School - Kran Bulgaria - Krastina - Primary School "Brothers Miladinovi" - Krastina Bulgaria - Kravоder - OU "Sv. sv. Kiril I Metodiy" - Kravоder Bulgaria - Kraynitsi - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Kraynitsi Bulgaria - Krichim - Saints. Cyril and Methodius Primary school - Krichim Bulgaria - Krichim - Secondary School "Petko Rachov Slaveykov" - Krichim Bulgaria - Krumоvgrad - Vasil Levski Secondary school - Krumоvgrad Bulgaria - Krumоvо - Primary School St. Klimenht Ohridsky - Krumоvо Bulgaria - Krumоvо - Hristo Botev Primary School - Krumоvо Bulgaria - Krushare - Secondary school "Chernorizets Hrabar" - Krushare Bulgaria - Krushоvene - Primary school, Kliment Ohridski " - Krushоvene Bulgaria - Krushоvitsa - SECONDARY SCHOOL "HRISTO BOTEV" - Krushоvitsa Bulgaria - Krushоvitsa - School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius " - Krushоvitsa Bulgaria - Kubrat - Hristo Botev Secondary School - Kubrat Bulgaria - Kukоrevо - Seventh Elementary school "Hristo Botev" - Kukоrevо Bulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Hristo Botev" Fifth primary school - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" mathematical high school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" mathematical high school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" mathematical high school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" mathematical high school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" mathematical high school - KyustendilBulgaria - Kyustendil - "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" mathematical high school - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Basic school "Professor Marin Drinov" - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Neofit Rilsky Secondary School - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Dr. Peter Beron Language school - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Maths and Science High School "Prof. Emanuil Ivanov" - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Sixth Primary School " Paisii Hilendarski " - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Ilyo voivoda Primary school, Kyustendil - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Daskal Dimitri Primary School - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kyustendil - Sv.sv. Kiril I Metodii secondary school - Kyustendil Bulgaria - Kоchan - Secondary School "Hristo Smirnenski" - Kоchan Bulgaria - Kоcherinоvо - School of General Education ( SOU) "Hristo Botev" - Kоcherinоvо Bulgaria - Kоlarоvо - Secondary School of General Education Vasil Levski"" - Kоlarоvо Bulgaria - Kоprinka - Cyril and Methodius Primary School - Kоprinka Bulgaria - Kоprivshtitsa - High School Lyuben Karavelov - Kоprivshtitsa Bulgaria - Kоriten - Primary school "Vasil Levski" – Kоriten Bulgaria - Kоstenets - Vocational high school "Georgi Sava Rakovski" - Kоstenets Bulgaria - Kоstievо - St. St. Cyril and Metodii School - Kоstievо Bulgaria - Kоstinbrоd - SGE "Dr. Petar Beron" - Kоstinbrоd Bulgaria - Kоtel - National school of folk arts "Philip Kutev " - Kоtel Bulgaria - Kоvachitsa - St. St Kiril and Methodius Basic School - Kоvachitsa Bulgaria - Kоvachitsa - Fachschule f?r Landwirtschaft "Dunavska zemja" - Kоvachitsa Bulgaria - Kоynare - SOU 'Hristo Smirnenski" - Kоynare Bulgaria - Kоzlоduy - Hristo Botev Secondary School - Kоzlоduy Bulgaria - Kоzlоduy - Sts Cyril and Methodius School - Kоzlоduy Bulgaria - Kоzlоduy - Primary school "Vasil Levski" - Kоzlоduy Bulgaria - Lesidren - OY "SvetiPaisiy Hilendarski village Lesidren - Lesidren Bulgaria - Levski - Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Levski Bulgaria - Levski - Primary School "Maxim Gorky" - Levski Bulgaria - Levski - Secondary School Krum Popov - Levski Bulgaria - Levski - PGSS "Nikola Vaptsarov" - Levski Bulgaria - Ludоgоrtsi - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Ludоgоrtsi Bulgaria - Lukоvit - Primary school "?nzh. Valkov" - Lukоvit Bulgaria - Lyaskоvо - SECONDARY SCHOOL "HRISTO BOTEV" - Lyaskоvо Bulgaria - Lyubimets - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Lyubimets Bulgaria - Lyulyakоvо - SOU Otec Paisii - Lulakovo - Lyulyakоvо Bulgaria - Lоm - II PRIMARY SCHOOL "KONSTANTINE FOTINOV - Lоm Bulgaria - Lоm - Vocational School of Production Technologies - Lоm Bulgaria - Lоvchantsi - Primary school "Neofit Rilski" - Lоvchantsi Bulgaria - Lоvech - Vasil Levski Secondary School - Lоvech Bulgaria - Lоvech - Todor Kirkov Secondary School of General Education - Lоvech Bulgaria - Lоvech - Secondary school ''Panayot Pipkov'' - Lоvech Bulgaria - Lоvech - Prof. Dimitar Dimov school - Lоvech Bulgaria - Lоzarevо - Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Lоzarevо Bulgaria - Lоznitsa - Vocational School of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture Alexander Stamboliyski" - Lоznitsa Bulgaria - Madan - Primary school "Nikola Vaptsarov" - Madan Bulgaria - Maglen - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Maglen Bulgaria - Malо Kоnare - Primary school "St.st. Cyril and Methodius" - Malо Kоnare Bulgaria - Manоlich - Primary school St.St. "Kiril and Metodii" - Manоlich Bulgaria - Manоlоvо - Primary School Georgi Benkovski - Manоlоvо Bulgaria - Markоvо - Primary school St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Markоvо Bulgaria - Mayskо - Primary school "Otets Paisiy" - Mayskо Bulgaria - Mechka - School "Hristo Botev" - Mechka Bulgaria - Merichleri - Primary school "Dimitar Nedyalkov Matevski" - Merichleri Bulgaria - Mezdra - Primary School "St Cyril and Methodius" - Mezdra Bulgaria - Mezdra - Primary school Hristo Botev - Mezdra Bulgaria - Mezdra - Secondary School "Ivan Vazov" - Mezdra Bulgaria - Mikrevо - Sv. Paisiy Hilendarski Secondary School - Mikrevо Bulgaria - Milkоvitsa - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Milkоvitsa Bulgaria - Mineralni Bani - SOU Pro. Dr. Assen Zlatarov - Mineralni Bani Bulgaria - Mirоvtsi - Primary school "Vasil Levski" - Mirоvtsi Bulgaria - Musоmishta - OU "Hristo Botev" - Musоmishta Bulgaria - Mоntana - Math and Science High School "St. Kliment Okhridski" - Mоntana Bulgaria - Mоntana - Treto osnovno uchilishte "D-r Petar Beron" - Mоntana Bulgaria - Mоntana - Fourth Primary School "Ivan Vazov" - Mоntana Bulgaria - Mоntana - VIIth Secondary School " Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" - Mоntana Bulgaria - Mоntana - IX Secondary School Jordan Radichkov - Mоntana Bulgaria - Mоrava - St. St. Cyril and Methodius - Mоrava Bulgaria - Nadarevо - Primary school "P. Hilendarski" - Nadarevо Bulgaria - Nedelinо - St. St. Cyril and Methodius Secondary School - Nedelinо Bulgaria - Negоvan - OU 176 " Cyril and Methodius" - Negоvan Bulgaria - Nevestinо - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Nevestinо Bulgaria - Nikоla Kоzlevо - SOU "Tsanko Bakalov Tserkovski" - Nikоla Kоzlevо Bulgaria - Nikоlaevо - St. Cyril and Methodius Pre-high school - Nikоlaevо Bulgaria - Nikоpоl - General High School"Hristo Botev" - Nikоpоl Bulgaria - Nоva Cherna - Primary school "St.St. Cyril and Methodius" - Nоva Cherna Bulgaria - Nоva Mahala - Kiril and Metodii High School - Nоva Mahala Bulgaria - Nоva Zagоra - VSTT "Atanas Dimitrow" - Nоva Zagоra Bulgaria - Nоva Zagоra - Special School "Akad. Todor Samodumov" - Nоva Zagоra Bulgaria - Nоvachene - School "Patriarch Euthymius" - Nоvachene Bulgaria - Nоvi Iskar - 170 Secondary School "Vasil Levski" - Nоvi Iskar Bulgaria - Nоvi Pazar - Vasil Levski Secondary School - Nоvi Pazar Bulgaria - Nоvо Selо - SOU "Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii" - Nоvо Selо Bulgaria - Odarne - School "Hristo Botev" - Odarne Bulgaria - Omurtag - Transport and light industry professional high school - Omurtag Bulgaria - Omurtag - High School "Simeon Velchev" - Omurtag Bulgaria - Opanets - School "Otec Paisij" - Opanets Bulgaria - Oresh - Primary School 'Hristo Botev' - Oresh Bulgaria - Orizare - Primary school "Georgi Stoikov Rakovsky" - Orizare Bulgaria - Orizоvо - Primary school,, Hristo Botev " - Orizоvо Bulgaria - Ostrоv - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Ostrоv Bulgaria - Ovоshtnik - D-r Petar Beron Primary School - Ovоshtnik Bulgaria - Paisievо - SOU "Hristo Botev" - Paisievо Bulgaria - Panagyurishte - Secondary School "Nesho Bonchev" - Panagyurishte Bulgaria - Parvоmay - Georgi Karaslavov Elementary School - Parvоmay Bulgaria - Parvоmay - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Parvоmay Bulgaria - Parvоmay - General Educational School 'Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov' - Parvоmay Bulgaria - Parvоmay - St. St. Cyril and Methodius Primary and Junior High School - Parvоmay Bulgaria - Paskalevо - Primary School "Dimitar Minchev" - Paskalevо Bulgaria - Patalenitsa - Primary School "Konstantiv Velichkov" - Patalenitsa Bulgaria - Pavel Banya - Hristo Botev Comprehensive School - Pavel Banya Bulgaria - Pavelskо - Secondary School "Tsar Simeon I" - Pavelskо Bulgaria - Pavlikeni - Osnovno uchilishte "Sveti Klimeht Ohridski" - Pavlikeni Bulgaria - Pavlikeni - Bacho Kiro High School - Pavlikeni Bulgaria - Pavоlche - Hristo Botev High School - Pavоlche Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Primary school " Luben Karavelov" - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Konstantin Velichkov Mathematical Secondary School - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - "Prof. Ivan Batakliev" Secondary School - PazardzhikBulgaria - Pazardzhik - "Prof. Ivan Batakliev" Secondary School - PazardzhikBulgaria - Pazardzhik - "Prof. Ivan Batakliev" Secondary School - PazardzhikBulgaria - Pazardzhik - "Prof. Ivan Batakliev" Secondary School - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Dimitar Gachev Secondary School - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - PGSS "Tsaritsa Yoanna" - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - High school "Ivan s. Aksakov - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Professional High School of Chemical and Food Technology - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Vocational School for Industrial Technologies - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Foreign Language School "Bertolt Brecht" - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pazardzhik - Georgi Benkovski High school - Pazardzhik Bulgaria - Pelishat - Primary School "HristoBootev" - Pelishat Bulgaria - Pernik - ТПГ "Мария Кюри" - Перник Bulgaria - Pernik - ПМГ "Христо Смирненски" - Перник Bulgaria - Pernik - 8th Elementary School " Krakra Pernishki" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Х Primary school "Aleko Konstantionv" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - XI OU "Elin Pelin" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Vasil Levski Twelth Junior Secondary School - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - St. St. Cyril and Methodius 13 primary school - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - 6-th Comprehensive School "St.St. Cyril and Methodius" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Sport High School "Olimpiets" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Natural Mathematical School "Hristo Smirnensky" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - PTG "Yuri Gagarin" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Foreign Language School “Simeon Radev” Bulgaria - Pernik - Professional School of Economics - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Vocational school for tourism and clothing 'St. Ivan Rilski" - Pernik Bulgaria - Pernik - Професионална гимназия по икономика - Перник Bulgaria - Perushtitsa - School "Petar Bonev" - Perushtitsa Bulgaria - Perushtitsa - Vocational School of Viticulture and Enology "Hristo Botev" - Perushtitsa Bulgaria - Peshtera - Primary School "Petko Rachov Slaveykov" - Peshtera Bulgaria - Peshtera - Primary School"Saint Patriarch Evtimi" - Peshtera Bulgaria - Pesnоpоy - Otetz Paisij Basic School - Pesnоpоy Bulgaria - Petkо Karavelоvо - Primary School Vasil Levski - Petkо Karavelоvо Bulgaria - Petkо Slaveykоv - St Cyril and Methodius Primary School - Petkо Slaveykоv Bulgaria - Petrich - SOU 'Anton Popov' - Petrich Bulgaria - Petrich - First Primary School "Kocho Mavrodiev" - Petrich Bulgaria - Petrich - Gotse Delchev Third Secondary School - Petrich Bulgaria - Petrich - Fourth primary school "Hristo Smirnenski" - Petrich Bulgaria - Pirdоp - Professional School of mechanical and technical engineering - Pirdоp Bulgaria - Plachkоvtsi - OOUSSBZ - Plachkоvtsi Bulgaria - Pletena - Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Pletena Bulgaria - Pleven - Progimnazia Tsvetan Spasov - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Foreign Language School - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Secondary School ''Anastasia Dimitrova" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Stoyan Zaimov School - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Ivan Vazov - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Middle School "Hristo Smirnensky" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Математическа гимназия "Гео Милев" - Плевен Bulgaria - Pleven - State High School of Finance and Management "Intellect" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Професионална гимназия по туризъм "Алеко Константинов" - Плевен Bulgaria - Pleven - Professional Highschool of Mechanics and Electronics - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Vocational School of Food Technologies "Louis Pasteur" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Vocational school of transport" Professor Cvetan Lazarov" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Foreign Language School Bulgaria - Pleven - Professional School in Vine and Wine production "Alexander Stamboliyski" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Professional School of restaurants, trade and service - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Professional School "Zaharij Zograf" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Vocational High School of Tourism 'Aleko Konstantinov' - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Special school "Petko Rachev Slaveikov" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Primary School "Edinstvo" - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Otets Paisiy Primary school - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - D-r Petar Beron Secondary School - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Secondary School "St. Kliment Ohridski " - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Primary School " Jordan Jovkov " - Pleven Bulgaria - Pleven - Primary School "Lazar Stanev" - Pleven Bulgaria - Plovdiv - Френска ЕГ "Антоан дьо Сент Екзюпери" - Пловдив Bulgaria - Plovdiv - High school of Mathematics Academic Kirl Popov Bulgaria - Plovdiv - Vocational Highschool of Transport "Gotse Delchev" Bulgaria - Plovdiv - “Sveti Sedmochislenitzi” Comprehensive High School Bulgaria - Plovdiv - Езикова гимназия „Пловдив“ - Пловдив Bulgaria - Plovdiv - MГ "Акад. Кирил Попов" - Пловдив Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Dimitar Talev Primary School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Yane Sandanski Primary school - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - School "Geo Milev" Plovdiv - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Secondary General School "Konstantin Velichkov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - A PRIMARY SCHOOL ''DOCTOR PETER BERON'' - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Saint Konstantin- Kiril Filosof School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Primary School "Ekzarh Antim I " - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Professional high school of Mechanical engineering "Professor Cvetan Lazarov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Kocho Chestemenski' primary school - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Sveti Sedmochislenitsi Comprehensive High School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Luben Karavelov secondary school - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - St. Sofrony Vrachanski Secondary School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - SOU "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - SOU "St. PATRIARCH EVTIMII" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - General Secondary School "Tsar Simeon Veliki" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Primary Hospital School "St. Ivan Rilski" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Professional School of Interior Architecture & Woodworking "Hristo Botev" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Professional High School of Tourism "Prof. d-r. Assen Zlatarov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Professional High School of Domestic Household - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - NU "Petko Rachov Slaveikov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Secondary school "Najden Gerov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Vocational High School of Transport "G. Delchev" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Vasil Petleshkov Secondary School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Dragan Manchov Primary School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - NHG"Tsako Lavrenov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - St. St. Cyril and Methodius Secondary School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - High School of Mathematics Academician Kiril Popov - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Aleko Konstantinov Primary School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Sports School Vasil Levski - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Primary school "Yordan Yovkov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Primary school "Panayot Volov" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Nicola Vaptsarov Secondary Scool - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Chernorizets Hrabar Comprehensive School - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Peyo Kracholov Yavorov Secondary school - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Language School Plovdiv" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - IVAN VAZOV' LANGUAGE SCHOOL - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - French Language School "Antoine de Saint-Exupery" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Vocational school of food technology and technic - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Plоvdiv - Primary School "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" - Plоvdiv Bulgaria - Pravda - Primary school " St.st.Cyril and Methodius" - Pravda Bulgaria - Pravets - Vocational Secondary School of Computer Technologies and Systems Bulgaria - Pravets - ПГПЧЕ "Алеко Константинов" - Правец Bulgaria - Pravets - Foreign Language School "Aleko Konstantinov" - Pravets Bulgaria - Preslaven - Primary School ''Boycho Rusev'' - Preslaven Bulgaria - Pristоe - Grade school "Hristo Smirnenski" - Pristоe Bulgaria - Prоvadiya - Second basic school "Ivan Vazov" - Prоvadiya Bulgaria - Prоvadiya - Secondary General School (SGS) "Dimitar Blagoev" - Prоvadiya Bulgaria - Prоvadiya - I OU "Hristo Smirnensky" - Prоvadiya Bulgaria - Pоbeda - School "Dobri Voynikov" - Pоbeda Bulgaria - Pоdem - Secondary Professional educational school - boarding school "Hristo Botev" - Pоdem Bulgaria - Pоdrumche - Primary school "Nikola Vaptsarov " - Pоdrumche Bulgaria - Pоlskо Kоsоvо - Primary School "Sveti sveti Kiril i Metodiy" - Pоlskо Kоsоvо Bulgaria - Pоmоrie - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Pоmоrie Bulgaria - Pоpintsi - Primary School"Otec Paisii" - Pоpintsi Bulgaria - Pоpitsa - Primary school "St.st. Cyril and Methodius" - Pоpitsa Bulgaria - Pоpоvо - Primary School "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Pоpоvо Bulgaria - Pоpоvо - Primary school "Lyuben Karavelov" - Pоpоvо Bulgaria - Pоpоvо - Gimnazia Hristo Botev Popovo - Pоpоvо Bulgaria - Pоrdim - Middle School Cyril and Methodius - Pоrdim Bulgaria - Pоrоy - St. St. Kiril and Methodius Basic School - Pоrоy Bulgaria - Radnevо - Second Secondary school " St. Paisii Hilendarski" - Radnevо Bulgaria - Radomir - ОУ "Христо Смирненски" - Радомир Bulgaria - Radоmirtsi - Primary school "Otetz Paisij" - Radоmirtsi Bulgaria - Rakitоvо - High School Saint Kliment Ohridski - Rakitоvо Bulgaria - Rakоvski - Hristo Botev Secondary school - Rakоvski Bulgaria - Rakоvski - Vocational School "Peter Parchevich" - Rakоvski Bulgaria - Rani List - Primary school "Nikola Vaptsarov" - Rani List Bulgaria - Ravda - St.st.Cyril and Methodius school - Ravda Bulgaria - Ravnо - Middle School "Sv.Paisiy Hilendar" - Ravnо Bulgaria - Razgrad - Shandor Petyofi Vocational Technical School - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - PGHTBT "Maria Kyuri" - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - Berufsschule f?r Landwirtschaft und Lebensmitteltechnologie "Angel Kantschev" - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - Ekzarh Yosif Foreign Language School - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - Hristo Botev Secondary school - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - Vasil Levski Secondary school - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - Primary school"Nikola Ikonomov" - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razgrad - Otets Paisii school - Razgrad Bulgaria - Razhdavitsa - St. St. Kiril and Metodii, Elementary School - Razhdavitsa Bulgaria - Razlоg - Vocational secondary school of mechanization of agriculture - Razlоg Bulgaria - Razlоg - SOU "Bratya Petur I Ivan Kanazirevi" - Razlоg Bulgaria - Razlоg - YaneSandanski Primary School - Razlоg Bulgaria - Ribnоvо - Sou Yordan Yovkov - Ribnоvо Bulgaria - Rish - Elementary school "Vasil Aprilov" - Rish Bulgaria - Rudnik - ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI'' - Rudnik Bulgaria - Ruen - Elin Pelin School - Ruen Bulgaria - Ruptsi - Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Ruptsi Bulgaria - Ruse - Primary School "Bratya Miladinovi" - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Aleko Konstantinov Primary School - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - The Secondary School with the study of European Languages "St. Constantin-Cyril The Philosopher" - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Yordan Yovkov Secondary school - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - SOU "VAZRAJDANE" - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - АЕГ "Гео Милев" - РусеBulgaria - Ruse - АЕГ "Гео Милев" - РусеBulgaria - Ruse - АЕГ "Гео Милев" - Русе Bulgaria - Ruse - Professional High School of Carpentry and Interior Design "Joseph Wondrak" - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Secondary Vocational School in Mechanics Yuri Gagarin - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Nedka Ivan Lazarova Vocational School of Clothes Design and Tailoring - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Professional School for Tourism "Ivan P. Pavlov" - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Elias Canetti Vocational School of Economics and Management - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - Vocational School of Transport - Ruse Bulgaria - Ruse - СУЕЕ "Св. Константин-Кирил Философ" - Русе Bulgaria - Ruse - LYUBEN KARAVELOV Primary School - Ruse Bulgaria - Rоman - SOU "Vasill Levski" - Rоman Bulgaria - Rоman - Primary Shcool "Petko Rachov Slaveykov" - Rоman Bulgaria - Rоsen - PRIMARY SCHOOL "Hristo Botev" - Rоsen Bulgaria - Sadina - Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Sadina Bulgaria - Sadоvets - School "Hristo Botev" - Sadоvets Bulgaria - Sadоvо - Primary school "Geo Milev" - Sadоvо Bulgaria - Sadоvо - Selskostopanska gimnaziq - Sadоvо Bulgaria - Samuilоvо - Elementary school "Hristo Botev" - Samuilоvо Bulgaria - Samоkоv - Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Samоkоv Bulgaria - Samоkоv - Sport School ``Nikola Velchev`` - Samоkоv Bulgaria - Samоvоdene - Primary school 'Hristo Smirnensky' - Samоvоdene Bulgaria - Sandanski - High School "Yane Sandanski" - Sandanski Bulgaria - Sandanski - 3rd Primary School"Hristo Botev" - Sandanski Bulgaria - Sandanski - Vocational Technical High School - Sandanski Bulgaria - Sandanski - Agricultural Vocational Secondary School "Kliment Timiriazev" - Sandanski Bulgaria - Sapareva Banya - Primary school " Hristo Botev" - Sapareva Banya Bulgaria - Sapareva Banya - Vocational School of Tourism and Administration "Aleko Konstantinov" - Sapareva Banya Bulgaria - Sbоrishte - Elementary school "Nikola Prokopiev" - Sbоrishte Bulgaria - Selanоvtsi - Primary school "N.Y.Vaptsarov" - Selanоvtsi Bulgaria - Seliminоvо - Hadji Dimitar Middle school - Seliminоvо Bulgaria - Senоvо - Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius " - Senоvо Bulgaria - Septemvri - SOU "Hristo Botev" - Septemvri Bulgaria - Septemvri - High school " Hristo Smirnenski" - Septemvri Bulgaria - Sevlievо - First Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Sevlievо Bulgaria - Sevlievо - Vassil Levski Secondary School - Sevlievо Bulgaria - Sevlievо - Professional School of mechanical and technical Gen "Ivan Bachvarov" - Sevlievо Bulgaria - Seydоl - Primary school "Videlina" - Seydоl Bulgaria - Shipka - St. St. Cyril and Methodius primary school - Shipka Bulgaria - Shumen - Secondary School Yoan Ekzarh Bulgarski Bulgaria - Shumen - Vocational High School of Building, Architecture and Surveying - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Professional School of feeding and clothing Chemical Technology "Prof. Dr. Zlatarov " - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Professional School of Agriculture and Food Technologies - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Panayot Volov Secondary School - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov Foreign Language High School - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Third Primary School "Dimitar Blagoev" - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Trayko Simeonov Comprehensive School - Shumen Bulgaria - Shumen - Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School - Shumen Bulgaria - Silen - Hristo Botev School - Silen Bulgaria - Silistra - National Astronomical Observatory "Galileo Galilej" Bulgaria - Silistra - Mittelschule "Juri Gagarin" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - Comrehensive school "Nikola Vapcarov" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - Prirodomatematicheska gimnaziq"Svety Kliment Ohridsky" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - Vladimir Komarov Vocational School - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - The Secondary Vocational School of Economics, Administration and Services 'Atanas Burov" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - OU "Sveti, sveti Kiril i Metodij" Bulgaria - Silistra - Vocational high school of construction "Penyo Penev" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - Secondary Vocational School of Production Technology "Evlogii Georgiev" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - Otets Paisiy Primary school - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - MUNICIPAL SPORTS SCHOOL "DRUSTAR" - Silistra Bulgaria - Silistra - GPU "Sofronii Vrachanski" - Silistra Bulgaria - Simeоnоvgrad - St. Kliment Ohridsky Secondary school - Simeоnоvgrad Bulgaria - Sindel - High School "Sv.Sv. Kiril I Metodii" - Sindel Bulgaria - Sini Rid - School "Recep Kyupchu" - Sini Rid Bulgaria - Sitоvо - Professional High School of Agriculture - Sitоvо Bulgaria - Skalitsa - Elementary school "st. Paisii Hilendarski" - Skalitsa Bulgaria - Sklave - Bratya Miladinovy Secondary School - Sklave Bulgaria - Slavyanоvо - Secondary school "Hristo Botev" - Slavyanоvо Bulgaria - Slavyanоvо - Primary school "St. st. Kirill and Methodius" - Slavyanоvо Bulgaria - Sliven - Second elementary school "Hristo Botev" - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Third Secondary School Dr Ivan Seliminski - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Primary school''Dimitar Petrov'' - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Primary school ''Brothers Miladinovi'' - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - 7th "Panaiot Hitov" Primary School - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Yuriy Gagarin 8th Primary school - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Nineth Elementary School "St. st. Kiril and Metodiy - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - ''Yordan Yovkov'' Secondary School - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Primary and Secondary School 'Konstantin Konstantinov' - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - PS"Elisaveta Bagryana" - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Vocational High School of Mechanical Techniques - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Middle school "Argira Zhechkova" - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Dobri Chintulov High School of Maths and Natural Science - Sliven Bulgaria - Sliven - Sport High School "Dimitar Rohov" - Sliven Bulgaria - Slivnitsa - SECONDARY SCHOOL "ST. ST. CYRIL AND METODY" - Slivnitsa Bulgaria - Slivо Pоle - SECONDARY SCHOOL ''SVETI PAISIY HILENDARSKI'' - Slivо Pоle Bulgaria - Smilyan - St. Kiril and Metodi Ground School - Smilyan Bulgaria - Smirnenski - Grundschule "Petko Rachov Slavejkov" - Smirnenski Bulgaria - Smolyan - 1-ВО СОУ СВ. СВ. КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЙ - Смолян Bulgaria - Smyadоvо - SOU Sv. sv. Kiril I Metodi - Smyadоvо Bulgaria - Smоlnitsa - School "Kliment Ohridski" - Smоlnitsa Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - "Ivan Vazov" High School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Smolyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - PMG "Vasil Levski" - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - Comprehensive School "St.St. Cyril and Methodius" - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - Secondary School" Prof. doctor Asen Zlatarov" - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - Ivan Vazov Secondary School - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - Hristo Botev Secondary Vocational School of Techniques and Technologies - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - Vocational School of Economics" Karl Marx" - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Smоlyan - Professional School of Tourism - Smоlyan Bulgaria - Sofia - 23 СУ "Фредерик Жолио Кюри" - София Bulgaria - Sofia - Sveti Sedmotchislenitzi School No. 7 Bulgaria - Sofia - 51 Secondary school “Elisaveta Bagryana” Bulgaria - Sofia - Националната природо-математическа гимназия - НПМГ СофияBulgaria - Sofia - Националната природо-математическа гимназия - НПМГ СофияBulgaria - Sofia - Националната природо-математическа гимназия - НПМГ СофияBulgaria - Sofia - Националната природо-математическа гимназия - НПМГ София Bulgaria - Sofia - 107 Основно училище "Хан Крум" - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 139 ОУ "Захарий Круша" - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 133 СУ "А.С. Пушкин" - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 2nd High School “Acad. Emilian Stanev” Bulgaria - Sofia - НУККЛИИЕК - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 144 Secondary School “Narodni buditeli” Bulgaria - Sofia - 91 НЕГ „Проф. Константин Гълъбов“ - София Bulgaria - Sofia - Първо СУ Пенчо Славейков - СофияBulgaria - Sofia - Първо СУ Пенчо Славейков - СофияBulgaria - Sofia - Първо СУ Пенчо Славейков - СофияBulgaria - Sofia - Първо СУ Пенчо Славейков - София Bulgaria - Sofia - Първа английска езикова гимназия - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 149 СУ "ИВАН ХАДЖИЙСКИ" - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 2 АЕГ „Томас Джеферсън” - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 125 СУ „Проф. Боян Пенев“ - СофияBulgaria - Sofia - 125 СУ „Проф. Боян Пенев“ - СофияBulgaria - Sofia - 125 СУ „Проф. Боян Пенев“ - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 2 Secondary School “Acad. Emiliyan Stanev” Bulgaria - Sofia - "Paisiy Hilendarski" High school of Mathematics - SofiaBulgaria - Sofia - "Paisiy Hilendarski" High school of Mathematics - SofiaBulgaria - Sofia - "Paisiy Hilendarski" High school of Mathematics - SofiaBulgaria - Sofia - "Paisiy Hilendarski" High school of Mathematics - Sofia Bulgaria - Sofia - 74 Secondary School “Gotse Delchev” Bulgaria - Sofia - 39 Secondary School “Petar Dinekov” Bulgaria - Sofia - Американски колеж - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 7 СУ „Свети Седмочисленици“ - София Bulgaria - Sofia - 40 Secondary School “Lui Pastyor” Bulgaria - Sredets - Secondary School "St. st. Cyril and Metodii" - Sredets Bulgaria - Stambоliyski - Secondary school "Father Paisij" - Stambоliyski Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Geo Milev High School of Mathematics and Science - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Hristo Smirnenski comprehensive high school - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Romain Rolland Foreign Language School - Stara ZagоraBulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Romain Rolland Foreign Language School - Stara ZagоraBulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Romain Rolland Foreign Language School - Stara ZagоraBulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Romain Rolland Foreign Language School - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Secondary School "Ivan Vazov" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Vocational School of Veterinary Medicine "Ivan P.Pavlov" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Vocational High School of Electronics "John Atanasov" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Luben Karavelov Aid School - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - High School of Construction and Woodworking " Eng. Nedyo Ranchev" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Secondary School "Priest Mincho Kanchev" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - The Fifth Primary school "Mityo Stanev" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Xith Primary School Stefan Karadzha - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - XIII Secondary School "St.Paisii Hilendarski" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Vocational school for catering "R. Kniaginia" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Knyaz Simeon Tarnovski High school of economics - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - Highschool of Civil Engineering,Architecture and Geodesy "Lubor Baier" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Stara Zagоra - SOU "Zheleznik" - Stara Zagоra Bulgaria - Startsevо - St. Knyaz Boris I Secondary Comprehensive School - Startsevо Bulgaria - Stefan Karadzha - Osnovno uchilishte "Otets Paisii" - Stefan Karadzha Bulgaria - Stefanоvо - Primary school "Peyo Kracholov Yavorov" - Stefanоvо Bulgaria - Stevrek - Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov Primary School - Stevrek Bulgaria - Straldzha - Secondary school 'P. K. Yavorov' - Straldzha Bulgaria - Straldzha - Secondary School “P. K. Yavorov” Bulgaria - Strazhitsa - General Secondary School Angel Karaliychev - Strazhitsa Bulgaria - Streltsi - Primary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius " - Streltsi Bulgaria - Stоyan Mihaylоvski - Primary School "St. Kliment Ohridski " - Stоyan Mihaylоvski Bulgaria - Stоzher - Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Stоzher Bulgaria - Sveti vlas - OU Sv.Sv.Kiril I Metodii - Sveti vlas Bulgaria - Svetоvrachene - 177Osnovno uchilishte "Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy' - Svetоvrachene Bulgaria - Svilengrad - Primary School "Hristo Popmarkov" - Svilengrad Bulgaria - Svilengrad - First Elementary School "Ivan Vazov" - Svilengrad Bulgaria - Svishtov - СУ Николай Катранов - Свищов Bulgaria - Svishtov - СУ Цветан Радославов - Свищов Bulgaria - Svishtov - High State School of Economics “Dimitar Hadjivasilev” (HSSE) Bulgaria - Svishtоv - SOU "Nikolay Katranov" - Svishtоv Bulgaria - Svishtоv - PG"Prof.Dr. Asen Zlatarov" - Svishtоv Bulgaria - Svishtоv - Vocational School of Light Industry and Construction - Svishtоv Bulgaria - Svоge - Velizar Peev Vocational High School - Svоge Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 137th High School "Angel Kanchev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 42 Primary School HADJI DIMITAR - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 97 Secondary School 'Brothers Miladinovi' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 134 Dimcho Debelyanov Primary and Secondary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 41st Primary school "St. Patriarch Evtimii" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Benito Juares 49.Secondary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 96 Secondary School Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 136 Primary school "Luben Karavelov - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 73rd Secondary Foreign Language School - Vladislav Gramatik - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 95 SOU "Prof. Ivan Shishmanov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 90th High School "General Hose de San Martin" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - National Vocational High School of Precision Engineering and Optics (NVHSPEO) 'M. V, Lomonosov' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 104 primary school - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 130 Secondary school "Stefan Karadja" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 79 Indira Gandhi High School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Professional School of textile and fur products - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - National Trade and Banking High School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 29 SOU "Kuzman Shapkarev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 56.SOU "Prof. Konstantin Irechek" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 119 SOU Akademik Mihail Arnaudov - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 48 "Josef Kovachev" Primary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 40 School "Louis Pasteur" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics "John Atanasov" /VHSE/ - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 31st Secondary School for Foreign Languages and Management "Ivan Vazov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 33 St. Petersburg Secondary school - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Secondary Vocational School of Hairdressing and Cosmetics "Princess Evdokia", Sofia - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 109 Primary school "Hristo Smirnenski - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 39 SOU "Petar Dinekov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Vocational School of Transport and Energetics "Henry Ford" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 126 primary school "Petko Yurdanov Todorov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 81ST SECONDARY SCHOOL "VICTOR HUGO" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Vocational School of Audio, Video and Telecommunications "A.S.Popov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 138 Secondary Comprehensive School 'Prof. Vassil Zlatarski' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 131 School Kliment Arkadievich Timiryazev - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 68 SOU " Akademik Nikola Obreshkov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 157TH Foreign Language School "Cesar Vallejo" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 2nd Secondary School "Academic Emilian Stanev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 144 Secondary School Narodni buditeli - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 69 "Dimitar Marinov" Secondary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 108 Secondary school "Nikola Belovejdov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Vocational school of transport " Makgahan" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 50th grade school Vassil Levski - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 15 HIGH SCHOOL "Adam Mitzkevich" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 150 Primary School "Tsar Simeon Parvi" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 6 OU"Graf Ignatiev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 64 SECONDARY SCHOOL"Car Simeon Veliki" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 54 SOU " St Ivan Rilski" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 163 Chernorizets Hrabar Primary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 7th Secondary Comprehensive School "Sveti Sedmochislenitsi" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 74 Secondary school "Gotze Delchev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 63rd Primary school "Hristo Botev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 17th Secondary School Damyan Gruev" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Lyc?e 9 " Alphonse de Lamartine " - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 140 "Ivan Bogorov" School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 102 primary school "Panaiot Volov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 135 School "Jan Amos Comenius" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 12 High School "Tsar Ivan Asen II" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 18th William Gladstone School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 141 Primary school "Narodni buditeli" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Sofia Secondary School in Bread-making and Confectionery Technology - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 133rd A. S. Pushkin Secondary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 30 SOU "Bratya Miladinovi" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 153 Sports School "NEOFIT RILSKI" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 25th Primary School " Dr. Petar Beron" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 55 SOU (General Secondary School) 'Petko Karavelov' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 32 Secondary language school ''St. Kliment Ohridski'' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 34 School 'Stoyu Shishkov' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Professional High School of Telecommunications - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 76. William Saroyan Primary School - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 36 Secondary Scholl "Maxim Gorky" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 51 Secondary School "Elisaveta Bagryana" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Pencho Slaveikov Comprehensive School №1 - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 132.COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL ,,VANYA VOYNOVA" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 164 Instituto Biling?e de Bachillerato "Miguel de Cervantes" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - PGME "N.I.Vapcarov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - St. Methodius profiled school for foreign languages - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Sofia Vocational High School of Tourism - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 85 Secondary school "Otets Paisiy" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 88 th Secondary school "Dimitar Popnikolov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 21 Secondary school " Hristo Botev " - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 149 Secondary School "Ivan Hadjiiski" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 35 Secondary school "Dobri Voynikov" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - National comprehensive school "Sofia" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 122nd Primary school "Nikolai Liliev' - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL AND AUTOMATION - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - Vocational High School of Clothing and Design "Princess Maria Luisa" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 83 OU "Elin Pelin" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - National High School in Finance and Business (NHSFB) - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfiya - 33rd LHS "Sveta Sofia" - Sоfiya Bulgaria - Sоfrоnievо - Primary school Otets Paisiy - Sоfrоnievо Bulgaria - Sоkоlоvо - PRIMARY SCHOOL "HRISTO BOTEV" - Sоkоlоvо Bulgaria - Sоpоt - Ivan Vazov Secondary School - Sоpоt Bulgaria - Sоpоt - Professional High School "General Vladimir Zaimov " - Sоpоt Bulgaria - Targоvishte - Hristo Botev First Primary School - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Targоvishte - P.R.Slaveykov 3rd Junior High School - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Targоvishte - ІV OU "IVAN VAZOV" TARGOVISHTE - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Targоvishte - First Secondary School "Sveti Sedmochislenitsi" - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Targоvishte - Mitropolit Andrey Foreign Language School - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Targоvishte - Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Construction - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Targоvishte - Aleko Konstantinov Vocational High School of Tourism and Foodservice - Targоvishte Bulgaria - Tarnene - St.St. Cyril and Methodius primary school - Tarnene Bulgaria - Telerig - Primary School "Vasil Levski" - Telerig Bulgaria - Teteven - Georgy Benkovski Comprehensive School - Teteven Bulgaria - Ticha - Hristo Botev Primary School - Ticha Bulgaria - Tihоmir - Vasil Levski Primary School - Tihоmir Bulgaria - Tishevitsa - OU "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" - Tishevitsa Bulgaria - Trastenik - School "Evlogy Georgiev" - Trastenik Bulgaria - Trastikоvо - Primary school"St.St.Cyril and Methodius" - Trastikоvо Bulgaria - Troyan - ОУ "ИВАН ХАДЖИЙСКИ" - Троян Bulgaria - Tryavna - Primary school "Prof. P.N.Raikov" - Tryavna Bulgaria - Tryavna - High Secondary School "Petko Rachev Slaveykov" - Tryavna Bulgaria - Trоyan - Vasil Levski Secondary School - Trоyan Bulgaria - Trоyan - School "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Trоyan Bulgaria - Trоyan - Vocational School in Mechanics and Electrical Engineering - Trоyan Bulgaria - Tsarkvitsa - 'Hristo Botev'' Primary School - Tsarkvitsa Bulgaria - Tutrakan - Secondary school "Jordan Jovkov" - Tutrakan Bulgaria - Tutrakan - HristoBotev Secondary School - Tutrakan Bulgaria - Tvarditsa - Primary School "Hristo Botev" - Tvarditsa Bulgaria - Tоpоlchane - Elementary School "St. Paisiy Hilendarski" - Tоpоlchane Bulgaria - Tоpоlitsa - PRIMARY SCHOOL "SVETLINA" - Tоpоlitsa Bulgaria - Tоpоlоvgrad - High school "d-r Petar Beron" - Tоpоlоvgrad Bulgaria - Tоpоlоvо - Otec Paisii Primary School - Tоpоlоvо Bulgaria - Uzundzhоvо - Primary School "Liyuben Karavelov" - Uzundzhоvо Bulgaria - Vaglen - Primary school "Hristo Smirnenski" - Vaglen Bulgaria - Vakarel - Primary School Hristo Smirnenski - Vakarel Bulgaria - Valchi dol - СУ„Васил Левски“ - Вълчи дол Bulgaria - Valchitran - Primary school "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Valchitran Bulgaria - Varbina - St.St. Kiril and Metodii Secondary School - Varbina Bulgaria - Varbitsa - St. Paisii Hilendarski Secondary school - Varbitsa Bulgaria - Varbitsa - Primary School "Otetz Paisij" with hostel - Varbitsa Bulgaria - Varna - Vocational High School of Economics "Dr. Ivan Bogorov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - First Language School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - The High School of Mathematics "D-r Petar Beron" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - National High School of Humanities and Arts "Konstantin Preslavski" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Vocational school of construction, architecture and geodesy "Vasil Levski" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Varnenska morska gimnazia "Sv. Nikolai Chudotvorec" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Professional High School of Electrotechnics - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Primary School “Vasil Aprilov” Bulgaria - Varna - I Primary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Vasil Levski Primary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - III Secondary School "Angel Kanchev" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Secondary school "Anton Strashimirov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - High school "Dimcho Debelyanov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - High School of Mathematics "Dr Petar Beron" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Georgi Sava Rakovski Primary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - II SOU "Neofit Bozveli" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Zahari Stoyanov Primary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Vtoro OU "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Primary school "Ivan Vazov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Primary School "Konstantin Arabadzhiev" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Panayot Volov Primary school - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Osnovno uchilishte " Sveti Patriarh Evtimii" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Petko Rachev Slaveykov school - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - St. Cyril and St Methodius primary school - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Secondary School "Stefan Karadja" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Hristo Botev Secondary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Tsar Simeon I Elementary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - 'Chernorizets Hrabar'' Primary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - VII Secondary General School "Nayden Gerov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Secondary Comprehensive School "Vasil Drumev" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Sports School "Georgi Benkovski" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Secondary school "Elin Pelin" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Peyo Yavorov Secondary School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Saint Kliment Ohridski High School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Third High school of Natural Sciences "Academician M. Popov" - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - IVth Language High School - Varna Bulgaria - Varna - Yoan Ekzarh Foreign Language High School - Varna Bulgaria - Varshets - Ivan Vazov High School - Varshets Bulgaria - Varshetz - High school" Ivan Vazov" Bulgaria - Varvara - Primary school "Nikola Vaptsarov" - VarvaraBulgaria - Varvara - Primary school "Nikola Vaptsarov" - Varvara Bulgaria - Veliki Preslav - OU "St.. St.. Kiril and Methodius" - Veliki Preslav Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovo - Старопрестолна ПГ по икономика – Велико Търново Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Dimitar Blagoev Primary School - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Petko Rachev Slaveykov Middle School - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Vasil Drumev High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Emiliyan Stanev Secondary School - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Vela Blagoeva Secondary School - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Vladimir Komarov Secondary School - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Vocational High School of Building, Architecture and Geodesy "Angel Popov" - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Old Capital High School of Economics - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Vocational High School of Electronics "Alexander Stepanovich Popov" - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Vocational school of fashion design - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velikо Tarnоvо - Sport School - Velikо Tarnоvо Bulgaria - Velingrad - Hristo Botev Upper-Primary School - Velingrad Bulgaria - Velingrad - Georgi Benkovski Primary School - Velingrad Bulgaria - Velingrad - СУ "Васил Левски" - Велинград Bulgaria - Velingrad - Neofit RilskiSecondary Shool - Velingrad Bulgaria - Veselinоvо - Elementary School "St. St. Kiril and Metodiy" - Veselinоvо Bulgaria - Vetren - Primary school 'Sv.sv. Cyril i Metodii' - Vetren Bulgaria - Vetоvо - SOU "Vasil Levski" with PP - Vetоvо Bulgaria - Vidin - ОУ "Свети Климент Охридски" – Видин Bulgaria - Vidin - Maths and Science Secondary School "Exarch Antim I" - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Sredno obshtoobrazovatelno uchilishte "Lyuben Karavelov" - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF TOURISM "MIHALAKI GEORGIEV" - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Primary school "Episkop Sofroniy Vratchanski" - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Otec Paisiy Primary School - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Sveti Kliment Ohridski Primary School - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Vocation School "Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov" - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Tsar Simeon Veliki Secondary school - Vidin Bulgaria - Vidin - Petko Rachov Slaveykov Secondary School - Vidin Bulgaria - Vinоgrad - Primary school 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' - Vinоgrad Bulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - VratsaBulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - VratsaBulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - VratsaBulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - VratsaBulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - VratsaBulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - VratsaBulgaria - Vratsa - High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences " Acad. Ivan Tsenov " - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Secondary School "Kozma Trichkov" Bulgaria - Vratsa - SOU "OtetsPaisii" - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Hristo Botev secondary school - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Vasil Kunchov Secondary School - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Vocational School of Trade and Catering - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Joan Ekzarh Language School - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Kozma Trichkov Secondary school - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - St. Kliment Ohridski Sports school - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Primary School "Ivancho Mladenov" - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - Primary school "Ivan Vazov" - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vratsa - St. Sofronii Vrachanski Primary School - Vratsa Bulgaria - Vоdоley - Hristo Smirnensky Primary school - Vоdоley Bulgaria - Vоynika - Elementary school "Hristo Botev" - Vоynika Bulgaria - Yablanоvо - Elementary School "Nicola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Yablanоvо Bulgaria - Yagоda - Hristo Botev Primary School - Yagоda Bulgaria - Yakоruda - Secondary school "Sv.sv. Kiril and Metodii" - Yakоruda Bulgaria - Yambol - ПМГ "Атанас Радев" - Ямбол Bulgaria - Yambol - СУ„Св. Климент Охридски” - Ямбол Bulgaria - Yambоl - VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, ECOLOGY AND CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY - Yambоl Bulgaria - Yambоl - Primary School "P.R.Slavejkov" - Yambоl Bulgaria - Yambоl - Vasil LevskiHigh School - Yambоl Bulgaria - Yambоl - GPCHE "Vasil Karagyozov" - Yambоl Bulgaria - Yambоl - Vocational Technical School "Ivan Rainov" - Yambоl Bulgaria - Yambоl - Professional High School of Lifting, Construction and Transport Technics "N. J. Vaptsarov" - Yambоl Bulgaria - Yasen - School "St. Cyril and Methodius " - Yasen Bulgaria - Yurukоvо - Primary school ,,Vasil Levski" - Yurukоvо Bulgaria - Zaraevо - St.Cyril and St. Methodius School - Zaraevо Bulgaria - Zavet - High School "St. St. Cyril and Metodious" - Zavet Bulgaria - Zavet - School of Agriculture "Clement Arkadievich Timiryazev" - Zavet Bulgaria - Zavоy - Primary school "st. Kliment Ohridski" - Zavоy Bulgaria - Zaychar - Primary school "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" - Zaychar Bulgaria - Zemen - SOU "Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodii" - Zemen Bulgaria - Zhalti Bryag - Primary School "St. Cyril and Methodius " - Zhalti Bryag Bulgaria - Zhelyu vоyvоda - Primary school "Petar Beron" - Zhelyu vоyvоda Bulgaria - Zhitnitsa - Primary School "Stefan Karadza" - Zhitnitsa Bulgaria - Zlati vоyvоda - Elementary School "Bratia Miladinovi" - Zlati vоyvоda Bulgaria - Zlatitsa - St. Paisii Hilendarski High School - Zlatitsa Bulgaria - Zlatna Panega - Secondary school " Luben Karavelov" - Zlatna Panega Bulgaria - Zlatograd - СУ " Антим I " - Златоград Bulgaria - Zverinо - Secondary School "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Zverinо Bulgaria - Ботевград - Профилирана Природо-математическа гимназия "Акад. проф. д-р Асен Златаров" Bulgaria - Велики Преслав - "Sv. Sv. Kiril and Metodiy" Primary school Bulgaria - Дулово - Средно училище "Васил Левски" - ДуловоBulgaria - Дулово - Средно училище "Васил Левски" - ДуловоBulgaria - Дулово - Средно училище "Васил Левски" - Дулово Bulgaria - Ловеч - ОУ "Професор Димитър Димов" - ЛовечBulgaria - Ловеч - ОУ "Професор Димитър Димов" - ЛовечBulgaria - Ловеч - ОУ "Професор Димитър Димов" - ЛовечBulgaria - Ловеч - ОУ "Професор Димитър Димов" - Ловеч Bulgaria - оpaka - Secondary school "Vasil Levski" - Opaka Bulgaria - оpan - Primary School Hristo Botev - оpan Bulgaria - оryahоvо - Hristo Botev Secondary School - оryahоvо Bulgaria - Плевен - ПГПЧЕ - Плевен Bulgaria - Русе - Професионална гимназия по строителство, архитектура и геодезия "Пеньо Пенев" - РУСЕ Bulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара ЗагораBulgaria - с.Едрево, общ.Николаево, обл.Стара Загора - Начално училище "Васил Левски" - с.Едрево, обл.Стара Загора Bulgaria - Самоков - ОУ "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" – СамоковBulgaria - Самоков - ОУ "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" – СамоковBulgaria - Самоков - ОУ "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" – Самоков Bulgaria - Севлиево - СУ "ВАСИЛ ЛЕВСКИ" - СЕВЛИЕВОBulgaria - Севлиево - СУ "ВАСИЛ ЛЕВСКИ" - СЕВЛИЕВОBulgaria - Севлиево - СУ "ВАСИЛ ЛЕВСКИ" - СЕВЛИЕВО Bulgaria - София - 199 ОУ “Свети Апостол Йоан Богослов” - СофияBulgaria - София - 199 ОУ “Свети Апостол Йоан Богослов” - СофияBulgaria - София - 199 ОУ “Свети Апостол Йоан Богослов” - София Bulgaria - София - 144 СОУ „Народни будители“ - София Bulgaria - Стара Загора - ПМГ Гео Милев - Стара ЗагораBulgaria - Стара Загора - ПМГ Гео Милев - Стара ЗагораBulgaria - Стара Загора - ПМГ Гео Милев - Стара ЗагораBulgaria - Стара Загора - ПМГ Гео Милев - Стара Загора Bulgaria - Стара Загора - ОУ "Кирил Христов" - Стара Загора Bulgaria - Троян - СУ "Васил Левски" - Троян Bulgaria - Шумен - ПЕГ "Н.Й.Вапцаров" - ШуменBulgaria - Шумен - ПЕГ "Н.Й.Вапцаров" - ШуменBulgaria - Шумен - ПЕГ "Н.Й.Вапцаров" - Шумен Brunei - Sоfiya - 72 PS ''Hristo Botev'' - Sоfiya Brazil - Americana - Colégio Antares Brazil - Americana - Antares SchoolBrazil - Americana - Antares School Brazil - Cariacica - Colégio Campo Grande Brazil - Conceicao dos Ouros - Joao Ribeiro de Carvalho Brazil - Jataí - Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho Brazil - Quintino Rio de Janeiro - CENOM - Centro Educacional Nosso Mundo Switzerland - Lausanne - Gymnase du Bugnon Sévelin Switzerland - Lausanne - Bugnon Sevelin (High School) Chile - Alberto Perez Chile - OSORNO - INSTITUTO COMERCIAL OSORNO Chile - Santiago - Liceo Carmela Carvajal de Prat China - WUHAN - WUHAN NO.14 HIGH SCHOOL, NO.117 TANHUALIN WUCHANG ,WUHAN,HUBEI ,CHINA Colombia - Colegio Ciudad De Villaucencio Colombia - Colegio Filarmónico Simón Bolívar Ied Colombia - Colegio Tesoro De La Cumbre Ied Colombia - Atahualpa Colombia - Colegio Colsubsidio Nueva Roma Ied Colombia - Colegio Agustín Fernández Colombia - I.E.D. Brasilia Usme Colombia - Escuela Nacional De Comercio Colombia - Ied Rural El Destino Colombia - Colegio Pablo Neruda I.E.D. Colombia - Colegio Distrital Cundinamarca Colombia - Pequeños Y Curiosos Colombia - Colegio Ied Bicentenario Tesoro De La Cumbre Colombia - Colegio La Merced Ied J.T Colombia - Colegio La Despensa Colombia - Colegio Tesoro De La Cumbre Colombia - Colegio Distrital Liceo Nacional Antonia Santos Colombia - Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Colombia - I.E. General Santander Colombia - Isabel Ii - Localidad De Kennedy Colombia - Escuela Agrolibertaria Colombia - Dirección Ciencias, Tecnologías Y Medios Educativos - Sed Colombia - Colegio Manuelita Saenz Colombia - Inem "FRANCISCO De Paula Santander" Colombia - Liceo Femenino Mercedes Nariño Colombia - Quiroga Alianza I.E.D. Colombia - Colegio Salesiano De Leon Xiii Colombia - Puerta La Llano Colombia - San Agustín Colombia - Colegio Cundinamarca I.E.D. Colombia - Liceo Ecológico Del Norte Colombia - Colegio Roberto F. Kennedy Colombia - Colegio La Chucua I.E.D. Colombia - Oakland Colegio Campestre Colombia - Institucion Educativa Distrital Arborizadora Baja. Colombia - Colegio Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Colombia - Ied Cundinamarca Colombia - Planetario De Bogotá Colombia - Fernando Mazuera Villegas Colombia - IED Nuevo San Andres De Los Altos Colombia - I.E.D. San Agustin Colombia - Tesoro De La Cumbre Colombia - I.E.D Bosco Ii Colombia - República Del Ecuador Colombia - IBAGUÉ - TOLIMA - LICEO INFANTIL GRANDES IDEAS Colombia - Medellin - Astromae - Parque ExploraColombia - Medellin - Astromae - Parque Explora Colombia - Medellín - La Cruz del Porvenir Colombia - Quibdó - Shaula, Grupo de Estudio y Divulgación de BioAstronomía Colombia - Sogamoso - Institución Educativa Colegio Sugamuxi Cyprus - Ammochostos - 1st Primary School of Liopetri Cyprus - Ammohostos - Lyceum of Parlimni Cyprus - Aradippou, Larnaca - Aradippou Senior Highschool Cyprus - Athienou, Larnaca - Upper Primary School of Athienou Cyprus - Avgorou, Famagusta - 2nd Primary School of AvgorouCyprus - Avgorou, Famagusta - 2nd Primary School of AvgorouCyprus - Avgorou, Famagusta - 2nd Primary School of Avgorou Cyprus - Engomi - Junior High School of MakedonitissaCyprus - Engomi - Junior High School of MakedonitissaCyprus - Engomi - Junior High School of Makedonitissa Cyprus - Engomi Nicosia - Junior High School of Engomi Kyriacos NeocleousCyprus - Engomi Nicosia - Junior High School of Engomi Kyriacos NeocleousCyprus - Engomi Nicosia - Junior High School of Engomi Kyriacos NeocleousCyprus - Engomi Nicosia - Junior High School of Engomi Kyriacos NeocleousCyprus - Engomi Nicosia - Junior High School of Engomi Kyriacos NeocleousCyprus - Engomi Nicosia - Junior High School of Engomi Kyriacos Neocleous Cyprus - Famagusta - Junior High School of Kokkinochori Cyprus - Geroskipou, Paphos - Yanaki Tallioti Senior High-school Cyprus - Giolou - Giolou primary school Cyprus - Giolou - Primary School of Giolou Cyprus - Kiti, Larnaca - Regional Junior High School of KitiCyprus - Kiti, Larnaca - Regional Junior High School of Kiti Cyprus - Kokkinotrimithia - Regional Junior High School of KokkinotrimithiaCyprus - Kokkinotrimithia - Regional Junior High School of KokkinotrimithiaCyprus - Kokkinotrimithia - Regional Junior High School of Kokkinotrimithia Cyprus - Kolossi, Limassol - Kolossi Primary School Cyprus - Larnaca - American Academy Larnaca Cyprus - Larnaca - Lyceum Makariou III Larnaca Cyprus - Larnaca - Primary School of Xylofagou Cyprus - Latsia, Nicosia - Open School of Latsia Cyprus - Limassol - 6th Primary School of Limassol Cyprus - Limassol - 20th Primary School of Agios Panteleimonas Cyprus - Limassol - 22nd Primary School of Limassol Cyprus - Limassol - Laniteio High SchoolCyprus - Limassol - Laniteio High SchoolCyprus - Limassol - Laniteio High SchoolCyprus - Limassol - Laniteio High SchoolCyprus - Limassol - Laniteio High School Cyprus - Limassol - Saint Peter & Paul Senior High-school Cyprus - Limassol - Primary School of Episkopi Cyprus - Limassol - 5th Lower Primary School of Limassol Cyprus - Limassol - 14th Primary School of Limassol Cyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of LiopetriCyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of LiopetriCyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of LiopetriCyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of LiopetriCyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of LiopetriCyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of LiopetriCyprus - Liopetri - 2nd Primary School of Liopetri Cyprus - Meniko - Primary School of Meniko Cyprus - Nicosia - Diannellou & Theodotou Cyprus - Nicosia - Lower and Upper Primary School of Aghios Andreas Cyprus - Nicosia - Lyceum of Martyr Kyprianos Cyprus - Nicosia - Junior High School of Stavros Cyprus - Nicosia - 1st Lower Primary School of Engomi Cyprus - Nicosia - 5th Primary School of Lakatamia Cyprus - Nicosia - Intergrated All-day Primary School "Pefkios Georgiadis" Cyprus - Nicosia - Agios Spyridonas Primary School Cyprus - nicosia - lykeio ethnomartyra Kyprianou Cyprus - Nicosia - Arkopolis high school Cyprus - Nicosia, Strovolos - Dianellou and Theodotou School Cyprus - Nissou - Forum Greek Private SchoolCyprus - Nissou - Forum Greek Private School Cyprus - Oroklini, Larnaca - Primary School of Oroklini Cyprus - Palechori, Nicosia - Regional Primary School of Palechori Cyprus - Palouriotissa - 1st Primary School of PalouriotissaCyprus - Palouriotissa - 1st Primary School of PalouriotissaCyprus - Palouriotissa - 1st Primary School of PalouriotissaCyprus - Palouriotissa - 1st Primary School of Palouriotissa Cyprus - Pano Lefkara - Regional Junior High School and High School of LefkaraCyprus - Pano Lefkara - Regional Junior High School and High School of LefkaraCyprus - Pano Lefkara - Regional Junior High School and High School of Lefkara Cyprus - Paphos - Junior High School of Apostolos PavlosCyprus - Paphos - Junior High School of Apostolos PavlosCyprus - Paphos - Junior High School of Apostolos PavlosCyprus - Paphos - Junior High School of Apostolos Pavlos Cyprus - Paphos - Senior High Shool of AgiosNeofytos Cyprus - Paphos - Mesogis Primary School Cyprus - Paphos - 2nd Primary School of Yeroskipou Cyprus - Paphos - B Primary School of Geroskipou Cyprus - Paralimni, Ammochostos - Lyceum of Paralimni Cyprus - Polemidia - High School of PolemidiaCyprus - Polemidia - High School of PolemidiaCyprus - Polemidia - High School of PolemidiaCyprus - Polemidia - High School of PolemidiaCyprus - Polemidia - High School of PolemidiaCyprus - Polemidia - High School of Polemidia Cyprus - Strovolos, Nicosia - Constantinoupoleos Gymnasium Czech Republic - KAMENICE - primary school KAMENICE Czech Republic - KAMENICE - ZŠ Kamenice Germany - Selber WölfeGermany - Selber WölfeGermany - Selber WölfeGermany - Selber WölfeGermany - Selber WölfeGermany - Selber Wölfe Germany - MarktredwitzGermany - MarktredwitzGermany - MarktredwitzGermany - MarktredwitzGermany - MarktredwitzGermany - MarktredwitzGermany - MarktredwitzGermany - Marktredwitz Germany - Parsberg Germany - Oberpfalz Amberg Germany - Wunsiedel1 Germany - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Germany - 90552 Röthenbach - Geschwiser-Scholl-Mittelschule Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - 95030 Hof - Frankenwald Germany - Bamberg - Bamberg 1 Germany - Bayreuth - Oberfranken 1Germany - Bayreuth - Oberfranken 1Germany - Bayreuth - Oberfranken 1Germany - Bayreuth - Oberfranken 1Germany - Bayreuth - Oberfranken 1 Germany - Bayreuth - Bayreuth 1 Germany - Bayreuth - Bayreuth 2 Germany - Bayreuth - Bayreuth 3 Germany - Beilstein - Herzog-Christoph-Gymnasium Beilstein Germany - Fürth - Mittelfranken Fürth Germany - Hof - Hof 1 Germany - Hollfeld - Gesamtschule Hollfeld Germany - Kirchheim Teck - Jakob-Friedrich-Schöllkopf Schule Germany - Kronach - Kronach Germany - Kulmbach - Kulmbach Germany - Munich - Munich 1 Germany - Nürnberg - Mittelfranken 1Germany - Nürnberg - Mittelfranken 1Germany - Nürnberg - Mittelfranken 1Germany - Nürnberg - Mittelfranken 1Germany - Nürnberg - Mittelfranken 1 Germany - Nürnberg - Neues Gymnasium Nürnberg Germany - Pullach im Isartal - Otfried Preußler Gymnasium PullachGermany - Pullach im Isartal - Otfried Preußler Gymnasium Pullach Germany - Röthenbach an der Pegnitz - Geschwister-Scholl-Mittelschule, Röthenbach Germany - Saarland, Saarbrücken - Deutsch Französisches Gymnasium Germany - Saarland, Saarbrücken - Max Ophüls Grundschule Germany - Schwandorf - Oberpfalz 1Germany - Schwandorf - Oberpfalz 1Germany - Schwandorf - Oberpfalz 1Germany - Schwandorf - Oberpfalz 1Germany - Schwandorf - Oberpfalz 1 Germany - Stuttgart - Greek High School of Munich Germany - Tirschenreuth - Oberpfalz 2Germany - Tirschenreuth - Oberpfalz 2Germany - Tirschenreuth - Oberpfalz 2Germany - Tirschenreuth - Oberpfalz 2Germany - Tirschenreuth - Oberpfalz 2 Germany - Velburg - Mittelschule Velburg Germany - Weimar - Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium WeimarGermany - Weimar - Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Weimar Germany - Weißenburg - Weißenburg Germany - Würzburg - Würzburg Estonia - Kalmetu - Kalmetu PõhikoolLatvia - Tänassilma - Kalmetu Põhikool Estonia - Kilingi-Nõmme - Kilingi-Nõmme Gümnaasium Estonia - Kuressaare - Saaremaa ÜhisgümnaasiumLatvia - Kuressaare, Saaremaa island - Saaremaa Ühisgümnaasium Estonia - Narva - Narva HumanitaargümnaasiumLatvia - Narva - Narva Humanitaargümnaasium Estonia - Narva - Narva 6.Kool Estonia - Paldiski - Paldiski Põhikool Estonia - Rapla - Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium Estonia - Sillamäe - Sillamäe Kannuka KoolLatvia - Sillamäe - Sillamäe Kannuka Kool Estonia - Tallinn - Tallinna 21. KoolLatvia - Tallinn - Tallinna 21. Kool Estonia - Tallinn - Lasnamäe Vene GümnaasiumLatvia - Tallinn - Lasnamäe Vene Gümnaasium Estonia - Valga - Valga Vene Gümnaasium Estonia - Valgu village - Valgu PõhikoolLatvia - Valgu - Valgu Põhikool Estonia - Emmaste, Hiiumaa - Emmaste Põhikool Estonia - Harju, Keila - Keila Kool Estonia - Järva, Paide - Paide Gümnaasium Estonia - Koonga - Koonga Põhikool Estonia - Laulasmaa - Laulasmaa Kool Estonia - Lihula - Lihula Gümnaasium Estonia - Narva - Narva Soldino Gümnaasium Estonia - Narva - Narva Pähklimäe Gümnaasium Estonia - Narva - Narva Kreenholmi Gümnaasium Estonia - Puhja, Tartumaa - Puhja Gümnaasium Estonia - Rakvere - Rakvere Reaalgümnaasium Estonia - Rõuge - Rõuge Põhikool Estonia - Tallinn - Tallinn Lillekyla Gymnasium Estonia - Tallinn - Tallinna 53. Keskkool Estonia - Tallinn - Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasiuum Estonia - Tallinn - Tallinna Reaalkool Estonia - Tallinn - Tallinna Õismäe Vene Lütseum Estonia - Tallinn 10611 - Pelgulinna Gumnaasium Estonia - Tallinn city - Tallinna Laagna Gümnaasium Estonia - Tartu - Tartu Vene Lütseum Estonia - Viljandi - Kirivere Põhikool Egypt - Cairo - Ecole Oasis Internationale, Cairo - Egypt Spain - DGETI y UACJ Spain - MIRABAL SCHOOL, S.L. Spain - CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS ESPADAN, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO LICEO FRANCES Spain - IES GASPAR MELCHOR DE JOVELLANOS Spain - ESCUELA INFANTIL CHULAPOS, S.L. Spain - Maria Virgen Spain - ACADEMIA MOLLET S.L. Spain - COLEGIO SAN GABRIEL Spain - CENTRE INFANTIL PITUFOS, S.L. Spain - FUNDACION GENERAL DE LA U.A.M. Spain - VALDECAS Spain - LLUVIA DE LETRAS, S.L. Spain - Ntra. Sra. De La Merced Spain - NASCOR FORMACION, S.L. Spain - ESCUELA DE ARTES JOSE LUIS BEINAT Spain - Amor de Dios Spain - SANTA APOLONIA, S.L. Spain - ASOCIACIÓN HOF DER LAGE LANDEN Spain - IES VILLABLANCA Spain - ANTANES SCHOOL, S.L. Spain - Sagrado Corazón (D. Pedro) Spain - AKACENTER FORMACIÓN OCUPACIONAL, S.L. Spain - ESTUDIO DE DANZA JOSE FERREIRA Spain - IES NUM. 26 MISERICÒRDIA Spain - CADMO CONOCIMIENTO, S.L. Spain - INSTITUTO SECULAR "HOGAR DE NAZARET" COLEGIO SANTA TERESA Spain - San Ramón y San Antonio Spain - PEGOTITOS Y ASOCIADOS, S.L. (HEIDI GARABATOS III) Spain - Sagrado Corazón-Fuencarral Spain - SOTO MESA, S.L. Spain - ESTUDIO DE DANZA CONCHI MATEO Spain - IES HUMANEJOS Spain - EDUCAVIRTUAL, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO MADRE MARIA ROSA MOLAS Spain - Constantino Carvallo Spain - FORMACION MOTOR MADRID Spain - Virgen de Atocha Spain - COLEGIO ARCANGEL RAFAEL (EDUENSA) Spain - ARTEDANZA Spain - IES Mariano José de Larra Spain - COLEGIO LICEO ROSALES Spain - COLEGIO CORPUS CRISTI Spain - IES MAESTRO MATÍAS BRAVO Spain - COLEGIO LOS TILOS Spain - COL·LEGI REIAL MONESTIR SANTA ISABEL Spain - ies clot de lillot Spain - MARTI SOROLLA COOP V (LA DEVESA) Spain - Maria Inmaculada Spain - BAILE MARIA ROSA, S.L. Spain - ESTUDIO DE DANZA COPPELIA, C.B. Spain - IES Nº1 DE REQUENA Spain - BRAINS NURSERY SCHOOL (CHESLAPALMA S.L.) Spain - COLEGIO JESUS-MARIA C.E. Spain - I.E.S.Parque Aluche Spain - COLEGIO SANTA MARIA BELLAVISTA, S.L. Spain - Colegio Maria Reina Spain - COLEGIO ARCANGEL RAFAEL (EDINFA) Spain - ESCUELA DE DANZA VICKY CORIES Spain - COLEGIO INGLÉS ZARAGOZA "LA ALFRANCA" Spain - PUERITIA, S.L. (COLEGIO ARENAS SUR) Spain - COLEGIO PRIVADO NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES Spain - IES MADRISUR Spain - CENTRO EDUC. Y DE ASIS. INFANTIL FABULA, S.L Spain - SANTA MARIA MICAELA Spain - COLEGIO JOYFE, S.L. Spain - FERROVIAL SERVICIOS, S.A. Spain - IES ÉLAIOS Spain - COLEGIO LAR Spain - COLEGIO HIGHLANDS LOS FRESNOS Spain - EOI COLLADO VILLALBA Spain - COLEGIO BILINGÜE CASTILLEJA, S.L. Spain - Valdecas Spain - COLEGIO BRAINS LA MORALEJA Spain - LOBO PRODUCCIONES, S.L. Spain - San Gabriel Spain - CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS MARCOTE SL Spain - COLEGIO BIENAVENTURADA VIRGEN MARIA-IRLANDESAS Spain - EFA MOLINO DE VIENTO Spain - ACTIVIRED SERVICIOS EDUCATIVOS, S.L. Spain - Marker Skole Spain - GUARDERIA MAMA OCA Spain - ALEGRIA MONTALVO DONARE Spain - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática Spain - Fundación Educativa ACI - Colegio Sagrada Familia - Alcoy Spain - BRITISH BUBBLES, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO VALDELUZ Spain - UNAD Spain - ESCUELA NOVASCHOOL, S.L. Spain - IES Camp de Morvedre Spain - COELGIO LUYFERIVAS Spain - FLOW ESCUELA DE BAILA, S.L. Spain - IES Alonso Avellaneda Spain - IES Ramón y Cajal de Zaragoza Spain - COLEGIO BRAINS S.L. Spain - COLEGIO DE LOS SAGRADOS CORAZONES Spain - EL PATITO FEO ESCUELA Spain - MALUNANOKI SL Spain - CIEAM Federico Moreno Torroba Spain - CENTRO ESCOLAR BALDER Spain - RAMIREZ CARACUEL TANIA MARIA Spain - IES Juan Carlos ISpain - IES Juan Carlos I Spain - COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL COSTA ADEJE, S.L Spain - COLEGIO PRIVADO SALESIANO SAN JUAN BOSCO Spain - SARA REIG FRANCISCO (C.E.I EL PATITO FEO) Spain - EL PLANTIO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF VALENCIA Spain - IES Juana de Castilla Spain - ESCUELA INFANTIL LAZARO Spain - RODRIGUEZ DE MONDELO MUÑOZ Spain - IES San Blas Spain - COLEGIO ALFINACH, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO HIGHLANDS DE LOS LEGIONARIOS DE CRISTO Spain - IES El Olivo Spain - JAVIER GOZALO DIAZ Spain - CENTRO EDUCATIVO CAMARENA VALTERNA Spain - IES JUANA DE CASTILLA Spain - ALCALINGUA, S.L. Spain - SOC. COOPERATIVA MADRILEÑA TIC-TAC SCM Spain - Colegio San Viator, Madrid Spain - DEAFORMACION, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO FRANCISCO LLOPIS LATORRE Spain - IES Calderón de la Barca Spain - ACADEMIA DE BAILE, ESTUDIO ESPEJOS Spain - COLEGIO MAS CAMARENA Spain - Educartem Spain - ESCUELA LA GUARDE, S.L. Spain - Corazon de María Spain - C.E.I. LOPEZ BURILLO, S.L.U. Spain - COLEGIO CUMBRES LEGIONARIOS DE CRISTO Spain - IES Príncipe Felipe Spain - JOSE VERDU FORNER Spain - ESCUELAS INFANTILES SIGLO XXI Spain - IES Rayuela Spain - CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN PIRUETAS S.L. Spain - Divina Pastora Spain - GRUPO FAMILY SCHOOL, S.L. Spain - UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO Spain - IES ORRIOLS Spain - ANA M. DEL PILAR MARIN MEDINA (CENTRO EDUCATIVO CAMARENA VALTERNA) Spain - COLEGIO CAMARENA VNA, S.L. Spain - COLEGIOMONTE TABOR-SCHOENSTATT Spain - PREESCOLAR EL SOL, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO LAR S.L Spain - Colegio Elfo Spain - CENTRE DE FORMACIO CONTINUA EDUKALIA, S.L. Spain - Colegio Villa Cruz Spain - IES Ramón Llull Spain - DIXIE Spain - E.I. DONALD (HERMANAS VIVANCOS, CB) Spain - Ies Las Musas Spain - ALVENTUS ACTIVIDADES ESCOLARES, S.L. Spain - PROJARDIN, S.A. Spain - La Salle-San Rafael Spain - ECOLE BEL AIR, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO SANTA RITA Spain - Colegio Cardenal Xavierre (PP. Dominicos) Spain - JORGE LIMIA GUTIERREZ Spain - COLEGIO COOPERATIVA ESPÍRITU SANTO Spain - CUA Spain - AULA FORMA AM S.L. Spain - MABEROGAN, SL Spain - IES Lucas Mallada Spain - ESCUELA DE DANZA PALMIRA Spain - SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA ANDALUZA. EL PATIO PIO Spain - I.E.S. La Senda Spain - COLEGIO ASUNCION CUESTABLANCA Spain - IES Santiago Hernández Spain - OLGA ROSA MARTIN SANTOS Spain - EL TEMPLE Spain - CES ValdecásSpain - CES Valdecás Spain - EL PEQUEÑO MOZART, S.L. Spain - Cooperativa de Enseñanza Hijas de San José Spain - COLEGIO EIRÍS, S.A. Spain - COLEGIO ALHUCEMA Spain - DUENDE DUCA, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL EIRÍS Spain - CC. GREDOS SAN DIEGO ALCALÁ Spain - IES CALDERON DE LA BARCA Spain - ESCUELA DON MOQUETE, S.L. Spain - Laude Altillo School Spain - CENTRO CULTURAL Y DEPORTIVO TAJAMAR Spain - MANCOMUNIDAD MUNICIPIOS TAJO-SALOR Spain - IES Jovellanos Spain - ENSEÑANZAS PUER, S.L. Spain - COLEGIO LICEO EUROPEO Spain - ESCUELAS PROFESIONALES SAGRADA FAMILIA Spain - Colegio Monte Tabor Schoensttat Spain - COLEGIO TORREVILANO, S.L. Spain - PROMOCION JARDINES DE INFANCIA, S.A Spain - COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL PEÑACORADASpain - COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL PEÑACORADASpain - COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL PEÑACORADA Spain - GARCOS EDUCACION, S.L. Spain - IES Manuel Elkin Patarroyo - Parla (Madrid) Spain - COLEGIO HISPANO BRITANICO Spain - IES Francisco de GOya Spain - INFOSOFTWARE 2000, S.L. Spain - IES "Juan Carlos I" Spain - COLEGIOS PRIVADOS INTERNACIONALES, S.L. Spain - Paidos Spain - CAXTON COLLEGE Spain - IES1 Requena Spain - REIG GESTINOVA SL Spain - Colegio Beata Filipina Spain - COLEGIO IALE, S.A. Spain - COLEGIO PRIVADO CONCERTADO SANTA TERESA Spain - Alcaste Spain - COLEGIO ESTUDIANTES LAS TABLAS, S.L. Spain - IES Clara campoamor (Alaquàs) Spain - COLEGIO LICEO VILLAFONTANA Spain - ASOCIACION DE CENTROS AUTONOMOS DE ENSEÑANZA Spain - IES Melchor Gaspar de JOVELLANOS Spain - COLEGIO SANTA GEMA GALGANI Spain - C.E.I. LOS ARBOLES, S.L. Spain - FUNDACION SALUD Y COMUNIDAD Spain - Felechosa - C.P. FelechosaSpain - Felechosa - C.P. FelechosaSpain - Felechosa - C.P. FelechosaSpain - Felechosa - C.P. Felechosa Spain - Alcobendas - Colegio AreteiaSpain - Alcobendas - Colegio AreteiaSpain - Madrid - Colegio AreteiaSpain - Madrid - Colegio AreteiaSpain - Madrid - Colegio AreteiaSpain - Madrid - Colegio AreteiaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Areteia Spain - Alicante - IES Antonio José Cavanilles Spain - Alpartir - CEIP 'Ramón y Cajal' - AlpartirSpain - Alpartir - CEIP 'Ramón y Cajal' - Alpartir Spain - Amorebieta - Lauaxeta Ikastola Spain - Amorebieta - Karmengo Ama IkastetxeaSpain - Amorebieta - Karmengo Ama IkastetxeaSpain - Amorebieta - Karmengo Ama IkastetxeaSpain - Amorebieta - Karmengo Ama IkastetxeaSpain - Amorebieta - Karmengo Ama Ikastetxea Spain - Amorebieta - El Carmelo Ikastetxea Spain - Andújar - IES Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza Spain - Bakio - CEIP Urkitza Eskola HLHI Spain - Balmaseda - Zubi Zaharra Ikastola Spain - Barcelona - Institut Fort PiusSpain - Barcelona - Institut Fort Pius Spain - Barcelona - Escola Virolai en BarcelonaSpain - Barcelona - Escola Virolai en Barcelona Spain - Beasain - Murumendi LHISpain - Beasain - Murumendi LHI Spain - Berriz - Learreta Markina LHI BerrizSpain - Berriz - Learreta Markina LHI Berriz Spain - Bilbao - Nuestra Señora del PilarSpain - Bilbao - Nuestra Señora del PilarSpain - Bilbao - Nuestra Señora del PilarSpain - Bilbao - Nuestra Señora del Pilar Spain - Bilbao - Fundación Educativa ACI Esclavas S.C. - FátimaSpain - Bilbao - Fundación Educativa ACI Esclavas S.C. - FátimaSpain - Bilbao - Fundación Educativa ACI Esclavas S.C. - FátimaSpain - Bilbao - Fundación Educativa ACI Esclavas S.C. - Fátima Spain - Bilbao - Colegio Nuestra Señora del CarmenSpain - Bilbao - Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen Spain - Bilbao - Maristak Bilbao Spain - Bilbao - La Salle - Bilbao Spain - Bilbao - CEIP Indautxuko Eskola HLHISpain - Bilbao - CEIP Indautxuko Eskola HLHISpain - Bilbao - CEIP Indautxuko Eskola HLHI Spain - BIlbao - Urretxindorra Ikastola Spain - Bilbao - Prueba DeustoSpain - Bilbao - Prueba Deusto Spain - Bilbao - CEIP Maestra Isabel Gallego Gorria HLHISpain - Bilbao - CEIP Maestra Isabel Gallego Gorria HLHI Spain - Bilbao - Luis Briñas SantutxuSpain - Bilbao - Luis Briñas Santutxu Spain - Bilbao - Colegio Trueba de ArtxandaSpain - Bilbao - Colegio Trueba de ArtxandaSpain - Bilbao - Colegio Trueba de Artxanda Spain - Bilbao - San Pedro Apóstol Ikastetxea Spain - Bilbao - Jesús MaríaSpain - Bilbao - Jesús María Spain - Bilbao - Salesianos DeustoSpain - Bilbao - Salesianos DeustoSpain - Bilbao - Salesianos Deusto Spain - Bilbao - Colegio Madre de Dios Spain - BURGOS - Colegio Apostol San Pablo Spain - Cádiz - R.E.EE.MM SAN ROQUESpain - Cádiz - R.E.EE.MM SAN ROQUESpain - Cádiz - R.E.EE.MM SAN ROQUE Spain - Cádiz - IES Caleta Spain - Cádiz - La Salle - Viña Spain - Cádiz - IES Drago Spain - Cádiz - La Salle Spain - Chiclana - IES Poeta García Gutiérrez Spain - Ciudad Real - CEIP Carmen AriasSpain - Ciudad Real - CEIP Carmen AriasSpain - Ciudad Real - CEIP Carmen AriasSpain - Ciudad Real - CEIP Carmen AriasSpain - Ciudad Real - CEIP Carmen Arias Spain - Cocentaina - IES Pare Arques Spain - Donostia - Jesuitak Donostia Spain - Eibar - Eibar Spain - Eibar - Santa María de la Providencia - Aldatze Spain - EL ÁLAMO - IES EL ÁLAMO Spain - El Puerto de Santa María - Attendis - Guadalete Spain - El Puerto de Santa María - Menesteo Spain - ELCHE - IES Severo Ochoa Elche Spain - Eliana - IES L´Eliana ValenciaSpain - Eliana - IES L´Eliana Valencia Spain - Erandio - CEIP Goikolanda HLHI Spain - Etxebarri - IES ETXEBARRI BHI Spain - Gernika - IES Gernika BHISpain - Gernika - IES Gernika BHISpain - Gernika - IES Gernika BHISpain - Gernika - IES Gernika BHI Spain - Gijón - Colegio Corazón de MaríaSpain - Gijón - Colegio Corazón de MaríaSpain - Gijón - Colegio Corazón de MaríaSpain - Gijón - Colegio Corazón de MaríaSpain - Gijón - Colegio Corazón de MaríaSpain - Gijón - Colegio Corazón de María Spain - Guadalajara - IESO Número 1 de AloveraSpain - Guadalajara - IESO Número 1 de Alovera Spain - Guadarrama - IES Guadarrama Spain - Hernani - Inmakulada Ikastetxea Spain - Igeldo - CEP Igeldo LHI Herri EskolaSpain - Igeldo - CEP Igeldo LHI Herri Eskola Spain - Irun - Txingudi BHI Spain - Jaén - Pedro Poveda School Spain - Jerez de la Frontera - Colegio María Auxiliadora Spain - Jerez de la Frontera - Mª Auxiliadora Spain - Jerez de la Frontera - San Juan Bosco Spain - Jerez de la Frontera - Instituto Seritium Spain - La Orotava - IES La Orotava-Manuel González PérezSpain - La Orotava - IES La Orotava-Manuel González PérezSpain - La Orotava - IES La Orotava-Manuel González Pérez Spain - La Roca del Vallès - INS La Roca del Vallès Spain - Laguna de Duero - IES Las SalinasSpain - Laguna de Duero - IES Las SalinasSpain - Laguna de Duero - IES Las Salinas Spain - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - IES El Rincón Spain - Leioa - Nuestra Señora de las MercedesSpain - Leioa - Nuestra Señora de las MercedesSpain - Leioa - Nuestra Señora de las MercedesSpain - Leioa - Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Spain - Leioa - BV María Irlandesas LeioaSpain - Leioa - BV María Irlandesas LeioaSpain - Leioa - BV María Irlandesas LeioaSpain - Leioa - BV María Irlandesas Leioa Spain - Loiu - Colegio P. Andrés de UrdanetaSpain - Loiu - Colegio P. Andrés de UrdanetaSpain - Loiu - Colegio P. Andrés de UrdanetaSpain - Loiu - Colegio P. Andrés de UrdanetaSpain - Loiu - Colegio P. Andrés de Urdaneta Spain - Loiu - Lauro IkastolaSpain - Loiu - Lauro IkastolaSpain - Loiu - Lauro Ikastola Spain - Madrid - Colegio Ramón y CajalSpain - Madrid - Colegio Ramón y CajalSpain - Madrid - Colegio Ramón y CajalSpain - Madrid - Colegio Ramón y Cajal Spain - Madrid - CEIP República de ChileSpain - Madrid - CEIP República de ChileSpain - Madrid - CEIP República de Chile Spain - Madrid - CEIP Valle InclánSpain - Madrid - CEIP Valle InclánSpain - Madrid - CEIP Valle InclánSpain - Madrid - CEIP Valle Inclán Spain - Madrid - Colegio Cristo Rey Madrid Spain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa ElenaSpain - Madrid - Colegio Santa Elena Spain - Madrid - Colegio San Diego y San Vicente Spain - Madrid - Colegio Leonardo Da Vinci Spain - Massanassa - IES MassanassaSpain - Massanassa - IES MassanassaSpain - Massanassa - IES Massanassa Spain - Mijas-Costa - IES Las Lagunas Spain - Murguia - IES Murguia BHISpain - Murguia - IES Murguia BHI Spain - Oliva - IES Gregori Maians d'Oliva Spain - Ortuella - San Felix IkastolaSpain - Ortuella - San Felix Ikastola Spain - Ourense - Colegio Marista Santa María Spain - Ourense - Maristas Ourense School Spain - Palma de Mallorca - Colegio Sant Josep Obrer Spain - Palma, Illes Balears - IES Arxiduc Lluís Salvador de PalmaSpain - Palma, Illes Balears - IES Arxiduc Lluís Salvador de Palma Spain - Portugalete - CEIP Virgen de la Guía HLHI Spain - Portugalete - IES Juan Antonio Zunzunegui BHI Spain - Portugalete - CEIP Ruperto Medina HLHI Spain - Puerto Real - Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Spain - Rota - Colegio Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Spain - Rota - Attendis - Altasierra Spain - Sagunto - I.E.S. CAMP DE MORVEDRE Spain - SAGUNTO 46500 - Colegio San Vicente Ferrer FESDSpain - Valencia - Colegio San Vicente Ferrer FESD Spain - Salamanca - Colegio Salesiano San JoséSpain - Salamanca - Colegio Salesiano San JoséSpain - Salamanca - Colegio Salesiano San José Spain - San Cristóbal de La Laguna - IES Domingo Pérez MinikSpain - San Cristóbal de La Laguna - IES Domingo Pérez Minik Spain - San Fernando - Ecoescuela CEIP San IgnacioSpain - San Fernando - Ecoescuela CEIP San IgnacioSpain - San Fernando - Ecoescuela CEIP San Ignacio Spain - San Juan Despí, Barcelona - Colegio Espai 3Spain - San Juan Despí, Barcelona - Colegio Espai 3Spain - San Juan Despí, Barcelona - Colegio Espai 3Spain - San Juan Despí, Barcelona - Colegio Espai 3Spain - San Juan Despí, Barcelona - Colegio Espai 3Spain - San Juan Despí, Barcelona - Colegio Espai 3 Spain - San Sebastián - Aiete Ikastetxea Spain - San Sebastián - Salesianos Donostia Spain - Santa Cruz de la Palma - Colegio Santo Domingo de Guzmán Spain - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - IES Mencey AcaymoSpain - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - IES Mencey Acaymo Spain - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - IES San Juan de la RamblaSpain - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - IES San Juan de la Rambla Spain - Santiponce - IES Itálica Spain - Sariñena - IES Monegros - Gaspar Lax Spain - Segovia - CEIP Fray Juan de la Cruz - ANEJASpain - Segovia - CEIP Fray Juan de la Cruz - ANEJASpain - Segovia - CEIP Fray Juan de la Cruz - ANEJASpain - Segovia - CEIP Fray Juan de la Cruz - ANEJA Spain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - SERÓN - CEIP Miguel ZubeldiaSpain - Serón - CEIP Miguel Zubeldia Spain - Tacoronte - CEIP Ernesto Castro Fariñas Spain - Toledo - IES EL GRECO Spain - Tordera - INS de Tordera Spain - Torrelaguna - CEPA Sierra Norte Spain - Úbeda - Salesian School "Santo Domingo Savio" Spain - Úbeda - Salesianos "Santo Domingo Savio" Spain - Ubrique - IES Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios Spain - Valencia - IES SedavíSpain - Valencia - IES SedavíSpain - VALENCIA - IES SedavíSpain - Valencia - IES SedavíSpain - Valencia - IES Sedaví Spain - València - IES Nº 1 de Cheste Spain - Valencia - IES Camp de TuriaSpain - Valencia - IES Camp de TuriaSpain - Valencia - IES Camp de Turia Spain - València - Fundación Colegio San José y San Andrés Spain - València - IES GREGORI MAIANS Spain - València - IES BENLLIURE Spain - Valencia - IES 1 de RequenaSpain - Valencia - IES 1 de RequenaSpain - Valencia - IES 1 de Requena Spain - Valladolid - IES Julián MaríasSpain - Valladolid - IES Julián Marías Spain - Valladolid - CRA El Páramo Spain - Valsaín - CEIP La PraderaSpain - Valsaín - CEIP La PraderaSpain - Valsaín - CEIP La PraderaSpain - Valsaín - CEIP La PraderaSpain - Valsaín - CEIP La Pradera Spain - Valsequillo de Gran Canaria - IES Valsequillo Spain - Vigo - CPR PLURILINGÜE LOSADASpain - Vigo - CPR PLURILINGÜE LOSADASpain - Vigo - CPR PLURILINGÜE LOSADASpain - Vigo - CPR PLURILINGÜE LOSADASpain - Vigo - CPR PLURILINGÜE LOSADA Spain - Vitoria - Santa María - MarianistasSpain - Vitoria - Santa María - MarianistasSpain - Vitoria - Santa María - Marianistas Spain - Vitoria - CEIP Divino Maestro - María de Maeztu HLHI Spain - Vitoria - Vera-Cruz Ikastetxea School Spain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - EscolapiasSpain - Vitoria - Colegio Paula Montal Ikastetxea - Escolapias Spain - Vitoria - Abetxuko Ikastola Spain - Zamudio - Lycee Français de BilbaoSpain - Zamudio - Lycee Français de Bilbao Spain - Zumaia - Zumaiena IkastetxeaSpain - Zumaia - Zumaiena IkastetxeaSpain - Zumaia - Zumaiena IkastetxeaSpain - Zumaia - Zumaiena Ikastetxea Finland - Pelimannin ala-aste Finland - Pirkanmaa 07 Finland - Kanta-Häme 05Finland - Kanta-Häme 05 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 40Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 40 Finland - Kanta-Häme 08Finland - Kanta-Häme 08 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 21Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 21Finland - Lieto - Varsinais-Suomi 21Finland - Lieto - Varsinais-Suomi 21 Finland - Pirkanmaa 01Finland - Pirkanmaa 01 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 19Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 19Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 19 Finland - Pohjois-Haagan yhteiskoulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 17Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 17 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 16Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 16Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 16 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 18Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 18 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 26Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 26 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 03Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 03 Finland - Kanta-Häme 03Finland - Kanta-Häme 03 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 04Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 04 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 27Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 27 Finland - Rymättylän koulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 01Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 01 Finland - Kanta-Häme 02 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 11Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 11 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 28 Finland - Helsingin luonnontiedelukio Finland - Satakunta 02 Finland - Satakunta 01Finland - Satakunta 01 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 25Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 25 Finland - Kanta-Häme 01 Finland - Kouvolan yhteiskoulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 29Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 29Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 29 Finland - Käpylän peruskoulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 07Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 07 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 12 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 30 Finland - Lumon lukio Finland - Kanta-Häme 04 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 31 Finland - Pohjanmaa 01 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 13 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 23Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 23Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 23Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 23Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 23 Finland - Mäntsälän lukio Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 33Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 33 Finland - Munkkiniemen yhteiskoulu Finland - Hämeenkylän koulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 09 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 24Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 24Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 24Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 24 Finland - Pirkanmaa 03Finland - Pirkanmaa 03Finland - Siivikkala - Pirkanmaa 03Finland - Siivikkala - Pirkanmaa 03Finland - Siivikkala - Pirkanmaa 03 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 15Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 15Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 15 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 34Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 34Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 34 Finland - Englantilainen koulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 02Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 02Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 02 Finland - Hakalanpolun koulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 35Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 35 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 36Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 36 Finland - Pohjois-Tapiolan lukio Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 38Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 38 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 41Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 41 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 37Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 37 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 39Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 39 Finland - Kainuun ammattiopisto Finland - Uusimaa 02Finland - Uusimaa 02Finland - Espoo - Uusimaa 02Finland - Espoo - Uusimaa 02 Finland - Cygnaeus skola Finland - Kanta-Häme 06Finland - Kanta-Häme 06 Finland - Hakalahden koulu Finland - Tölö Gymnasium Finland - Etelä-Tapiolan lukio Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 44Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 44 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 42Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 42 Finland - Kaisaniemen ala-aste Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 47 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 43 Finland - Korsholms Högstadium Finland - Etu-Töölön lukio Finland - Ymmerstan koulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 20Finland - Turku - Varsinais-Suomi 20 Finland - Pirkanmaa 02Finland - Ylöjärvi - Pirkanmaa 02Finland - Ylöjärvi - Pirkanmaa 02 Finland - Pirkanmaa 09 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 10Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 10Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 10Finland - Salo - Varsinais-Suomi 10 Finland - Nuuksion koulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 49 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 45Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 45 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 46Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 46 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 22Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 22Finland - Turku - Varsinais-Suomi 22Finland - Turku - Varsinais-Suomi 22 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 08Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 08 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 50 Finland - Keuruun yläkoulu Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 51 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 48 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 52 Finland - Kuhmoisten yhtenäiskoulu Finland - Pirkanmaa 04Finland - Tampere - Pirkanmaa 04Finland - Tampere - Pirkanmaa 04 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 53 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 54 Finland - Länsimäen koulu Finland - Pirkanmaa 05 Finland - Uusimaa 03 Finland - Pirkanmaa 06 Finland - Tampereen Rudolf Steiner -koulu Finland - Lapin yliopiston harjoittelukoulu Finland - Uusimaa 01 Finland - Varsinais-Suomi 14 Finland - Pirkanmaa 08 Finland - Kanta-Häme 07 Finland - Alavieska - Alavieskan yhtenäiskoulu Finland - Espoo - Haukilahden lukio Finland - Espoo - Leppävaaran koulu Finland - Espoo - Kirkkojärven koulu Finland - Espoo - Niittykummun koulu Finland - Espoo - Tapiolan koulu Finland - Espoo - Veräjäpellon koulu Finland - Espoo - Kilon koulu Finland - Espoo - Olarin lukio Finland - Espoo - Tuomarilan koulu Finland - Espoo - Saarnilaakson koulu Finland - Espoo - Omnia Finland - Espoo - Tähtiniityn koulu Finland - Espoo - Komeetan koulu Finland - Espoo - Järvenperän koulu Finland - Espoo - Laajalahden koulu Finland - Espoo - Saunalahden alakoulu Finland - Espoo - Kaitaan koulu Finland - Espoo - Kaitaan lukio Finland - Espoo - Koulumestarin koulu Finland - Espoo - Kalajärven alakoulu Finland - Espoo - Pakankylän esikoulu Finland - Espoo - Iivisniemen koulu Finland - Espoo - Axxell opisto Finland - Espoo - Sepon koulu Finland - Espoo - Pakankylän koulu Finland - Espoo - Mikkelän koulu Finland - Espoo - Kuninkaantien lukio Finland - Espoo - Haukilahden koulu Finland - Espoo - Aarnivalkean koulu Finland - Espoo - Karakallion koulu Finland - Espoo - Perkkaanpuiston koulu Finland - Espoo - Karamzinin koulu Finland - Espoo - Friisilän koulu Finland - Espoo - Pakankylä school Finland - Espoo - Koulumestari school Finland - Espoo - Ymmersta school Finland - Espoo - Karhusuon koulu Finland - Espoo - Lahnuksen koulu Finland - Espoo - Auroran koulu Finland - Espoo - Taavinkylän koulu Finland - Espoo - Aurora school Finland - Espoo - Lintumetsän koulu Finland - Eurajoki - Linnamaan koulu Finland - Eurajoki - Eurajoen lukio Finland - Eurajoki - Eurajoen yhteiskoulu Finland - Eurajoki - Rikantilan koulu Finland - Forssa - Kuhalan koulu Finland - Forssa - Forssan keskuskoulu Finland - Haapajärvi - Martinmäen koulu Finland - Hämeenlinna - Ammattiopisto Tavastia Finland - Hämeenlinna - Seminaarin koulu Finland - Hämeenlinna - Nummen koulu Finland - Hämeenlinna - Jukolan koulu Finland - Hämeenlinna - Lyseon koulu Finland - Hämeenlinna - Hämeenlinnan yhteiskoulu Finland - Hamina - Aseman koulu Finland - Harjavalta - Harjavallan lukioFinland - Harjavalta - Harjavallan lukio Finland - Hattula - Pekolan koulu Finland - Heinola - Heinolan lukio Finland - Helsinki - Taivallahden alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Taivallahden yläkoulu Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu Finland - Helsinki - Jakomäen Finland - Helsinki - Mustakiven ala-asteen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Strömbergin ala-asteen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Ruoholahden alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin Diakoniaopisto Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin Eurooppalainen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Fysiikanlaitos, yliopisto Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin Juutalainen Yhteiskoulu Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin Suomalainen yhteiskoulu Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin yhteislyseo Finland - Helsinki - Maatullin ala-asteen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Brahenpuiston koulu Finland - Helsinki - Herttoniemen yhteiskoulu Finland - Helsinki - Kaisaniemen alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Hietakummun ala-asteen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Kallion lukio Finland - Helsinki - Oulunkylän yhteiskoulu Finland - Helsinki - Maunulan alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Åshöjdens grundskola Finland - Helsinki - Suutarilan ala-asteen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Meilahden ala-aste Finland - Helsinki - Eiran aikuislukio Finland - Helsinki - Sibelius-lukio Finland - Helsinki - Kannelmäen alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Torpparinmäen peruskoulu Finland - Helsinki - Elias-koulu Finland - Helsinki - Ressun lukio Finland - Helsinki - Pelimannin alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Sophien Mannerheimin koulu Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin normaalilyseo Finland - Helsinki - Stadin aikuisopisto, Käpylän toimipiste Finland - Helsinki - Strömbergin alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Suutarila school Finland - Helsinki - Laajasalon opisto Finland - Helsinki - Tehtaankadun alakoulu Finland - Helsinki - Suutarilan koulu Finland - Helsinki - Malminkartanon ala-aste Finland - Helsinki - Puotilan ala-asteen koulu Finland - Helsinki - Pakilan ala-aste Finland - Helsinki - Helsingin Uusi yhteiskoulu Finland - Helsinki - Latokartanon Finland - Hyvinkää - Tapainlinnan koulu Finland - Hyvinkää - Nopon koulu Finland - Ii - Valtarin koulu Finland - Ikaalinen - Ikaalisten yhteiskoulu Finland - Ilmajoki - Luoman koulu Finland - Inari - Saamelaisalueen koulutuskeskus Finland - Ivalo - Ivalon yläasteen koulu Finland - Ivalo - Ivalon lukio Finland - Järvenpää - Oinaskadun koulu Finland - Järvenpää - Järvenpään lukio Finland - Järvenpää - Saunakallion koulu Finland - Järvenpää - Haarajoen koulu Finland - Joensuu - Karelia amk Finland - Jokioinen - Kuuman koulu Finland - Jyväskylä - Jyväskylän aikuislukio Finland - Jyväskylä - Jyväskylän aikuisopisto Finland - Jyväskylä - Jyväskylän ammattiopisto Finland - Jyväskylä - Halssilan kouluFinland - Jyväskylä - Halssilan koulu Finland - Kaarina - Rungon koulu Finland - Kajaani - Hauholan kouluFinland - Kajaani - Hauholan koulu Finland - Kajaani - Väinölän koulu Finland - Kannus - Takalan koulu Finland - Kanta-häme - HAMKFinland - Kanta-häme - HAMK Finland - Kauniainen - Kasavuoren koulu Finland - Kemijärvi - Isokylän alakoulu Finland - Kerava - Savion koulu Finland - Kerava - Kalevan koulu Finland - Kerava - Keskuskoulu Finland - Kerava - Ahjon koulu Finland - Kerava - Keravan lukio ja aikuislukio Finland - Kerava - Keravanjoen koulu Finland - Kilvakkala - Kilvakkalan koulu Finland - Kirkkonummi - Kirkkoharjun koulu Finland - Klaukkala - Syrjälän koulu Finland - Kokkola - Kälviän Kirkonkylän koulu Finland - Konnevesi - Kirkonkylän kouluFinland - Loviisa - Kirkonkylän kouluFinland - Raasepori - Kirkonkylän kouluFinland - Suomussalmi - Kirkonkylän koulu Finland - Konnevesi - Konneveden lukio Finland - Konnevesi - Konneveden yläkoulu Finland - Kotka - Karhulan koulu Finland - Kouvola - Selänpään koulu Finland - Kouvola - Korian koulu Finland - Kouvola - Urheilupuiston koulu Finland - Kouvola - Kouvolan iltalukio Finland - Kuhalan koulu - Kruununhaan yläasteen koulu Finland - Kuopio - Oppimis- ja ohjauskeskus Mäntykangas Finland - Kuopio - Neulamäen koulu Finland - Lahti - Launeen Finland - Lahti - Mukkulan päiväkoti Finland - Lahti - Länsiharjun koulu Finland - Lahti - Salpausselän Finland - Lahti - Mukkulan alakoulu Finland - Lahti - Ahtialan alakoulu Finland - Lahti - Lahden Rudolf Steiner-koulu Finland - Lahti - Kariston koulu Finland - Laitila - Kappelimäen koulu Finland - Lappeenranta - Lauritsalan koulu Finland - Lapua - Lapuan yläkoulu Finland - Laukaa - Sydän.Laukaan koulu Finland - Laukaa - Sydän-Laukaan koulu Finland - Lemi - Lemin koulukeskus Finland - Lepsämä - Lepsämän koulu Finland - Lieksa - Lieksan lukio Finland - Lieto - Saukonojan koulu Finland - Lohja - Nummi-Pusulan koulu Finland - Lohja - Luksia Finland - Lohja - Ristin koulu Finland - Lohja - Tytyrin koulu Finland - Lopen kunta - Lopen lukio ja yläkoulu Finland - Mäntsälä - Riihenmäen koulu Finland - Mäntsälä - Mäntsälä school Finland - Mäntsälä, - Kirkonkylän school Finland - Marttila - Marttilan koulu Finland - Merikarvia - Ahlströmin alakoulu Finland - Mikkeli - Rantakylän yhtenäiskouluFinland - Mikkeli - Rantakylän yhtenäiskoulu Finland - Mikkeli - Otavan opisto Finland - Mikkeli - Urpolan koulu Finland - Naantali - Taimon koulu Finland - Nilsiä - Nilsiän lukio Finland - Nurmijärvi - Vendlaskolan Finland - Nurmijärvi - Nurmijärven Yhteiskoulun lukio Finland - Nurmijärvi - Rajamäen koulu Finland - Nurmijärvi - Isoniitun koulu Finland - Nurmijärvi - Mäntysalon koulu Finland - Orivesi - Oriveden yläkoulu Finland - Oulu - Kiimingin lukio Finland - Oulu - Kiiminkijoen koulu Finland - Oulu - Terva-Toppilan koulu Finland - Oulu - Jäälin koulu Finland - Oulu - Laanilan yläkoulu Finland - Oulu - Hintan koulu Finland - Oulu - Pohjankartanon koulu Finland - Parainen - Paraistenseudun koulu Finland - Pekola - Pekola school Finland - Pello - Lankojärven koulu Finland - Pieksämäki - Seurakuntaopisto Finland - Pirkkala - Pirkkalan yläaste Finland - Pitkäjärvi - Pitkäjärven koulu Finland - Pomarkku - Pomarkun yhteiskoulu ja lukio Finland - Pori - Porin Lyseon lukio Finland - Pori - Porin Suomalaisen Yhteislyseon Koulu Finland - Porvoo - Tolkkisten koulu Finland - Porvoo - Albert Edelfeltin koulu Finland - Porvoo - Vårberga skola Finland - Porvoo - Pääskytien koulu Finland - Pyhtää - Pyttis svenska skola Finland - Raahe - Harakkamäen kouluFinland - Raahe - Harakkamäen koulu Finland - Raahe - Vihannan yläkoulu ja lukio Finland - Raasepori - Klinkbackan koulu Finland - Rauma - Uotilanrinteen Finland - Reisjärvi - Reisjärven kristillinen opisto Finland - Riihimäki - Uramon koulu Finland - Riihimäki - Karan koulu Finland - Rovaniemi - Ounasvaaran yläkoulu Finland - Rovaniemi - Lapin AMK Finland - Salo - Ollikkalan koulu Finland - Sastamala - Sastamalan koulutuskuntayhtymä Finland - Sastamala - Äetsän Sarkia-lukio Finland - Sastamala - Pehulan koulu Finland - Savonlinna - Anttolan koulu Finland - Seinäjoki - Seinäjoen yhteiskoulu Finland - Siilinjärvi - Suininlahden koulu Finland - Simon kunta - Simon lukio Finland - Sipoo - Jokipuiston koulu Finland - Somero - Joensuun koulu Finland - Sulkava - Sulkavan yhtenäiskoulu Finland - Sulkava - Sulkavan lukio Finland - Sulkava - Sulkava school Finland - Suomussalmi - Ruukinkankaan koulu Finland - Taipalsaari - Taipalsaaren Kirkonkylän koulu Finland - Tampere - Tampereen AMK Finland - Tampere - Lielahden koulu Finland - Tampere - Kalevan lukio Finland - Tampere - Aleksanterin koulu Finland - Tampere - Tammelan koulu Finland - Tampere - Tampereen kansainvälinen koulu Finland - Tampere - Lamminpään koulu Finland - Tampere - Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Finland - Tampere - Puistokoulu, Liisanpuiston koulutalo Finland - Tampere - Takahuhdin koulu Finland - Turku - Vasaramäen koulu, Lehmuksen yksikkö Finland - Turku - Vasaramäen koulu, Syreenikujan yksikkö Finland - Turku - Turun Suomalaisen yhteiskoulun lukio Finland - Turku - Vasaramäen koulu Finland - Turku - Katariinan koulu Finland - Tuusula - Mikkolan koulu Finland - Tuusula - Hyrylän yläaste Finland - Ulvila - Ulvilan lukio Finland - Uusikaarlepyy - Optima Finland - Vaala - Vaalan yhtenäiskoulu ja lukio Finland - Valkeakoski - Valkeakosken ammatti- ja aikuisopisto Finland - Vantaa - Rekolan koulu Finland - Vantaa - Havukosken koulu Finland - Vantaa - Jokiniemen koulu Finland - Vantaa - Viertolan koulu Finland - Vantaa - Helsinge Gymnasium Finland - Vantaa - Vierumäen koulu, Kulomäen opetuspiste Finland - Vantaa - Tikkurilan lukio Finland - Vantaa - Kivistön koulu Finland - Vantaa - Seutulan koulu Finland - Vantaa - Jokivarren koulu, Nikinmäen opetuspiste Finland - Vantaa - Rekolanmäen koulu Finland - Vantaa - Ilolan koulu Finland - Vantaa - Päiväkummun koulu Finland - Vantaa - Martinlaakson koulu Finland - Vantaa - Peltolan koulu Finland - Vantaa - Korson koulu Finland - Vantaa - Hakunilanrinteen koulu Finland - Vantaa - Axell MKK Finland - Vantaa - Vantaan kansainvälinen koulu Finland - Vantaa - Dickursby Skola Finland - Vantaa - Pähkinänrinteen koulu Finland - Vantaa - Vantaan ammattiopisto Varia Finland - Vantaa - Rajatorpan koulu Finland - Vantaa - Sotungin lukio ja etälukio Finland - Vantaa - Leppäkorven koulu Finland - Vantaa - Kuusikon koulu Finland - Vantaa - Kytöpuiston koulu Finland - Vantaa - Västersundoms skola Finland - Vantaa - Rajakylän koulu Finland - Vantaa - Länsimäen yhtenäiskoulu Finland - Vantaa - Hakunilarinteen school Finland - Vantaa - Kartanonkosken koulu Finland - Vantaa - Kivistö school Finland - Vihti - Vihdin lukio Finland - Vihti - Huhmarnummen koulu Finland - Vihti - Kuoppanummen koulukeskus Finland - Viitasaari - Viitasaaren lukio Finland - Viitasaari - POKE ammattiopisto Finland - Ylivieska - Jokirannan koulu Finland - Ylöjärvi - Ylöjärven lukio Falkland Islands - Helsinki - Arabian France - cite_test_school France - 01100 Oyonnax - Collège Louis Lumière France - 09140 Seix - Collège Jules Palmade de SeixFrance - 09140 Seix - Collège Jules Palmade de SeixFrance - 09140 Seix - Collège Jules Palmade de SeixFrance - 09140 Seix - Collège Jules Palmade de Seix France - 09300 Lavelanet - Ecole Lamartine France - 09300 Lavelanet - Collège Pasteur de Lavelanet France - 11160 Rieux-Minervois - Collège Pierre et Marie Curie France - 11800 Laure-Minervois - Ecole des Capitelles France - 31000 Toulouse - Collège Michelet France - 31000 Toulouse - Collège Michelet France - 31000 Toulouse - Collège Michelet France - 31000 Toulouse - Collège Raymond Badiou France - 31079 Toulouse - Lycée Professionnel Stéphane HesselFrance - 31079 Toulouse - Lycée Professionnel Stéphane HesselFrance - 31079 Toulouse - Lycée Professionnel Stéphane HesselFrance - 31079 Toulouse - Lycée Professionnel Stéphane Hessel France - 31100 Toulouse - Collège Stendhal France - 31100 Toulouse - Ecole Paul Dottin France - 31200 Toulouse - Ecole Lucie Aubrac France - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de LauragaisFrance - 31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais - Lycée Léon Blum Villefranche de Lauragais France - 31500 Toulouse - Collège Jean Pierre VernantFrance - 31500 Toulouse - Collège Jean Pierre VernantFrance - 31500 Toulouse - Collège Jean Pierre Vernant France - 31560 Nailloux - College Condorcet NaillouxFrance - 31560 Nailloux - College Condorcet NaillouxFrance - 31560 Nailloux - College Condorcet Nailloux France - 31810 Le Vernet - Collège Marcel DoretFrance - 31810 Le Vernet - Collège Marcel DoretFrance - 31810 Le Vernet - Collège Marcel DoretFrance - 31810 Le Vernet - Collège Marcel Doret France - 31830 Plaisance-du-Touch - Collège Jules Vernes France - 47300 Villeneuve-sur-Lot - Ecole Guy De Scorailles France - 47300 Villeneuve-sur-Lot - Collège André Crochepierre France - 65240 Arreau - Collège Maréchal FochFrance - 65240 Arreau - Collège Maréchal Foch France - 77600 bussy saint georges - Collège Jacques-Yves CousteauFrance - 77600 bussy saint georges - Collège Jacques-Yves CousteauFrance - 77600 bussy saint georges - Collège Jacques-Yves CousteauFrance - 77600 bussy saint georges - Collège Jacques-Yves CousteauFrance - 77600 bussy saint georges - Collège Jacques-Yves Cousteau France - 81000 ALBI - Collège Jean JaurèsFrance - 81000 ALBI - Collège Jean JaurèsFrance - 81000 ALBI - Collège Jean Jaurès France - 81270 Saint Sulpice - Collège Pierre SucFrance - 81270 Saint Sulpice - Collège Pierre SucFrance - 81270 Saint Sulpice - Collège Pierre SucFrance - 81270 Saint Sulpice - Collège Pierre SucFrance - 81270 Saint Sulpice - Collège Pierre Suc France - 81290 Labruguière - Collège de la Montagne NoireFrance - 81290 Labruguière - Collège de la Montagne NoireFrance - 81290 Labruguière - Collège de la Montagne NoireFrance - 81290 Labruguière - Collège de la Montagne Noire France - 81300 GRAULHET - Collège Louis Pasteur France - 81300 Graulhet - Ecole de l'Albertarié France - 88530 La Forge - Ecole de la Forge France - Aix en Provence - LTTPS Sainte Marie France - Aix en Provence - Collège Château Double France - Aix en Provence - Lycée Emile Zola France - Aix en Provence - Ecole primaire La Torse France - Amiens - Primary school, Ecole Chateaudun France - Aubagne - collège Lakanal France - Avignon - Ensemble scolaire de la salle France - Avignon - Lycée Théodore Aubanel France - Avignon - Secondary school, lycée René-Char, Avignon France - Blagnac - Lycée St Exupery France - Bracieux - Collège Hubert Fillay France - Bracieux - Hubert Fillay France - Cassis - Primary school, école Leriche-Mistral, Cassis France - Fontainebleau - Lycée Jeanne d'Arc Saint Aspais France - Fontainebleau - Collège & Lycée François Couperin France - Fontainebleau - École Internationale Léonard de Vinci France - Fontainebleau - Collège Lucien Cézard France - Fontainebleau - Lycée Blanche de Castille France - Fronton - Lycée Pierre Bourdieu France - Gardanne - Lycée prof de l'étoile France - Gardanne - Collège du Pesquier France - La Rochefoucauld - Jean Rostand Collège France - Lafrançaise - Collège Perbosc France - Lafrançaise - College Antonin Perbosc France - Lamentin - LP Bertène JUMINER France - Lattes - Lycée Champolion France - LAVAL - Collège Jules Renard France - Le Chenay - Primary school, école Blanche de Castille France - Le Chenay - Secondary school, Ecole Privée Blanche de Castille France - Lectoure - Lycée Polyvalent Maréchal Lannes France - Léguevin - Collège François Verdier France - Manosque - Ecole Internationale PACA France - Marseille - Sainte Trinité France - Marseille - Ecole Jeanne d'Arc Boyer France - Marseille - Collège Edgar QUINET France - Marseille - Secondary school, collège de Gréasque France - Marseille - Secondary school, collège Belle de mai France - Marseille - Collège Louis Armand France - Marseille - Collège Gaston DEFFERRE France - Martigues - Collège Daumier France - Maubourget - Collège Jean Jaures de Maubourget France - Montivilliers - High School Jean-Prevost France - Montpellier - Lycée Jean Monnet France - Murviel les Béziers - Collège CLG Le Cèdre France - Pertuis - Lycee Val de Durance France - Plan de cuques - Collège de Gouges Olympe France - Rognac - Collège Cousteau France - Roquevaire - Collège Louis ARAGON France - Rouvray Saint Denis - Primary school, Regroupement Pédagogique Intercommunal(RPI) France - Saint Orens - Collège Jacques Prévert France - Salon de Provence - Collège Joseph D'ARBAUD France - Velaux - Collège Roque Pertuse France - Veynes - Secondary school, collège François-Mitterrand United Kingdom - Beechen Cliff United Kingdom - Franklin College United Kingdom - SLC Central (left) United Kingdom - LLANDRINDOD HIGH SCHOOL United Kingdom - Thomas Estley Community College United Kingdom - George Spencer United Kingdom - Tile Hill Wood School United Kingdom - giles academy United Kingdom - Cokethorpe School United Kingdom - Ysgol Bro Hyddgen United Kingdom - Toot hill United Kingdom - Corpus Christi High SchoolUnited Kingdom - Cardiff - Corpus Christi High School United Kingdom - Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College for Girls United Kingdom - Tormead School United Kingdom - Counesthorpe Community College United Kingdom - Wandsworth Prep School United Kingdom - St Hughs United Kingdom - Coventry College United Kingdom - Crickhowell High School United Kingdom - Gower College Swansea United Kingdom - Ockbrook School United Kingdom - Manchester Grammar school United Kingdom - Uppingham Community College United Kingdom - Ysgol Llanhari United Kingdom - Pembroke school United Kingdom - BSA United Kingdom - Martin High School United Kingdom - Walton United Kingdom - Hartshill School United Kingdom - Caistor Yarborough Academy United Kingdom - Cardiff University United Kingdom - Cardinal Newman School United Kingdom - Mill Hill School United Kingdom - Cheltenham Ladies College United Kingdom - Hollygirt School United Kingdom - Pontllanfraith United Kingdom - Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn United Kingdom - Ilford County High School United Kingdom - president kennedy United Kingdom - De Aston United Kingdom - Kesteven and Grantham Girl's School United Kingdom - Ashby School United Kingdom - Derby High School United Kingdom - Kesteven Grantham Girls School United Kingdom - Alleyn's United Kingdom - Kings Norton Girls School United Kingdom - tasker milward United Kingdom - Astrosphere Mobile Planetarium United Kingdom - The Holgate Academy United Kingdom - Bancroft's School United Kingdom - Lewis Girls' School United Kingdom - The JCB Academy United Kingdom - Lincoln Castle Academy United Kingdom - The King's School United Kingdom - Dyffryn United Kingdom - The Market Bosworth School United Kingdom - Sir John Gleed School United Kingdom - Anglesey - Llanbedrgoch United Kingdom - Anglesey - LLangoed United Kingdom - Blaenau Gwent - Blaen-y-Cwm Primary School United Kingdom - Bridgend - Croesty primary school United Kingdom - Bridgend - Litchard Primary United Kingdom - Caerphilly - Hengoed Primary School United Kingdom - Caerphilly - Derwendeg Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Birchgrove Primary United Kingdom - Cardiff - Llanedeyrn Primary United Kingdom - Cardiff - Gladstone primary United Kingdom - Cardiff - Bryn Celyn Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Marlborough Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Coed Glas Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Allensbank Primary School United Kingdom - Carmarthenshire - Brynamman Primary School United Kingdom - Merthyr Tydfil - Gellifaelog primary school United Kingdom - Merthyr Tydfil - Cyfarthfa Junior School United Kingdom - Monmouthshire - Dewstow Primary School United Kingdom - Neath - Cwmnedd Primary School United Kingdom - Newport - Maesglas Primary United Kingdom - Newport - Malpas Court Primary United Kingdom - Newport - Alway Primary School United Kingdom - Newport - Duffryn Junior United Kingdom - Rhondda - Maesgwyn School United Kingdom - Rhondda - Cwmbach CIW primary United Kingdom - Rhondda - Pengeulan Primary School United Kingdom - Rhondda - Aberdare Park Primary School United Kingdom - Swansea - BLAENYMAES PRIMARY SCHOOL United Kingdom - Swansea - Townhill Community School United Kingdom - Swansea - Cadle Primary School United Kingdom - Swansea - Danygraig Primary Schoo United Kingdom - Tofaen - Blaenavon Heritage VC Primary School United Kingdom - Torfaen - Nant Celyn Primary United Kingdom - Torfaen - Goytre Fawr Primary United Kingdom - Torfaen - Pontymoile Primary School United Kingdom - Vale of Glamorgan - Cogan Primary United Kingdom - Vale of Glamorgan - All Saints C/W Primary United Kingdom - Vale of Glamorgan - Pendoylan CW Primary United Kingdom - Wrexham - Brynteg C P School United Kingdom - Wrexham - Hafod Y Wern Community Primary School United Kingdom - Wrexham - Abermorddu CP United Kingdom - Wrexham - Pontfadog C.P. School United Kingdom - Wrexham - Acton Primary United Kingdom - Wrexham - Alexandra CP School United Kingdom - Aberdeen - Robert Gordon’s College United Kingdom - Aberystwyth, Sir Ceredigion - Aberwystwth University United Kingdom - Altrincham, Greater Manchester - Loretto Grammar School United Kingdom - Ammanford, Carmarthenshire - Ysgol Dyffryn Aman United Kingdom - Anstruther, Fife - Waid Academy United Kingdom - Ardrossan, North Ayrshire - Ardrossan Academy United Kingdom - Ascot, West Berkshire - LVS Ascot United Kingdom - Ascot, West Berkshire - Malborough College United Kingdom - Ashbourne, Derbyshire - Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne, Derbyshire United Kingdom - Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire - Ivanhoe High School United Kingdom - Baldock, Hertfordshire - Knights Templar United Kingdom - Baldock, Hertfordshire - Langdale CE Primary United Kingdom - Banbury - Space Studio Banbury United Kingdom - Bargoed - Lewis School Pengam United Kingdom - Barry, Vale of Glamorgan - St Richard Gwyn United Kingdom - Bath, Bath and North East Somerset - Purbrook Park School United Kingdom - Battle - Battle Abbey School United Kingdom - Beddau, Rhondda Cynon Taff - Bryn Celynnog United Kingdom - Bettws, Newport - Newport High School United Kingdom - Bideford, Devon - Kingsley School United Kingdom - Birmingham - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham United Kingdom - Birmingham, West Midlands - Perry Beeches II The Free School United Kingdom - Birmingham, West Midlands - Kings Monkton School United Kingdom - Birmingham, West Midlands - King Edward VI High School For Girls United Kingdom - Bishops Cleeve, Gloucestershire - Cleeve School United Kingdom - Blackheath, New South Wales - Thomas Tallis School United Kingdom - Bolton, Greater Manchester - Sharples School United Kingdom - Bordon - Ηollywater School United Kingdom - Bordon - Hollywater School United Kingdom - Boston, Lincolnshire - Boston High School United Kingdom - Bourne, Lincolnshire - Bourne Academy United Kingdom - Bowdon, Cheshire - Altrincham Girls' Grammar United Kingdom - Brechin, Angus - Brechin High School United Kingdom - Bridgend, Bridgend - Bryntirion Comp United Kingdom - Bridgend, Bridgend - Pencoed Comprehensive School United Kingdom - Bromsgrove - South Bromsgrove High School United Kingdom - Buckingham - The Royal Latin United Kingdom - Bucknell, Shropshire - St. Mary’s Primary School United Kingdom - Caerphilly - Glyn-Gaer Primary School United Kingdom - Caerphilly - St James Primary School United Kingdom - Callington, Cornwall - Callington Community College United Kingdom - Cannock, Staffordshire - Cardinal Griffin Catholic Colleg United Kingdom - Cardiff - Llanishen High School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Murch Junior School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Glan-yr-Afon Primary United Kingdom - Cardiff - Trelai Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Treorchy Comprehensive United Kingdom - Cardiff - Ysgol Gyfun Plasmawr United Kingdom - Cardiff - St Mary the Virgin Church in Wales Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - St Mary's Catholic Primary School United Kingdom - Cardiff - St Alban's Primary United Kingdom - Cardiff - Whitchurch High United Kingdom - Cardiff - Willows School United Kingdom - Cardiff - Ysgol Pencae United Kingdom - Cardiff, Cardiff - St David's Catholic Sixth Form College United Kingdom - Cardiff, Cardiff - St David's College United Kingdom - Carlisle - Kingmoor Junior School United Kingdom - Carlisle - Trinity School, Carlisle United Kingdom - Castle St, Berkhamsted - Berkhamsted School United Kingdom - Ceredigion - Ysgol Tal Y Bont United Kingdom - Ceredigion - Ysgol Craig Yr Wylfa United Kingdom - Ceredigion - Ysgol Gynradd Aberteif United Kingdom - Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak - Chapel en le Frith School United Kingdom - Chelmsford, Essex - Chelmer Valley High School United Kingdom - Circle Way East, Llanedeyrn - "St Teilo's School United Kingdom - Cirencester, Gloucestershire - Cirencester College United Kingdom - Coalville, Leicestershire - Forest Way School United Kingdom - Conwy - Ysgol Betws Yn Rhos United Kingdom - Conwy - Ysgol Cystennin United Kingdom - Conwy - Ysgol Iau Tan Y Marian United Kingdom - Conwy - Ysgol Llandrillo yn Rhos United Kingdom - Conwy - Ysgol Pen-y-BrynUnited Kingdom - Swansea - Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn United Kingdom - Crewe, Cheshire East - South Cheshire College United Kingdom - Cwmbran, Torfaen - Croesyceiliog School United Kingdom - Cwmrhydyceirw, Swansea - Morriston Comprehensive School United Kingdom - Daventry, Northamptonshire - DSLV E-ACT Academy United Kingdom - Deeping Saint James, Lincolnshire - The Deepings School United Kingdom - Denbigh, Denbighshire - St Brigid's School United Kingdom - Derry, N. Ireland - Thronghill College United Kingdom - Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan - St Josephs RC PrimaryUnited Kingdom - Newport - St Josephs RC Primary United Kingdom - Dingwall, Highland - Dingwall Academy United Kingdom - Dollar, Clackmannanshire - Dollar Academy United Kingdom - Dollar, Clackmannanshire - Dominican College United Kingdom - Douglas - Ballakermeen High SchoolUnited Kingdom - Douglas - Ballakermeen High School United Kingdom - Edgware, Greater London - North London Collegiate School United Kingdom - Edgware, Greater London - Norwich School United Kingdom - Edgware, Middlesex - Canons High School United Kingdom - Edinburgh, Edinburgh - St. Thomas of Aquin's United Kingdom - Elland, West Yorkshire - Brooksbank School United Kingdom - Exeter - St. Luke’s Science and Sports College United Kingdom - Fishguard, Pembrokeshire - Ysgol Bro Gwaun United Kingdom - Flinshire - Ysgol Gwenffrwd United Kingdom - Flintshire - Ysgol Gymraeg Croes Atti United Kingdom - Great Glen, Leicestershire - Leicester Grammar School United Kingdom - Gwynedd - Ysgol Beuno Sant United Kingdom - Gwynedd - Ysgol Borthygest United Kingdom - Gwynedd - Ysgol Gynradd Bontnewydd United Kingdom - Gwynedd - Ysgol Gynradd Dolgellau United Kingdom - Gwynedd - Ysgol Gynradd Llanllechid United Kingdom - Hailsham, East Sussex - Hailsham Community College United Kingdom - Harlow, Essex - Stewards Academy Science Specialist & Leading Space Education School United Kingdom - Harpurhey, Manchester - Manchester Communication Academy United Kingdom - Horbury, Wakefield - Horbury Academy United Kingdom - Ibstock, Leicestershire - Ibstock Community College United Kingdom - Ilford, Greater London - Seven Kings High School United Kingdom - Kingston upon Thames, Greater London - The Tiffin Girls' School United Kingdom - Kinlochleven, Highland - Kinlochleven High School United Kingdom - Langley Mill, Derbyshire - Aldercar Community College United Kingdom - Liphook, Hampshire - Bohunt School United Kingdom - Littleton Panell, Wiltshire - Dauntsey's School United Kingdom - Liverpool - St. John Bosco Arts College United Kingdom - London - Wisdom SchoolUnited Kingdom - London, Greater London - Wisdom School United Kingdom - London - St.John's CE Primary United Kingdom - London - APS United Kingdom - London E14 4JB - East London Science School United Kingdom - London, Greater London - St John's CE Primary School United Kingdom - London, Greater London - Westminster School United Kingdom - London, Greater London - Putney High School United Kingdom - Long Eaton, Derbyshire - The Long Eaton School United Kingdom - Lyne, Surrey - Lyne and Longcross Primary School United Kingdom - Macclesfield, Cheshire - The Fallibroome Academy United Kingdom - Maidstone - Cornwallis Academy United Kingdom - Market Bosworth, Leicestershire - Dixie Grammar School United Kingdom - Mold, Flintshire - Alun School United Kingdom - Monkton Combe, Bath and North East Somerset - Monkton Combe School United Kingdom - Monmouth, Monmouthshire - Monmouth School United Kingdom - Monmouthsire - Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni United Kingdom - Monmouthsire - Ysgol Gymraeg Y Ffin United Kingdom - Moray - Gordonstoun United Kingdom - Murch Road, Dinas Powys - "St Joseph's Primary United Kingdom - Nantwich, Cheshire - Brine Leas School United Kingdom - Newbury, West Berkshire - St Gabriel's United Kingdom - Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire - St. John Fisher's United Kingdom - Newport - Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon United Kingdom - Newport - Monnow Primary United Kingdom - Newport, Newport - Concord College United Kingdom - Oadby, Leicestershire - Beauchamp College United Kingdom - Penarth, South Glamorgan - Stanwell School United Kingdom - Penn, Buckinghamshire - Alfriston school United Kingdom - Penrith - Ullswater Community College United Kingdom - Penwortham, Preston - Scarisbrick Hall School United Kingdom - Penywaun, Rhondda Cynon Taf - Ysgol Gyfun Rhydywaun United Kingdom - Peterborough - The King’s School, Peterborough United Kingdom - Plymouth, Plymouth - Plymouth High School for Girls United Kingdom - Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot - Sandfields Comprehensive School United Kingdom - Potters Bar, Hertfordshire - The Wroxham School United Kingdom - Prestatyn, Denbighshire - Prestatyn High School United Kingdom - Preston - Penwortham Priory Academy United Kingdom - Pudsey, West Yorkshire - Fulneck School United Kingdom - Rhondda - Rhigos Primary School United Kingdom - Rhondda - Saint Gabriel and Raphael RC primary United Kingdom - Ring Road North, Birmingham - "School of Physics and Astronomy United Kingdom - Rugby, Warwickshire - Rugby High School United Kingdom - Saffron Walden - waldenschool United Kingdom - Saltash, Cornwall - Saltash.net Community College United Kingdom - Sandown - sandown bay academy United Kingdom - Sedgley - Dormston School United Kingdom - Sheffield, South Yorkshire - Meridian Observatory Louth United Kingdom - Sheffield, South Yorkshire - Tapton School United Kingdom - Shifnal - Idsall School United Kingdom - Sketty, Swansea - Olchfa School United Kingdom - Slough, Berkshire - Haybrook College United Kingdom - Stafford, Staffordshire - Stafford Grammar School United Kingdom - Stanway, Colchester - Stanway School United Kingdom - Stapleton, Bristol - Colstons School United Kingdom - Stevenage - John Henry Newman School United Kingdom - Stevenage, Hertfordshire - Nobel United Kingdom - Stevenage, Hertfordshire - marriotts United Kingdom - Stevenage, Hertfordshire - Da Vinci School United Kingdom - Stevenage, Hertfordshire - Barclay School United Kingdom - Stockport - Aquinas College United Kingdom - Stockport, Greater Manchester - Stockport College United Kingdom - Stockton-on-Tees - stockton sixth form college United Kingdom - Stockton-on-Tees, Stockton-on-Tees - Bede Sixth Form College United Kingdom - Strathaven, South Lanarkshire - Strathaven Academy United Kingdom - Swansea - Ysgol Crug Glas United Kingdom - Swansea - Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg L United Kingdom - Swansea - Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Felindre United Kingdom - Swanwick, Derbyshire - Swanick Hall School United Kingdom - Swindon - The Commonweal School United Kingdom - Telford, Shropshire - Ercall Wood School United Kingdom - Tingley, West Yorkshire - Woodkirk Academy United Kingdom - Uttoxeter, Staffordshire - Thomas Alleynes United Kingdom - Vale of Glamorgan - Oak Field Primary United Kingdom - Vale of Glamorgan - Ysgol Iolo Morganwg United Kingdom - Wakefield - Horbury School United Kingdom - Watford - Watford Boys United Kingdom - Weston-super-Mare - Priory Community College United Kingdom - Whitchurch - Whitchurch Primary School United Kingdom - Widnes - Saints Peter & Paul Catholic College United Kingdom - Wigston, Leicestershire - Wigston College United Kingdom - Wimbledon Common, London - KCS Wimbledon United Kingdom - Windsor, Windsor and Maidenhead - St George's Preparatory School United Kingdom - Worthing, West Sussex - Davison CE High School for Girls United Kingdom - Worthing, West Sussex - Davison High School for Girls United Kingdom - Wrexham - Ysgol Cynddelw United Kingdom - Wrexham - St. Mary's Church-in-Wales Primary United Kingdom - Wrexham - Tanyfron C.P. School United Kingdom - Wrexham - Castell Alun High School United Kingdom - Wrexham - Ysgol Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog United Kingdom - Wrexham - Ysgol Maes Y Mynydd United Kingdom - Wrexham - Ysgol Maes-y-Llan United Kingdom - York - St Peter's School Greenland - Aappilattoq - Primary school, Aappilattoq Greenland - Ikerasak - Primary school, Ikerasak Greenland - Innaarsuit - Primary school, Innaarsuit Greenland - Nuussuaq - Primary school, Nuussuaq Greenland - Upernavik - City school, Upernavik Greenland - Uummannaq - City school, Uummannaq Greece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Σερρών Greece - 7ο Γυμνάσιο Λάρισας Greece - Junior High School of Mochos Greece - Zois' Private Schools Greece - Μειονοτικό Γυμνάσιο Λύκειο Κομοτηνής Greece - 15th High School of Athens Greece - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΤΡΙΚΑΛΩΝ Greece - 2ο Εργαστηριακό Κέντρο Νέας Ιωνίας Μαγνησίας Greece - 4ο Δημ.Σχ. Αγίας Παρασκευής Greece - Experimental Junior High School of Iraklio Greece - Γυμνάσιο Μεγαλόπολης Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΚΡΕΜΑΣΤΗΣ ΡΟΔΟΥ Greece - 3rd Junior High School Komotini Greece - 1st Senior High School of Chios Greece - 2nd Μodel Experimental Junior High School of Athens Greece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Τρίπολης Greece - 7ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΡΕΘΥΜΝΗΣ Greece - Junior High School of Neo Gynaikokastro Greece - Zanneio Experimental Middle School Greece - ΜΟΥΣΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΞΑΝΘΗΣ Greece - EKFE Evias Greece - 1o Ε.Κ ΑΓ.ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΩΝ Greece - 3rd Elementary School of Rethymno Greece - High school of American Farm School Thessaloniki Greece - Senior High School of Arkalochori Greece - Ειδικό ΓΕΛ Αθηνών Greece - 1ο ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΓΙΑΝΝΙΤΣΩΝ Greece - 2ο ΕΣΠΕΡΙΝΟ ΕΠΑΛ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ Greece - Experimental School of the University of Athens - PSPA Greece - 6th Primary School of Nikaia Greece - 1st Senior High School of Elassona Greece - 7ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - Nikiforeio 1st Junior High School of Kalymnos Greece - ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΟ ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - PIERCE Greece - 6/θ Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πανόπουλου Greece - ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΚΟΥΛΟΥΡΑΣ- ΗΜΑΘΙΑΣ Greece - 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Καρπάθου Greece - 2ο Εσπερινό ΕΠΑΛ Περιστερίου Greece - 4ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πολίχνης Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΛΤ ΚΟΥΦΟΝΗΣΙΩΝ Greece - High School of Souda Greece - 1st Senior High School of Ilion Greece - 2o ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑΣ Greece - 8/ΘΕΣΙΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΟΝΤΙΣΜΕΝΟΥ ΣΕΡΡΩΝ Greece - Junior high school of Platanias Greece - ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΜΑΤΘΑΙΟΥ Greece - ΑΡΣΑΚΕΙΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ Greece - 1o Εργαστηριακό Κέντρο Δράμας Greece - 2nd High School of Mytilene Greece - 3rd High School of Argos Greece - 6o Γυμνάσιο Καλαμαριάς Greece - High School of Asopia Greece - Δημοτικό Σχολείο Λάρδου Greece - 2ο ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΔΡΑΜΑΣ Greece - 2ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΖΕΦΥΡΙΟΥ- (κάνουν και Ε-STEP) Greece - 1st Senior High School of Keratsini Greece - 2o ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ Greece - 8o Δημοτικό Σχολείο Καλαμάτας Greece - Junior High School of Rentina Greece - ΑΡΣΑΚΕΙΟ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΩΝ Greece - Γενικό Λύκειο Κρουσώνα Greece - 2nd High School of Orestiada Greece - 3rd junior High School Rethymnou Greece - High School of Hydra Greece - Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βίβλου Νάξου Greece - 8th Nursery School of Corinth Greece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Νέας Φιλαδέλφειας/ 3rd Junior High School of Nea PhiladelphiaGreece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Νέας Φιλαδέλφειας/ 3rd Junior High School of Nea Philadelphia Greece - 4ο Νηπιαγωγείο Γαστούνης Ηλείας Greece - music school of komotini Greece - Praxis & Praxis Peiraika Primary School Greece - Senior High School of Tragaia Greece - 2o ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΡΟΔΟΥ Greece - 3st Primary School of Efkarpia Greece - 8th Elementary School of Orestiada Greece - Junior High School of Sminthi Greece - Γ. Λύκειο Νέας Κυδωνίας Greece - ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΕΙΟΥ Greece - 1rst Primary School Stavroupolis Greece - 2nd high school of Xortiati Greece - 3rd Junior High School of THERMI Greece - 6th High School of Xanthi Greece - High school of Koxare Greece - Primary school of Elounda-Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ελούντας Greece - ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΛΑΤΕΟΣ ΗΜΑΘΙΑΣ Greece - 17th High School of Thessaloniki Greece - 52nd Primary School of Heraklion Greece - Primary School Lower Camel of Serres Greece - Γυμνάσιο Παραβόλας Greece - 15ο Δημοτικό ΗλιούποληςGreece - 15ο Δημοτικό Ηλιούπολης Greece - 5o Δημοτικό Σχολείο Νέας Αλικαρνασσού Greece - Minority Gymnasium-Lyceum of Komotini Greece - Primary School of Astros Greece - Γυμνάσιο Παραλίας Τυρού Greece - 1 ΕΚ ΠΑΤΡΑΣ Greece - 1ο Γυμνάσιο Σητείας Greece - 2o Πρότυπο Πειραματικό Δ.Σ. Πόλεως Ρόδου Greece - 3th Primary School of Efkarpia Greece - Junior High School of Soufli Greece - ΓΕ.Λ. ΜΟΥΔΡΟΥ Greece - 3rd High School of TripoliGreece - 3rd High School of Tripoli Greece - 3rd Junior High School of GlyfadaGreece - Argyroupoli, 16452 - 3rd Junior High School of Glyfada Greece - 6th Junior High School of Ilio Greece - High School of Styra Greece - Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σερίφου Greece - Primary School of Episkopi Gonia Greece - 2o ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΡΟΔΟΥ Greece - 4th Primary School of Efkarpia Greece - 8th Primary School of Drama Greece - Junior High School of Tyros Greece - ΓΕΛ Αυλωναρίου Greece - ΠΡΌΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΓΕΛ Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας Greece - 1st Allday Primary School of Portaria "N. Tsopotos" Greece - 6th Junior High School of Ilion Greece - 1ο ΕΚ Μεσολογγίου Greece - EKFE ARGOLIDAS Greece - 2nd High-school of Xanthi Greece - 5th Junior High School of Nea Smyrni Greece - Homo educandus Greece - Primary School of Kato Scholari Greece - Γυμνάσιο Πύλου Greece - 1/θ Ολοήμερο Νηπιαγωγείο Αγίας Θέκλης Greece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Καβάλας Greece - Junior High School of Vlachioti Greece - 1st Experimental Primary Thessaloniki Greece - 2nd Public Primary School of Pefki Greece - 6th Junior High School of Xanthi Greece - ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΦΛΟΓΗΤΩΝ-Ν.ΠΛΑΓΙΩΝ Greece - Kindergarten of Lygia Greece - 3ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΑΡΓΟΥΣ Greece - 11ο Γυμνάσιο Ηρακλείου Greece - 16o Ολοήμερο Διαπολιτισμικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο Χανίων Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Volos Greece - 3 ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ Ν.ΜΟΥΔΑΝΙΩΝ Greece - 5th Primary School of Nea Smyrni Athens Greece - General Lyceum of Makri Gialos Greece - Primary School of Leonidio Greece - 1st Vocational School of Nea Smyrni (EPAL) Greece - 3o ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΤΡΙΠΟΛΗΣ Greece - 8th Primary School of Orestiada Greece - ΓΕΛ ΔΩΡΙΟΥ Greece - Πρότυπο Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο Ζωσιμαίας Σχολής Ιωαννίνων Greece - 1st General Lyceum of Chania Greece - 2nd Junior high School of Didimoticho Greece - 4ο ΓΕΛ Κορυδαλλού Greece - Εσπερινό Γενικό Λύκειο Μύρινας Λήμνου Greece - ΓΕΛ ΑΥΛΩΝΑΡΙΟΥ Greece - 2nd Model Experimental Junior High School Of Athens Greece - Georgiou Zoi School Greece - Primary School of Paleokastro Greece - Γυμνάσιο- Τ.Λ. Κορθίου Greece - 1/θεσιο Νηπιαγωγείο Τανάγρας Greece - 1st Ηigh School of Nafplio Greece - 3ο Εσπερινό ΕΠΑΛ Ν.ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑΣ Greece - 9 gymnasio nikaias Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Filadelfia Greece - 4ο Γυμνάσιο Βόλου Greece - 6th Primary School of Nikaia Greece - Private School G. Zois Greece - ΜΟΥΣΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΡΟΔΟΥ Greece - Ειδικό Γυμνάσιο Αθηνών (κινητικά ανάπηροι μαθητές) Greece - 7th Lyceum of Ioannina Greece - Gymnasium of Neo Gynaikokastro Kilkis - Γυμνάσιο Νέου Γυναικόκαστρου Κιλκίς Greece - 19ο Γυμνάσιο Θεσσαλονίκης Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Nea Smyrni "Homireio" Greece - 5ο Γενικό Λύκειο Καρδίτσας Greece - Giannopoulos School Greece - Primary School of Pastida Greece - 1thh Senior High School of Irakleio Greece - 2ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πόλεως Καλύμνου Greece - 3ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ Greece - ΓΕΛ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΥ ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟΥ Greece - 1st High School of Kalamaria Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Kallipoli Piraeus Greece - SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN EDUCATION HERKLION Greece - ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ Greece - Ειδικό Νηπιαγωγείο Ιεράπετρας Greece - Primary Scool of Highland Zone Greece - 1ο ΓΕΛ ΠΑΡΑΜΥΘΙΑΣ Greece - 1o 2/Θ ολοήμερο Νηπιαγωγείο Πάργας Greece - 1ο, 2ο Γυμνάσιο, 1ο, 2ο Λύκειο Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια Greece - 33rd Primary School of Volos-Juveline Prison of Volos Greece - Primary School of Voroi Greece - 1ο 12/Θ ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ (ΜΑΡΑΣΛΕΙΟ) Greece - Allday Nursery School of Pythagoreio Greece - Krousonas High School Greece - ΓΕΛ ΡΙΖΑΡΕΙΟΥ Greece - 1st High School of Mikra Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Nea Filadelfia Greece - 6ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ωραιοκάστρου Greece - Senior High School of Afantou Greece - Vocational Senior High School of Vrontados Greece - St Joseph Greek-French High School - Athens Greece - Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο Ηρακλείου Greece - 2/ θέσιο Ολοήμερο Νηπιαγωγείο Καναλίων Κέρκυρας Greece - 33ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βόλου Greece - Primary School Portaria Chalkidiki Greece - Γυμνάσιο-Λ.Τ. Αρμενίου Greece - 1ο ΓΕΛ ΠΕΥΚΗΣ Greece - 49o ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ Greece - American Farm School Greece - ΓΕΛ Σκύδρας Greece - 1st Junio High School of Kaisariani Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Nikaia Greece - 3rd Junior High School of Ilion Greece - 72ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αθηνών Greece - Special Junior High School of Thessaloniki Greece - Senior High School of Efkarpia Greece - ΕΙΔΙΚΟ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΚΩΦΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΒΑΡΗΚΟΩΝ ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΠΟΛΗΣ Greece - GENERAL LYCEUM OF LAVRIO Greece - 4ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΓΛΥΦΑΔΑΣ Greece - Private Institutions I. TSIAMOULIS Greece - 10ο Γυμνάσιο Ιλίου Greece - 2ο ΓΕΛ Ελευθερίου- Κορδελιού Greece - GE.L. Ermionis Greece - Mesaria Elementary School Greece - ΓΕΛ Σουφλίου Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Serres Greece - 3rd Junior High School of Kavala Greece - Junior High School of Perdika Greece - Senior High School of Efkarpia Greece - 4ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΠΥΡΓΟΥ Greece - 2o ΓΕΛ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ Greece - 1o Γυμνάσιο Αρτέμιδος Greece - 2/θέσιο Νηπιαγωγείο Δρεπάνου Κοζάνης Greece - 3d Primary School of Agios Nikolaos Creta Greece - Profitis Elias Primary School Greece - 11o ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΝΙΚΑΙΑΣ Greece - 4o ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΝΕΩΝ ΜΟΥΔΑΝΙΩΝ Greece - Art School of Gerakas Greece - Γενικό Λύκειο Ζευγολατιού Κορινθίας Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Tavros Greece - 3rd Junior High School of Komotini Greece - 7th High school of Heraklio Greece - Homo educandus - Agogi Greece - 3o Γυμνάσιο Πειραιά Greece - Gymnasio Kato Tithoreas Greece - Second Junior High School of Didymoticho Greece - Δ.Σ Προφήτη Ηλία Greece - 1ο ΓΕΛ Κω "Ιπποκράτειο" Greece - 4st Primary School of Efkarpia Greece - Athens Science Festival Greece - Model Experimental School Evangeliki of Smyrna (Lykeio) Greece - 1st Junior High School of Hymittos Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Thiva- Pindario Greece - 3rd Junior High School of Paleo Faliro Greece - 7th High School of Peristeri Greece - Intercultural Jr High School of Evosmow Greece - Senior High School of Gouves Greece - Εκπαιδευτήρια Μπουγά Greece - Senior High School of Kalavryta "Efsevios Kipourgos" Greece - 21st Primary School of Chalkida Greece - 3o Γενικό Λύκειο Άργους Greece - Amerikaniki Georgiki Sxoli Thessalonikis Greece - Gymnasio Ydras Greece - Secondary School of Paranesti Greece - Δημ.Σχ. Επισκοπής Γωνιάς Θήρας Greece - 12th primary school of polichni Greece - 2ο ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΓΙΑΝΝΙΤΣΩΝ Greece - 4th Elementary School of Kavala Greece - Modern Experimental High School of Aghioi Anargyroi Greece - 2nd Junior High School of Volos,Magnesia Greece - 7TH INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL WEEK 2015-Junior & Senior High Schools Greece - Iolkos High School Greece - Senior High School of Konistra Greece - MODEL SCHOOL EVANGELIKI OF EVANGELIKI SMIRNIS Greece - 1o Δημοτικό Σχολείο Νεάπολης Greece - 21ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΕΥΟΣΜΟΥ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Greece - 3o ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΚΟΜΟΤΗΝΗΣ Greece - Anatolia College Greece - Hellenic Mathematical Association- 7th International Mathematical Week (primary schools) Greece - 1ο Γενικό Λύκειο Καλύμνου Greece - 2ο Γενικό Λύκειο Σπάρτης Greece - MUSIC SCHOOL OF RETHYMNO Greece - 3rd Primary School of Agios Nikolaos Greece - 7th Junior High School of Korydallos Greece - Jeanne d' Arc Greek-French Greece - Senior High School of Makry Gialos Greece - ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ (ΕΠΑ.Λ) ΣΥΡΟΥ Greece - University of Athens Greece - 1o ΕΠΑΛ ΝΕΑΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑΣ Greece - 29ο Δημοτ. Θεσ/νίκης Greece - geniko lykeio Krousona Greece - High school of Alonissos Greece - Senior High School of Agia Triada Greece - Δημοτικό Σχολείο Καρδιτσομαγούλας Καρδίτσας Greece - 13th Primary School of Drama Greece - 1ο Γυμνάσιο Καλύμνου Greece - 4th Junior High School of Petropoli Greece - 1st Senior High School of Chania Greece - 2nd Primary School of Kavala Greece - Junior and Senior High School of Trikeri Greece - Bougas School High School of Kalamata Greece - 11th High school of Heraklio Greece - 1ο Γυμνάσιο Ναυπλίου Greece - 4th primary school Efkarpias Greece - Costeas Geitonas School Greece - Nighshift Senion High School of Chalkida Greece - Γυμνάσιο - ΛΤ Χάλκης Greece - 2nd Primary School of Nea Smyrni Greece - 3rd Primary School of Pefki Greece - ΕΠΑΛ ΚΑΝΔΑΝΟΥ Greece - University of Piraeus Greece - 49th Senior High School of Athens Greece - 1ο Πρότυπο Πειραματικό Λύκειο Θεσσαλονίκης "Μανόλης Ανδρόνικος" Greece - DES - Interactive European Primary School Greece - Nikiforeio 1o Gymnasio Kalymnou Greece - Γυμνάσιο Μοχού Greece - 1ο Γυμνάσιο Αλμυρού (1st secondary school of Almyros) Greece - Senior High School of Tzermiades Greece - 2nd Primary School of Kalymnos Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΛΤ ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑΣ ΕΛΑΣΣΟΝΑΣ Greece - 1ο Γυμνάσιο Χαλκηδόνας Greece - 54ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πατρών Greece - Dimitiko Scholeio Mesarias-Vothona Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΑΓ.ΘΕΟΔΩΡΩΝ Greece - 1ο Γυμνάσιο Υμηττού Greece - 2nd Primary School of Efkarpia Greece - 3rd Senior High School of Argos Greece - Gymnasio Doxatou Greece - Junior High School of Alonissos Greece - Senios High School of Castelli Greece - 1ο ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΔΕΣΚΑΤΗΣ Greece - 12ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αγρινίου Greece - 5th primary school of polichni Greece - 1st Senior High School of Ymittos Greece - 3rd Senior High School of Heraklion Greece - high school of kompoti Greece - Junior High School of Episkopi Heraklion Greece - Senios High School of Kato Nevrokopi Greece - EKFE Serron Greece - 13 primary scool polichni Greece - 2ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ιεράπετρας Greece - 52ο Γυμνάσιο Αθηνών Greece - Ecclesiastic High School of Neapoli Greece - ΓΕΛ ΤΖΕΡΜΙΑΔΩΝ Greece - Γυμνάσιο Αλοννήσου Greece - 1st Junior High School of Kaisariani Greece - 1ο&2ο Νηπιαγωγείο Καρπάθου Greece - 3rd Senior High School of Serres Greece - Junior High School of Episkopi Iraklio Greece - Special Vocational Schol of Kilkis Greece - ΕΣΠΕΡΙΝΟ ΕΠΑΛ ΙΕΡΑΠΕΤΡΑΣ Greece - EKFE Patras Greece - 20th Senior High School of Athens Greece - 13rd elementary school of polichni Greece - 1ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΑΛΙΚΑΡΝΑΣΣΟΥ - ΗΡΟΔΟΤΕΙΟΣ ΣΧΟΛΗ Greece - 3ο Πειραματικό Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Λαυρίου Greece - 52ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αθηνών Greece - Ekpaideutiria Apostolos Pavlos Greece - ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΓΙΑΣ ΤΡΙΑΔΑΣ ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑΣ Greece - Γυμνάσιο Βραχναιϊκων Αχαϊας Greece - 1st kindergarten Palaiokastrou Greece - 3o GYMNASIO SALAMINAS Greece - 3ο 12/θ Δ. Σχ. Ρεθύμνου Greece - Junior High School of Gazi Greece - St Catherine's British School Greece - ΕΣΠΕΡΙΝΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΓΡΕΒΕΝΩΝ Greece - 8th High School of Lamia Greece - 13th Gymnasium Peristeri Greece - 1ο ΕΠΑ.Λ. Καρδίτσας Greece - 4th Primary School of Nea Moudania Greece - EKPEDEFTIRIA "O APOSTOLOS PAVLOS" Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΔΙΑΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΙΚΗΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ ΣΑΠΩΝ Greece - Apostolos Pavlos Greece - Junior High School of Geraki, Lakonia Greece - St. Catherines British School Greece - Ηιgh school of Platanias Greece - 13th Senior High School of Heraklion Greece - 4th Senior High School of Stavroupoli Greece - Γυμνάσιο Βλαχιώτη Λακωνίας Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΓΛΑΥΚΗΣ Greece - 1st Primary School of Efkarpia Greece - 2nd Senior High School of Echedoro Greece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Αμπελοκήπων Θεσσαλονίκης Greece - Junior High School of Koutsoura Greece - Tragaia Senior High School Greece - ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΦΑΝΤΟΥ Greece - Junior High School of Kremasti Greece - Ημερήσιο Γυμνάσιο Αμφίκλειας Φθιώτιδας Greece - 13ο Γενικό Λύκειο Ηρακλείου Greece - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑΞΙΟΥΠΟΛΗΣGreece - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑΞΙΟΥΠΟΛΗΣ Greece - ELLINOGERMANIKI AGOGI HIGH SCHOOL Greece - 1st Primary School of Kryoneri Greece - 2nd Senior High School of Ierapetra Greece - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Καστοριάς "Ο Γερμανός Καρα " Greece - 7ο Γενικό Λύκειο Τρικάλων Greece - Junior High School of Krieza Greece - Vocatiohnal Senior High School of Galata Greece - ΤΕΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΗΣ ΑΓΩΓΗΣ Β' ΒΑΘΜΙΔΑΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Greece - 70th Primary School of Athens Greece - 14o ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ Greece - Γυμνάσιο Κοξαρές Greece - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΚΑΜΠΟΥ ΧΙΟΥ Greece - Primary School of lardos, Rhodes, Greece Greece - 1st Primary School of Polichni Greece - 2nd Senior High School of Mikra Greece - Vocational High School of Schimatari Greece - Καλλιτεχνικό Γυμνάσιο Γυμνάσιο Αμπελοκήπων (Λ.Τ.) Greece - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΚΑΛΑΜΠΑΚΑΣ Greece - 4ο Γυμνάσιο Χαλκίδας Greece - Eretria Junior High School Greece - 1st Primary School of Stavroupoli Greece - 3ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΜΟΣΧΑΤΟΥ Greece - SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND - ATHENS Greece - 2ο ΕΠΑΛ ΔΡΑΜΑΣ Greece - 4ο Γυμνάσιο Λαμίας Greece - Experimental High School Evangeliki of Smyrna Greece - Γυμνάσιο Μαυροχωρίου Καστοριάς Greece - Γυμνάσιο Κεφάλου Greece - 14121, Herakleio - 6th Junior High School of HerakleioGreece - 14121, Herakleio - 6th Junior High School of Herakleio Greece - 18546, Piraeus - 4th Junior High School of Piraeus Greece - 57003, Aghios Athanassios, Thessaloniki - 1st High School of Aghios AthanassiosGreece - 57003, Aghios Athanassios, Thessaloniki - 1st High School of Aghios AthanassiosGreece - 57003, Aghios Athanassios, Thessaloniki - 1st High School of Aghios Athanassios Greece - 72200, Ierapetra - 2nd High School of IerapetraGreece - 72200, Ierapetra - 2nd High School of IerapetraGreece - 72200, Ierapetra - 2nd High School of Ierapetra Greece - Lefkimmi, Corfu, 49080 - Junior High School of Lefkimmi Greece - Malagari, Samos, 83100 - 3rd Kindergarten of Samos Greece - Panorama (Thessaloniki) 55236 - Special Junior High School and High School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of ThessalonikiGreece - Panorama (Thessaloniki) 55236 - Special Junior High School and High School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of ThessalonikiGreece - Panorama (Thessaloniki) 55236 - Special Junior High School and High School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Thessaloniki Greece - Pireas - Protypo High School Ionideios Pireas Greece - 13231, Petroupoli - 5th High School of PetroupoliGreece - 13231, Petroupoli - 5th High School of PetroupoliGreece - 13231, Petroupoli - 5th High School of Petroupoli Greece - 14451, Metamorphosi Attikis - 1st Junior High School of MetamorphosiGreece - 14451, Metamorphosi Attikis - 1st Junior High School of MetamorphosiGreece - 14451, Metamorphosi Attikis - 1st Junior High School of Metamorphosi Greece - 15235, Vrilissia - 1st Junior High School of VrilissiaGreece - 15235, Vrilissia - 1st Junior High School of VrilissiaGreece - 15235, Vrilissia - 1st Junior High School of VrilissiaGreece - 15235, Vrilissia - 1st Junior High School of VrilissiaGreece - Vrilissia - 1st Junior High School of Vrilissia Greece - 15344, Gerakas - Argiri-Laimou SchoolsGreece - 15344, Gerakas - Argiri-Laimou SchoolsGreece - 15344, Gerakas - Argiri-Laimou Schools Greece - 18450, Nikaia - 4th Laboratory Center of Piraeus Greece - 20131, Corinth - 3rd Junior High School of Corinth Greece - 23100, Sparta - 2nd High School of SpartaGreece - 23100, Sparta - 2nd High School of SpartaGreece - 23100, Sparta - 2nd High School of SpartaGreece - 23100, Sparta - 2nd High School of SpartaGreece - 23100, Sparta - 2nd High School of Sparta Greece - 24100, Kalamata - 5th High School of KalamataGreece - 24100, Kalamata - 5th High School of KalamataGreece - 24100, Kalamata - 5th High School of KalamataGreece - 24100, Kalamata - 5th High School of KalamataGreece - 24100, Kalamata - 5th High School of KalamataGreece - 24100, Kalamata - 5th High School of Kalamata Greece - 24100, Messinia - Bougas SchoolsGreece - 24100, Messinia - Bougas Schools Greece - 26223, Patra - 1st Junior High School of Patra Greece - 28100, Argostoli, Kephallonia - 3rd Junior High School of ArgostoliGreece - 28100, Argostoli, Kephallonia - 3rd Junior High School of ArgostoliGreece - 28100, Argostoli, Kephallonia - 3rd Junior High School of Argostoli Greece - 28200, Lixouri, Kephallonia - High School of Lixouri Greece - 30100, Agrinio - 5th High School of Agrinio Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 32200, Thebes - ΠΙΝΔΑΡΕΙΟ 2 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΗΒΑΣ Greece - 34100, Chalkida - 1st Junior High School of ChalkidaGreece - Chalkida - 1st Junior High School of Chalkida Greece - 35100, Lamia - Private Kindergarten "E Yelasti Fraoula (smiling strawberry)" Greece - 42131, Trikala - 7th Junior High School of TrikalaGreece - 42131, Trikala - 7th Junior High School of TrikalaGreece - 42131, Trikala - 7th Junior High School of TrikalaGreece - 42131, Trikala - 7th Junior High School of Trikala Greece - 46100, Igoumenitsa - 3rd Junior High School of Igoumenitsa (Snac)Greece - 46100, Igoumenitsa - 3rd Junior High School of Igoumenitsa (Snac)Greece - Igoumenitsa - 3rd Junior High School of Igoumenitsa (Snac) Greece - 51100, Grevena - 1st Junior High School of Grevena Greece - 55102, Pylaea, Thessaloniki - Junior High School KalamariGreece - 55102, Pylaea, Thessaloniki - Junior High School KalamariGreece - 55102, Pylaea, Thessaloniki - Junior High School Kalamari Greece - 55131, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki - 2nd Junior High School of KalamariaGreece - 55131, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki - 2nd Junior High School of KalamariaGreece - 55131, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki - 2nd Junior High School of Kalamaria Greece - 55536, Pylaea, Thessaloniki - Protypa Schools of ThessalonikiGreece - 55536, Pylaea, Thessaloniki - Protypa Schools of Thessaloniki Greece - 56224, Eleftherio-Kordelio - 1st High School Eleftheriou-Kordeliou Greece - 56224, Evosmos - 5th Junior High School of Evosmos Greece - 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki - Hellenic College of Thessaloniki Greece - 59132, Veria - 3rd Junior High School of Veria Greece - 60100, Katerini, Pieria - Platon SchoolsGreece - 60100, Katerini, Pieria - Platon SchoolsGreece - 60100, Katerini, Pieria - Platon SchoolsGreece - Katerini - Platon Schools Greece - 68200, Orestiada - 3rd Junior High School of Orestiada Greece - 69100, Komotini - 2nd Vocational High School of Komotini Greece - 70013, Herakleio - High School of Aghios Myronas Greece - 70100, Herakleio - Archanes High SchoolGreece - 70100, Herakleio - Archanes High School Greece - 71305, Herakleio - 4th High School of HerakleioGreece - 71305, Herakleio - 4th High School of HerakleioGreece - 71305, Herakleio - 4th High School of Herakleio Greece - 73007, Chania - Junior High School of Vryses Greece - 81100, Mytilene - 5th Junior High School of Mytilene Greece - 81132, Mytilene Lesvou - Special Primary School of MytileneGreece - 81132, Mytilene Lesvou - Special Primary School of Mytilene Greece - 83200, Carlovasi Samou - Junior High School of CarlovasiGreece - 83200, Carlovasi Samou - Junior High School of Carlovasi Greece - Acharnes - 9th Junior High School of Acharnes Greece - Acharnes, 13675 - 4th High School of AcharnesGreece - Acharnes, 13675 - 4th High School of AcharnesGreece - Acharnes, 13675 - 4th High School of Acharnes Greece - Aegaleo 12241 - Unified Special Vocational Junior High School and High School of AegaleoGreece - Aegaleo 12241 - Unified Special Vocational Junior High School and High School of AegaleoGreece - Aegaleo 12241 - Unified Special Vocational Junior High School and High School of AegaleoGreece - Aegaleo 12241 - Unified Special Vocational Junior High School and High School of AegaleoGreece - Aegaleo 12241 - Unified Special Vocational Junior High School and High School of Aegaleo Greece - Aetoloakarnania 30500 - Primary School of Kalyvia AetoloakarnaniasGreece - Aetoloakarnania 30500 - Primary School of Kalyvia AetoloakarnaniasGreece - Aetoloakarnania 30500 - Primary School of Kalyvia Aetoloakarnanias Greece - Aghia Triada, 21055, Argolida - High School of Aghia TriadaGreece - Aghia Triada, 21055, Argolida - High School of Aghia Triada Greece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis RentisGreece - Aghios Ioannis Rentis 18233 - High School of Agios Ioannis Rentis Greece - Agia Moni Trikala 42100 - 6th High School of Trikala Greece - Agia Paraskevi, Athens - 4th Primary School of Agia Paraskevi Greece - Agia Varvara, 12 351 - 2nd Primary School Of Agia VarvaraGreece - Agia Varvara, 12 351 - 2nd Primary School Of Agia VarvaraGreece - Agia Varvara, 12 351 - 2nd Primary School Of Agia Varvara Greece - Agioi Anargyroi 13561 - 2nd Primary School of Agioi Anargyroi Greece - Agios Dimitrios - 12th Primary School of Agios Dimitrios Greece - Agios Myronas, Heraklion, Crete, 70013 - Junior High School of Agios MyronasGreece - Agios Myronas, Heraklion, Crete, 70013 - Junior High School of Agios Myronas Greece - Agios Nikolaos, Crete - 2nd Junior High School of Agios Nikolaos Greece - Agrinio - Αγρίνιο 11ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Greece - Agrinio 30100 - 16th Primary School of AgrinioGreece - Agrinio 30100 - 16th Primary School of AgrinioGreece - Agrinio 30100 - 16th Primary School of Agrinio Greece - Agrinio, 30132 - 17th Primary School of AgrinioGreece - Agrinio, 30132 - 17th Primary School of AgrinioGreece - Agrinio, 30132 - 17th Primary School of AgrinioGreece - Agrinio, 30132 - 17th Primary School of Agrinio Greece - Aiginio - Vocational High School (EPAL) of Aiginio (KROS) Greece - Aigio - 1st Lyceum of Aigio Greece - Alexandreia 59300 - 1st Primary School of AlexandreiaGreece - Alexandreia 59300 - 1st Primary School of AlexandreiaGreece - Alexandreia 59300 - 1st Primary School of AlexandreiaGreece - Alexandreia 59300 - 1st Primary School of Alexandreia Greece - Alexandroupoli - 1ο ΕΚ Αλεξανδρούπολης Greece - Alexandroupolis - 3rd Junior High School of Alexandroupolis Greece - Alykes, 38334, Magnisia - 27th Primary School of VolosGreece - Alykes, 38334, Magnisia - 27th Primary School of VolosGreece - Alykes, 38334, Magnisia - 27th Primary School of VolosGreece - Alykes, 38334, Magnisia - 27th Primary School of Volos Greece - Amaliada - 1st Senior High School of Amaliada Greece - Amaliada - 2nd Vocational Lyceum of Amaliada Greece - Amaliada - 2nd High School of Amaliada Greece - Ampelokipoi (Athens), 11521 - 2nd Experimental Junior High Schoool of AthensGreece - Ampelokipoi (Athens), 11521 - 2nd Experimental Junior High Schoool of Athens Greece - Ampelonas - 3rd Primary School of Ampelona Greece - AMYNTAIO - Junior Hig School of Amyntaio Greece - Andritsena, 27061, Helia - Junior High School of Andritsena Greece - Aneza, ARTA - High School of Anezas Greece - Ano kalentini , Arta - GYMNASIO ANO KALENTINIS Greece - Anthoupoli Ioannina - 24th Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with Protons Greece - Apokoronas (Chania), 73008 - High School of VamosGreece - Apokoronas (Chania), 73008 - High School of VamosGreece - Apokoronas (Chania), 73008 - High School of VamosGreece - Apokoronas (Chania), 73008 - High School of Vamos Greece - Aravissos, Pella, 58100 - Primary School of AravissosGreece - Aravissos, Pella, 58100 - Primary School of Aravissos Greece - Archangelos Prevezas - Junior High School of Zalongos Greece - Arethousa - Primary School of Arethousa Greece - Argiroupoli, Attica, 16452 - 1st Primary School of Argiroupoli Greece - Argolida - EKFE ARGOLIDAS Greece - Argos - 1st Senior High School of Argos Greece - Argostoli - 2nd High School of Argostoli (Snac)Greece - Argostoli - 2nd High School of Argostoli (Snac)Greece - Argostoli - 2nd High School of Argostoli (Snac)Greece - Argostoli - 2nd High School of Argostoli (Snac) Greece - Argostoli Kefalonia - 1st Primary School of Argostoli, Kefalonia island, Greece Greece - Armenio, Larissa - Highschool of Armenio Greece - ARTA - 1st Vocational School of Arta Greece - Arta - 1st Junior High School of Arta Greece - Artemida, East Attica - 6th Primary School of Artemis Greece - Artemis - 1st Junior High School of Artemis Greece - Artemis, Attica, 19016 - 1st Primary School of ArtemidaGreece - Artemis, Attica, 19016 - 1st Primary School of ArtemidaGreece - Artemis, Attica, 19016 - 1st Primary School of ArtemidaGreece - Artemis, Attica, 19016 - 1st Primary School of ArtemidaGreece - Artemis, Attica, 19016 - 1st Primary School of Artemida Greece - Athens - 2nd Junior High School of Ymittos Greece - Athens - 2nd Primary School of Paiania Greece - Athens - 26th Primary School of Acharnes Greece - Athens - 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 29th Primary School of Acharnes Greece - Athens - 2ο ΓΕΛ Νέας Φιλαδέλφειας Greece - Athens - Hill Memorial School - Playing with Protons Greece - Athens - Experimental Intercultural Junior High School of Athens Greece - Athens - Anavryta Experimental Senior High School Greece - Athens - 2nd Model General Lyceum of Athens Greece - Athens - 6th Primary School of Nea Philadelphia, Greece Greece - Athens - 3rd Junior High School of Nea Filadelfeia Greece - Athens - 11th Primary school of Chalandri Greece - Athens - High school of Nea Chalkidona Greece - Athens - Special Needs Primary School of Peristeri Greece - Athens - 2nd Senior High School of Moschato Greece - Athens 10557 - Model High School of Athens "Gennadeio" Greece - Athens 10557 - Model High School of Athens "Gennadeio" Greece - Athens 115 21 - DEMO school_iep_02 Greece - Athens, 10558 - 1st Experimental Junior High School of Athens Greece - Athens, Agia Paraskevi - 3rd Primary School of Agia Paraskevi Greece - Athens, Artemis - 2nd Primary School of Artemis Greece - Athens, Glyfada - Yannopoulos High School Greece - Athens, Iraklio - 3rd Primary School of Neo Iraklio Greece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki AgogiGreece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki AgogiGreece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki AgogiGreece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki AgogiGreece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki AgogiGreece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki AgogiGreece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki Agogi Greece - Athens, Pallini - Ellinogermaniki Agogi Junior High School Greece - Athens, Pallini - Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή - Ellinogermaniki Agogi Greece - Athnes 11521 - Demo school_iepGreece - Athnes 11521 - Demo school_iepGreece - Athnes 11521 - Demo school_iep Greece - Avlonari - High School of Avlonari (Snac) Greece - Avlonari - Senior High School of Avlonari Greece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of PatrasGreece - Campus of Patras, 26504 - Experimental High School of University of Patras Greece - Chalandri - 10th Primary School of Chalandri, Athens, Greece Greece - Chalandri, 15238 - 8th Junior High School of Chalandri, AthensGreece - Chalandri, 15238 - 8th Junior High School of Chalandri, AthensGreece - Chalandri, 15238 - 8th Junior High School of Chalandri, Athens Greece - Chalkida - Γυμνάσιο Κανήθου - Χαλκίδα Greece - Chalkida, 34100 - 2nd Junior High School of ChalkidaGreece - Chalkida, 34100 - 2nd Junior High School of Chalkida Greece - Chalkida, 34100, Evia - High School Kanithou Greece - Chalkida, 34100, Evia - High School Kanithou Greece - Chalkidiki 63071 - 1st Kindergarten of OrmyliaGreece - Chalkidiki 63071 - 1st Kindergarten of Ormylia Greece - Chalkidiki, 632 00 - Primary School of OlynthosGreece - Chalkidiki, 632 00 - Primary School of Olynthos Greece - Chania - Primary School of Tavronitis Greece - Chania - 8th Primary School of Chania - IDiverSE Greece - Chania - Theodoropoulos School - Primary Greece - Chania 73134 - Music School of TherissoGreece - Chania 73134 - Music School of TherissoGreece - Chania 73134 - Music School of TherissoGreece - Chania 73134 - Music School of TherissoGreece - Chania 73134 - Music School of TherissoGreece - Chania 73134 - Music School of TherissoGreece - Chania 73134 - Music School of Therisso Greece - Chios - Chios 3rd Senior High-School Greece - Chios - Junior High School of Kampos Greece - Chios - Chios 1st Senior High-school Greece - Chloi (Kastoria), 52100 - Vocational High School of KastoriaGreece - Chloi (Kastoria), 52100 - Vocational High School of KastoriaGreece - Chloi (Kastoria), 52100 - Vocational High School of Kastoria Greece - Corfu - 1st High School of Corfu Greece - Corfu - 6th Junior High School of Corfu Greece - Corfu, 49100 - 1st Junior High School of CorfuGreece - Corfu, 49100 - 1st Junior High School of CorfuGreece - Corfu, 49100 - 1st Junior High School of CorfuGreece - Corfu, 49100 - 1st Junior High School of Corfu Greece - Corinth - 1st Junior High School of Corinth (KROS) Greece - Corinth - Primery school of Athikia Korinthias Greece - Desfina 33200 - Primary School of DesfinaGreece - Desfina 33200 - Primary School of DesfinaGreece - Desfina 33200 - Primary School of DesfinaGreece - Desfina 33200 - Primary School of DesfinaGreece - Desfina 33200 - Primary School of Desfina Greece - DESKATI - 1st Vocational School of Deskati Greece - Distomo - Lyceum of Distomo Viotias Greece - Drama - 1st Laboratory Center of Drama Greece - Drama - 1st EK of Drama Greece - Edessa - 2nd Senior High School of Edessa Greece - Edessa, Pella, 58200 - 9th Primary School of EdessaGreece - Edessa, Pella, 58200 - 9th Primary School of EdessaGreece - Edessa, Pella, 58200 - 9th Primary School of EdessaGreece - Edessa, Pella, 58200 - 9th Primary School of Edessa Greece - Elefsina - 3rd Junior High School of Elefsina Greece - Elliniko - 1st Vocational High School of Elliniko Greece - Elliniko - 5th Kindergarten of Elliniko Greece - Enoria of Anastasi, Kalymnos, 85200 - 2nd daily High School of KalymnosGreece - Enoria of Anastasi, Kalymnos, 85200 - 2nd daily High School of Kalymnos Greece - Eratini - Junior High School of Eratini Greece - Eretria, 34008 - 1st Primary School of Eretria Greece - Ergohori, Veroia - Public Vocational Training Institute of Veroia (Snac)Greece - Ergohori, Veroia - Public Vocational Training Institute of Veroia (Snac) Greece - Erithres - High School of Erithres Greece - Estavromenos (Herakleion, Crete), 71503 - Experimental Junior High School of Heraklion (Crete)Greece - Estavromenos (Herakleion, Crete), 71503 - Experimental Junior High School of Heraklion (Crete)Greece - Estavromenos (Herakleion, Crete), 71503 - Experimental Junior High School of Heraklion (Crete)Greece - Estavromenos (Herakleion, Crete), 71503 - Experimental Junior High School of Heraklion (Crete)Greece - Estavromenos (Herakleion, Crete), 71503 - Experimental Junior High School of Heraklion (Crete) Greece - Evagelistria, Thessaloniki, 54636 - 2nd Primary School of Agios PavlosGreece - Evagelistria, Thessaloniki, 54636 - 2nd Primary School of Agios PavlosGreece - Evagelistria, Thessaloniki, 54636 - 2nd Primary School of Agios PavlosGreece - Evagelistria, Thessaloniki, 54636 - 2nd Primary School of Agios Pavlos Greece - Evosmos, 56224 - 16th Primary School of EvosmosGreece - Evosmos, 56224 - 16th Primary School of Evosmos Greece - Evosmos, Thessaloniki - 17th Nursery School of Evosmos Greece - Evros 68003 - ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΤΥΧΕΡΟΥ Greece - Evros 68133 - Kindergarten of Maistros AlexandroupolisGreece - Evros 68133 - Kindergarten of Maistros AlexandroupolisGreece - Evros 68133 - Kindergarten of Maistros AlexandroupolisGreece - Evros 68133 - Kindergarten of Maistros Alexandroupolis Greece - Filippiada - 2nd High School of Filippiada Greece - Filippiada - 1st Junior High School of Filippiada Greece - Fiolitis, Machairado, Zakynthos - 2nd Primary School of Riza (Snac)Greece - Fiolitis, Machairado, Zakynthos - 2nd Primary School of Riza (Snac)Greece - Fiolitis, Machairado, Zakynthos - 2nd Primary School of Riza (Snac)Greece - Fiolitis, Machairado, Zakynthos - 2nd Primary School of Riza (Snac)Greece - Fiolitis, Machairado, Zakynthos - 2nd Primary School of Riza (Snac) Greece - Florina - Primary School of Filotas Greece - Florina 56226 - Junior High School of Laimos PresponGreece - Florina 56226 - Junior High School of Laimos PresponGreece - Florina 56226 - Junior High School of Laimos Prespon Greece - Fourfouras - Fourfouras Primary School Greece - Fres Apokoronou, Chania, Crete, 73007 - Public Primary School of FreGreece - Fres Apokoronou, Chania, Crete, 73007 - Public Primary School of Fre Greece - Galatsi - 12th Primary School of Galatsi Greece - Gavdos - Gavdos Primary School Greece - Gerakas, Attiki, 15344 - 2nd Gerakas Senior High SchoolGreece - Gerakas, Attiki, 15344 - 2nd Gerakas Senior High SchoolGreece - Gerakas, Attiki, 15344 - 2nd Gerakas Senior High SchoolGreece - Gerakas, Attiki, 15344 - 2nd Gerakas Senior High SchoolGreece - Gerakas, Attiki, 15344 - 2nd Gerakas Senior High School Greece - GERAKI - Poulimenakeion Junior High School of Geraki Greece - GERAKI - Poulimenakeion Junior High School of Geraki Greece - GERAKI - Poulimenakeion Junior High School of Geraki Greece - Geraki , Lakonia - Junior Hish School of Geraki Greece - Giannitsa, 58100 - Special Kindergarten of GiannitsaGreece - Giannitsa, 58100 - Special Kindergarten of GiannitsaGreece - Giannitsa, 58100 - Special Kindergarten of GiannitsaGreece - Giannitsa, 58100 - Special Kindergarten of GiannitsaGreece - Giannitsa, 58100 - Special Kindergarten of GiannitsaGreece - Giannitsa, 58100 - Special Kindergarten of Giannitsa Greece - Giannitsochori, Ilia, 27054 - Primary School of GiannitsochoriGreece - Giannitsochori, Ilia, 27054 - Primary School of GiannitsochoriGreece - Giannitsochori, Ilia, 27054 - Primary School of GiannitsochoriGreece - Giannitsochori, Ilia, 27054 - Primary School of GiannitsochoriGreece - Giannitsochori, Ilia, 27054 - Primary School of Giannitsochori Greece - Glyfada, 16675 - 8th Junior High School of GlyfadaGreece - Glyfada, 16675 - 8th Junior High School of Glyfada Greece - Gonnoi - Senior High School of Gonnoi Greece - Gonnoi - Primary School of Gonnoi Greece - Gonnoi - Junior High School of Gonnoi Greece - GRAVIA - Gravia's Junior High School Greece - GRAVIA - Gravia's Senior High School Greece - Grevena - 2nd primary school of Grevena Greece Greece - Haikali - Kindergarten of Haikali Greece - Herakleio 71307 - 6o EPA.L Irakliou - 6th Vocational High School of HerakleioGreece - Herakleio 71307 - 6o EPA.L Irakliou - 6th Vocational High School of HerakleioGreece - Herakleio 71307 - 6o EPA.L Irakliou - 6th Vocational High School of HerakleioGreece - Herakleio 71307 - 6o EPA.L Irakliou - 6th Vocational High School of Herakleio Greece - Heraklion - 5th Primary School of Nea Alikarnassos Greece - Heraklion - Experimental Senior High-School of Heraklion Greece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of HeraklionGreece - Heraklion, 71307 - 5th High School of Heraklion Greece - Heraklion, Attica, 14121 - 2nd Primary School of Heraklion AtticaGreece - Heraklion, Attica, 14121 - 2nd Primary School of Heraklion AtticaGreece - Heraklion, Attica, 14121 - 2nd Primary School of Heraklion Attica Greece - Heraklion, Crete, 71410 - 52nd Primary School of Heraklion (Crete)Greece - Heraklion, Crete, 71410 - 52nd Primary School of Heraklion (Crete)Greece - Heraklion, Crete, 71410 - 52nd Primary School of Heraklion (Crete) Greece - Hydra, 18040 - Junior High School of HydraGreece - Hydra, 18040 - Junior High School of Hydra Greece - Ichalia - Junior High School of Ichalia- Neochori Greece - Ierapetra - 2nd Primary School of Ierapetra Greece - Ierapetra, Crete, 72200 - Evening Vocational School of IerapetraGreece - Ierapetra, Crete, 72200 - Evening Vocational School of IerapetraGreece - Ierapetra, Crete, 72200 - Evening Vocational School of IerapetraGreece - Ierapetra, Crete, 72200 - Evening Vocational School of Ierapetra Greece - Igoumenitsa - 1st Junior High School of Igoumenitsa Greece - Igoumenitsa - High Shcool New Selefkia Greece - Igoumenitsa - 3rd Upper High School of Igoumenitsa Greece - Igoumenitsa - 3rd Junior High School of Igoumenitsa Greece - Igoumenitsa - 1st Primary School of Igoumenitsa Greece - Igoumenitsa, 46100 - 3rd Primary School of IgoumenitsaGreece - Igoumenitsa, 46100 - 3rd Primary School of Igoumenitsa Greece - Ilia - Primary School of Panopoulo - Ilia Greece - Ilioupoli, 16345 - Special Junior High School of AthensGreece - Ilioupoli, 16345 - Special Junior High School of AthensGreece - Ilioupoli, 16345 - Special Junior High School of AthensGreece - Ilioupoli, 16345 - Special Junior High School of AthensGreece - Ilioupoli, 16345 - Special Junior High School of AthensGreece - Ilioupoli, 16345 - Special Junior High School of Athens Greece - Ilioupoli, Athens - 15th Primary School of Ilioupoli Greece - Illioupoli, 16345 - Special High School of AthensGreece - Illioupoli, 16345 - Special High School of AthensGreece - Illioupoli, 16345 - Special High School of AthensGreece - Illioupoli, 16345 - Special High School of AthensGreece - Illioupoli, 16345 - Special High School of AthensGreece - Illioupoli, 16345 - Special High School of Athens Greece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Ioannina - Arsakeio Primary School of Ioannina - Playing with Protons Greece - Ioannina - 1st Experimental Primary School of IoanninaGreece - Ioannina - 1st Experimental Primary School of IoanninaGreece - Ioannina - 1st Experimental Primary School of IoanninaGreece - Ιωάννινα - 1st Experimental Primary School of IoanninaGreece - Ιωάννινα - 1st Experimental Primary School of Ioannina Greece - Ioannina - 2nd Experimental Primary School of Ioannina Greece - Ioannina - 8th Junior High Schoolof Ioannina Greece - Ioannina - 7o Nipiagogeio Ioanninon Greece - Ioannina - Collège Pilote Expérimental de "Zosimaias Scholis" Ioannina Greece - Iolkos Volou - Iolkos Junior High School Greece - Kalamaria (thessaloniki) 55131 - 2nd High School of KalamariaGreece - Kalamaria (thessaloniki) 55131 - 2nd High School of KalamariaGreece - Kalamaria (thessaloniki) 55131 - 2nd High School of Kalamaria Greece - Kalamaria, 55131 - 2nd Primary School of KalamariaGreece - Kalamaria, 55131 - 2nd Primary School of Kalamaria Greece - Kalamata - 11th Primary School of Kalamata Greece - Kalamata - 8th Primary School of Kalamata, Messinia Greece - Kalamata - 6th High School of Kalamata Greece - Kalamata - 2nd High School of Kalamata Greece - Kalamata - Bougas School, Kalamata Greece - Kalamata, Messinia, 24100 - 22nd Primary School of KalamataGreece - Kalamata, Messinia, 24100 - 22nd Primary School of Kalamata Greece - Kalambaka 42200 - 1st Junior High School of KalambakaGreece - Kalambaka 42200 - 1st Junior High School of KalambakaGreece - Kalambaka 42200 - 1st Junior High School of KalambakaGreece - Kalambaka 42200 - 1st Junior High School of Kalambaka Greece - Kallithea - 26th Primary School of Kallithea - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Kallithea - 26th Primary School of Kallithea - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Kallithea - 26th Primary School of Kallithea - Playing with Protons Greece - Kalloni, 81107, Lesvos - 1st Vocational High School of KalloniGreece - Kalloni, 81107, Lesvos - 1st Vocational High School of Kalloni Greece - Kalymnos - 6th Primary School of Kalymnos Greece - Kalymnos - 2ο ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΚΑΛΥΜΝΟΥGreece - Kalymnos - 2ο ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΚΑΛΥΜΝΟΥ Greece - Kalymnos, 85200, Dodecanese - 1st Primary School of City of Kalymnos Greece - Kalyvia - 2nd Primary School of Kalyvia Greece - Karatoula - Karatoula Ilias Junior High School Greece - Kardamitsia, 45221, Ioannina - 9ο ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΚΑΡΔΑΜΙΤΣΙΩΝ (ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΩΝ) Greece - Karditsa - Primary School of Karditsomagoula - Karditsa Greece - Karditsa - 1st Laboratory Center of Karditsa (Snac)Greece - Karditsa - 1st Laboratory Center of Karditsa (Snac)Greece - Karditsa - 1st Laboratory Center of Karditsa (Snac)Greece - Karditsa - 1st Laboratory Center of Karditsa (Snac) Greece - Karditsa - 5th Primary School of Karditsa - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Karditsa - 5th Primary School of Karditsa - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Karditsa - 5th Primary School of Karditsa - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Karditsa - 5th Primary School of Karditsa - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Karditsa - 5th Primary School of Karditsa - Playing with Protons Greece - Karditsa - 5th Junior High School of Karditsa Greece - Karditsa 43100 - 2nd Vocational High School (EPAL) of KarditsaGreece - Karditsa 43100 - 2nd Vocational High School (EPAL) of Karditsa Greece - Karlovasi, Samos, 83200 - Primary School of Mesaio Karlovasi Greece - Karpathos - 1st & 2nd Pre-Primary School of Karpathos Greece - Karpathos - 1st Primary School of Karpathos “Potideon” Greece - Karystos - 2nd Primary School of Karystos Greece - Kastella (Piraeus) - Ralleio Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus) - Ralleio Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus) - Ralleio Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus) - Ralleio Experimental Primary School Greece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary SchoolGreece - Kastella (Piraeus), 18533 - Ralleio Multigrade Experimental Primary School Greece - Kastellani, Corfu - Senior High School of Kastellani Greece - Kastellorizo - Kastellorizo Primary School Greece - Kastoria - 6th Primary School of Kastoria Greece - Kastri - Enviromental Education Centre of Kastri Greece - Katakolo of Ilia, 27067 - One teacher Kindergarten of Katakolo Greece - Katerini - 7th Kindergarten of KateriniGreece - Katerini - 7th Kindergarten of Katerini Greece - Katerini - “Platon” Private School Greece - Katerini, 60132 - 19th Primary School of KateriniGreece - Katerini, 60132 - 19th Primary School of Katerini Greece - Kato Achaia, 25200 - Vocational High School of Kato Achaia Greece - Kavala - 2nd Vocational Senior High School of Kavala Greece - Kavala - 4th Primary School of Kavala Greece - Kavala, 65403 - 19th Primary School of Kavala Greece - Kefalonia - 5th NURSERY SCHOOL OF ARGOSTOLI Greece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of KesarianiGreece - Kesariani, 16121 - 1st High School of Kesariani Greece - Kilkis 61100 - 2nd Primary School of KilkisGreece - Kilkis 61100 - 2nd Primary School of Kilkis Greece - Kilkis, 61100 - 4th Kindergarten of Kilkis Greece - Kilkis, 61100 - 5th Primary School of KilkisGreece - Kilkis, 61100 - 5th Primary School of KilkisGreece - Kilkis, 61100 - 5th Primary School of KilkisGreece - Kilkis, 61100 - 5th Primary School of Kilkis Greece - Kilkis, 61100 - 3rd Kindergarten of Kilkis Greece - Kissamos, Crete, 73400 - 1st Extended Primary School of KissamosGreece - Kissamos, Crete, 73400 - 1st Extended Primary School of KissamosGreece - Kissamos, Crete, 73400 - 1st Extended Primary School of Kissamos Greece - Komotini - 3rd Senior High School of Komotini Greece - Komotini - 9th Primary School of Komotini - IDiverSE Greece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of KomotiniGreece - Komotini 69132 - 2nd Minority Primary School of Komotini Greece - Korissia - Primary School of Korissia Kea Greece - Korydallos - 4th Senior High School of Korydallos Greece - Kos 85300 - Special Vocational Education and Training Workshop of Kos Greece - Kos 85300 - 1st High School of KosGreece - Kos 85300 - 1st High School of KosGreece - Kos 85300 - 1st High School of Kos Greece - Kozani - Primary School of Vathylakos Greece - Kozani 50100 - Special Vocational Education and Training Workshop of Kozani Greece - Kremasti - 2nd Kindergarden of Kremasti - IDiverSE Greece - Lagkadas - 4th High School of Lagkadas - Thessaloniki (Snac)Greece - Lagkadas, 57200 - 4th High School of Lagkadas - Thessaloniki (Snac)Greece - Lagkadas, 57200 - 4th High School of Lagkadas - Thessaloniki (Snac) Greece - Lalas, Ilia - Lalas Senior Highshool Greece - Lamia - 3o Gymnasio Lamias Greece - Lamia - 2nd Primary Schood of Lamia - Playing with Protons Greece - Lamia - 4th Junior High School of Lamia Greece - Larisa - 10th High School of Larisa Greece - Larisa-Platykabos - Platykabos Junior High School Greece - Larissa - 7th Senior High School of Larissa Greece - Larissa - 11th Senior High School of Larissa Greece - Larissa - 6th General Lyceum of Larissa Greece - Larissa - 9th Senior High School of Larissa Greece - Larissa - Giannoulis High School Greece - Larissa, 41110 - 2nd Second Chance High School of Larissa Greece - Larissa, 41110 - 2nd Second Chance High School of Larissa Greece - Larissa, 52100 - 6o GENIKO LYKEIO LARISSASGreece - Larissa, 52100 - 6o GENIKO LYKEIO LARISSASGreece - Larissa, 52100 - 6o GENIKO LYKEIO LARISSAS Greece - Lassithi - 2nd Primary School of Agios Nikolaos, Lassithi, Crete Greece - Laurio, 19500 - Special Primary School of Laurio Greece - Lechena, Ilia - Junior High- School of Lechena Greece - Lechena, Ilia - Senior High School of Lechena Greece - Levidi - Junior High School of Levidi Greece - Livadia - 1st Vocational High School of LivadiaGreece - Livadia - 1st Vocational High School of LivadiaGreece - Livadia - 1st Vocational High School of LivadiaGreece - Livadia - 1st Vocational High School of LivadiaGreece - Livadia - 1st Vocational High School of Livadia Greece - Livadia, 32131 - 5th Primary School of LivadiaGreece - Livadia, 32131 - 5th Primary School of Livadia Greece - Lixouri, Kefallonia - Primari School of Agia Thekli Greece - Logas Messinia, 24010 - Junior High School of Loggas MessiniaGreece - Logas Messinia, 24010 - Junior High School of Loggas MessiniaGreece - Logas Messinia, 24010 - Junior High School of Loggas Messinia Greece - Louros - Upper High School of Louros Greece - Loutraki - 2nd Primary School of Loutraki Greece - Loutraki - 1st Professional High School of Loutraki Greece - Magoula, Eleusis, 19200 - Special Vocational Educational and Training Workshop of Eleusis Greece - Magoula, Karditsa - Junior High School of Magoula, KarditsaGreece - Magoula, Karditsa - Junior High School of Magoula, KarditsaGreece - Magoula, Karditsa - Junior High School of Magoula, KarditsaGreece - Magoula, Karditsa - Junior High School of Magoula, KarditsaGreece - Magoula, Karditsa - Junior High School of Magoula, Karditsa Greece - Magoula, Kato Kastritsi, Patras 26504 - Experimental Junior High School of University of PatrasGreece - Magoula, Kato Kastritsi, Patras 26504 - Experimental Junior High School of University of PatrasGreece - Magoula, Kato Kastritsi, Patras 26504 - Experimental Junior High School of University of Patras Greece - Makriyialos, 60066, Pieria - Junior High School Makriyialou PieriasGreece - Makriyialos, 60066, Pieria - Junior High School Makriyialou PieriasGreece - Makriyialos, 60066, Pieria - Junior High School Makriyialou PieriasGreece - Makriyialos, 60066, Pieria - Junior High School Makriyialou Pierias Greece - Mandaki 853 03 - High School of Nisyros (Snac)Greece - Mandaki 853 03 - High School of Nisyros (Snac) Greece - Mandra - 2nd Primary School of Mandra (Snac)Greece - Mandra - 2nd Primary School of Mandra (Snac)Greece - Mandra - 2nd Primary School of Mandra (Snac) Greece - Markopoulo - 1st Junior High School of Markopoulo Greece - Markopoulo 19003 - 3rd Primary School of MarkopouloGreece - Markopoulo 19003 - 3rd Primary School of MarkopouloGreece - Markopoulo 19003 - 3rd Primary School of MarkopouloGreece - Markopoulo 19003 - 3rd Primary School of Markopoulo Greece - Marousi - 5th Junior Hgh School of Marousi (KROS) Greece - Megalopoli - Junior High School of Megalopoli, Arcadia Greece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of MelissiaGreece - Melissia - 1st Kindergarten of Melissia Greece - Melissia, Attiki, 15127 - High School of Melissia AttikiGreece - Melissia, Attiki, 15127 - High School of Melissia AttikiGreece - Melissia, Attiki, 15127 - High School of Melissia AttikiGreece - Melissia, Attiki, 15127 - High School of Melissia Attiki Greece - Messini 24200 - 3rd Primary School of Messini Greece - Methoni 240 06 - Junior High School of MethoniGreece - Methoni 240 06 - Junior High School of Methoni Greece - Methoni, Messinia, 24006 - Primary School of Methoni "Georgakopouleio" Greece - Milees, Kala Nera, Magnisia, 37010 - 2nd Primary School of Milees Kala Nera Greece - Moires, Heraklion, Crete, 70400 - 1st Primary School of Moires Greece - Monemvassia - Senior High School of Monemvassia Greece - Moschato 18344 - 1st Junior High School of MoschatoGreece - Moschato 18344 - 1st Junior High School of Moschato Greece - Moudros, Lemnos - Junior High School of Moudros "Argyrios Moschidis"Greece - Moudros, Lemnos - Junior High School of Moudros "Argyrios Moschidis"Greece - Moudros, Lemnos - Junior High School of Moudros "Argyrios Moschidis" Greece - Mytilene - Model Experimental Senior High School of Mytilene- University of the Aegean Greece - Mytilene, Lesvos - 1st Junior High School of Mytilene Greece - Mytilini, Lesvos, 81100 - 1st Vocational School of Mytilini Greece - N. Malgara, 57300 - 2nd Kindergarten of Nea Malgara Greece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania ChalkidikiGreece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania ChalkidikiGreece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania ChalkidikiGreece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania ChalkidikiGreece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania ChalkidikiGreece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania ChalkidikiGreece - N. Moudania, Chalkidiki, 63200 - 2nd Primary School of N. Moudania Chalkidiki Greece - Nafpaktos - Panou Schools (Snac) Greece - Nafplio - 1st High School of Nafplio - EKFE Argolidas (Snac)Greece - Nafplio - 1st High School of Nafplio - EKFE Argolidas (Snac)Greece - Nafplio - 1st High School of Nafplio - EKFE Argolidas (Snac)Greece - Nafplio - 1st High School of Nafplio - EKFE Argolidas (Snac) Greece - Nafplio, 21100 - 4th Primary School of NafplioGreece - Nafplio, 21100 - 4th Primary School of Nafplio Greece - Naoussa, Hmathia, 59200 - 6th Primary School Naoussa of HmathiaGreece - Naoussa, Hmathia, 59200 - 6th Primary School Naoussa of HmathiaGreece - Naoussa, Hmathia, 59200 - 6th Primary School Naoussa of Hmathia Greece - Naxos, 84300 - 2nd Junior High School of NaxosGreece - Naxos, 84300 - 2nd Junior High School of NaxosGreece - Naxos, 84300 - 2nd Junior High School of Naxos Greece - Nea Anchialos, 37400 - Extended 2nd Primary School of N. Anchialos "Varnaleio" Greece - Nea Artaki - High School of Nea Artaki (Snac) Greece - Nea Chalkidona, Athens - Junior High School of Nea Chalkidona Greece - Nea Karya - Primary School of Nea Karya Greece - Nea Palatia, Oropos, 19015 - 1st Primary School of Skala Oropos & Nea Palatia Greece - Nea Philadelpheia 14342 - 3rd Junior High School of Nea PhiladelpheiaGreece - Nea Philadelpheia 14342 - 3rd Junior High School of Nea PhiladelpheiaGreece - Nea Philadelpheia 14342 - 3rd Junior High School of Nea Philadelpheia Greece - Nea Smyrni - 2nd Senior High School of Nea Smyrni Greece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi SmyrniGreece - Nea Smyrni, 17123 - Protypo High School Evaggeliki Sholi Smyrni Greece - Nenita Chios - Primary School of Nenita - Playing with Protons Greece - Neo Psychiko, 15452 - Varvakeio Protypo Junior High SchoolGreece - Neo Psychiko, 15452 - Varvakeio Protypo Junior High SchoolGreece - Neo Psychiko, 15452 - Varvakeio Protypo Junior High SchoolGreece - Neo Psychiko, 15452 - Varvakeio Protypo Junior High SchoolGreece - Neo Psychiko, 15452 - Varvakeio Protypo Junior High School Greece - Niata, Lakonia, 23060 - Primary School of Niata Ag. Dimitriou Lakonia Greece - Nikiforos, Drama - Junior High School of Nikiforos Greece - Oichalia - Junior High School of Oichalia Greece - Oinofyta, 32011 - Primary School of OinofytaGreece - Oinofyta, 32011 - Primary School of OinofytaGreece - Oinofyta, 32011 - Primary School of OinofytaGreece - Oinofyta, 32011 - Primary School of OinofytaGreece - Oinofyta, 32011 - Primary School of OinofytaGreece - Oinofyta, 32011 - Primary School of Oinofyta Greece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of AcharnesGreece - Olympic Village, 13677 - 26th and 29th Primary School of Acharnes Greece - Oraioi, Euboea, 34012 - Primary School of Oraioi Greece - Oraiokastro - 1st Junior High School of Oraiokastro Greece - Oraiokastro, 57013 - 1st Primary School of OraiokastroGreece - Oraiokastro, 57013 - 1st Primary School of OraiokastroGreece - Thessaloniki - 1st Primary School of Oraiokastro Greece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of OreokastroGreece - Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, 57013 - 2nd Primary School of Oreokastro Greece - Ormylia, Chalkidiki, 63071 - 2nd Kindergarten of Ormylia Greece - Paiania - 2nd Kindergarten of PaianiaGreece - Paiania - 2nd Kindergarten of PaianiaGreece - Paiania - 2nd Kindergarten of PaianiaGreece - Paiania - 2nd Kindergarten of PaianiaGreece - Paiania - 2nd Kindergarten of PaianiaGreece - Paiania - 2nd Kindergarten of PaianiaGreece - Peania - 2nd Kindergarten of Paiania Greece - Palaikastro, Sitia, Crete, 72300 - Primary School of PalaikastroGreece - Palaikastro, Sitia, Crete, 72300 - Primary School of PalaikastroGreece - Palaikastro, Sitia, Crete, 72300 - Primary School of Palaikastro Greece - Palaio Faliro, 17562 - 2nd Primary School of Palaio FaliroGreece - Palaio Faliro, 17562 - 2nd Primary School of Palaio FaliroGreece - Palaio Faliro, 17562 - 2nd Primary School of Palaio FaliroGreece - Palaio Faliro, 17562 - 2nd Primary School of Palaio FaliroGreece - Palaio Faliro, 17562 - 2nd Primary School of Palaio FaliroGreece - Palaio Faliro, 17562 - 2nd Primary School of Palaio Faliro Greece - Palaiokastro 57013 - 1st Primary School of PalaiokastroGreece - Palaiokastro 57013 - 1st Primary School of PalaiokastroGreece - Palaiokastro 57013 - 1st Primary School of Palaiokastro Greece - Pallini, 15351 - Ellinogermaniki Agogi High School Greece - Panorama Thessaloniki - 1st Junior High School of Panorama Thessaloniki Greece - Papadianika, Lakonia, 23052 - Six-teacher Primary School of Papadianika MonemvasiaGreece - Papadianika, Lakonia, 23052 - Six-teacher Primary School of Papadianika MonemvasiaGreece - Papadianika, Lakonia, 23052 - Six-teacher Primary School of Papadianika Monemvasia Greece - Papagou (Athens) 15669 - 1st High School of Papagos Greece - Paralia of Verga, 24100 - Kindergarten Paralia of VergaGreece - Paralia of Verga, 24100 - Kindergarten Paralia of VergaGreece - Paralia of Verga, 24100 - Kindergarten Paralia of VergaGreece - Paralia of Verga, 24100 - Kindergarten Paralia of VergaGreece - Paralia of Verga, 24100 - Kindergarten Paralia of Verga Greece - Parapotamos, 46100 - Kindergarten Parapotamos -ThesprotiaGreece - Parapotamos, 46100 - Kindergarten Parapotamos -Thesprotia Greece - Parga - Junior High School of Parga Greece - Patra - 13o ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΠΑΤΡΑΣ Greece - Patra - 1st High School of Patra (Snac)Greece - Patra - 1st High School of Patra (Snac) Greece - Patra - Experimental Junior High School of the University of Patras Greece - Patra - Experimental Senior High School of University of Patras Greece - Patra, 26443 - 50th Primary School of PatrasGreece - Patra, 26443 - 50th Primary School of Patras Greece - Patras - lyceum of RION Greece - Patras - Music School of Patras Greece - Patras - Experimental Primary School of University of Patras - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Patras - Experimental Primary School of University of Patras - Playing with ProtonsGreece - Patras - Experimental Primary School of University of Patras - Playing with Protons Greece - Patras - 49th Elementary School of Patras Greece - Patras - Model Experimental High School of University of Patras Greece - Patras - Experimental Junior High School of Patras Greece - Patras, 26442 - 49th Primary School of PatrasGreece - Patras, 26442 - 49th Primary School of Patras Greece - Pefki - Special Primary School of Lykovrisi - Pefki - Playing with Protons Greece - Pella - ISE School Greece - Pelopion - Pelopion Senior Highschool Greece - Pentalofos, 54500 - 1st Kindergarten of Pentalofos Greece - Perama - 2nd Junior High School of Perama Greece - Peristeri 12132 - 12th Primary School of PeristeriGreece - Peristeri 12132 - 12th Primary School of Peristeri Greece - Peristeri, 12133 - Kallitechniko Junior High School of PeristeriGreece - Peristeri, 12133 - Kallitechniko Junior High School of Peristeri Greece - Peristeri, Athens - 2nd Evening Shift Vocational High School of Peristeri Greece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of PetroupolisGreece - Petroupoli, 13231 - 4th Junior High School of Petroupolis Greece - Piraeas 18539 - 54th Primary School of PiraeusGreece - Piraeas 18539 - 54th Primary School of PiraeusGreece - Piraeas 18539 - 54th Primary School of PiraeusGreece - Piraeas 18539 - 54th Primary School of Piraeus Greece - Piraeus - 32nd Primary School of Piraeus Greece - Piraeus - 2nd Primary School of Piraeus - UruguayGreece - Piraeus, 18533 - 2nd Primary School of Piraeus - Uruguay Greece - Piraeus, 18533 - 9th Vocational High School of Piraeus-Maritime directionGreece - Piraeus, 18533 - 9th Vocational High School of Piraeus-Maritime directionGreece - Piraeus, 18533 - 9th Vocational High School of Piraeus-Maritime direction Greece - Piraeus, 18546 - 6th Kindergarten of Piraeus Greece - Pireas - 32nd Primary School of Pireas Greece - Plagiari, Thessaloniki, 57500 - 2nd Primary School of Plagiari (Thessaloniki)Greece - Plagiari, Thessaloniki, 57500 - 2nd Primary School of Plagiari (Thessaloniki)Greece - Plagiari, Thessaloniki, 57500 - 2nd Primary School of Plagiari (Thessaloniki) Greece - Plakia Agiou Vasiliou, Rethimno, Crete, 74060 - 1st Primary School of PlakiasGreece - Plakia Agiou Vasiliou, Rethimno, Crete, 74060 - 1st Primary School of Plakias Greece - Platanias, Chania - Platanias Junior High-School Greece - Polichni - 4th Junior High School Polichnis ThessalonikiGreece - Polichni - 4th Junior High School Polichnis ThessalonikiGreece - Polichni - 4th Junior High School Polichnis ThessalonikiGreece - Polichni, Thessaloniki, 56429 - 4th Junior High School Polichnis ThessalonikiGreece - Polichni, Thessaloniki, 56532 - 4th Junior High School Polichnis Thessaloniki Greece - Polichni Thessalonikis, 56429 - 4th Primary School of PolichniGreece - Polichni Thessalonikis, 56429 - 4th Primary School of PolichniGreece - Polichni Thessalonikis, 56429 - 4th Primary School of PolichniGreece - Stavroupali - 4th Primary School of Polichni Greece - Polykastro - Elaeon Sagmatopoulou Greece - Portaria Magnisias - 1st Primary School of Portaria N.Tsopotos Greece - Portaria, 37011 - 1st Primary School of Portaria "N. Tsopotos" Greece - Portaria, Magnisia - 1st Nursery School of Portaria Greece - PREVEZA - Senior High School of Deskeio Greece - Preveza - 1st Senior High School of Preveza Greece - PREVEZA - Vocational School of Kanalaki Greece - Proastio, Karditsa - Senior High Shool of Proastio Greece - Prokopi, Euboea, 34004 - Daily Junior High School of ProkopiGreece - Prokopi, Euboea, 34004 - Daily Junior High School of ProkopiGreece - Prokopi, Euboea, 34004 - Daily Junior High School of ProkopiGreece - Prokopi, Euboea, 34004 - Daily Junior High School of ProkopiGreece - Prokopi, Euboea, 34004 - Daily Junior High School of Prokopi Greece - Psychico 15452 - Arsakeia Primary Schools of PsychicoGreece - Psychico 15452 - Arsakeia Primary Schools of Psychico Greece - Psychiko 15452 - 1st Arsakeio High School of Psychiko Greece - Psyxiko - Α΄ Αρσάκειο Γενικό Λύκειο Ψυχικού Greece - Pylea (Thessaloniki) 55534 - 2nd High School of PyleaGreece - Pylea (Thessaloniki) 55534 - 2nd High School of PyleaGreece - Pylea (Thessaloniki) 55534 - 2nd High School of Pylea Greece - Pyrgos - 7th Primary School of Pyrgos Ilias Greece - Pyri (Thiva) 32200 - 4th Primary School of Thiva Greece - Rafina 190 09 - 3rd Laboratory Center of East Attika (Rafina)Greece - Rafina 190 09 - 3rd Laboratory Center of East Attika (Rafina) Greece - Rafina, 19009 - 1st Junior High School of RafinaGreece - Rafina, 19009 - 1st Junior High School of Rafina Greece - Rafina, Atiika - 1st Primary School of Rafina Greece - Rethymno, 74100 - 9th Primary School of RethymnonGreece - Rethymno, 74100 - 9th Primary School of RethymnonGreece - Rethymno, 74100 - 9th Primary School of RethymnonGreece - Rethymno, 74100 - 9th Primary School of RethymnonGreece - Rethymno, 74100 - 9th Primary School of RethymnonGreece - Rethymno, 74100 - 9th Primary School of RethymnonGreece - Rethymno, Crete - 9th Primary School of Rethymnon Greece - Rhodes - Primary School of Lardos Greece - Rhodes - 2nd Model Epxerimental Primary School of Rhodes Greece - Rhodes 85100 - 5th Primary School of City of RhodesGreece - Rhodes 85100 - 5th Primary School of City of RhodesGreece - Rhodes 85100 - 5th Primary School of City of Rhodes Greece - Rhods - 2nd Model Experimental Primary School of Rhodes Greece - Rodochori Naousas - 2-seater Primary School of Rodochori Greece - Roitika, Patra, 25002 - Primary School of Roitika PatraGreece - Roitika, Patra, 25002 - Primary School of Roitika PatraGreece - Roitika, Patra, 25002 - Primary School of Roitika PatraGreece - Roitika, Patra, 25002 - Primary School of Roitika Patra Greece - Sagiada Filiaton - NIPIAGOGIO SAGIADOS THESPROTIAS Greece - Saint Gabriel, Kos, 85300 - 5th Primary School of KosGreece - Saint Gabriel, Kos, 85300 - 5th Primary School of KosGreece - Saint Gabriel, Kos, 85300 - 5th Primary School of KosGreece - Saint Gabriel, Kos, 85300 - 5th Primary School of KosGreece - Saint Gabriel, Kos, 85300 - 5th Primary School of KosGreece - Saint Gabriel, Kos, 85300 - 5th Primary School of Kos Greece - Salmoni, Ileia - Primary School of Salmoni Ileias Greece - Samos - Primary School of Ormos, Karlovasi Greece - Samos 83100 - Training Workshop (E.K.) of SamosGreece - Samos 83100 - Training Workshop (E.K.) of SamosGreece - Samos 83100 - Training Workshop (E.K.) of Samos Greece - Samos 83100 - Mavrogeneio Vocational High School (EPAL) of Samos Greece - Samos, 83100 - 2nd Primary School of Samos Greece - Santorini - Junior High School of Emporio Santorini (Snac)Greece - Santorini - Junior High School of Emporio Santorini (Snac)Greece - Santorini - Junior High School of Emporio Santorini (Snac)Greece - Santorini - Junior High School of Emporio Santorini (Snac)Greece - Santorini - Junior High School of Emporio Santorini (Snac) Greece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - High School of Intercultural Education SapesGreece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - High School of Intercultural Education SapesGreece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - High School of Intercultural Education Sapes Greece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - Junior High School of Intercultural Education Sapes (Snac)Greece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - Junior High School of Intercultural Education Sapes (Snac)Greece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - Junior High School of Intercultural Education Sapes (Snac)Greece - Sapes, Rodopi, 69300 - Junior High School of Intercultural Education Sapes (Snac) Greece - Scripero, 49083, Kerkyra - Junior High School & High School of Scripero Greece - Seismoplikta (Ioannina), 45332 - 7th Kindergarten of IoanninaGreece - Seismoplikta (Ioannina), 45332 - 7th Kindergarten of IoanninaGreece - Seismoplikta (Ioannina), 45332 - 7th Kindergarten of IoanninaGreece - Seismoplikta (Ioannina), 45332 - 7th Kindergarten of IoanninaGreece - Seismoplikta (Ioannina), 45332 - 7th Kindergarten of IoanninaGreece - Seismoplikta (Ioannina), 45332 - 7th Kindergarten of Ioannina Greece - Serifos - Primary School of Serifos Greece - Servia Kozanis - 2nd Primary School of Servia Kozanis Greece - Sidirokastro - 4th Primary School of Sidirokastro Greece - Skala, Patmos, 85500 - Genneio Junior High School of Patmos Greece - Sparta - Secondary School Science Laboratory Center of Laconia Greece - Sparta - 2nd Senior High-School of Sparta Greece - Sparta - 2nd Senior High School of Sparta Greece - Spata 19004 - 1st Primary School of SpataGreece - Spata 19004 - 1st Primary School of SpataGreece - Spata 19004 - 1st Primary School of Spata Greece - STADIO ARKADIAS - DIMOTIKO SXOLEIO STADIOU Greece - Stavraki (Ioannina), 45500 - Primary School of Stavraki (Ioannina)Greece - Stavraki (Ioannina), 45500 - Primary School of Stavraki (Ioannina)Greece - Stavraki (Ioannina), 45500 - Primary School of Stavraki (Ioannina)Greece - Stavraki (Ioannina), 45500 - Primary School of Stavraki (Ioannina) Greece - Stratia (Kerkyra), 49131 - 7th Junior High School of CorfuGreece - Stratia (Kerkyra), 49131 - 7th Junior High School of Corfu Greece - Sykies, 56626, Thessaloniki - 1st Junior High School Sykeon "Odysseus Fokas"Greece - Sykies, 56626, Thessaloniki - 1st Junior High School Sykeon "Odysseus Fokas" Greece - Sykies, Thessaloniki, 56626 - 1st daily High School of SykiesThessaloniki Greece - Tavronitis, Chania, Crete, 73006 - Primary School of Tavronitis (Crete) Greece - test - this is the title of the school Greece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of ThermiGreece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of ThermiGreece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of ThermiGreece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of ThermiGreece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of ThermiGreece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of ThermiGreece - Thermi 57001 - 4th Primary School of Thermi Greece - Thesprotiko Prevezas - Senior High School of Thesprotiko Greece - Thessalonik - 6th Intercultural Primary School of Eleftherio - Kordelio Playing with Protons Greece - Thessaloniki - 1st Protypo High School of Thessaloniki "Manolis Andronikos"Greece - Thessaloniki - 1st Protypo High School of Thessaloniki "Manolis Andronikos" Greece - Thessaloniki - 11th Special Primary of Eastern Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki - 107th Primary School of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki - 1st Pre-Primary School of Oraiokastro Greece - Thessaloniki - 105th Primary School of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki - Arts Senior High-School of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki - Model Experimental Senior High School Of University of Macedonia Greece - Thessaloniki - 1st Experimental Primary School of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki - 28 GEL THESSALONIKHS Greece - Thessaloniki - 12th Allday Primary School of Polichni Greece - Thessaloniki 54631 - Primary Experimental School of University of ThessalonikiGreece - Thessaloniki 54631 - Primary Experimental School of University of ThessalonikiGreece - Thessaloniki 54631 - Primary Experimental School of University of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki 54634 - 3rd High School of ThessalonikiGreece - Thessaloniki 54634 - 3rd High School of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki 55535 - Arsakeio Primary School of ThessalonikiGreece - Thessaloniki 55535 - Arsakeio Primary School of ThessalonikiGreece - Thessaloniki 55535 - Arsakeio Primary School of ThessalonikiGreece - Thessaloniki 55535 - Arsakeio Primary School of Thessaloniki Greece - Thessaloniki 56224 - 17ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΕΥΟΣΜΟΥGreece - Thessaloniki 56224 - 17ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΕΥΟΣΜΟΥ Greece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of HarilaouGreece - Thessaloniki, 54249 - 3rd Junior High School of Harilaou Greece - Thessaloniki, 570 13 - Andreadis Primary SchoolGreece - Thessaloniki, 570 13 - Andreadis Primary SchoolGreece - Thessaloniki, 570 13 - Andreadis Primary School Greece - Thiva - 4th Junior High School of Thiva Greece - Thouria - Γυμνάσιο Θουρίας Junior High School of Thouria Greece - Thouria, Messinia - Senior High School of Thouria Greece - Tithorea - Junior High School of Tithorea Greece - Trikala - High School Valtino Trikala Greece - Trikala - 3rd Junior High School of Trikala Greece - Trikala - 7th Junior High school of Trikala Greece - Trikala - 7th High School of Trikala Greece - Trilofos, Thessaloniki, 57500 - 3rd Kindergarten of Trilofo Thessaloniki Greece - Tripoli - 3rd General Lyceum of Tripoli Greece - Tripoli - 8th Nursery School of Tripoli Greece - Tripolis - 1st Junior High School of Tripoli Greece - TSARITSANI - JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TSARITSANI "OIKONOMEIOS SCHOLI" Greece - TSARITSANI - Junior High School 'OIKONOMEIOS SCHOLI' TSARITSANI Greece - Tychero, Evros - High School of Tychero Greece - Tyrnavos 40100 - 4th Primary School of TyrnavosGreece - Tyrnavos 40100 - 4th Primary School of TyrnavosGreece - Tyrnavos 40100 - 4th Primary School of Tyrnavos Greece - Vamos Apokoronou, 73008, Chania - Junior High School of Vamos "Lambrakeio"Greece - Vamos Apokoronou, 73008, Chania - Junior High School of Vamos "Lambrakeio" Greece - Vari Attica - Geitonas School (Snac) Greece - Vathi - 1st Vocational High School (EPAL) of Ithaki (Snac) Greece - Veria - 5th Senior High School of Veria Greece - Villatoria, Kefalonia - Preschool of Agia Thekli Greece - Vlachata, Kefalonia, 28100 - Primary School of VlahataGreece - Vlachata, Kefalonia, 28100 - Primary School of VlahataGreece - Vlachata, Kefalonia, 28100 - Primary School of VlahataGreece - Vlachata, Kefalonia, 28100 - Primary School of Vlahata Greece - Volos - 4th High School of Volos Greece - VOLOS - 33 PRIMARY SCHOOL OF VOLOS Greece - Volos - 4th Kindergarten N. Ionia of VolosGreece - Volos - 4th Kindergarten N. Ionia of VolosGreece - Volos - 4th Kindergarten N. Ionia of Volos Greece - Volos - 33rd Elementary School of Special Juvenile Detention Center of Volos Greece - Volos 38333 - 9th Junior High School of VolosGreece - Volos 38333 - 9th Junior High School of VolosGreece - Volos 38333 - 9th Junior High School of VolosGreece - Volos 38333 - 9th Junior High School of VolosGreece - Volos 38333 - 9th Junior High School of Volos Greece - Volos, 37300 - 1st Primary School of Agria VolosGreece - Volos, 37300 - 1st Primary School of Agria Volos Greece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 3rd Vocational High School of Volos Greece - Volos, 38333 - 13th Kindergarten of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 13th Kindergarten of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 13th Kindergarten of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 13th Kindergarten of Volos Greece - Volos, 38333 - 30th Primary School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 30th Primary School of VolosGreece - Volos, 38333 - 30th Primary School of Volos Greece - Vori, Heraklion, Crete, 70200 - Primary School of Vori Heraklion Greece - Voukolies, Chania, Crete, 73002 - High School of Voukolies Greece - Voutes, Heraklion, Crete, 71500 - 2nd Primary School of Voutes (Heraklion)Greece - Voutes, Heraklion, Crete, 71500 - 2nd Primary School of Voutes (Heraklion)Greece - Voutes, Heraklion, Crete, 71500 - 2nd Primary School of Voutes (Heraklion) Greece - Xanthi - 4ο Γυμνάσιο Ξάνθης Greece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of XanthiGreece - Xanthi, 67131 - 2nd Primary School of Xanthi Greece - Zakynthos - 2o GEL Zakynthou Greece - ZAKYNTHOS - 3rd Primary School of Zakynthos Greece - Zante - Primary School of Orini Zoni Greece - Zaros, Heraklion, Crete, 70002 - Primary School of Zaros Greece - Zografos - 4th High School of Zografou Greece - Zografos, 15772 - 3rd Extended Primary School of ZografosGreece - Zografos, 15772 - 3rd Extended Primary School of ZografosGreece - Zografos, 15772 - 3rd Extended Primary School of ZografosGreece - Zografos, 15772 - 3rd Extended Primary School of Zografos Greece - Zografos, Attica, 15773 - 2nd Primary School of Zografos Greece - Zografou - 1st Junior High School of Zografou Greece - Αγιάς - Γυμνάσιο Αγιάς Greece - Αγίου Δημητρίου - Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Κ. Αγίου Δημητρίου Greece - ΑΓΙΩΝ ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΩΝ-ΚΑΜΑΤΕΡΟΥ - ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΓΙΩΝ ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΩΝ Greece - ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟ - 2ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΥ Greece - Αγρινίου - Γενικό Λύκειο Παναιτωλίου Greece - ΑΘΗΝΑ - 2ο Πρότυπο Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο Αθηνών Greece - ΑΘΗΝΑ - 40 ΓΕΛ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ Greece - ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ - 17o ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ Greece - Αθηναίων - 20ο Γυμνάσιο Αθηνών Greece - ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ - 14ο Δημοτικό Αθήνας Greece - ΑΘΗΝΩΝ - 4ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ Greece - Αθηνών - 150o Δημοτικό Αθηνών Greece - ΑΙΓΑΛΕΩ - 1o ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΛΕΩ Greece - ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ - 1o ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ Greece - ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ - 2ο ΓΕΛ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ Greece - Αλεξανδρούπολη - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Αλεξανδρούπολης Greece - ΑΛΜΥΡΟΥ - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑΛΜΥΡΟΥ Greece - Αλοννήσου - Γυμνάσιο-Λ.Τ. Αλοννήσου Greece - Αμαρουσίου - 2ο ΕΠΑΛ ΑΜΑΡΟΥΣΙΟΥ Greece - Αργοστόλι - 2o ΓΕΛ ΑΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΥ Greece - Ασωπία Θηβών - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΜΕ ΛΥΚΕΙΑΚΕΣ ΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΑΣΩΠΙΑΣ- GYMNASION ME LYKEIAKES TAXEIS ASOPIAS Greece - ΑΧΑΡΝΩΝ - 35ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΑΧΑΡΝΩΝ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ Greece - Βασιλιές, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης - 52ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ηρακλείου Greece - Βέροιας - 4ο Γενικό Λύκειο Βέροιας Greece - ΒΟΛΒΗΣ - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΡΕΝΤΙΝΑΣ Greece - ΒΟΛΟΥ - 2ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΒΟΛΟΥ Greece - Γάζι, Ν. Ηρακλείου Κρήτης - Γυμνάσιο Γαζίου Greece - Γαλατσίου - 4ο ΓΕΛ Γαλατσίου Greece - Γαλατσίου - 1ο Γενικό Λύκειο Γαλατσίου Greece - Γλυφάδα - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Γλυφάδας Greece - Γλυφάδας - 7ο Γυμνάσιο Γλυφάδας Greece - ΔΑΦΝΗΣ-ΥΜΗΤΤΟΥ - 1ο ΓΕΛ ΥΜΗΤΤΟΥ Greece - ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ - 1ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ Greece - ΔΙΟΥ ΟΛΥΜΠΟΥ - ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΔΙΟΥ Greece - Δοξάτου - Γυνάσιο Δοξάτου Δράμας Greece - ΕΚΑΛΗ - Β΄ΑΡΣΑΚΕΙΟ ΤΟΣΙΤΣΕΙΟ ΓΕΛ ΕΚΑΛΗΣ Greece - Ελασσόνας - Γυμνάσιο και Λυκειακές Τάξεις Καλλιθέας Ελασσόνας Greece - ΕΛΕΥΣΙΝΑΣ - ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΜΑΓΟΥΛΑΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ Greece - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ-ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥΠΟΛΗΣ - 2ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ Greece - Επισκοπή, Ηράκλειο - Γυμνάσιο Επισκοπής Ηρακλείου Greece - ΕΥΟΣΜΟΥ-ΚΟΡΔΕΛΙΟΥ - 1ο ΓΕΛ ΕΥΟΣΜΟΥ Greece - ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΥ - 3ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΥ Greece - ΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΙΤΣΑ - 3ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΙΤΣΑΣ Greece - Ήλιδας - 1ο ΓΕΛ Αμαλιάδας Greece - ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΑΣ - ΕΠΑΛ. ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΑΣ Ν.ΣΕΡΡΩΝ Greece - Ηράκλειο Κρήτης - Σχολείο Ευρωπαϊκής Παιδείας Ηρακλείου Greece - ΘΑΣΟΥ - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΛΙΜΕΝΑΡΙΩΝ ΘΑΣΟΥ Greece - Θέρμης - Δ. Σχ. Κάτω Σχολαρίου Greece - ΘΕΡΜΗΣ - ΕΠΑΛ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΩΝ Greece - Θέρμης - 4ο ΓΕΛ Σταυρούπολης Greece - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - 1rst Experimental Junior High School of Thessaloniki Greece - Θεσσαλονίκη - 1ο Πρότυπο Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο Θεσσαλονίκης / 1st Experimental Junior High School of Thessaloniki Greece - Θεσσαλονίκη - Πρότυπο Πειραματικό Σχολείο Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης Greece - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - 1/Θ ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Greece - Θεσσαλονίκη - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Χαριλάου Greece - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ - 1o ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Greece - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ - 2ο ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Greece - Θεσσαλονίκης - 105ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Θεσσαλονίκης Greece - Ιωαννιτών - 7ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ιωαννίνων Greece - Ιωαννιτών - 7ο Γενικό Λύκειο Ιωαννίνων Greece - ΚΑΒΑΛΑ - 2ο ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΚΑΒΑΛΑΣ Greece - ΚΑΒΑΛΑΣ - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΚΑΡΒΑΛΗΣ Greece - Καλαμαριάς - 4ο Γενικό Λύκειο Καλαμαριάς Greece - Καλλιθέα - 3rd Vocational High School (Sivitanidios school) Greece - Κασσάνδρας - Γυμνάσιο Κασσάνδρας Greece - Καστοριάς - 2o Γενικό Λύκειο Καστοριάς Greece - Κεφαλονιά - 4ο Δημοτικό Αργοστολίου Greece - Κεφαλονιά - 2ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ληξουρίου Greece - Κεφαλονιά - 1o Δημοτικό Αργοστολίου Greece - Κεφαλονιά - 2ο Δημοτικό Αργοστολίου Greece - Κεφαλονιά - 4/θ Ολοήμερο Ειδικό Δημοτικό Σχολείο Περατάτων Κεφαλονιάς Greece - Κεφαλονιάς - 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Ληξουρίου Greece - ΚΙΛΚΙΣ - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΝΕΟΥ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΥ ΚΙΛΚΙΣ Greece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of IoanninaGreece - ΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΑ - Kindergarten Klimatia of Ioannina Greece - ΚΟΖΑΝΗΣ - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΑΙΑΝΗΣ Greece - ΚΟΜΟΤΗΝΗ - 3ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΚΟΜΟΤΗΝΗΣ Greece - Κορυδαλλού - 7ο Γυμνάσιο Κορυδαλλού Greece - ΚΩΣ ΚΩΣ - ΕΕΕΕΚ ΚΩ Greece - Λαρισαίων - 6ο Γενικό Λύκειο Λάρισας Greece - Λάρισας - 11ο Γενικό Λύκειο Λάρισας Greece - Λάρισας - 7ο Γενικό Λύκειο Λάρισας Greece - ΛΑΥΡΕΩΤΙΚΗΣ - 1o ΕΠΑΛ ΛΑΥΡΙΟΥ Greece - Λαυρεωτικής - ΓΕΛ Λαυρίου Greece - Λέσβου - Καλφαγιάννειο Γυμνάσιο Φίλιας Greece - ΛΕΥΚΑΔΑ - ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΝΥΔΡΙΟΥ ΛΕΥΚΑΔΑΣ Greece - ΛΗΜΝΟΥ - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΜΟΥΔΡΟΥ Greece - ΛΥΚΟΒΡΥΣΗΣ - ΠΕΥΚΗΣ - 3o Δημοτικό Πεύκης Greece - Λυκόβρυσης-Πεύκης - 2ο Γυμνάσιο Πεύκης Greece - ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΟΣ - 1ο ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΜΑΚΡΗΣ Greece - Μοχός Ηρακλείου Κρήτης - Γυμνάσιο Μοχού Greece - Μύκης - Γυμνάσιο Σμίνθης Ξάνθης Greece - ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ - ΕΣΠΕΡΙΝΟ ΕΠΑ.Λ. ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ Greece - Ν. Ηρακλείου Κρήτης - Γυμνάσιο Γέργερης Greece - Νάουσα - 2/θ Δημοτικό Ροδοχωρίου Νάουσας Greece - ΝΕΑ ΙΩΝΙΑ - 3ο ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΙΩΝΙΑΣ Greece - Νέα Σμύρνη - 5th Primary School of Nea Smyrni Greece - ΝΕΑ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ - 5ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ Greece - Νέας Σμύρνης - 1ο ΕΠΑΛ Νέας Σμύρνης Greece - ΝΙΚΑΙΑΣ - 9o ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΝΙΚΑΙΑΣ Greece - Ξάνθη - 1o Γυμνάσιο Ξάνθης Greece - Ορεστιάδας - 2ο ΓΕΛ Ορεστιάδας Greece - Παγγαίου - Γυμνάσιο Νικήσιανης Greece - Παλλήνης - Καλλιτεχνικό Γυμνάσιο Γέρακα με Λυκειακές τάξεις Greece - Παλλήνης - Εκπαιδευτήρια Κωστέα Γείτονα Greece - ΠΑΛΟΥΚΙΑ ΣΑΛΑΜΙΝΑ - Special Primary School of Salamina Greece - Πάτρα - Στρούμπειο 2ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πάτρας Greece - ΠΑΤΡΕΩΝ - ΜΟΥΣΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ Greece - ΠΑΤΡΕΩΝ - ΑΡΣΑΚΕΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ Greece - Πατρέων - 1 ΕΠΑΛ ΠΑΤΡΑΣ Greece - Πατρέων - 10/θ Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αγίου Βασιλείου Greece - ΠΑΤΡΕΩΝ - AΡΣΑΚΕΙΟ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ Greece - ΠΑΤΡΩΝ - NHΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΔΡΕΠΑΝΟΥ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ Greece - ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ - ΕΙΔΙΚΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΑΥΤΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ Greece - Πειραιά - Ελληνογαλλική Σχολή Jeanne d'Arc Greece - ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ - 2ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΚΑΛΛΙΠΟΛΗΣ Greece - ΠΕΝΤΕΛΗΣ - 3ο Δημοτικό σχολείο Μελισσίων Greece - Περιστέρι - 11ο Λύκειο Περιστερίου Greece - Περιστερίου - 15ο Γυμνάσιο Περιστερίου Greece - ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙΟΥ - 12ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙΟΥ Greece - Πεύκης - Ελληνογαλλική Σχολή St Joseph Greece - ΠΗΝΕΙΟΥ - ΓΕΛ ΓΑΣΤΟΥΝΗΣ Greece - Πηνειού - Γυμνάσιο Βαρθολομιού Greece - ΠΡΕΒΕΖΑ - ΓΕΛ ΛΟΥΡΟΥ Greece - ΠΡΕΒΕΖΑ - Γυμνάσιο Ζαλόγγου Greece - Πρεσπών - Γυμνάσιο- Λ.Τ. Λαιμού Πρεσπών (Νομός Φλώρινας) Greece - Προφήτης Ηλίας Ηρακλείου - Δημοτικό Σχολείο Προφήτη Ηλία Greece - ΠΥΡΓΟΥ - 3/Θ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΣΑΛΜΩΝΗΣ Greece - Ρόδου - 2ο ΓΕΛ ΡΟΔΟΥ Greece - Σάμου - Δημοτικό σχολείο Όρμου Καρλοβασίου Greece - Σάμου - Γενικό Λύκειο Μαραθοκάμπου Greece - Σερβίων - Βελβεντού - 2ο Ολοήμερο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σερβίων Greece - ΣΕΡΒΙΩΝ - ΒΕΛΒΕΝΤΟΥ - ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗΣ ΒΑΘΥΛΑΚΚΟΥ ΚΟΖΑΝΗΣ Greece - ΣΕΡΡΩΝ - 3ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΣΕΡΡΩΝ Greece - Σερρών - ΤΕΕ Ειδικής Αγωγής Α΄ βθμίδας & Ειδικό ΕΠΑΛ Σερρών Greece - Σερρών - Εσπερινό Γυμνάσιο Σερρών με Λυκειακές τάξεις Greece - Σπάτων - Αρτέμιδος - 3ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σπάτων Greece - Τρικκαίων - 3ο Γυμνάσιο Τρικάλων Greece - ΥΔΡΑΣ - ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΥΔΡΑΣ Greece - Φιλαδέλφειας-Χαλκηδόνας - 2ο Γυμνασιο Ν. Φιλαδέλφειας Greece - ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑΣ-ΧΑΛΚΗΔΟΝΑΣ - 1ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ν.Χαλκηδόνας Greece - ΦΙΛΙΑΤΩΝ - Νηπιαγωγείο Σαγιάδας Greece - ΦΙΛΟΘΕΗ - ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΦΙΛΟΘΕΗΣ Greece - Φιλοθέης - Ψυχικού - 3ο Δημοτικό Ν. Ψυχικού Greece - Φιλοθέης - Ψυχικού - 4ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ν. Ψυχικού Greece - ΧΑΝΙΑ - ΓΕΛ ΝΕΑΣ ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑΣ Greece - Ωραιοκάστρου - 1ο Νηπιαγωγειο Παλαιοκαστρου Croatia - Osnovna škola Podmurvice, Rijeka Croatia - OŠ Lipik Croatia - OŠ Gornje Vrapče Croatia - OŠ Eugena Kumičića (Slatina) Croatia - Osnovna škola "Tin Ujević" Osijek Croatia - Elektrotehnička i prometna škola Osijek Croatia - PS Petra Krešimira 4 Croatia - OŠ Braće Radića Croatia - OŠ Stjepana Radića Brestovec Orehovički Croatia - I PS Bjelovar Croatia - OŠ Ravne njive Split Croatia - OŠ Veliko Trgovišće Croatia - OŠ dr. Franjo Tuđman Šarengrad Croatia - OŠ Franje Krežme Croatia - OŠ Draganići Croatia - Geodetska tehnička škola (Zagreb) Croatia - OS Petra Kresimir 4.,Sibenik Croatia - OŠ Podmurvice Croatia - OS Odra Croatia - OŠ Mače Croatia - III. OŠ VARAŽDIN Croatia - Zdravstvena škola Split Croatia - OŠ August Šenoe Croatia - OŠ Trnovitica Croatia - OŠ Antuna Mihanovića, Klanjec Croatia - OŠ dr. Vinka Žganca, Zagreb Croatia - PS Veli Vrh Pula Croatia - OŠ Mladost Osijek Croatia - OŠ Vladimira Nazora (ZG) Croatia - Hotelijersko Turistička škola u Zagrebu Croatia - PS Bilje Croatia - II. osnovna škola BjelovarCroatia - II. osnovna škola Bjelovar Croatia - OŠ Čazma Croatia - OŠ Trstenik Split Croatia - Osnovna škola "Matija Antun Relković" Davor Croatia - OŠ Petra Zrinskog Croatia - PS Špansko Oranice Croatia - I.gimnazija Osijek Croatia - Prva srednja škola Beli Manastir Croatia - OŠ Ante Starčevića Lepoglava Croatia - PS Sesvetska Sopnica Croatia - OŠ Nikole Andrića Vukovar Croatia - PS Sračinec Croatia - Gimnazija Pula Croatia - I PS Čakovec Croatia - OŠ S.S.Kranjčevića Croatia - Grammar school Josipa Slavenskog Čakovec Croatia - Gimnazija Dubrovnik Croatia - Prva srednja informatička škola s pravom javnosti Croatia - III. gimnazija Zagreb Croatia - High school Antun Matijašević Karamaneo Vis Croatia - Gimnazija Sesvete Croatia - Prva gimnazija Varaždin Croatia - PS Prečko Croatia - Tehnička škola Šibenik Croatia - OŠ Marina Držića Croatia - High school Brač Croatia - Gimnazija Andrije Mohorovičića Rijeka Croatia - OŠ Vidikovac Croatia - OŠ Ostrog, Kaštel Lukšić Croatia - PS Siniše Glavaševića, Vukovar Croatia - Ivana Brlić -Mažuranić Primary School Croatia - High school Novska Croatia - Elementary school Bilje Croatia - PS ˝Milan Brozović˝ Croatia - OŠ Antuna Mihanovića Croatia - High school Oroslavlje Croatia - PS Mokošica Croatia - PS Trnsko Croatia - Ekonomska, trgovačka i ugostiteljska škola Croatia - Medical and chemical high school Šibenik Croatia - PS Mertojak Croatia - PS Ivana Gorana Kovačića Sveti Juraj na Bregu Croatia - OŠ Vrbani Croatia - PS Belica Croatia - OŠ Majstora Radovana, Trogir Croatia - III. gimnazija, Zagreb Croatia - PS Ravne Njive Croatia - PS Viktora Kovačića Hum na Sutli Croatia - Prva Riječka Hrvatska Gimnazija Croatia - PS Strožanac Croatia - Gimnazija Velika Gorica Croatia - PS Manuš – Split Croatia - OŠ Vijenac Croatia - PS Viktorovac Sisak Croatia - Ekonomska i upravna škola Osijek Croatia - OŠ Gradec Croatia - High school Jelkovac Croatia - OŠ Dragutina Domjanića Zagreb Croatia - Privatna gimnazija i ekonomsko informatička škola Futura Croatia - PS "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" Beli Manastir Croatia - OŠ Vjenceslava Novaka Croatia - PS kneza Branimira Croatia - Technical school Županja Croatia - Srednja škola Bedekovčina Croatia - Veli Vrh Primary school Croatia - Medicinska škola Ante Kuzmanića Croatia - OŠ Lovinac Croatia - PS Vladimira Nazora Križevci Croatia - Tehnička škola Ruđera Boškovića Vinkovci Croatia - III. PS Čakovec Croatia - OŠ Eugena Kumičića (Velika Gorica) Croatia - Tehnička škola za strojarstvo i mehatroniku (Split) Croatia - OŠ dr. Franje Tuđmana Lički Osik Croatia - PS dr. Jure Turića Croatia - Tehnička škola Daruvar Croatia - Industrijsko obrtnička škola Slavonski Brod Croatia - Obrtna tehnička škola Split Croatia - Srednja škola Novska Croatia - PS Jurja Dobrile Rovinj Croatia - OS"Dr.Stjepan Ilijašević" Croatia - Srednja škola Hrvatski kralj Zvonimir Krk Croatia - PS Horvati Zagreb Croatia - Gimnazija A.G. Matoša Croatia - Srednja škola Bol Croatia - PS Lučac Croatia - OŠ Nikole Tesle Zagreb Croatia - Secondary school Bedekovcia Croatia - PS Grabrik Croatia - OŠ Bartula Kašića Zadar Croatia - Primary school Vladimira Nazora Croatia - PS Zrinskih (Nuštar) Croatia - Osnovna škola Tin Ujević Osijek Croatia - Primary school Vežica Croatia - PS Popovača Croatia - PS Hugo Badalić Croatia - Ekonomska i birotehnička škola Croatia - OŠ "Viktor Car Emin" Croatia - Osnovna skola Stjepana Radica, Brestovec Orehovicki Croatia - Željeznička tehnička škola - Moravice Croatia - PS Lauder-Hugo Kon Croatia - Osnovna škola Popovača Croatia - Gimnazija Matije Antuna Reljkovića Vinkovci Croatia - Sveti Juraj na Bregu - OŠ Ivana Gorana Kovačića Sveti Juraj na Bregu Croatia - Velika Trnovitica - OŠ Velika Trnovitica Croatia - 21230, Sinj - Technical and industrial secondary school Ruđera BoškovićaCroatia - 21230, Sinj - Technical and industrial secondary school Ruđera BoškovićaCroatia - 21230, Sinj - Technical and industrial secondary school Ruđera BoškovićaCroatia - 21230, Sinj - Technical and industrial secondary school Ruđera BoškovićaCroatia - 21230, Sinj - Technical and industrial secondary school Ruđera Boškovića Croatia - 21240 Trilj - Osnovna škola Trilj Croatia Croatia - 21240, Trilj - Osnovna škola TriljCroatia - 21240, Trilj - Osnovna škola TriljCroatia - 21240, Trilj - Osnovna škola TriljCroatia - 21240, Trilj - Osnovna škola Trilj Croatia - Babina Greda - OŠ Mijat Stojanović Croatia - Bakar - Pomorska škola Bakar Croatia - Barilović - OŠ Barilović Croatia - Bedekovčina - OŠ Bedekovčina Croatia - Bedenica - OŠ Bedenica Croatia - Bednja - OŠ Franje Serta Bednja Croatia - Belec - OŠ Belec Croatia - Beli Manasti - Dr. F. Tuđmana Beli Manastir, primary school Croatia - Beli Manastir - Prva srednja škola Croatia - Beli Manastir - Druga SŠ Beli Manastir Croatia - Beli Manastir - O.Š.Dr.F.Tuđmana Croatia - Beli Manastir - OŠ "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" Croatia - Beli Manastir - Gimnazija Beli Manastir Croatia - Bibinje - OŠ Stjepana Radića Bibinje Croatia - Bjelovar - I. osnovna škola Bjelovar Croatia - Bjelovar - II. PS Bjelovar - II Primary School Bjelovar Croatia - Bjelovar - Gimnazija Bjelovar Croatia - Bjelovar - III. OŠ Bjelovar Croatia - Bjelovar - Komercijalna i trgovačka škola, BJ Croatia - Blato - OŠ Blato Croatia - Bošnjaci - OŠ fra B. T. Leakovića Bošnjaci Croatia - Brestovec Orehovički - OŠ Stjepana Radića Croatia - Breznički Hum - OŠ Breznički Hum Croatia - Bribir - OŠ dr. Josipa Pančića Bribir Croatia - Brodarica - Osnovna škola Brodarica Croatia - Budinšćina - OŠ Vladimir Nazor Budinšćina Croatia - Buje - TSŠ - SMSI Leonardo da Vinci Croatia - Buje - Gospodarska škola Istituto professionale Buje Croatia - Čabar - Srednja škola "Vladimir Nazor" Čabar Croatia - Čabar - OŠ Petar Zrinski Čabar Croatia - Čakovec - Tehnička škola Čakovec Croatia - Čakovec - Srednja škola Čakovec Croatia - Čakovec - OŠ Strahoninec Croatia - Čakovec - škola Čakovec Croatia - Čakovec - II. OŠ Čakovec Croatia - Čakovec - Graditeljska škola Čakovec Croatia - Čakovec - Ekonomska i trgovačka škola Čakovec Croatia - Čavle - OŠ Čavle Croatia - Čazma - Srednja škola Čazma Croatia - Čeminac - OŠ Čeminac Croatia - Čepin - PS Vladimir Nazor Čepin Croatia - Cetingrad - OŠ Cetingrad Croatia - Crikvenica - OŠ Vladimir Nazor Crikvenica Croatia - Daruvar - Ekonomska i turistička škola Daruvar Croatia - Daruvar - OŠ Vladimir Nazor Daruvar Croatia - Daruvar - Češka OŠ Jana Amosa Komenskog Croatia - Daruvar - Technical school Daruvar Croatia - Delnice - SŠ Delnice Croatia - Desinić - OŠ Đure Prejca Desinić Croatia - Donja Dubrava - OŠ DONJA DUBRAVA Croatia - Donja Pušća - OŠ PUšća Croatia - Donji Kraljevec - OŠ Hodošan Croatia - Donji Martijanec - OŠ Martijanec Croatia - Dubrava - OŠ Dubrava,PŠ Farkaševac Croatia - Duga Resa - SŠ Duga Resa Croatia - Dugo Selo - Srednja škola Dugo Selo Croatia - Dugo Selo - OŠ Josipa Zorića, Dugo Selo Croatia - Dugo Selo - OŠ Rugvica Croatia - Dugopolje - OŠ Dugopolje Croatia - Ernestinovo - OŠ Ernestinovo Croatia - Fužine - OŠ Ivanke Trohar Croatia - Garešnica - OŠ Garešnica Croatia - Generalski Stol - OŠ Generalski Stol Croatia - Gorjani - OŠ Gorjani Croatia - Gornja Stubica - OŠ Matije GupcaCroatia - Zagreb - OŠ Matije Gupca Croatia - Gradina - OŠ Gradina Croatia - Grohote - OŠ Grohote Croatia - Grubišno Polje - OŠ Ivana Nepomuka Jemeršića Croatia - Gunja - Osnovna škola "Antun i Stjepan Radić" Gunja Croatia - Hrvatska Dubica - OŠ Ivo Kozarčanin Croatia - Hrvatska Kostajnica - SŠ Ivana Trnskoga Hrvatska Kostajnica Croatia - Ilok - SŠ Ilok Croatia - Ilovik- - OŠ Maria Martinolića Mali Lošinj Croatia - Imotski - Ekonomska škola Imotski Croatia - Ivanec - OŠ Ivana Kukuljevića Sakcinskog Ivanec Croatia - Ivanić Grad - OŠ Đure Deželića Ivanić Grad Croatia - Ivankovo - OŠ August Cesarec Ivankovo Croatia - Jagodnjak - OŠ Jagodnjak Croatia - Jakovlje - OŠ Jakovlje Croatia - Jastrebarsko - OŠ "Ljubo Babić" Croatia - Jastrebarsko - PS "Ljubo Babić" Croatia - Josipdol - OŠ Josipdol Croatia - Josipovac - OŠ Josipovac Croatia - Kalinovac - OŠ Ivan Lacković Croata Croatia - Kaptol - OŠ Vilima Korajca Kaptol Croatia - Karlovac - OŠ Turanj Croatia - Karlovac - Osnovna škola Grabrik Croatia - Karlovac - Tehnička škola Karlovac Croatia - Karlovac - OŠ Banija Karlovac Croatia - Karlovac - OŠ Mahično Croatia - Kašina - OŠ Vugrovec - Kašina Croatia - Kastav - Milan Brozović Croatia - Kaštel Štafilić - Nehaj - SŠ "Braća Radić" Nehaj Croatia - Klana - OŠ Klana Croatia - Klanjec - OŠ Antuna Mihanovića Klanjec Croatia - Knin - OŠ dr. Franje Tuđmana Knin Croatia - Knin - SŠ Lovre Montija Croatia - Komletinci - OŠ Vladimir Nazor Komletinci Croatia - Konjščina - Srednja škola Konjščina Croatia - Koprivnica - SŠ Koprivnica Croatia - Koprivnica - Obrtnička škola Koprivnica Croatia - Koprivnica - Gimnazija "Fran Galović" Croatia - Kostrena - OŠ Kostrena Croatia - Krapinske Toplice - OŠ Krapinske Toplice Croatia - Krašić - OŠ Kardinal Alojzije Stepinac Croatia - Križevci - OŠ Ljudevita Modeca Križevci Croatia - Križevci - Gimnazija Ivana Zakmardija Dijankovečkoga Križevci Croatia - Kutina - OŠ Mate Lovraka Kutina Croatia - Kutina - OŠ Zvonimira Franka Kutina Croatia - Kutjevo - OŠ Zdenka Turkovića, Kutjevo Croatia - Labin - SŠ Mate Blažine Labin Croatia - Ladimirevci - OŠ LadimirevciCroatia - Ladimirevci - OŠ Ladimirevci Croatia - Lasinja - OŠ Antun Klasinc Lasinja Croatia - Lepoglava - Osnovna škola Ante Starčevića Lepoglava Croatia - Lokve - OŠ Rudolfa Strohala Lokve Croatia - Ludbreg - Osnovna škola Veliki Bukovec Croatia - Mala Subotica - OŠ Tomaša Goričanca Mala Subotica Croatia - Mali Lošinj - PS Marija Martinolića Croatia - Marija Bistrica - OŠ Marija Bistrica Croatia - Martinska Ves - OŠ Braće Radić, Martinska Ves Croatia - Maruševec - Osnovna škola "Gustav Krklec" Maruševec Croatia - Metković - SŠ Metković Croatia - Metković - OŠ S. Radića Metković Croatia - Mirkovci - PS Nikole Tesle Croatia - Našice - SŠ Izidora Kršnjavoga Našice Croatia - Našice - OŠ Dore Pejačević Našice Croatia - Nedešćina - OŠ Vitomir Širola Pajo - Nedešćina Croatia - Negoslavci - OŠ Negoslavci Croatia - Neorić - Osnovna škola "Neorić-Sutina" Neorić Croatia - Netretić - OŠ Netretić Croatia - Nin - OŠ Petar Zoranić Nin Croatia - Nova Bukovica - PS Vladimira Nazora Croatia - Nova Gradiška - Gimnazija Nova Gradiška Croatia - Nova Gradiška - OŠ Ljudevita Gaja Nova Gradiška Croatia - Nova Kapela - OŠ A. Mihanović, Nova Kapela, Batrina Croatia - Novi Marof - SŠ Novi Marof Croatia - Novigrad (Dalmacija) - OŠ Novigrad Croatia - Novska - OŠ Novska Croatia - Nuštar - OŠ Zrinskih Croatia - NUŠTAR - OŠ Zrinskih Nuštar Croatia - Obrovac - SŠ Obrovac Croatia - Ogulin - Prva OŠ Ogulin Croatia - Ogulin - Osnovna škola "Ivane Brlić - Mažuranić" Croatia - Ogulin - Osnovna škola Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Croatia - Ogulin - Obrtnička i tehnička škola Ogulin Croatia - Ogulin - Gimnazija Bernardina Frankopana Ogulin Croatia - Omiš - PS Josip Pupačić Omiš Croatia - Omiš - SŠ J. Kaštelan Omiš Croatia - Opatija - Gimnazija E. Kumičića Opatija Croatia - Opatija - Ugostiteljska škola Opatija, osnovna škola Srdoči Rijeka Croatia - Opatija - PS "Rikard Katalinić Jeretov" Opatija Croatia - Opuzen - OŠ Opuzen Croatia - Orehovica - OŠ Orehovica Croatia - Osijek - OŠ Jagode Truhelke, Osijek Croatia - Osijek - II. gimnazija OsijekCroatia - Osijek - II. gimnazija Osijek Croatia - Osijek - OŠ A. Mihanovića OS Croatia - Osijek - OŠ D. Cesarić OS Croatia - Osijek - III. gimnazija Osijek Croatia - Osijek - Strojarska tehnička škola Osijek Croatia - Osijek - Ekonomska i upravna škola Croatia - Osijek - Tehnička škola i prirodoslovna gimnazija R. Boškovića Croatia - Osijek - Isusovačka klasična gimnazija spj u OS Croatia - Osijek - Trgovačka i komercijalna škola Davor Milas Osijek Croatia - Osijek - OŠ Ljudevita Gaja OS Croatia - Osijek - Medicinska škola Osijek Croatia - Osijek - OŠ Retfala Osijek Croatia - Osijek - Prva privatna srednja škola u Osijeku s pravom javnosti Gaudeamus Croatia - Osijek - Graditeljsko-geodetska škola Osijek Croatia - Otočac - OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac Croatia - Otočac - SŠ Otočac Croatia - Otrić Seoci - OŠ Otrići Dubrave Croatia - Petrijanec - OŠ Petrijanec Croatia - Petrinja - OŠ Mate Lovraka Petrinja Croatia - Petrinja - I. OŠ Petrinja Croatia - Plaški - Osnovna škola Plaški Croatia - Podgora - OŠ don Mihovila Pavlinovića Podgora Croatia - Poljana - OŠ Grigora Viteza Poljana Croatia - Požega - Gimnazija Požega Croatia - Požega - Tehnička škola Požega Croatia - Požega - OŠ Antuna Kanižlića Požega Croatia - Pregrada - OŠ Janka Leskovara Pregrada Croatia - Prigorje Brdovečko - OŠ Ivane Brlić Mažuranić Prigorje Brdovečko Croatia - Prigorje Brdovečko - OŠ Pavao Belas Croatia - Pula - TSŠ - SMSI Dante Alighieri Pula Croatia - Pula - OŠ Centar Pula Croatia - Pula - OŠ Vidikpovac Croatia - Pula - Industrijsko obrtnička škola Pula Croatia - Pula - Ekonomska škola Pula Croatia - Punitovci - OŠ J. Kozarac, Josipovac Punitovački Croatia - Rajić - OŠ Rajić Croatia - Rakov Potok - OŠ Stjepana Bencekovića ZG Croatia - Ražanac - OŠ J. Barakovića, Ražanac Croatia - Rijeka - Prometna škola Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Kozala Croatia - RIJEKA - OŠ Fran Franković Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Scuola Elementare San Nicolo Croatia - Rijeka - SŠ za elektrotehniku i računalstvo RI Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ "Turnić" Croatia - Rijeka - Osnovna škola Kozala Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Eugen Kumičić RI Croatia - Rijeka - Rirodoslovna i grafička škola Croatia - Rijeka - Prirodoslovna i grafička škola Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - Primary school Vežica, Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Ivana Zajca Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Scuola elementare "Gelsi" Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Gornja Vežica RI Croatia - Rijeka - Strojarska škola za industrijska i obrtnička zanimanja Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - OŠ Pehlin Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - Ekonomska škola Mije Mirkovića Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - Tehnička škola za strojarstvo i brodogradnju Rijeka Croatia - Rijeka - PS "Vežica" Rijeka Croatia - ROVINJ - Talijanska SŠ Media superiore italiana Rovinj Croatia - Rovinj - OŠ Jurja Dobrile, Rovinj Croatia - Sali - OŠ Petar Lorini Sali Croatia - Šarengrad - PS "dr. Franjo Tuđman" Šarengrad Croatia - Šećerana - PS "Šećerana" Šećerana Croatia - Selnica - OŠ Selnica Croatia - Senj - OŠ S.S.Kranjčevića Senj Croatia - Sesvete - OŠ Sesvetska Sela Croatia - Sesvete - Osnovna škola Ivana Granđe Soblinec Croatia - Šibenik - OŠ Meterize Croatia - Sibinj - OŠ Ivan Mažuranić Sibinj Croatia - Sinj - OŠ Ivana Lovrića Sinj Croatia - Sisak - OŠ 22. lipnja, Sisak Croatia - Sisak - Strukovna škola Sisak Croatia - Sisak-Caprag - Industrijsko-obrtnička škola Sisak Croatia - Škabrnja - OŠ Vladimira Nazora Škabrnje Croatia - Slatina - Industrijsko obrtnička škola Slatina Croatia - Slavonski Brod - OS "Bogoslav Šulek" Slavonski Brod Croatia - Slavonski Brod - Ekonomsko-birotehnička škola Slavonski Brod Croatia - Slavonski Brod - OŠ Đuro Pilar Slavonski Brod Croatia - Slavonski Brod - OŠ Ivan Goran Kovačić SB Croatia - Solin - Osnovna škola don Lovre Katića Croatia - SOLIN - OŠ don Lovre Katića Croatia - Split - OŠ Mejaši Croatia - Split - III.gimnazija Split Croatia - Split - OŠ Skalice Croatia - Split - OŠ Meje Split Croatia - Split - Obrtna tehnička škola - Split Croatia - Split - OŠ Split 3 Croatia - Split - OŠ Kamen - Šine Croatia - Split - OŠ Brda, Split Croatia - Split - 3. GIMNAZIJA SPLIT Croatia - Split - Komercijalno trgovačka škola ST Croatia - Split - SŠ za dizajn, grafiku i održivu gradnju ST Croatia - Starigrad Paklenica - OŠ Starigrad Croatia - Staro Petrovo Selo - OŠ Ivan Goran Kovačić Staro Petrovo Selo Croatia - Stobreč - OŠ Stobreč Croatia - Stubičke Toplice - OŠ Stubičke Toplice Croatia - Suhopolje - OŠ Suhopolje Croatia - Sveta Marija - OŠ Sveta Marija Croatia - Sveti Filip i Jakov - OŠ Sveti Filip i Jakov Croatia - Sveti Ivan Zelina - OŠ D. Domjanića, Sveti Ivan Zelina Croatia - Svetvinčenat - OŠ Svetvinčenat Croatia - Topusko - SŠ Topusko Croatia - Tučepi - OŠ Tučepi, Tučepi Croatia - Tuhelj - Osnovna škola Lijepa Naša Tuhelj Croatia - Umag - OŠ Marije i Line Umag Croatia - Valpovo - SŠ Valpovo Croatia - Varaždin - IV. OŠ Varaždin Croatia - Varaždin - Elektrostrojarska škola VŽ Croatia - Varaždin - VI OŠ Varaždin Croatia - Varaždin - Srednja strukovna škola VŽ Croatia - Varaždin - Gospodarska škola Varaždin Croatia - Varaždin - Druga gimnazija Varaždin Croatia - Varaždin - Katolička OŠ Svete Uršule Croatia - Varaždin - III. osnovna škola Varaždin Croatia - Varaždinske Toplice - OŠ Antuna i Ivana Kukuljevića, Varaždinske Toplice Croatia - Vela Luka - SŠ Vela Luka Croatia - Velika - OŠ Vladimir Nazor Trenkovo Croatia - Velika Ludina - OŠ Ludina, Velika Ludina Croatia - Velika Mlaka - OŠ Velika Mlaka Croatia - Vijenak - Osnovna škola Vijenac Croatia - Vinkovci - OŠ B. Kašića Vinkovci Croatia - Vinkovci - Zdravstvena i veterinarska škola dr. Andrije Štampara Vinkovci Croatia - Vinkovci - OŠ Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vinkovci Croatia - Vinkovci - OŠ A. G. Matoš Vinkovci Croatia - Vinkovci - Ekonomska i trgovačka škola Ivana Domca Vinkovci Croatia - Vinkovci - OŠ Nikole Tesle Croatia - Vinkovci - Srednja strukovna škola Vinkovci Croatia - Virovitica - OŠ Vladimir Nazor Virovitica Croatia - Viškovo - OŠ Sveti Matej Viškovo Croatia - Višnjevac - OŠ Višnjevac Croatia - Vođinci - OŠ Vođinci Croatia - Vrbovec - II. OŠ Vrbovec Croatia - Vrbovec - Srednja škola Vrbovec Croatia - Vrbovec - I. OŠ Vrbovec Croatia - Vrbovsko - PS Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko Croatia - Vrpolje - OŠ Ivan Meštrović, Vrpolje Croatia - Vukovar - Gimnazija Vukovar Croatia - Vukovar - OŠ Dragutina Tadijanovića Vukovar Croatia - Vukovar - OŠ Blage Zadre,Vukovar Croatia - Vukovar - Ekonomska škola Vukovar Croatia - Vukovar - OŠ Mitnica Vukovar Croatia - Vukovina - OŠ Vukovina Croatia - Zabok - Škola za umjetnost, dizajn, grafiku i odjeću Zabok Croatia - Zabok - Gimnazija A. G. Matoša Zabok Croatia - Zadar - OŠ Šimuna Kožičića Benje Croatia - Zadar - OŠ Šime Budinića Zadar Croatia - Zadar - OŠ Petra Preradovića Zadar Croatia - Zadar 23000 - OSNOVNA ŠKOLA PETRA PRERADOVIĆACroatia - Zadar 23000 - OSNOVNA ŠKOLA PETRA PRERADOVIĆACroatia - Zadar 23000 - OSNOVNA ŠKOLA PETRA PRERADOVIĆACroatia - Zadar 23000 - OSNOVNA ŠKOLA PETRA PRERADOVIĆACroatia - Zadar 23000 - OSNOVNA ŠKOLA PETRA PRERADOVIĆA Croatia - Zagreb - I.tehnička škola Tesla Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Sveta Klara Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Bana J. Jelačića ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Većeslava Holjevca Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - XV. gimnazijaCroatia - Zagreb - XV. gimnazija Croatia - Zagreb - IX. gimnazija Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Jure Kaštelana Croatia - Zagreb - PS Pantovčak Croatia - Zagreb - Prva katolička OŠ u gradu ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje Dubrava Croatia - Zagreb - Osnovna škola Odra Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - Islamska Gimnazija dr. Ahmeda Smajlovića Croatia - Zagreb - Osnovna škola Frana Krste Frankopana Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - V. Gimnazija ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Pavleka Miškine ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Voltino, Zagreb, Croatia Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Gračani , Zagreb, Croatia Croatia - Zagreb - Tehnička škola Ruđera Boškovića ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ D. Cesarića ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Ksavera Š. Gjalskoga ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Prirodovna škola Vladimira Preloga Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Izidora Kršnjavoga Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - Prva ekonomska škola ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Zapruđe Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Augusta Šenoe Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - I. Gimnazija ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Srpska pravoslavna opća gimnazija Kantakuzina Katarina Branković, ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Malešnica Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ A. Harambašića ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Borovje Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Ivana Cankara, ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Josipa Jurja Strossmayera ZG Croatia - Zagreb - PS Jure Kaštelana ZG Croatia - Zagreb - II. Gimnazija ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Bukovac, Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ I. Mažuranića ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Trnsko Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Grigora Viteza ZG Croatia - Zagreb - VII. Gimnazija Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Lovre pl. Matačića ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Žitnjak Croatia - Zagreb - Strojarska tehnička škola Frana Bošnjakovića Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ A. G. Matoša ZG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Rudeš Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Trnjanska Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ kralja Tomislava ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Poštanska i telekomunikacijska škola Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Tituša Brezovačkog ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Grafička škola ZG Croatia - Zagreb - Geodetic Engineering School Croatia - Zagreb - Poliklinika za rehabilitaciju slušanja i govora SUVAG Croatia - Zagreb - OŠ Kajzerica Croatia - Zagreb-Dubrava - OŠ Mate Lovraka Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb-Dubrava - OŠ Marije Jurić Zagorke ZG Croatia - Zagreb-Novi Zagreb - OŠ Braće Radić Botinec Croatia - Zagreb-Novi Zagreb - OŠ Gustava Krkleca Zagreb Croatia - Zagreb-Sloboština - OŠ Frana Galovića ZG Croatia - Žakanje - PS Žakanje Croatia - Zlatar - OŠ Ante Kovačića Zlatar Croatia - Zlatar - SŠ Zlatar Croatia - Županja - OŠ Mate Lovraka Županja Croatia - Mali Lošinj - Osnovna škola Maria Martinolića Croatia - Đakovo - Srednja Strukovna škola A. Horvata Croatia - Đakovo - OŠ Budrovci Croatia - Đakovo - OŠ I. G. Kovačić Đakovo Croatia - Đakovo - Osnovna škola Josipa Antuna Ćolnića Đakovo Croatia - Đakovo(Djakovo) - Gymnasium A.G. Matoša Đakovo Croatia - Đelekovec - OŠ Fran Koncelak, Drnje Croatia - Đurđevac - Strukovna škola Đurđevac Croatia - Đurđevac - OŠ Grgura Karlovčana Đurđevac Croatia - Đurđevac - Gimnazija Dr. Ivana Kranjčeva Đurđevac Hungary - Békéscsaba - Secondary Technical School of Commerce and Catering named after Jozsef Zwack Hungary - Budapest - Lauder Javne Jewish Community School Hungary - Budapest - Bárczi Géza Primary School Hungary - Budapest - Budapesti Gépészeti Szakképzési Centrum Katona József Szakközépiskolája, Szakiskolája és Felnőttoktatási Gimnáziuma Hungary - Budapest - Szent-Györgyi Albert Ált Isk. és Gimn Hungary - Budapest - Kispesti Kós Károly Általános Iskola Hungary - Budapest - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Primary and Secondary School Hungary - Budapest - St. Philipp of Neri Primary School Hungary - Budapest - Nagy László Secondary Grammar School Hungary - Budapest - Weöres Sándor Gimnázium Hungary - Budapest - Alternative High School of Economics Hungary - Budapest - Philip Neri Catholic Primary School Hungary - Budapest - Wesselényi School Hungary - Budapest - Saint Gellért Catholic Elementary School and High School Hungary - Budapest - Budapesti Komplex Szakképzési Centrum Schulek Frigyes Két Tanítási nyelvű Építőipari Szakközépiskolája Hungary - Budapest - Carl Rogers Person-centered School Hungary - Csopak - Csopaki Reformatus Elementary School Hungary - Csopak - CSopaki Református Általános Iskola Hungary - Csorna - Hunyadi János Technical Grammar School Hungary - Csorna - GYSZSZC Hunyadi János Középiskola, Csorna Hungary - Debrecen - Tóth Árpád Secondary Grammar School Hungary - Debrecen - Szent József Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Kollégium Hungary - Debrecen - Brassai Samuel Gimnazium és Muszaki Szakkozepiskola Hungary - Demecser - Demecseri Oktatási Centrum Gimnázium Hungary - Dunaujvaros - DSZC Lorantffy Zsuzsanna Secondary Technical and Vocational School Hungary - Egyhazaskozar - Hegyhati Altalanos Iskola Egyhazaskozar - Bikali Tagintezmenye Hungary - Felsőnyék - Felsőnyéki Általános Iskola Hungary - Felsőnyék - Iregszemcsei Deák Ferenc Általános Iskola Felsőnyéki Tagiskolája Hungary - Gödöllő - Gödöllői Török Ignác Gimnázium Hungary - Gyöngyös - Berze High School Gyöngyös Hungary - Gyor - Krudy Gyula High and Vocational Schools Hungary - Ibrány - Ibrányi Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Kollégium Hungary - Jánossomorja - Janossomorja Regional Elementary School Hungary - Jászberény - Lehel Vezér Secondary School Hungary - Kalocsa - Bajai Szakképzési Centrum Dózsa György Szakközépiskolája, Szakiskolája és Kollégiuma Hungary - Kaposvár - Kaposvári SZC Építőipari, Faipari Szakképző Iskolája Hungary - Kaposvár - Kaposvár SZC Construction, Timber Industry Vocational School Hungary - Kecskemét - Kecskeméti Vásárhelyi Pál Általános Iskola és AMI Hungary - Kecskemet - Protestant Grammar School of Kecskemet Hungary - Kiszombor - Kiszombori Dozsa Gyorgy Altalanos Iskola Hungary - Levelek - Leveleki Gardonyi Geza Altalanos iskola Hungary - Levelek - Leveleki Gardonyi Geza Elementary School Hungary - Mágocs - Hegyháti Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Hungary - Mágocs - Hegyháti Primary School and Elementary Art School Hungary - Megyaszó - Megyaszói Mészáros Lőrinc Körzeti Általános Iskola Hungary - Mezőhegyes - Mezőhegyesi József Attila Általános Iskola, Mezőhegyes, Hungary Hungary - Mezőhegyes - Elementary School Hungary - Mezőhegyes - Mezőhegyesi József Attila Általános Iskola Hungary - Miskolc - Diósgyőri Nagy Lajos Király Általános Iskola (Primary School) Hungary - Mosonmagyaróvár - Mosonmagyaróvári Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium Hungary - Nagyalásony - Kinizsi Pál Ált. Iskola Hungary - Nagykálló - Frigyes Korányi Secondary School Hungary - Nagykálló - Korányi Frigyes Gimnázium Nagykálló Hungary - Nagykanizsa - Batthyány Lajos Secondary School Hungary - Nagykanizsa - György Thúry High School Hungary - Ózd - Ózsdi SZC Bródy Imre Szakképző Iskolája Hungary - Pápa - Pápai Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma Hungary - Pécs - Apáczai Csere János Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Kollégium, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola 1. Sz. Általános Iskolája Hungary - Pécs - Lajos Nagy Grammar School of the Cistercian Order Hungary - Sajószentpéter - Kossuth Lajos Primary School Hungary - Szazhalombatta - Korosi Csoma Sandor Pimary School Hungary - Százhalombatta - Százhalombattai Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Általános Iskola Hungary - Szeged - Secondary School of Szeged University Hungary - Szeged - High School of University of Szeged Hungary - Szeged - High School of Szeged University Hungary - Székesfehérvár - Székesfehérvár SzC Széchenyi István Müszaki Szakközépskolája Hungary - Székesfehérvár - Székesfehérvári SzC Széchenyi István Műszaki SzakközépiskolájaHungary - Székesfehérvár - Székesfehérvári SzC Széchenyi István Műszaki Szakközépiskolája Hungary - Székesfehérvár - Cornelius Lanczos Gimnasium Hungary - Szekszárd - Szent László Szakképző Iskola Hungary - Szekszárd - Szekszárdi Garay János Gimnázium Hungary - Szentendre - Szentendrei Református Gimnázium Hungary - Szentmártonkáta - Arany János Elementary School of Szentmártonkáta (Hungary) Hungary - Szilvasvarad - Jokai Mor Primary School of Szilvasvarad Hungary - Szolnok - Habarodix Experiments Hungary - Szombathely - Gothard Jenő Primary School Hungary - Szombathely - Herman Otto Secondary Technical School Hungary - Szombathely - Kanizsai Dorottya Gimnázium Hungary - Szombathely - Gothard Jenő Elementary School Hungary - Tiszasziget - Szent Antal Katolikus Általános Iskola Hungary - Törökbálint - Bálint Márton Elementary and Secondary School Hungary - Torokbalint - Zimándy Ignác Általános Iskola, Törökbálint, Dózsa György Street Hungary - Törökbálint - Zimandy Ignac School Hungary - Üllés - Fontos Sándor Általános és Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény Hungary - Úrkút - Hauser Lajos Elementary School Indonesia - Yogyakarta - Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Ireland - Assumption Secondary School, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 Ireland - Margaret Aylward Community College, Whitehall, Dublin 9 Ireland - St Nicholas Primary School, Longwood Co Meath (Primary) Ireland - Gairmscoil Mhuire, Athenry Ireland - Castlerea Community school, Castlerea, Co Roscommon Ireland - Loreto, Kilkenny Ireland - Ardscoil na MaraIreland - Ardscoil na MaraIreland - Ardscoil na Mara Ireland - St. Dominic's Secondary School, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 Ireland - Moyne Community School, Co Longford Ireland - Belgrove Senior Boys, Seafield Road WEst, Clontarf, Dublin 3 (Primary) Ireland - St Wolstan's Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare Ireland - Coláiste Ghlór na Mara, Fearann an Chaisleáin, Baile Brigín, Co. Átha Cliath Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7Ireland - D7 Educate Together, Grangegorman, Dublin 7 Ireland - Loreto Secondary School, Clonmel Ireland - Pobalscoil Neasain, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 Ireland - St.Clare's Comprehensive , Leitrim Ireland - Confey College, Leixlip, Co. Kildare Ireland - New Cross College, Finglas, Dublin 11 Ireland - Belgrove Senior Girls School, Seafield Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3 (Primary) Ireland - Mount Temple Comprehensive School, Malahide Road Dublin.3 Ireland - Killashee N S, Co Longford Ireland - St. Mary's, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 Ireland - Meanscoil Mhuire, Longford Ireland - Dominican Convent, Griffith Ave, Dublin 9 Ireland - O'Fiaich College, Dundalk, Co Louth Ireland - Our Lady of the Wayside N.S., Bluebell, Dublin 12 (Primary) Ireland - Loreto Secondary School Navan, Co Meath Ireland - Coláiste Íosagáin, Bóthar Stigh Lorgan, Baile an Bhóthair, Co Átha Cliath Ireland - Sutton Park School, Sutton, Co Dublin Ireland - St.Louis, Dundalk Ireland - St Columba's College, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal Ireland - Oatlands College, Mount Merrion, Dublin 2 Ireland - St. Brigid's BNS, Howth Road, Killester, Dublin 5 (Primary) Ireland - Coláiste Cois Life Ireland - Patrician Secondary School, Newbridge, Co. Kildare Ireland - Coláiste de hÍde, Bóthar Chaisleáin Thigh Mothain, Tamhlacht, Baile Átha Cliath 24 Ireland - Blackwater Community School, Lismore, Co. Waterford Ireland - St.Vincent's , Dundalk Ireland - Ballinode community college Ireland - Ratoath College, Ratoath, Co Meath Ireland - St. Catherine's Senior School, Ratoath Road, Cabra, Dublin 7 Ireland - St Paul's NS Ireland - St. Peters College, Dunboyne, Co. Meath Ireland - Gael-Choláiste Chill Dara, Seanbhóthar Luimnigh, Nás na Ríogh, Co Chill Dara Ireland - St Mary's CBS, Portlaoise, Co Laois Ireland - St. Mary's College , Dundalk Ireland - St. Bricin's Belturbet Co. Cavan Ireland - Coláiste na Coiribe, Bóthar Thuama, Gaillimh Ireland - St Benedict's National School, Ongar, Dublin 15Ireland - St Benedict's National School, Ongar, Dublin 15 Ireland - St. Columbanus National School Ireland - St Aidan's CBS, Whitehall, Dublin 9 Ireland - St. Kevin's Boys National School, Finglas, Dublin 11 (Primary) Ireland - Athy College, Co Kildare Ireland - Coláiste an Phiarsaigh, Gleann Maghair, Co. Chorcaí Ireland - Coláiste na Carriage, An Charraig, Co. Donegal Ireland - Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh Ireland - CBS Thurles Secondary School Ireland - St Davids, Artane, Dublin 5 Ireland - Gael Choláiste Chilldara, Naas, Co Kildare Ireland - St Fintan's BNS, New Line Road, Mountrath, Co Laois Ireland - Archbishop McHale college, Tuam, Co Galway Ireland - Eureka, Kells Ireland - Alexandra College Dublin Ireland - Colaiste na Toirbhirte, Bandon Ireland - Columba College, Killucan, Co Westmeath Ireland - Scoil Tighearnach Naofa, Cullohil, Rathdowney, Co Laois Ireland - Santa Sabina, Sutton, Co Dublin Ireland - Patrician Highschool, Carrickmacross Ireland - Loreto Community School, Milford, Co Donegal Ireland - St Mac Daras CC, Templeogue, Dublin 6W Ireland - Pobailscoil IosoIde, Kennelsfort Road, Palmerstown, Dublin 20 Ireland - Ardtona House School, Churchtown Road Lower, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Ireland - Salerno Secondary School, GalwayIreland - Salerno Secondary School, Galway Ireland - St. Attractas, Tubbercurry Ireland - Gormanston College, Co Meath Ireland - St Michaels, Finglas, Dublin 11 Ireland - Balbriggan Community College, Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co DublinIreland - Balbriggan Community College, Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co Dublin Ireland - Castle Park School, Castlepark Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin Ireland - Rockwell College, Waterford Ireland - St Mary's, New Ross, Co Wexford Ireland - St Patricks Classical, Navan, Co Meath Ireland - Christian Brothers College Primary School, Monkstown Rd, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Ireland - Scoil Mhuire Fatima, Co Laois. Ireland - CBS, Mullingar Ireland - East Glendalough, Station Road, Wicklow Town Ireland - St Pauls College, Raheny, Dublin 5 Ireland - St Vincent's Boys Secondary School, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 Ireland - Dalkey School Project, Glenageary Lodge, Glenageary, Co Dublin Ireland - Arles National School, Co Laois Ireland - St. Aloysius College, Athlone Ireland - Davitt College, Castlebar, Co Mayo Ireland - St Vincents C.B.S., Glasnevin, Dublin 11 Ireland - St Joseph's Boys Secondary School, Fairview, Dublin 3. Ireland - Sharavogue Junior School, Upper Glenageary Rd, Glenageary, Co Dublin Ireland - Lanesboro Community College, Lanesboro, Co. Longford Ireland - Loreto, Wexford Ireland - Virginia College, Virginia, Cavan Ireland - St Wolstans Community School, Kildare Ireland - Ringsend College, Cambridge Road, Dublin 4 Ireland - Taney N.S., Sydenham Villas, Co Dublin Ireland - St. Leo's College, Old Dublin Road, Carlow Ireland - Good Counsel College, New Ross Ireland - St Mel's College, Longford Ireland - Terenure College, Dublin 6W Ireland - Colaiste Bride, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Ireland - De La Salle Secondary Boys School, Churchtown, Dublin Ireland - Willow Park Junior School, Rock Road, Booterstown, Co Dublin Ireland - Drimnagh Castle Primary, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12 (Primary) Ireland - St.Peter’s College, Summerhill, Wexford Ireland - Ard Scoil na Trionoide, Athy, Co Kildare Ireland - Rockford Manor, Blackrock, Co Dublin Ireland - Bailieborough Community School, Cavan Ireland - Inver College, Castleblaney Rd, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan Ireland - Clondra NS, Co Longford Ireland - Creagh College, Creagh Demense, Gorey, Co Wexford Ireland - Colaiste Raithin, Bray Ireland - Scoil Mhuire, Strokestown, Roscommon Ireland - Sacred Heart School, Drogheda, Co Louth Ireland - Scoil Chonglais, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow Ireland - Heronstown NS, Lobinstown, Co Meath (Primary) Ireland - Pope John Paul II National School, Sea Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin (Primary) Ireland - Coláiste Oiriall, Tir Chianáin, Muineacháin, Co Muineacháin Ireland - Ardee Community School Co Louth Ireland - St Josephs Secondary School, Stanhope Street, Dublin 7 Ireland - Adamstown Community College, Adamstown, Dublin 15 Ireland - Dring N S, Co Longford Ireland - St. Joseph's College, Lucan, Co Dublin Ireland - Gaelcholáiste an Phiarsaigh, An Mhainistir, Bóthar na Gráinsí, Ráth Fearnáin, Baile Átha Cliath 14 Ireland - Scoil Mhuire, Greenhill Carrick-on-Suir Ireland - Tullow Community School, Carlow Ireland - Ashbourne Community School, Co Meath Ireland - Killeen N.S., Co Longford Ireland - Loreto, Fermoy, Co Cork Ireland - St.Clare's College, Ballyjames, Cavan Ireland - Muckross Park College, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Ireland - Belvedere College S.J, Dublin City Centre Ireland - St. Marys NS, Pollough, Co Offaly Ireland - Our Lady's, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth Ireland - St.Patrick's College, Cavan Ireland - Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Ireland - Castleknock College, Dublin 15 Ireland - Scoil Bhride, Carrick Rd Edenderry, Co Offaly Ireland - St. Aidan's CBS, Collins Avenue, Whitehall Ireland - St Mary's, Convent Hill, Ballina, Mayo Ireland - St. Flannan's College, Ennis Ireland - St Marys Holy Faith Secondary School, Killester, Dublin 5 Ireland - Clonkeen College, Blackrock, Co Dublin Ireland - Ballinamere NS, Tullamore, Co Offaly Ireland - Loreto College, Cavan Ireland - Colaiste Pobail Acla, Achill Island Ireland - Greenhills College, Greenhills, Dublin 12 Ireland - Coláiste Choilm, Swords, Co Dublin Ireland - Charleville NS, Tullamore, Co Offaly Ireland - St Patrick's Classical School, Navan Ireland - Pobal Scoil Gaoth Daobhair, Donegal Ireland - Scoil Ui Mhuire, Dunleer, Co Louth Ireland - Colaiste Pobal Setanta, Phibblestown, Dublin 15 Ireland - Scoil Chartaigh Naofa, Rahan, Tullamore, Co Offaly Ireland - Gallen Community School, Ferbane Ireland - Carndonagh Community School, Donegal Ireland - Tallaght Community School, Belgard, Dublin 24 Ireland - St Declans College, Cabra, Dublin 7 Ireland - St. Peter and St. Pauls NS, Horseleap, Moate, Co Offaly Ireland - Mountrath CS, Dysart High, Mountrath, Co Laois Ireland - Colaiste Colmcille, Ballyshannon Ireland - St Olivers Community School, Drogheda Ireland - Coolmine Community School, Coolmine, Dublin 15 Ireland - Durrow NS, Tullamore, Co Offaly Ireland - St Louis Secondary, Monaghan Ireland - Abbey Vocational School, Donegal Ireland - Ardgillan Community School, Castlelands, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Ireland - Donahies Community School, Dublin 13 Ireland - Scoil Bhride, Ballyboy, Co Offaly Ireland - St. Kevin's College, Clogher Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 Ireland - Hartstown Community School, Hartstown, Dublin 15 Ireland - Carrickleck NS, Kingscourt, Co Meath (Primary) Ireland - St Muredach's College, Ballina, Co Mayo Ireland - Holy Faith, Contarf , Dublin 3 Ireland - Colaiste Coislife, Lucan Ireland - Loreto College, Swords, Co Dublin Ireland - S.N. Pheadar agus Phoil, Drumconrath, Navan, Co Meath Ireland - Pope John Paul II Primary School Ireland - Loreto Convent, Letterkenny, Co Donegal Ireland - Gaelcholaiste Reachrann, Dublin Ireland - Gort Community School, Galway Ireland - Lucan Community College, Lucan. Co Dublin Ireland - St. Brigids N.S., Boardsmill, Trim, Co Meath (Primary) Ireland - St Farnans Post Primary, Prosperous, Naas, Co Kildare Ireland - Ard Scoil Ris, Griffith Avenue Ireland - St Colomba's College, Whitechurch, Dublin 16 Ireland - Luttrellstown Community College, Dublin 15 Ireland - St. Stephen's N.S, Johnstown, Navan, Co Meath (Primary) Ireland - Malahide Community School, Malahide, co Dublin. Ireland - De la Salle College, Churchtown, Dublin 14 Ireland - Salesian College, Celbridge Ireland - Carrick, - Colaiste Na CarraigeIreland - Carrick, - Colaiste Na CarraigeIreland - Carrick, - Colaiste Na Carraige Ireland - WELLINGTON ROAD, - Cork Educate together Secondary SchoolIreland - WELLINGTON ROAD, - Cork Educate together Secondary SchoolIreland - WELLINGTON ROAD, - Cork Educate together Secondary School Ireland - 1 Belgrove Rd, - Holy Faith Secondary SchoolIreland - 1 Belgrove Rd, - Holy Faith Secondary SchoolIreland - 1 Belgrove Rd, - Holy Faith Secondary School Ireland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na MaraIreland - Arklow - Gaelcholáiste na Mara Ireland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community SchoolIreland - Athoy - Athboy Community School Ireland - Ballsbridge - St Mary's BNS, Haddington Rd., Ballsbridge, Dublin 4Ireland - Ballsbridge - St Mary's BNS, Haddington Rd., Ballsbridge, Dublin 4Ireland - Ballsbridge - St Mary's BNS, Haddington Rd., Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Ireland - Ballsbridge - Marian CollegeIreland - Ballsbridge - Marian CollegeIreland - Ballsbridge - Marian CollegeIreland - Ballsbridge - Marian College Ireland - Ballyfermot, Dublin - St Louise’s Ballyfermot Ireland - Ballymun - Trinity Comprehensive School Ireland - Ballymun - Trinity Comprehensive School Ireland - Blackrock - Sian Hill CollegeIreland - Blackrock - Sian Hill CollegeIreland - Blackrock - Sian Hill CollegeIreland - Blackrock - Sian Hill CollegeIreland - Blackrock - Sian Hill CollegeIreland - Blackrock - Sian Hill CollegeIreland - Blackrock - Sian Hill College Ireland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Blakestown - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Hartstown Community School Ireland - Booterstown - Coláiste Eoin Ireland - Boyle - St Teresa's NSIreland - Boyle - St Teresa's NSIreland - Boyle - St Teresa's NSIreland - Boyle - St Teresa's NS Ireland - Bray - Presentation College BrayIreland - Bray - Presentation College BrayIreland - Bray - Presentation College BrayIreland - Bray - Presentation College Bray Ireland - Bridge - Bridgestown Ireland - Bridge - Bridgestown Ireland - Bridge - Bridgestown Ireland - Cabra - Christ The KingIreland - Cabra - Christ The KingIreland - Cabra - Christ The King Ireland - Chapelizod - Mount Sackville Secondary SchoolIreland - Chapelizod - Mount Sackville Secondary SchoolIreland - Chapelizod - Mount Sackville Secondary SchoolIreland - Chapelizod - Mount Sackville Secondary School Ireland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods CollegeIreland - Clane, - Clongowes Woods College Ireland - Clontarf - Scoil Mhuire MarinoIreland - Dublin 09 - Scoil Mhuire MarinoIreland - Dublin 09 - Scoil Mhuire MarinoIreland - Dublin 09 - Scoil Mhuire MarinoIreland - Dublin 09 - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Co Clare - St Finnachta's National SchoolIreland - Co Clare - St Finnachta's National SchoolIreland - Co Clare - St Finnachta's National School Ireland - Co Clare - St John Bosco Community CollegeIreland - Co Clare - St John Bosco Community CollegeIreland - Co Clare - St John Bosco Community College Ireland - Co Meath - Headfort National SchoolIreland - Co Meath - Headfort National SchoolIreland - Co Meath - Headfort National School Ireland - Co. Donegal - Loreto Community School Ireland - Co. Donegal - Loreto Community School Ireland - Co. Donegal - Loreto Community School Ireland - Co. Donegal - Carndonagh Community SchoolIreland - Co. Donegal - Carndonagh Community SchoolIreland - Co. Donegal - Carndonagh Community SchoolIreland - Co. Donegal - Carndonagh Community SchoolIreland - Co. Donegal - Carndonagh Community SchoolIreland - Co. Donegal - Carndonagh Community School Ireland - Co. Dublin - Malahide Community SchoolIreland - Co. Dublin - Malahide Community SchoolIreland - Co. Dublin - Malahide Community School Ireland - Co. Kildare - Scoil San Carlo S.N.S.Ireland - Co. Kildare - Scoil San Carlo S.N.S.Ireland - Co. Kildare - Scoil San Carlo S.N.S.Ireland - Co. Kildare - Scoil San Carlo S.N.S. Ireland - Co. Meath - Dunboyne Senior Primary SchoolIreland - Co. Meath - Dunboyne Senior Primary SchoolIreland - Co. Meath - Dunboyne Senior Primary SchoolIreland - Co. Meath - Dunboyne Senior Primary School Ireland - Co. Roscommon - Abbey Community CollegeIreland - Co. Roscommon - Abbey Community CollegeIreland - Co. Roscommon - Abbey Community College Ireland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil AoifeIreland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil AoifeIreland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil AoifeIreland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil AoifeIreland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil AoifeIreland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil AoifeIreland - Cooldown Commons, - Scoil Aoife Ireland - Donabate - St Patrick's Boys National SchoolIreland - Donabate - St Patrick's Boys National SchoolIreland - Donabate - St Patrick's Boys National School Ireland - Donnybrook - The Teresian SchoolIreland - Donnybrook - The Teresian SchoolIreland - Donnybrook - The Teresian SchoolIreland - Donnybrook - The Teresian SchoolIreland - Donnybrook - The Teresian School Ireland - Drogeda - Drogheda Institute Of Further EdIreland - Drogeda - Drogheda Institute Of Further EdIreland - Drogeda - Drogheda Institute Of Further EdIreland - Drogeda - Drogheda Institute Of Further EdIreland - Drogeda - Drogheda Institute Of Further Ed Ireland - Drogheda - Aston Village Educate Together National SchoolIreland - Drogheda - Aston Village Educate Together National SchoolIreland - Drogheda - Aston Village Educate Together National SchoolIreland - Drogheda - Aston Village Educate Together National School Ireland - Drogheda - St. Olivers Community CollegeIreland - Drogheda - St. Olivers Community CollegeIreland - Drogheda - St. Olivers Community CollegeIreland - Drogheda - St. Olivers Community CollegeIreland - Drogheda - St. Olivers Community College Ireland - Drumcondra - Corpus Christi GNS, Homefarm Rd., Drumcondra, Dublin 9.Ireland - Drumcondra - Corpus Christi GNS, Homefarm Rd., Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Ireland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NSIreland - Dublin - St Catherine's NS Ireland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock CollegeIreland - Dublin - St Vincence Castleknock College Ireland - Dublin - Presentation Secondary School WarrIreland - Dublin - Presentation Secondary School WarrIreland - Dublin - Presentation Secondary School WarrIreland - Dublin - Presentation Secondary School WarrIreland - Dublin - Presentation Secondary School Warr Ireland - Dublin - St. Josephs CollegeIreland - Dublin - St. Josephs CollegeIreland - Dublin - St. Josephs CollegeIreland - Dublin - St. Josephs College Ireland - Dublin - St Columba’s College Dublin Ireland - Dublin - Oatlands collegeIreland - Dublin - Oatlands collegeIreland - Dublin - Oatlands college Ireland - Dublin - Ballinteer Educate Together NS Ireland - Dublin - Drimnagh Castle CBSIreland - Dublin - Drimnagh Castle CBSIreland - Dublin - Drimnagh Castle CBSIreland - Dublin - Drimnagh Castle CBS Ireland - Dublin - Confey CollegeIreland - Dublin - Confey CollegeIreland - leixlip - Confey CollegeIreland - leixlip - Confey College Ireland - Dublin - St. Louise de Marillac Primary School Ireland - Dublin - Sandford Park SchoolIreland - Dublin - Sandford Park SchoolIreland - Dublin - Sandford Park SchoolIreland - Dublin - Sandford Park SchoolIreland - Dublin - Sandford Park SchoolIreland - Dublin - Sandford Park SchoolIreland - Dublin - Sandford Park School Ireland - Dublin - Pearse CollegeIreland - Dublin - Pearse CollegeIreland - Dublin - Pearse CollegeIreland - Dublin - Pearse College Ireland - Dublin - Loreto High School BeaufortIreland - Dublin - Loreto High School BeaufortIreland - Dublin - Loreto High School BeaufortIreland - Dublin - Loreto High School Beaufort Ireland - Dublin - Santa Sabina Ireland - Dublin - The Kings HospitalIreland - Dublin - The Kings HospitalIreland - Dublin - The Kings Hospital Ireland - Dublin - Bremore Educate Together Secondary SchoolIreland - Dublin - Bremore Educate Together Secondary SchoolIreland - Dublin - Bremore Educate Together Secondary School Ireland - Dublin - Firhouse Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Firhouse Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Firhouse Community SchoolIreland - Dublin - Firhouse Community School Ireland - Dublin - Luttrellstown Community CollegeIreland - Dublin - Luttrellstown Community CollegeIreland - Dublin - Luttrellstown Community CollegeIreland - Dublin - Luttrellstown Community College Ireland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul Girls SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul Girls SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul Girls SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul Girls SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul Girls School Ireland - Dublin - Ardgillan Community CollegeIreland - Dublin - Ardgillan Community CollegeIreland - Dublin - Ardgillan Community CollegeIreland - Dublin - Ardgillan Community College Ireland - Dublin - St Tiernan’s Community College Ireland - Dublin - St Thomas's Jr SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Thomas's Jr SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Thomas's Jr School Ireland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul BNS Griffith AvenueIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul BNS Griffith AvenueIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul BNS Griffith AvenueIreland - Dublin - St Vincent de Paul BNS Griffith Avenue Ireland - Dublin - Central Remedial Clinic School Ireland - Dublin - St Joseph's Secondary SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Joseph's Secondary SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Joseph's Secondary SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Joseph's Secondary SchoolIreland - Dublin - St Joseph's Secondary School Ireland - Dublin - Manor House Ireland - Dublin - Manor House Ireland - Dublin - Manor House Ireland - Dublin - Manor House Ireland - Dublin - St David's CBSIreland - Dublin - St David's CBSIreland - Dublin - St David's CBS Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Thomais Laural Lodge Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Thomais Laural Lodge Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Thomais Laural Lodge Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Thomais Laural Lodge Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Thomais Laural Lodge Ireland - Dublin - Beneavin De La Salle CollegeIreland - Dublin - Beneavin De La Salle CollegeIreland - Dublin - Beneavin De La Salle College Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Scoil Mhuire Marino Ireland - Dublin - Sacred Heart S.N.S Ireland - Dublin 08 - Griffith Barracks, The Old Guardhouse, South Circular Rd., Dublin 8Ireland - Dublin 08 - Griffith Barracks, The Old Guardhouse, South Circular Rd., Dublin 8 Ireland - Dublin 5 - St. Pauls CollegeIreland - Dublin 5 - St. Pauls CollegeIreland - Dublin 5 - St. Pauls College Ireland - Dublin 9 - St Vincent De Paul GNS, Griffith Ave., Marino, Dublin 9.Ireland - Dublin 9 - St Vincent De Paul GNS, Griffith Ave., Marino, Dublin 9.Ireland - Dublin 9 - St Vincent De Paul GNS, Griffith Ave., Marino, Dublin 9. Ireland - Dunboyne - St Peters CollegeIreland - Dunboyne - St Peters CollegeIreland - Dunboyne - St Peters CollegeIreland - Dunboyne - St Peters College Ireland - Finglas South - St Finian's National SchoolIreland - Finglas South - St Finian's National SchoolIreland - Finglas South - St Finian's National School Ireland - Finglas, Dublin - St. Michael"s Holy Faith Secondary School Ireland - Galway - Coláiste Éinde Ireland - Glendalough - East Glendalough EGSIreland - Glendalough - East Glendalough EGSIreland - Glendalough - East Glendalough EGSIreland - Glendalough - East Glendalough EGS Ireland - Graystones - St David's Holy Faith Ireland - Graystones - St David's Holy Faith Ireland - Hansfield - Hansfield ETSSIreland - Hansfield - Hansfield ETSS Ireland - Howth, Dublin - Burrow National School Ireland - Kildare - St Conleths Community CollegeIreland - Kildare - St Conleths Community CollegeIreland - Kildare - St Conleths Community College Ireland - Kildare - Gael-Cholaiste Cill DaraIreland - Kildare - Gael-Cholaiste Cill DaraIreland - Kildare - Gael-Cholaiste Cill Dara Ireland - Killester - St Bridget's BNS , Howth Rd., Killester, Dublin 5Ireland - Killester - St Bridget's BNS , Howth Rd., Killester, Dublin 5Ireland - Killester - St Bridget's BNS , Howth Rd., Killester, Dublin 5 Ireland - Ladyswell, Mulhuddart - Lady’s Well NS Mulhuddard Ireland - Laytown - Scoil an Spioraid NaoimhIreland - Laytown - Scoil an Spioraid NaoimhIreland - Laytown - Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Ireland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - MonaleenIreland - Limerick - Monaleen Ireland - Lucan, Dublin - Lucan Community College Ireland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post Primary Ireland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post Primary Ireland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post Primary Ireland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post Primary Ireland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post PrimaryIreland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post PrimaryIreland - Maynooth - Maynooth Post Primary Ireland - Milltown - Alexandra College Ireland - Mounthrath - Mounthrath Community CollegeIreland - Mounthrath - Mounthrath Community CollegeIreland - Mounthrath - Mounthrath Community College Ireland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community SchoolIreland - Mountrath - Mountrath Community School Ireland - Naas - Naas Community CollegeIreland - Naas - Naas Community CollegeIreland - Naas - Naas Community College Ireland - PERRYSTOWN - St.Damian's National SchoolIreland - PERRYSTOWN - St.Damian's National SchoolIreland - PERRYSTOWN - St.Damian's National School Ireland - PERRYSTOWN, - ST DAMIENS NSIreland - PERRYSTOWN, - ST DAMIENS NSIreland - PERRYSTOWN, - ST DAMIENS NSIreland - PERRYSTOWN, - ST DAMIENS NSIreland - PERRYSTOWN, - ST DAMIENS NSIreland - PERRYSTOWN, - ST DAMIENS NS Ireland - Raheny - St Pauls College Ireland - Rathcool - Holy Family RathcoolIreland - Rathcool - Holy Family Rathcool Ireland - Ratoath - Ratoath CollegeIreland - Ratoath - Ratoath CollegeIreland - Ratoath - Ratoath CollegeIreland - Ratoath - Ratoath College Ireland - Roscommon - St Teresa’s NSIreland - Roscommon - St Teresa’s NSIreland - Roscommon - St Teresa’s NSIreland - Roscommon - St Teresa’s NS Ireland - Roscrea - Roscrea Coliste PhobalIreland - Roscrea - Roscrea Coliste Phobal Ireland - Stamullen - St Patrick's NSIreland - Stamullen - St Patrick's NSIreland - Stamullen - St Patrick's NSIreland - Stamullen - St Patrick's NS Ireland - Stamullen - St Patrick's National School, Stamullen, Co Meath, Ireland Ireland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National SchoolIreland - Straffan - Straffan National School Ireland - Stranorlar - St.Columbas College, Stranorlar Ireland - Tallaght - Mount Seskin Community CollegeIreland - Tallaght - Mount Seskin Community CollegeIreland - Tallaght - Mount Seskin Community College Ireland - Terenure - St. Joseph’s BNS Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Thurles - Scoil Ruain Ireland - Trim - Boyne Community CollegeIreland - Trim - Boyne Community College Ireland - Tullow - Tullow Community SchoolIreland - Tullow - Tullow Community SchoolIreland - Tullow - Tullow Community School Ireland - Tullow - Scoil Phadraig NaofaIreland - Tullow - Scoil Phadraig NaofaIreland - Tullow - Scoil Phadraig NaofaIreland - Tullow - Scoil Phadraig Naofa Ireland - Tullowmore - Tullowmore Educate Together Ireland - Tullowmore - Tullowmore Educate Together Ireland - Tullowmore - Tullowmore Educate Together Ireland - Wellington Rd, - Cork Educate Together Secondary SchoolIreland - Wellington Rd, - Cork Educate Together Secondary SchoolIreland - Wellington Rd, - Cork Educate Together Secondary School Ireland - Whitehall - Clonturk Community CollegeIreland - Whitehall - Clonturk Community CollegeIreland - Whitehall - Clonturk Community CollegeIreland - Whitehall - Clonturk Community CollegeIreland - Whitehall - Clonturk Community CollegeIreland - Whitehall - Clonturk Community College Ireland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further EducationIreland - Whitehall - Plunket College Of Further Education Israel - Igal alonIsrael - Igal alon Israel - ArielIsrael - ArielIsrael - Ariel Israel - Gymnasia Darca Kiryat MalachiIsrael - Kiryat Malachi - Gymnasia Darca Kiryat MalachiIsrael - Kiryat Malachi - Gymnasia Darca Kiryat MalachiIsrael - Kiryat Malachi - Gymnasia Darca Kiryat Malachi Israel - Dgania Tirat-CarmelIsrael - Dgania Tirat-Carmel Israel - Zvulun hamerIsrael - Zvulun hamer Israel - Habonim Israel - Habonim Israel - Habonim Israel - Habonim Israel - Zemah efrim Israel - Ort GivatayimIsrael - Ort Givatayim Israel - Reut Art School Israel - Reut Art School Israel - Reut Art School Israel - Reut Art School Israel - Ort BinyaminaIsrael - Ort Binyamina Israel - Ulpenat HorevIsrael - Jerusalem - Ulpenat HorevIsrael - Jerusalem - Ulpenat Horev Israel - Taha Huseen. Israel - Sakhnin - Taha Huseen. Israel - Sakhnin - Taha Huseen. Israel - Sakhnin - Taha Huseen. Israel - Alon Kfar-Saba Israel - AcreIsrael - Acre - AcreIsrael - Acre - AcreIsrael - Acre - Acre Israel - Ort Alon Ben-GurionIsrael - Afula - Ort Alon Ben-GurionIsrael - Afula - Ort Alon Ben-GurionIsrael - Afula - Ort Alon Ben-Gurion Israel - NeurimIsrael - Neurim Israel - Kiryat Haim High SchoolIsrael - Kiryat Haim - Kiryat Haim High SchoolIsrael - Kiryat Haim - Kiryat Haim High SchoolIsrael - Kiryat Haim - Kiryat Haim High School Israel - Ort Grinberg Israel - Kiryat Tivon - Ort Grinberg Israel - Kiryat Tivon - Ort Grinberg Israel - Kiryat Tivon - Ort Grinberg Israel - Alon RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Alon RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Alon RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Alon Raanana Israel - telalimIsrael - telalimIsrael - telalim Israel - kedem aradIsrael - kedem arad Israel - LevaotIsrael - Levaot Israel - Yonatan J.HIsrael - Kiryat Motzkin - Yonatan J.HIsrael - Kiryat Motzkin - Yonatan J.HIsrael - Kiryat Motzkin - Yonatan J.H Israel - yisodi sajour Israel - Acre - WeizmannIsrael - Acre - Weizmann Israel - Acre - Hatomer Israel - Acre - Hatomer Israel - Acre - Hatomer Israel - Acre - Hatomer Israel - Acre - Shazar Israel - Acre - Shazar Israel - Acre - Shazar Israel - Acre - AlmanaraIsrael - Acre - Almanara Israel - Acre - GordonIsrael - Acre - GordonIsrael - Acre - GordonIsrael - Acre - Gordon Israel - Acre - Alamal Israel - Acre - Alamal Israel - ako - Levi EshkolIsrael - ako - Levi Eshkol Israel - Arad - HALAMISHIsrael - Arad - HALAMISHIsrael - Arad - HALAMISH Israel - Arad - Yeelim ofarimIsrael - Arad - Yeelim ofarimIsrael - Arad - Yeelim ofarim Israel - Arad - Ort Arad Israel - Daliat el Carmel - Eesode Daliat el Carmel Israel - Gedera - Reut Gedera Israel - Gedera - Reut Gedera Israel - Gedera - Rimonim Israel - Gedera - Rimonim Israel - Gedera - Gvanim Israel - Gedera - Gvanim Israel - Gedera - Darca BeginIsrael - Gedera - Darca BeginIsrael - Gedera - Darca Begin Israel - Gedera - Hbiluim Israel - Gedera - Piness Israel - Gedera - Piness Israel - Haifa - Ironi Aleph Israel - Haifa - Ironi Aleph Israel - Haifa - Ironi Aleph Israel - Haifa - Hugim Israel - Heifa - Ironi Hey HaifaIsrael - Heifa - Ironi Hey HaifaIsrael - Heifa - Ironi Hey HaifaIsrael - Heifa - Ironi Hey Haifa Israel - Heifa - Farouk shckidemIsrael - Heifa - Farouk shckidem Israel - Heifa - Dalia. C school Israel - Heifa - AllianceIsrael - Heifa - Alliance Israel - kfar saba - SHARETIsrael - kfar saba - SHARETIsrael - kfar saba - SHARET Israel - Kfar Saba - HarelIsrael - Kfar Saba - Harel Israel - Kfar Saba - AmanaIsrael - Kfar Saba - Amana Israel - kfar saba - shazar Israel - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar LevIsrael - kfar sava - Bar Lev Israel - Kiryat Bialik - Ort Dafna Israel - Kiryat Bialik - Ort Dafna Israel - Kiryat Motzkin - AchadutIsrael - Kiryat Motzkin - AchadutIsrael - Kiryat Motzkin - AchadutIsrael - Kiryat Motzkin - Achadut Israel - Kiryat ono - Sharet Israel - Kiryat ono - Sharet Israel - Kiryat Ono - Ben ZviIsrael - Kiryat Ono - Ben ZviIsrael - Kiryat Ono - Ben Zvi Israel - Kiryat Ono - Avigdor VarshaIsrael - Kiryat Ono - Avigdor Varsha Israel - Kiryat Ono - PeresIsrael - Kiryat Ono - Peres Israel - Kiryat Shmuel (Haifa) - A'aron Aroe Israel - Kiryat Shmuel (Haifa) - A'aron Aroe Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - DganiaIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - DganiaIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Dgania Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - ArlozerovIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - ArlozerovIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - ArlozerovIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - ArlozerovIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Arlozerov Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Dagan Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Dagan Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Meginim Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Meginim Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Meginim Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Gordon Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Gordon Israel - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - ShakedIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - ShakedIsrael - Qiryat Haim (Haifa) - Shaked Israel - Quiryat Motskin - Itzhak Navon Quiryat MotskinIsrael - Quiryat Motskin - Itzhak Navon Quiryat MotskinIsrael - Quiryat Motskin - Itzhak Navon Quiryat Motskin Israel - Quiryat Motskin - Korzak Israel - Quiryat Motskin - Ben gurion Quiryat Motskin Israel - Quiryat Yam - Almogim Quiryat Yam Israel - Ra'anana - Amit kfar batyaIsrael - Ra'anana - Amit kfar batyaIsrael - Ra'anana - Amit kfar batya Israel - Ra'anana - Biluo RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Biluo Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Hasharon Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Rimon RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Rimon RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Rimon RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Rimon Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Bartov RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Bartov RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Bartov Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Tali Ra'ananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Tali Ra'anana Israel - Ra'anana - Shaked RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Shaked RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Shaked Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Meitarim RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Meitarim RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Meitarim Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Yavne RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Yavne RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Yavne Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Ziv RaananaIsrael - Ra'anana - Ziv Raanana Israel - Ra'anana - Amit renanim Israel - Ra'anana - Yonatan Raanana Israel - saajor - ORT sajur Israel - Sachnin - Ibn sena Israel - Sachnin - Eben H'aldonIsrael - Sachnin - Eben H'aldonIsrael - Sachnin - Eben H'aldon Israel - Sakhnin - Bian Israel - Sakhnin - Bian Israel - Sakhnin - Bian Israel - sakhnin - Om KultomIsrael - sakhnin - Om KultomIsrael - sakhnin - Om KultomIsrael - sakhnin - Om Kultom Israel - Sakhnin - Gamal Tarabih High SchoolIsrael - Sakhnin - Gamal Tarabih High School Israel - sakhnin - AlmalIsrael - sakhnin - AlmalIsrael - sakhnin - Almal Israel - Sakhnin - AlhallanIsrael - Sakhnin - Alhallan Israel - Tel-Aviv - Ort SyngalowskyIsrael - Tel-Aviv - Ort SyngalowskyIsrael - Tel-Aviv - Ort Syngalowsky Israel - Tirat HaCarmel - Zemah efraim Israel - Tirat HaCarmel - ShifmanIsrael - Tirat HaCarmel - Shifman India - N.A.S.Inter College,Meerut India - Chennai - Space Technology and Education Pvt Ltd India - Hapur - S.S.K.Inter College India - Hapur - Sri Shantiswaroop Krishi Inter College India - Ludhiana - Space Technology and Education Pvt Ltd, Ludhiana India - Nanded - MGM' Centre for Astronomy & Space Technology , Nanded India - Nanded - MGM's Centre for Astronomy & Space Technology, Nanded India - New Delhi - Hillwoods Academy India - New Delhi - Space Technology and Education Pvt. Ltd. Italy - Istituto Comprensivo "Via T. Mommsen" Italy - LICEO STATALE "GAIO VALERIO CATULLO" Italy - I.T.I.S. Galilei Italy - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC BelvedereItaly - 80128 Napoli - IC Belvedere Italy - Acquapendente (VT) - Istituto Omnicomprensivo Leonardo da Vinci - Acquapendente Italy - Alessandria - Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei Italy - ALGHERO - ISTITUTO SUPERIORE ENRICO FERMI ALGHERO Italy - Alghero - Istituto Istruzione Superiore Enrico Fermi - Liceo Scientifico Alghero Italy - Alzano (Bergamo) - Liceo Scientifico "Edoardo Amaldi"Italy - Alzano (Bergamo) - Liceo Scientifico "Edoardo Amaldi" Italy - Anguillara Sabazia - High School Science "Ignazio Vian" Italy - Arese - Liceo Falcone Borsellino Italy - ASTI - I.I.S. "A. CASTIGLIANO" Italy - Bagnoregio - College of Agriculture "Fratelli Agosti" Italy - Bagnoregio - Istituto Omnicomprensivo F.lli Agosti Italy - Bassano del Grappa - Istituto Comprensivo Bassano del GrappaItaly - Bassano del Grappa - Istituto Comprensivo Bassano del GrappaItaly - Bassano del Grappa - Istituto Comprensivo Bassano del GrappaItaly - Bassano del Grappa - Istituto Comprensivo Bassano del GrappaItaly - Bassano del Grappa - Istituto Comprensivo Bassano del GrappaItaly - Bassano del Grappa - Istituto Comprensivo Bassano del Grappa Italy - Bergamo - Liceo Scientifico ''Mascheroni'' di Bergamo Italy - Biella - IIS Q. Sella di Biella Italy - Bologna - Liceo Scientifico A.Righi Succursale Italy - Bologna - Liceo Scientifico Augusto Righi Italy - Bra - Liceo Scientifico Giolitti-Gandino Italy - Brescia - Scuola Primaria Statale di ComeroItaly - Brescia - Scuola Primaria Statale di ComeroItaly - Brescia - Scuola Primaria Statale di Comero Italy - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. MarconiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria G. Marconi Italy - Brescia - Scuola Primaria di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Primaria di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Primaria di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Primaria di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Primaria di Pertica Alta Italy - Brescia - Scuola primaria di Pertica BassaItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria di Pertica BassaItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria di Pertica Bassa Italy - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica AltaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica Alta Italy - Brescia - Scuola primaria CollodiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria CollodiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria CollodiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria CollodiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria CollodiItaly - Brescia - Scuola primaria Collodi Italy - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica BassaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica BassaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Pertica Bassa Italy - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di VestoneItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di VestoneItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di VestoneItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di VestoneItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Vestone Italy - Brescia - Scuola Secondaria di I grado Silvio MorettiItaly - Brescia - Scuola Secondaria di I grado Silvio MorettiItaly - Brescia - Scuola Secondaria di I grado Silvio Moretti Italy - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di NozzaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di NozzaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di NozzaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di NozzaItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia di Nozza Italy - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia Statale Di MuraItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia Statale Di MuraItaly - Brescia - Scuola Infanzia Statale Di Mura Italy - Brescia - Scuola secondaria di primo grado F. GlisentiItaly - Brescia - Scuola secondaria di primo grado F. GlisentiItaly - Brescia - Scuola secondaria di primo grado F. Glisenti Italy - Brescia - Scientific High School "Nicolò Copernico" Italy - Budrio (Bologna) - High School "Liceo Giordano Bruno"Italy - Budrio (Bologna) - High School "Liceo Giordano Bruno" Italy - Busto Arsizio - Liceo Scientifico Arturo Tosi Busto Arsizio (VA) ITALY Italy - Cagliari - Liceo Scientifico Alberti Cagliari Italy - Calvi dell'Umbria - I.C. "G. e A. Garibaldi" Calvi dell'Umbria (TR) Italy - Calvizzano - I.C.S. Marco PoloItaly - Calvizzano - I.C.S. Marco PoloItaly - Calvizzano - I.C.S. Marco PoloItaly - Calvizzano - I.C.S. Marco Polo Italy - Camerino - Istituto d'istruzione Superiore Costanza Varano Italy - Cantù (COMO) - Liceo Fermi Cantù Italy - Caravaggio (BG) - High school "G. Galilei" Italy - casale di Scodosia - IC Comuni della Sculdascia - Scuola "Dante Alighieri " di Merlara (PD)Italy - casale di Scodosia - IC Comuni della Sculdascia - Scuola "Dante Alighieri " di Merlara (PD)Italy - casale di Scodosia - IC Comuni della Sculdascia - Scuola "Dante Alighieri " di Merlara (PD)Italy - casale di Scodosia - IC Comuni della Sculdascia - Scuola "Dante Alighieri " di Merlara (PD)Italy - casale di Scodosia - IC Comuni della Sculdascia - Scuola "Dante Alighieri " di Merlara (PD)Italy - casale di Scodosia - IC Comuni della Sculdascia - Scuola "Dante Alighieri " di Merlara (PD) Italy - Caserta - Istituto Comprensivo "P.Giannone" Italy - Caserta - Scientific high school A. Diaz Italy - Caserta - Liceo Scientifico A.Diaz Caserta Italy - Cassino - Lyceum of Arts - associated to High Education Institute "Augusto Righi" Italy - Castano Primo (Milan) - Istituto d'istruzione secondaria superiore "G.Torno" Italy - CASTELDACCIA - STATE INSTITUTION INCLUDING CASTELDACCIA Italy - Castelnovo Monti (RE) - IIS Cattaneo Dall'Aglio Italy - Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT) - I.I.S. PIETRO ANDRIANO Italy - Cave (RM) - IISP Via Pedemontana (Vocational School) Italy - Cerveteri (RM) - High school ISIS Enrico Mattei Italy - Cervia (RA) - IPSEOA "Tonino Guerra" Cervia Italy - Cervia, Ravenna - Istituto alberghiero" Tonino Guerra" Italy - cesano maderno - IIS Versari Italy - Cesena - Liceo Linguistico Statale ILARIA ALPI cesena Italy - Chieti - Scuola Primaria Nolli - Istituto Comprensivo 1 Chieti Italy - Cinisello Balsamo - Giulio Casiraghi Italy - Cinisello Balsamo - Itis Cartesio Italy - Cinisello Balsamo - IIS GIULIO CASIRAGHI Italy - Cinisello Balsamo (MI) - Liceo Giulio Casiraghi Italy - Civita Castellana - Midossi school Italy - CIVITAVECCHIA (RM) - IISS CALAMATTA Italy - Codroipo - Scuola Primaria "Anna Fabris" Italy - Colleferro - Itis Stanislao Cannizzaro Italy - Como - Istituto Professionale Gaetano Pessina Italy - Como - State Professional Institute "Gaetano Pessina" Italy - COMO - IIS Leonardo da Vinci-Ripamonti Italy - Correggio - Istituto tecnico statale ''L. Einaudi'' Italy - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino BartaliItaly - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino BartaliItaly - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino BartaliItaly - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino BartaliItaly - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino BartaliItaly - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino BartaliItaly - Cortona - IC Cortona 2 Gino Bartali Italy - Cosenza - Istituto Comprensivo Rende-Commenda (CS)Italy - Cosenza - Istituto Comprensivo Rende-Commenda (CS)Italy - Cosenza - Istituto Comprensivo Rende-Commenda (CS) Italy - Crema - I.I.S. Racchetti Da Vinci Italy - Cremona - Superior Istitute I.I.S. "Torriani" CremonaItaly - Cremona - Superior Istitute I.I.S. "Torriani" Cremona Italy - Cremona - IIS "JANELLO TORRIANI"Italy - Cremona - IIS "JANELLO TORRIANI" Italy - Cuneo - IIS "BANCHI-ViRGINIO" Italy - Desio MB - Liceo statale Majorana di DesioItaly - Desio MB - Liceo statale Majorana di DesioItaly - Desio MB - Liceo statale Majorana di DesioItaly - Desio MB - Liceo statale Majorana di DesioItaly - Desio MB - Liceo statale Majorana di Desio Italy - DOMODOSSOLA - Gymnasium"G.SPEZIA" Italy - Erba (CO) - Galileo Galilei Second Level College of Science Italy - Faenza - Liceo Torricelli Ballardini Italy - Faenza - Istituto Professionale Agricoltura Faenza Italy - Ferrara - Liceo Scientifico Antonio Roiti Italy - Fidenza - IISS Paciolo-D'Annunzio Italy - Finale Emilia - State technical institute "Ignazio Calvi" Italy - Fiumicello - Scuola primaria G. Garibaldi Italy - Fiumicino - IIS Leonardo da Vinci Italy - Forlì - Liceo Scientifico "Fulcieri Paulucci di Calboli" Forlì Italy - FOSSANO - LICEO SCIENTIFICO "G. ANCINA" Italy - Frascati - Enrico Fermi Secondary School Italy - Frosinone - Scuola Media Statale Aldo Moro Italy - Frosinone - Comprensivo1 Italy - Gardone Val Trompia - Scientific High School - Franco Moretti Italy - Genoa - Scuola Secondaria di primo grado "Don Milani" Italy - Genova - Istituto comprensivo Burlando, Genova Italy - Genova - Istituto Comprensivo Pegli Italy - Gorgonzola (Milano) - IT "G. Marconi" Italy - IDRO - Scientific High School "Giacomo Perlasca" Italy - Iglesias (CI) - Istituto Baudi di Vesme Iglesias Italy - Imola - Istituto tecnico agrario Scarabelli Italy - Langhirano - I.I.S.S Gadda Italy - Latina - Ettore Majorana high school Italy - LIMBIATE - LUIGI CASTIGLION Italy - Livorno - ITIS Galileo Galilei Italy - Livorno - ITIS Galileo Galilei Italy - Livorno - ITIS Galileo Galilei Italy - Livorno - ITIS Galileo Galilei Italy - Livorno - ITIS Galileo Galilei Italy - Lugo - Liceo Scientifico "Gregorio Ricci CurbastroItaly - Lugo - Liceo Scientifico "Gregorio Ricci CurbastroItaly - Lugo - Liceo Scientifico "Gregorio Ricci CurbastroItaly - Lugo - Liceo Scientifico "Gregorio Ricci Curbastro Italy - Maddaloni - Scientific High school "Nino Cortese" Italy - Maddaloni - ISIS Don Gnocchi Italy - Magenta - Liceo Scientifico "D. Bramante" Magenta (MI) Italy - Mantova - Istituto Tecnico Statale per le Attività Sociali "Andrea Mantegna" Italy - Mariano Comense - Jean Monnet Italy - MASSA - Comprehensive School Giuseppe Parini Italy - Merlana (Padova) - Scuola Infanzia P. ScarmignanItaly - Merlana (Padova) - Scuola Infanzia P. ScarmignanItaly - Merlara (Padova) - Scuola Infanzia P. ScarmignanItaly - Merlara (Padova) - Scuola Infanzia P. Scarmignan Italy - Merlana (PD) - Scuola primaria e secondaria D. Alighieri MerlanaItaly - Merlara (PD) - Scuola primaria e secondaria D. Alighieri MerlanaItaly - Merlara (PD) - Scuola primaria e secondaria D. Alighieri MerlanaItaly - Merlara (PD) - Scuola primaria e secondaria D. Alighieri Merlana Italy - Merlara - Lower secondaryschool "Dante Alighieri" Merlara Italy Italy - Messina - Istituto Superiore Giuseppe MinutoliItaly - Messina - Istituto Superiore Giuseppe MinutoliItaly - Messina - Istituto Superiore Giuseppe Minutoli Italy - Milan - LSS Leonardo da Vinci Italy - Milan - itis ettore conti Italy - Milan - I.T.C.S. Primo Levi Via Varalli 20 - 20021 Bollate (MI) Italy - Milano - Artemisia Gentieschi high school Italy - MILANO - ITI "ETTORE CONTI" Italy - MILANO - IIS CURIE-SRAFFA Italy - Mondovì (CN) - Liceo Vasco Beccaria GovoneItaly - Mondovì (CN) - Liceo Vasco Beccaria GovoneItaly - Mondovì (CN) - Liceo Vasco Beccaria GovoneItaly - Mondovì (CN) - Liceo Vasco Beccaria Govone Italy - Monfalcone - Scuola primaria Cesare Battisti Italy - Monserrato - IPSAR GRAMSCI MONSERRATO Italy - Monserrato - Professional Institute of Wine and Food Services and Hospitality Hoteliers "A. Gramsci" Italy - Montagnana - Istituto Comprensivo Luigi Chinaglia di Montagnana (Pd) Italy - Montefiascone (VT) - IISS Carla Alberto Dalla Chiesa Italy - MONTEGALDA - ICS TOALDO MONTEGALDA Italy - Montesilvano - Liceo Scientifico Corradino D'AscanioItaly - Montesilvano - Liceo Scientifico Corradino D'AscanioItaly - Montesilvano - Liceo Scientifico Corradino D'Ascanio Italy - Naples - Liceo Statale "Piero Calamandrei" di Napoli Italy - Naples - I.C 68 Rodinò Italy - Naples - High school "GB Vico" Italy - Napoli - ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO - ADELAIDE RISTORI Italy - Napoli - ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO - ADELAIDE RISTORI Italy - Napoli - ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO - ADELAIDE RISTORI Italy - Napoli - ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO - ADELAIDE RISTORI Italy - Napoli - ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO - ADELAIDE RISTORI Italy - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - NapoliItaly - Napoli - IC Pertini 87° D. Guanella - Napoli Italy - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico VittoriniItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico VittoriniItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico VittoriniItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico VittoriniItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Vittorini Italy - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico-Linguistico “V. Cuoco – T. Campanella”Italy - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico-Linguistico “V. Cuoco – T. Campanella”Italy - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico-Linguistico “V. Cuoco – T. Campanella” Italy - Napoli - A. Belvedere lower secondary school Italy - Napoli - Liceo scientifico statale Galileo GalileiItaly - Napoli - Liceo scientifico statale Galileo GalileiItaly - Napoli - Liceo scientifico statale Galileo GalileiItaly - Napoli - Liceo scientifico statale Galileo GalileiItaly - Napoli - Liceo scientifico statale Galileo Galilei Italy - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco NittiItaly - Napoli - IISS Saverio Francesco Nitti Italy - Napoli - Istituto Tecnologico Giordani-Striano Italy - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico Labriola Italy - Napoli - middle high school A. Belvedere Italy - Napoli - Istituto Superiore Statale Artemisia GentileschiItaly - Napoli - Istituto Superiore Statale Artemisia GentileschiItaly - Napoli - Istituto Superiore Statale Artemisia GentileschiItaly - Napoli - Istituto Superiore Statale Artemisia Gentileschi Italy - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico Statale Renato CaccioppoliItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico Statale Renato CaccioppoliItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico Statale Renato CaccioppoliItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico Statale Renato CaccioppoliItaly - Napoli - Liceo Scientifico Statale Renato Caccioppoli Italy - Napoli - Liceo Statale Margherita di SavoiaItaly - Napoli - Liceo Statale Margherita di SavoiaItaly - Napoli - Liceo Statale Margherita di SavoiaItaly - Napoli - Liceo Statale Margherita di Savoia Italy - Napoli - IC Salvo D'AcquistoItaly - Napoli - IC Salvo D'AcquistoItaly - Napoli - IC Salvo D'AcquistoItaly - Napoli - IC Salvo D'AcquistoItaly - Napoli - IC Salvo D'Acquisto Italy - Napoli - IC 28 Giovanni XXIII - AliottaItaly - Napoli - IC 28 Giovanni XXIII - AliottaItaly - Napoli - IC 28 Giovanni XXIII - AliottaItaly - Napoli - IC 28 Giovanni XXIII - Aliotta Italy - Nereto - IISS Peano Rosa Italy - Nichelino - J.C. Maxwell Italy - Nova Milanese - Istituto Comprensivo Via Mazzini Italy - Novara - Liceo classico e linguistico "Carlo Alberto" Italy - Ostia Lido (RM) - istituto giovanni Paolo II Italy - Paderno Dugnano - Carlo Emilio Gadda Italy - Padova - SCUOLA PRIMARIA E SECONDARIA“GIACOMO ROSA”Italy - Padova - SCUOLA PRIMARIA E SECONDARIA“GIACOMO ROSA”Italy - Padova - SCUOLA PRIMARIA E SECONDARIA“GIACOMO ROSA”Italy - Padova - SCUOLA PRIMARIA E SECONDARIA“GIACOMO ROSA”Italy - Padova - SCUOLA PRIMARIA E SECONDARIA“GIACOMO ROSA”Italy - Padova - SCUOLA PRIMARIA E SECONDARIA“GIACOMO ROSA” Italy - Palidano di Gonzaga - Mantova - - I.S. "Strozzi" Agricultural Technical Institute (high school) Italy - PARMA - Scientific High School "G. MARCONI " Italy - Parma - Liceo Scientifico G. Ulivi Italy - Parma - Liceo Attilio Bertolucci Italy - PARMA - Liceo Scientifico "Maria Luigia" Annesso Convitto Nazionale Italy - PARTINICO-(PALERMO) - Liceo Scientifico Santi Savaino Italy - Passo Corese (RI) - Scientific High school "Lorenzo Rocci" Italy - Pennile di Sotto (AP) - ITS “G. Mazzocchi" Italy - Piacenza - Liceo Melchiorre Gioia - Piacenza (High school) Italy - Pinerolo - Liceo Scientifico Maria Curie Italy - Poggio Mirteto (Rieti) - IIS GREGORIO DA CATINO Italy - Poggiomarino (NAPOLI) - IS "Leonardo da Vinci" Italy - Pomigliano d'Arco - ISIS EuropaItaly - Pomigliano d'Arco - ISIS EuropaItaly - Pomigliano d'Arco - ISIS EuropaItaly - Pomigliano d'Arco - ISIS Europa Italy - Pomigliano D'Arco - ISIS EUROPA Italy - Pomigliano D'Arco - ITI "E. Barsanti" Pomigliano D'Arco Italy - Portici - Liceo Scientifico SilvestriItaly - Portici - Liceo Scientifico SilvestriItaly - Portici - Liceo Scientifico SilvestriItaly - Portici - Liceo Scientifico Silvestri Italy - Portogruaro - Istituto Comprensivo Portogruaro 2 "D. Bertolini" Italy - Portogruaro - Istituto Comprensivo Portogruaro 2- ʺDario Bertoliniʺ IV NOVEMBRE IC Italy - Pozzuoli Napoli - Secondary school "Ettore Majorana" Italy - Prato - Liceo Scientifico "N. Copernico" Italy - Priverno - ISISS "Teodosio Rossi" di Priverno Italy - Quarto - Scuola infanzia MatteottiItaly - Quarto - Scuola infanzia MatteottiItaly - Quarto - Scuola infanzia MatteottiItaly - Quarto - Scuola infanzia MatteottiItaly - Quarto - Scuola infanzia Matteotti Italy - Quarto - Scuola Infanzia San GaetanoItaly - Quarto - Scuola Infanzia San GaetanoItaly - Quarto - Scuola Infanzia San GaetanoItaly - Quarto - Scuola Infanzia San Gaetano Italy - Quarto - Scuola primaria San GaetanoItaly - Quarto - Scuola primaria San GaetanoItaly - Quarto - Scuola primaria San GaetanoItaly - Quarto - Scuola primaria San Gaetano Italy - Quarto - Napoli - IC GADDAItaly - Quarto - Napoli - IC GADDAItaly - Quarto - Napoli - IC GADDAItaly - Quarto - Napoli - IC GADDAItaly - Quarto - Napoli - IC GADDA Italy - Ravenna - ITIS "Nullo Baldini" Italy - Reggio Emilia - liceo classico-scientifico "ARIOSTO-SPALLANZANI" Italy - Roma - Istituto Comprensivo "VIA P.R. PIROTTA" Italy - Roma - Istituto comprensivo via macro Italy - Roma - ipss de amicis Italy - Roma - IIS pacinotti Archimede Italy - Roma - Istituto Comprensivo Via Pirotta Italy - Roma - Comprehensive School macro via Italy - Roma - Istituto Tecnico Aeronautico Paritario U. Nobile Italy - Roma - Istituto comprensivo via Emilio macro Italy - Roma - I.S.M. Vittorio Gassman Italy - Roma - LICEO SCIENTIFICO ARTURO LABRIOLA NAPOLI Italy - Roma - I.S.M Vittorio gassman Italy - Roma - Istituto Comprensivo LUIGI SETTEMBRINI Italy - Roma - IISS "G. Ambrosoli" Italy - Romano di Lombardia - Liceo scientifico Don Lorenzo MilaniItaly - Romano di Lombardia - Liceo scientifico Don Lorenzo Milani Italy - Rome - Liceo Azzarita Italy - Rome - Convitto Nazionale V.Emanuele II Italy - Rome - Liceo Classico Giulio Cesare Italy - Rome - Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Margherita di Savoia Italy - Rome - High school Lucrezio Caro Via Venezuela 30 Rome Italy - Rome - IIS Pacinotti Archimede Roma Italy - Rome - liceo scientifico primo levi Italy - Rome - IIS Leopoldo Pirelli Italy - Rome - Scientific high school Tullio Levi Civita Italy - Rome - I.I.S." via dei Papareschi " Secondary School Italy - Rome - Liceo Classico "Anco Marzio" Italy - Rome - Itis hertz Italy - Rome - IIS DE PINEDO - COLONNA Italy - Rome - ITIS-LSA Giovanni Giorgi Italy - Rome - I.I.S. Via Albergotti 35 ( succursale Via Maroi 33 classico) Italy - Rome - IStituto Comprensivo Antonio Rosmini Italy - Rome - High School Peano Italy - Rome - Middle School "Istituto Comprensivo E. Marelli" Italy - Rome - ITIS Enrico Fermi Italy - Rome - Istituto Istruzione Superiore via Silvestri 301 Italy - Rome - IIS via albergotti, 35 Roma Italy - Rome - Liceo Scientifico Ettore Majorana Italy - Rome - Istituto Comprensivo Orsa Maggiore Italy - Rome - Art Lyceum A. Caravillani Italy - Rome - IIS "via dei Papareschi" Roma Italy - Rome - Licei Vittoria Colonna Italy - Rome - High school Socrate Italy - Rozzano (MI) - IISS Calvino Rozzano MI Italy - Salerno - Liceo Scientifico F. Severi Italy - San Giovanni in Fiore - IIS "L. DA VINCI"Italy - San Giovanni in Fiore - IIS "L. DA VINCI"Italy - San Giovanni in Fiore - IIS "L. DA VINCI"Italy - San Giovanni in Fiore - IIS "L. DA VINCI" Italy - San Giovanni In Fiore (CS) - Istituto Tecnico Industriale "L. da Vinci" Italy - San Lazzaro di Savena (BOLOGNA) - Secondary School C. JussiItaly - San Lazzaro di Savena (BOLOGNA) - Secondary School C. Jussi Italy - San Vito al Tagliamento - ISIS "Paolo Sarpi" Italy - Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (LODI) - High school RAIMONDO PANDINI Italy - Sant'Elia a Pianisi (CB) - Istituto Comprensivo di Satn'Elia a Pianisi Italy - Santi Cosma e Damiano (LT) - I.T.T. "A.Pacinotti" Italy - Scafati - Istituto Comprensivo Statale Tommaso Anardi ScafatiItaly - Scafati - Istituto Comprensivo Statale Tommaso Anardi ScafatiItaly - Scafati - Istituto Comprensivo Statale Tommaso Anardi Scafati Italy - Scandiano (RE) - Istituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale Industriale Liceo Scientifico P. Gobetti Italy - SCARPERIA E SAN PIERO - Instituto Comprensivo Scarperia E San Piero a SieveItaly - SCARPERIA E SAN PIERO - Instituto Comprensivo Scarperia E San Piero a Sieve Italy - Scarperia San PIero - Istituto Comprensivo Scarperia San Piero Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi"Italy - Seregno - ITCG "P.Levi" Italy - Seregno - Martino Bassi High School Italy - Sora - Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci Italy - Sora (FR) - State Tecnichal Institue for Social Activities ITAS Italy - Tarquinia - Istituto Vincenzo Cardarelli Italy - Tarquinia VT - "V.Cardarelli" Science High School Italy - Teramo - Liceo Scientifico Statale A. Einstein Italy - Terni - Scuola media L. Da Vinci e O. Nucula Italy - Terni - Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni XXIII Italy - TERNI - Secondary School " Giovanni XXIII" Italy - Tivoli - State Technological Technical School "Alessandro Volta" Italy - Torino - IIS Gobetti Marchesini - Casale Arduino Italy - Torino - IIS Gobetti Marchesini - Casale Arduino Italy - Torino - IIS Gobetti Marchesini - Casale Arduino Italy - Torino - IIS Santorre di Santarosa Italy - Torino - IIS Santorre di Santarosa Italy - Torino - IIS Santorre di Santarosa Italy - Torino - IIS Santorre di Santarosa Italy - Torino - IIS Santorre di Santarosa Italy - Torino - IIS Santorre di Santarosa Italy - Torino - IIS Alber Einstein Italy - Torino - istituto professionale ALBE STEINER, TORINO Italy - Torino - Liceo Scientifico Carlo Cattaneo Italy - Torino - IIS Bosso - Monti Italy - Torino - Gioberti Italy - Torino - ITIS Pininfarina Italy - Torino - Istituto Comprensivo di Andezeno Italy - Torino - IIS Santarosa Italy - Tradate - ISIS (liceo artistico) 'Don L. Milani' Italy - Trieste - ELIO de MORPURGO I.C. "AICAMPI ELISI" Italy - Turin - High School 'C . Cavour' Italy - TURIN - ITTS Carlo Grassi Italy - Turin - Liceo S. P. Gobetti Italy - Turin - High school "carlo Grassi" Italy - Urdine - Instituto Salesiano Bearzi Italy - Vairano Patenora - ISISS MarconiItaly - Vairano Patenora - ISISS MarconiItaly - Vairano Patenora - ISISS MarconiItaly - Vairano Patenora - ISISS MarconiItaly - Vairano Patenora - ISISS MarconiItaly - Vairano Patenora - ISISS Marconi Italy - VARESE - SCIENTIFIC HIGH SCHOOL "GALILEO FERRARIS" Italy - VELLETRI (ROMA) - ITIS G. VALLAURI Italy - Venaria Reale (Torino) - Scientifical High School "Filippo Juvarra" Italy - Vestone - Brescia - ICS VestoneItaly - Vestone - Brescia - ICS VestoneItaly - Vestone - Brescia - ICS VestoneItaly - Vestone - Brescia - ICS Vestone Italy - Vignola - Paradisi Italy - Villaricca - Comprehensive School "Giancarlo Siani" Italy - Villesse - Scuola Primaria "G. Mazzini" Italy - Viterbo - Liceo Artistico "F. Orioli" Italy - Viterbo - Secondary School "Liceo Classico Mariano Buratti" Italy - VITERBO - ISIS "F.ORIOLI" - VITERBO Italy - VOGHERA - IIS Maserati - Liceo Scientifico OSA Italy - Zagarolo - P. Borsellino G. Falcone Kyrgyzstan - Jalal-Abad - Pazylbek Jumanazarov Shkola Kyrgyzstan - Kamysh-Bashy - Hamid Alimjan Secondary School Kyrgyzstan - Leninskoye Suzakskogo Rayona - Srednia Shkola no. 27 im. Yu. A. Gagarina Kyrgyzstan - Suzak - Russkaja Shkola im. Saidulla Akhbarova Lithuania - Alytus - Alytaus profesinio rengimo centras Lithuania - Babtai, Kauno r. - Kauno r. Babtų gimnazija Lithuania - Gargždai, Klaipėdos r. - Gargždų „Vaivorykštės“ gimnazija Lithuania - Jonava - Jonavos Jeronimo Ralio gimnazija Lithuania - Joniškėlis - Joniškėlio Gabrielės Petkevičaitės-Bitės gimnazija Lithuania - Kaunas - Stepono Dariaus ir Stasio Girėno gimnazija Lithuania - Kaunas - VDU "Rasos" gimnazija Lithuania - Kaunas - Dainavos pagrindinė mokykla Lithuania - Kėdainiai - Šėtos gimnazija Lithuania - Klaipėda - Klaipėdos paslaugų ir verslo mokykla Lithuania - Klaipėda - "Varpo" gimnazija Lithuania - Klaipėda - Varpo gimnazija Lithuania - Siauliai - Siauliai 'Romuva' Gymnasium Lithuania - Šiauliai 76343 - Šiaulių jėzuitų mokykla Lithuania - Tauragė - „Versmės“ gimnazija Lithuania - Ukmerge - Ukmergės Užupio pagrindinė mokykla Lithuania - Utena - Utenos Dauniškio gimnazija Lithuania - Veiviržėnai - Veiviržėnų Jurgio Šaulio gimnazija Lithuania - Vilnius - Vilkaviškio raj. Ž. V. Žemaičio pagrindinė mokykla Lithuania - Vilnius - Šv. Kristoforo gimnazija Lithuania - Vilnius - Aleksandr Puskin school Lithuania - Vilnius - Vilniaus Mikalojaus Daukšos vidurinė mokykla Lithuania - Vilnius - Vilniaus Emilijos Pliaterytės progimnazija Lithuania - Vilnius - Vilniaus Mykolo Biržiškos gimnazija Lithuania - Vilnius - Fabijoniškių vidurinė mokykla Lithuania - Visaginas - „Gerosios vilties“ vidurinė mokykla Latvia - Alsunga - Alsungas Secoundary School Latvia - Daugavpils - Daugavpils Secondary School Nr 3 Latvia - Elva - Elva Gümnaasium Latvia - Esku - Esku-Kamari Kool Latvia - Grobinas - Grobinas Primary School Latvia - Jurmala - Majoru Secondary School Latvia - Jurmala - Sloka Primary School Latvia - Jurmala - Jurmala Pumpuru Secondary School Latvia - Jūrmala - Jurmala Atvase Elementary School Latvia - Jurmala - Jurmala Primary School "Taurenitis" Latvia - Jūrmala - Kemeri Secondary School Latvia - Kärla - Kärla Põhikool Latvia - Kiili - Kiili Gümnaasium Latvia - Kohtla-Järve - Kohtla-Järve Slaavi Põhikool Latvia - Kohtla-Järve - Kohtla-Järve Järve Vene Gümnaasium Latvia - Krote, Bunkas pagasts - Krotes Kronvalda Ata primary School Latvia - Laiuse - Laiuse Põhikool Latvia - Lejasciems - Lejasciems Secondary School Latvia - Liepāja - Liepaja Raina School No 6 Latvia - Loo - Loo Keskkool Latvia - Massa - Comprehensive School Giuseppe Parini (Massa 6) Latvia - Metsküla - Metsküla Algkool Latvia - Narva - Narva 6. Keskkool Latvia - Palade, Hiiumaa island - Palade Põhikool Latvia - Põltsamaa - Põltsamaa Ühisgümnaasium Latvia - Põlva - Põlva Ühisgümnaasium Latvia - Rezekne - Rezekne Polish Secondary School Latvia - Riebini - Riebinu Secondary School Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 84 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 54 Latvia - Riga - Riga Rinuzi Secondary School Latvia - Riga - Rīgas Centra humanitārā vidusskola Latvia - Riga - Rīgas 69. vidusskola Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School of Music Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 85 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 40 Latvia - Riga - "Ridze" Primary school Latvia - Riga - Riga Muzikas internatvidusskola Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School No 28 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 15 Latvia - Riga - Rīgas Centra daiļamatniecības pamatskola Latvia - Riga - Smiltene Three Hills Elementary School Latvia - Riga - Riga State Gymnasium No. 3 Latvia - Riga - Riga Valda Zalisa Primary School Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr. 47 Latvia - Riga - Riga Primary School Nr 7 Latvia - Riga - Pardaugavas Primary School Latvia - Rīga - Rīgas Rīnūžu vidusskola Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 25 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 95 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 31 Latvia - Riga - Ziepniekkalna Primary School Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 29 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School No 92 Latvia - Riga - Riga Pushkin Lyceum Latvia - Riga - Riga Evening Shift Secondary School Nr 18 Latvia - Riga - Riga Evening shift Secondary School nr.9 Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School Nr 46 Latvia - Riga - Riga Ilguciema Secondary School Latvia - Riga - Riga Secondary School of Cultures Latvia - Sērmūkši - Sērmūkši primary school Latvia - Skrunda - Skrunda Secondary School Latvia - Smiltene - Smiltene Centra Secondary School Latvia - Špoģi - Spogu Secondary School Latvia - Surju - Surju Põhikool Latvia - Suuremõisa, Hiiumaa island - Suuremõisa Lasteaed-Põhikool Latvia - Tabasalu - Tabasalu Gümnaasium Latvia - Tallinn - Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasium Latvia - Tallinn - Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium Latvia - Tallinn - Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium Latvia - Tartu - Tartu Raatuse Kool Latvia - Valdemārpils - Valdemarpils Secondary School Morocco - Azrou - Idriss 1er Middle school Morocco - Azrou - Idriss 1er middle school Morocco - BENI MELLAL - Lycée Hassan II Morocco - Benslimane - Collège ziaida Morocco - Benslimane - Educational sécateur Ouled Moumen. Délégation Benslimane Morocco - oued zem - Aljazira Morocco - Tamellalet - Collège Zemrane Charquiaa Morocco - Tamellalet - Lakahaoucha, ss Laarabat Morocco - Village Fdalate.BENSLIMANE - lycé ALI BEN JILALI AL WAHABI collégial Morocco - Youssoufia - GDGSR college Moldova - Calarasi - High School "Mihail Sadoveanu" Montenegro - OŠ "Jugoslavija" Crna Gora Montenegro - Bar - Elementary School "Yugoslavia" Montenegro - Bijelo Polje - Primary school "Dušan Korać" Montenegro - Cetinje - JU Gimnazija Cetinje FYROM - Дебрца, Охрид - OU Debrca - village Belcishta FYROM - Bitola 7000, FYROM - Primary school "Stiv Naumov" - Bitola FYROM - Bogdanci - Elementary school Petar Musev Bogdanci FYROM - Prilep - High School Orde Chopela FYROM - Skopje - OOU "Dimitar Miladinov" Opstina Centar Skopje FYROM - Strumica - SOU "JANE SANDANSKI" FYROM - Valandovo - SOU"Goce Delcev" Malta - Mosta - QSI International School of Malta Mexico - San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., 78339 - Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 66, T.V Mozambique - Maputo - Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique - CELP Mozambique - Maputo - Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique Nigeria - Air force comprehensive school Netherlands - 't Zand - OBS ZandhopeNetherlands - 't Zand - OBS ZandhopeNetherlands - 't Zand - OBS Zandhope Netherlands - 's-Hertogenbosch - Pierson CollegeNetherlands - 's-Hertogenbosch - Pierson CollegeNetherlands - 's-Hertogenbosch - Pierson College Netherlands - Alkmaar - Heliomare CollegeNetherlands - Alkmaar - Heliomare College Netherlands - Alkmaar - Stedelijk Dalton College Netherlands - Almere - Helen Parkhurst Netherlands - Amersfoort - Consortium beroepsonderwijs Netherlands - Amsterdam - Over-Y College Netherlands - Amsterdam - Spring HighNetherlands - Amsterdam - Spring HighNetherlands - Amsterdam - Spring High Netherlands - Amsterdam - Comeniuslyceum Netherlands - Amsterdam - Klein AmsterdamNetherlands - Amsterdam - Klein AmsterdamNetherlands - Amsterdam - Klein AmsterdamNetherlands - Amsterdam - Klein Amsterdam Netherlands - Amsterdam - NEMO Science Museum Netherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS De SluisNetherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS De SluisNetherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS De Sluis Netherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS de MeerpaalNetherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS de MeerpaalNetherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS de MeerpaalNetherlands - Anna Paulowna - OBS de Meerpaal Netherlands - Apeldoorn - De HeemgaardNetherlands - Apeldoorn - De HeemgaardNetherlands - Apeldoorn - De Heemgaard Netherlands - Arnhem - Arentheem College Thomas a Kempis Netherlands - Arnhem - Vmbo 't VensterNetherlands - Arnhem - Vmbo 't VensterNetherlands - Arnhem - Vmbo 't Venster Netherlands - Assendelft - OBS Ayundo Netherlands - Assendelft - OBS De DorpsakkerNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De DorpsakkerNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De DorpsakkerNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De Dorpsakker Netherlands - Assendelft - OBS De DeltaNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De DeltaNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De DeltaNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De Delta Netherlands - Assendelft - ICBS Het Koraal Netherlands - Assendelft - ICBS De Oceaan Netherlands - Assendelft - OBS De MeanderNetherlands - Assendelft - OBS De Meander Netherlands - Augustinusga - OBS Maskelyn Netherlands - Bakel - De Bakelaar Netherlands - Bergen op Zoom - RSG 't RijksNetherlands - Bergen op Zoom - RSG 't RijksNetherlands - Bergen op Zoom - RSG 't Rijks Netherlands - Best - Heerbeeck College Netherlands - Bilthoven - Keen SchoolNetherlands - Bilthoven - Keen SchoolNetherlands - Bilthoven - Keen School Netherlands - Brantgum - Ids Wiersma skoalle Netherlands - Breda - Kellebeek CollegeNetherlands - Breda - Kellebeek CollegeNetherlands - Breda - Kellebeek College Netherlands - Breda - Orion Lyceum Netherlands - Breezand - OBS De Zandhorst Netherlands - Buitenpost - De Mienskip Netherlands - Buitenpost - Lauwers College Netherlands - Buitenpost - Lauwerscollege Netherlands - Burgum - De Reinboge Netherlands - Damwoude - Dr. J. Botkeskoalle Netherlands - Delft - Stanislas College Netherlands - Den Haag - Piramide CollegeNetherlands - Den Haag - Piramide CollegeNetherlands - Den Haag - Piramide College Netherlands - Den Haag - Segbroek CollegeNetherlands - Den Haag - Segbroek CollegeNetherlands - Den Haag - Segbroek CollegeNetherlands - Den Haag - Segbroek College Netherlands - Den Oever - OBS 't SpanNetherlands - Den Oever - OBS 't SpanNetherlands - Den Oever - OBS 't Span Netherlands - Deventer - Ettyhillesumlyceum Netherlands - Didam - Liemers College Netherlands - Doetinchem - Rietveld LyceumNetherlands - Doetinchem - Rietveld LyceumNetherlands - Doetinchem - Rietveld Lyceum Netherlands - Dokkum - Nynke van Hichtum Netherlands - Dokkum - Dockinga College Netherlands - Dokkum - OBS Burgerschool Netherlands - Dokkum - De Burgerschool Netherlands - Drachten - OSG Singelland Netherlands - Drachten - SO De Zwaai Netherlands - Driehuis - Ichthus Lyceum Netherlands - Driel - Democratische basisschool De ValleiNetherlands - Driel - Democratische basisschool De ValleiNetherlands - Driel - Democratische basisschool De ValleiNetherlands - Driel - Democratische basisschool De Vallei Netherlands - Ede - CSG Het StreekNetherlands - Ede - CSG Het StreekNetherlands - Ede - CSG Het Streek Netherlands - Eindhoven - Augustinianum Netherlands - Elburg - Nuborgh College Oostenlicht Netherlands - Enschede - Bonhoeffer CollegeNetherlands - Enschede - Bonhoeffer CollegeNetherlands - Enschede - Bonhoeffer CollegeNetherlands - Enschede - Bonhoeffer CollegeNetherlands - Enschede - Bonhoeffer College Netherlands - Enschede - Bonhoeffercollege Netherlands - Goes - Ostrealyceum Netherlands - Goor - Prins Constantijn Netherlands - Groningen - Willem Lodewijk Gymnasium Netherlands - Haarlem - Sancta Maria Netherlands - Harkema - ‘t Holdersnest Netherlands - Harlingen - RSG Simon Vestdijk Harlingen Netherlands - Heemskerk - Kennemer College Netherlands - Hengelo - De Rank Netherlands - Hilversum - St. Aloysius CollegeNetherlands - Hilversum - St. Aloysius CollegeNetherlands - Hilversum - St. Aloysius College Netherlands - Hippolytushoef - OBS De KeiNetherlands - Hippolytushoef - OBS De KeiNetherlands - Hippolytushoef - OBS De Kei Netherlands - Holten - De Waerdenborch Netherlands - IJsselstein - Cals CollegeNetherlands - IJsselstein - Cals CollegeNetherlands - IJsselstein - Cals College Netherlands - Katwijk - Pieter Groen CollegeNetherlands - Katwijk - Pieter Groen CollegeNetherlands - Katwijk - Pieter Groen CollegeNetherlands - Katwijk - Pieter Groen College Netherlands - Kollum - obs Prof Casimir Netherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - OBS De LindenboomNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - OBS De LindenboomNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - OBS De Lindenboom Netherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - OBS De WatermolenNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - OBS De WatermolenNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - OBS De Watermolen Netherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - Dynamical XL locatie MolenwerfNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - Dynamical XL locatie MolenwerfNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - Dynamical XL locatie Molenwerf Netherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - Dynamica XL locatie SportstraatNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - Dynamica XL locatie SportstraatNetherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - Dynamica XL locatie Sportstraat Netherlands - Koog aan de Zaan - RKBS De Golfbreker Netherlands - Kootstertille - De Balkwar Netherlands - Krommenie - OBS De Komeet DependanceNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De Komeet DependanceNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De Komeet DependanceNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De Komeet Dependance Netherlands - Krommenie - OBS Het PaletNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS Het PaletNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS Het PaletNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS Het Palet Netherlands - Krommenie - OBS De Overhaal Netherlands - Krommenie - OBS De KomeetNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De KomeetNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De KomeetNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De KomeetNetherlands - Krommenie - OBS De Komeet Netherlands - Krommenie - RKBS De Hoeksteen Netherlands - Leeuwarden - NHL Hoge school Netherlands - Leeuwarden - NHL Pabo Netherlands - Leeuwarden - Pitter Jelles Impulse Netherlands - Leiden - Da Vinci College Netherlands - Leuven - Heilige-Drievuldigheidscollege Netherlands - Monnickendam - Basisschool de VerwonderingNetherlands - Monnickendam - Basisschool de VerwonderingNetherlands - Monnickendam - Basisschool de VerwonderingNetherlands - Monnickendam - Basisschool de VerwonderingNetherlands - Monnickendam - Basisschool de Verwondering Netherlands - Naaldwijk - Lentiz Dalton MAVONetherlands - Naaldwijk - Lentiz Dalton MAVONetherlands - Naaldwijk - Lentiz Dalton MAVO Netherlands - Nes, Ameland - Burgemeester Walda Scholengemeenschap Netherlands - Nieuwe Niedorp - OBS De MientNetherlands - Nieuwe Niedorp - OBS De MientNetherlands - Nieuwe Niedorp - OBS De Mient Netherlands - Oostburg - Zwin College Netherlands - Oosterend - De VliekotterNetherlands - Oosterend - De VliekotterNetherlands - Oosterend - De VliekotterNetherlands - Oosterend - De VliekotterNetherlands - Oosterend - De Vliekotter Netherlands - Oss - Montessorischool ElzeneindNetherlands - Oss - Montessorischool ElzeneindNetherlands - Oss - Montessorischool ElzeneindNetherlands - Oss - Montessorischool Elzeneind Netherlands - Oss - De KorenaerNetherlands - Oss - De KorenaerNetherlands - Oss - De KorenaerNetherlands - Oss - De KorenaerNetherlands - Oss - De Korenaer Netherlands - Petten - De Springschans Netherlands - Purmerend - Klim-opNetherlands - Purmerend - Klim-opNetherlands - Purmerend - Klim-opNetherlands - Purmerend - Klim-opNetherlands - Purmerend - Klim-op Netherlands - Sassenheim - Rijnlands Lyceum SassenheimNetherlands - Sassenheim - Rijnlands Lyceum SassenheimNetherlands - Sassenheim - Rijnlands Lyceum Sassenheim Netherlands - Schagen - De Ark Netherlands - Sint Maarten - OBS De Zwerm Netherlands - Sint Maartensbrug - OBS De BrugNetherlands - Sint Maartensbrug - OBS De BrugNetherlands - Sint Maartensbrug - OBS De Brug Netherlands - Sint-Michielsgestel - Gymnasium Beekvliet Netherlands - Slootdorp - ABBS De MeertuinNetherlands - Slootdorp - ABBS De MeertuinNetherlands - Slootdorp - ABBS De Meertuin Netherlands - Spijkenisse - PENTA college Netherlands - Stationsweg 12 , 9151 JN Holwerd - De Tsjelke Netherlands - Surhuisterveen - CBS de Bernebrege Netherlands - Surhuisterveen - It Skriuwboerd Netherlands - Terkaple - It Twaspan Netherlands - Tilburg - Cobbenhagenlyceum Netherlands - Tilburg - De Borne Netherlands - Twello - Zone College Netherlands - Utrecht - UniCNetherlands - Utrecht - UniCNetherlands - Utrecht - UniC Netherlands - Utrecht - St. Gregorius CollegeNetherlands - Utrecht - St. Gregorius CollegeNetherlands - Utrecht - St. Gregorius CollegeNetherlands - Utrecht - St. Gregorius College Netherlands - Veenendaal - Christelijk Lyceum VeenendaalNetherlands - Veenendaal - Christelijk Lyceum VeenendaalNetherlands - Veenendaal - Christelijk Lyceum VeenendaalNetherlands - Veenendaal - Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal Netherlands - Voorburg - Professor Casimirschool Netherlands - Warmenhuizen - OBS Torenven Netherlands - Westknollendam - OBS Theo Thijssen Netherlands - Westzaan - OBS De Kroosduiker Noord Netherlands - Westzaan - OBS De Kroosduiker Zuid Netherlands - Wijk en Aalburg - Willem van Oranje College Netherlands - Winterswijk - Gerrit Komrij College Netherlands - Wormer - Weremere Netherlands - Wormerveer - OBS De MeiNetherlands - Wormerveer - OBS De Mei Netherlands - Wormerveer - OBS De Pionier Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk WestNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk WestNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk WestNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk West Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Herman Gorter DependanceNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Herman Gorter DependanceNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Herman Gorter Dependance Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et BuutNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk OostNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk OostNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk OostNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk OostNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk OostNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk OostNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Dijk Oost Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De GouwNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De GouwNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De GouwNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Gouw Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Hannie SchaftNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Hannie SchaftNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Hannie SchaftNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Hannie Schaft Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut DependanceNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut DependanceNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut Dependance Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De JagersplasNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De JagersplasNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Jagersplas Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut ZeskanterNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut ZeskanterNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut ZeskanterNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut ZeskanterNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Et Buut Zeskanter Netherlands - Zaandam - IKC Tijstroom Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Herman GorterNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Herman GorterNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS Herman Gorter Netherlands - Zaandam - ICBS De Windroos Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De SpiegelNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De SpiegelNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De SpiegelNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Spiegel Netherlands - Zaandam - De KernschoolNetherlands - Zaandam - De Kernschool Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS In ’t VeldNetherlands - Zaandam - OBS In ’t Veld Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Voorzaan Haven Netherlands - Zaandam - Dynamica XL locatie TjotterlaanNetherlands - Zaandam - Dynamica XL locatie Tjotterlaan Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Kogerveld Netherlands - Zaandam - Zaanlands Lyceum Zaandam Netherlands - Zaandam - Dynamica XL locatie NieuwendamstraatNetherlands - Zaandam - Dynamica XL locatie NieuwendamstraatNetherlands - Zaandam - Dynamica XL locatie Nieuwendamstraat Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS Het Eiland Netherlands - Zaandam - Pascal College Netherlands - Zaandam - OBS De Voorzaan Vissershop Netherlands - Zaandijk - OBS De Zoeker Netherlands - Zaandijk - OBS De Zoeker Netherlands - Zaandijk - OBS De Zoeker Netherlands - Zaandijk - ABS de WerfNetherlands - Zaandijk - ABS de WerfNetherlands - Zaandijk - ABS de WerfNetherlands - Zaandijk - ABS de WerfNetherlands - Zaandijk - ABS de Werf Netherlands - Zeist - Christelijk Lyceum Zeist Netherlands - Zevenaar - LiemerscollegeNetherlands - Zevenaar - LiemerscollegeNetherlands - Zevenaar - Liemerscollege Nepal - Kathmandu - Takshashila Academy Poland - 41-800 Zabrze - Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 5 w Zabrzu Poland - Chorzów - I Liceum Ogólnokszałcące im. J. Słowackiego Poland - Chorzów - Gimnazjum Dwujęzyczne AZSO Poland - Chorzow - I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. J. Slowackiego Poland - Jaslo - ZSM Nr 3 w Jasle Poland - Jasło - Zespół Szkół Miejskich Nr 3 w Jaśle - ISP Nr 12 i Gimnazjum Nr 2 w Jaśle Poland - Jasło - Zespol Szkol Miejskich Nr 3 w Jasle - ISP Nr 12 i Gimnazjum Nr 2 w Jasle Poland - Kalisz - III Liceum Oglnoksztalcace im. M. Kopernika w Kaliszu Poland - Pelplin - Collegium Marianum Pelplin Poland - Pelplin - Collegium Marianum Liceum Poland - Pelplin - Collegium Marianum Poland - Ruda Slaska - Gimnasium nr 7 im. Noblistow Polskich in Ruda Slaska Poland - Ruda Εlaska - Gymnasium nr 7 im. Noblistow Polskich Poland - Sucha Beskidzka - High Comprehensive School Sucha Beskidzka Poland - Swidnica - Gimnazjum Spoleczne Poland - Świnoujście - Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mieszka I Poland - Szczecin - 74th Primary School in Szczecin Poland - Szczecin - 74th Primary School Poland - Tczew - Zespol Szkol Katolickich Poland - Vila Nova de Gaia - Escola EB 2,3 Sophia de Mello Breyner Poland - Wroclawiu - Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace nr XIII Poland - Zielona Gora - III Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. prof. T. Kotarbinskiego w Zielonej Gorze Poland - Zywiec - I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja Kopernika Portugal - Escola Secundária du Bocage Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas Lindley Cintra Portugal - Colégio OceanusPortugal - Colégio Oceanus Portugal - Escola Básica EB 2.3 Escultor António Fernandes de Sá Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas Artur Goncalves Portugal - Escola Secundária José Macedo FragateiroPortugal - Escola Secundária José Macedo Fragateiro Portugal - Real Colégio de PortugalPortugal - Real Colégio de Portugal Portugal - Colégio do Castanheiro Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga Portugal - Escola Básica Integrada da Boa Água Portugal - Escola 2, 3/Sec. Dr Azevedo Neves Portugal - Escola Básica Pedro Jacques de MagalhãesPortugal - Escola Básica Pedro Jacques de MagalhãesPortugal - Escola Básica Pedro Jacques de MagalhãesPortugal - Escola Básica Pedro Jacques de Magalhães Portugal - GTTP - Príncipe Portugal - Escola Básica e Secundária D. Dinis - Santo TirsoPortugal - Santo Tirso - Escola Básica e Secundária D. Dinis - Santo Tirso Portugal - Escola Básica de Bitarães Portugal - EB 2,3 de Ribeira de PenaPortugal - EB 2,3 de Ribeira de Pena Portugal - Centro Escolar da Gandra Portugal - Colégio Miramar Portugal - EB1 de Sarzedas Portugal - Escola Secundaria Dr Francisco Fernandes Lopes Portugal - Escola Secundária de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Portugal - Escola Secundária do PríncipeSao Tome and Principe - Santo António - Escola Secundária do Príncipe Portugal - Agrupamento de escolas Latino Coelho, Lamego Portugal - EB1 Jorge BarradasPortugal - EB1 Jorge BarradasPortugal - EB1 Jorge Barradas Portugal - Escola Ciência Viva de Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Escola Ciência Viva de Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Escola Ciência Viva de Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Escola Ciência Viva de Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Escola Ciência Viva de Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Escola Básica e Secundária do CercoPortugal - Escola Básica e Secundária do CercoPortugal - Porto - Escola Básica e Secundária do Cerco Portugal - Liceu de Oeiras Portugal - Escola Secundária de Pinheiro e Rosa Portugal - Escola Básica 2, 3 Prof. Armando de Lucena Portugal - Escola do Alto dos Moinhos Portugal - Escola Básica 1º Ciclo de Sebal Grande Portugal - Escola Básica de Unhos Portugal - Escola Secundária da Portela Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas de Campo Maior Portugal - Secundária Leal da Câmara Portugal - Centro de Estudos de Fátima Portugal - Escola Secundária Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho Portugal - Escola Secundária D. Maria II Portugal - Escola Básica das Abadias Portugal - 9760-056 Biscoitos, Terceira, Açores - EBI dos BiscoitosPortugal - 9760-056 Biscoitos, Terceira, Açores - EBI dos BiscoitosPortugal - 9760-056 Biscoitos, Terceira, Açores - EBI dos Biscoitos Portugal - Avis - Escola Básica de Alcórrego Portugal - Paredes - Escola Básica de Vilela Portugal - Rebordosa - Escola Básica e Secundária de Rebordosa Portugal - Rebordosa - Escola Básica da Serrinha Portugal - Vilela - Escola Básica e Secundária de Vilela Portugal - 2475-901 Benedita - Externato Cooperativo da BeneditaPortugal - 2475-901 Benedita - Externato Cooperativo da BeneditaPortugal - 2475-901 Benedita - Externato Cooperativo da BeneditaPortugal - 2475-901 Benedita - Externato Cooperativo da BeneditaPortugal - Benedita - Externato Cooperativo da Benedita Portugal - 2785-260 São Domingos de Rana - Agrupamento de Escolas Frei Gonçalo de AzevedoPortugal - 2785-260 São Domingos de Rana - Agrupamento de Escolas Frei Gonçalo de Azevedo Portugal - 2821-002 Charneca de Caparica - Agrupamento de Escolas Carlos Gargaté Portugal - 9000 - 243 São Martinho, Funchal, Madeira - EB1/PE do Areeiro e LombadaPortugal - 9000 - 243 São Martinho, Funchal, Madeira - EB1/PE do Areeiro e Lombada Portugal - 9000-020, Funchal, Madeira - EB1/PE de IlhéusPortugal - 9000-020, Funchal, Madeira - EB1/PE de Ilhéus Portugal - 9050-219 Funchal - International Sharing School - MadeiraPortugal - 9050-219 Funchal - International Sharing School - Madeira Portugal - 9225-050 Porto da Cruz, Funchal, Madeira - Escola Básica 1,2,3/PE do Porto da CruzPortugal - 9225-050 Porto da Cruz, Funchal, Madeira - Escola Básica 1,2,3/PE do Porto da Cruz Portugal - 9300-145 Câmara de Lobos, Funchal, Madeira - EBS Dr Luís Maurílio da Silva Dantas Portugal - 9700-179 Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Açores - Escola Básica Integrada De Angra Do HeroísmoPortugal - 9700-179 Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Açores - Escola Básica Integrada De Angra Do Heroísmo Portugal - 9700-222 Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores - Escola Básica e Secundária Tomás de BorbaPortugal - 9700-222 Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores - Escola Básica e Secundária Tomás de BorbaPortugal - 9700-222 Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores - Escola Básica e Secundária Tomás de Borba Portugal - 9760-587 Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Açores - Escola Secundária Vitorino NemésioPortugal - 9760-587 Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Açores - Escola Secundária Vitorino NemésioPortugal - 9760-587 Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Açores - Escola Secundária Vitorino NemésioPortugal - 9760-587 Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Açores - Escola Secundária Vitorino NemésioPortugal - 9760-587 Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Açores - Escola Secundária Vitorino Nemésio Portugal - 9880-316, Santa Cruz da Graciosa, Graciosa, Açores - Escola Básica e Secundaria da Graciosa Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - EB 2,3 Octávio Duarte Ferreira Portugal - Abrantes - Escola Secundaria Dr. Manuel FernandesPortugal - Abrantes - Escola Secundaria Dr. Manuel FernandesPortugal - Abrantes - Escola Secundaria Dr. Manuel FernandesPortugal - Abrantes - Escola Secundaria Dr. Manuel FernandesPortugal - Abrantes - Escola Secundaria Dr. Manuel Fernandes Portugal - Abrantes - Agrupamento Nº 1 de Abrantes Portugal - Açores - Escola Secundária Antero de QuentalPortugal - Ponta Delgada - Escola Secundária Antero de Quental Portugal - Açores - EBS da Ribeira Grande (colocado por afectação na EBS de Vila Franca do Campo) Portugal - Afonseiro - Agrupamento de Escolas Poeta Joaquim Serra Portugal - Água de Pau - Escola Básica Integrada de Água de Pau Portugal - Aguada de Cima - Escola Básica de Aguada de Cima Portugal - Agualva, Cacém - Escola Sec. Ferreira Dias, Agualva-Sintra Portugal - Agualva-Cacém - Básica e Secundária de Gama Barros Portugal - Águas Santas - Agrupamento de Escolas de Águas Santas Portugal - Águeda - Escola Secundária Marques de Castilho - Águeda Portugal - Águeda - AEB de Águeda Portugal - Águeda - Escola Secundária Marques de CastilhoPortugal - Águeda - Escola Secundária Marques de CastilhoPortugal - Águeda - Escola Secundária Marques de Castilho Portugal - Águeda - Escola Secundária Adolfo Portela Portugal - Alandroal - Agrupamento de Escolas de Alandroal Portugal - Albergaria-a-Velha - Agrupamento Escolas de Albergaria-a-Velha Portugal - Albufeira - Agrupamento de Escolas de Albufeira Portugal - Albufeira - Secundária de Albufeira Portugal - Alcabideche - Salesianos de Manique - Escola Portugal - Alcabideche - ESCOLA EB 2, 3 DE ALCABIDECHE - CASCAIS Portugal - Alcabideche - Escola Salesiana de Manique Portugal - Alcabideche - Agrupamento de Escolas Ibn Mucana Portugal - Alcabideche - Ludoteca de Alcabideche Portugal - Alcanena - Escola ES/3 de AlcanenaPortugal - Alcanena - Escola ES/3 de AlcanenaPortugal - Alcanena - Escola ES/3 de AlcanenaPortugal - Alcanena - Escola ES/3 de Alcanena Portugal - Alcanena - EB2,3 Dr. Anastácio GonçalvesPortugal - Alcanena - EB2,3 Dr. Anastácio GonçalvesPortugal - Alcanena - EB2,3 Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves Portugal - Alcobaça - Agrupamento de Escolas de Císter Portugal - Alcochete - Agrupamento de Escolas de Alcochete Portugal - Alcoitão - Ludoteca de Alcoitão Portugal - Alenquer - Agrupamento de Escolas Damião de Goes Portugal - Alfândega da Fé - agrupamento de Alfândega da Fé Portugal - Algarve - Nobel International School Algarve Portugal - Algarve - Agrupamento de escolas José Belchior Viegas Portugal - Algés - Escola Sec. de Miraflores Portugal - Algueirão - Mem Martins - Agrupamento de Escolas Ferreira de Castro Portugal - Alhandra - E B 2,3 Soeiro Pereira GomesPortugal - Alhandra - E B 2,3 Soeiro Pereira GomesPortugal - Alhandra - E B 2,3 Soeiro Pereira GomesPortugal - Alhandra - E B 2,3 Soeiro Pereira GomesPortugal - Alhandra - E B 2,3 Soeiro Pereira Gomes Portugal - Aljubarrota - Escola Secundária D. Inês de Castro Portugal - Almada - Escola Básica nº 2 do Feijo Portugal - Almada - Agrupamento de Escolas Anselmo de Andrade (Almada) Portugal - Almada - Escola Básica Cataventos da Paz Portugal - Almada - Escola Profissional de AlmadaPortugal - Almada - Escola Profissional de AlmadaPortugal - Almada - Escola Profissional de AlmadaPortugal - Almada - Escola Profissional de AlmadaPortugal - Almada - Escola Profissional de Almada Portugal - Almada - Escola Básica Carlos GargatéPortugal - Almada - Escola Básica Carlos Gargaté Portugal - Almada - Escola Secundária de Romeu CorreiaPortugal - Feijó - Escola Secundária de Romeu CorreiaPortugal - Sobreda - Escola Secundária de Romeu Correia Portugal - Almada - Escola Básica da Alembrança Portugal - Almada - Escola Básica c/JI nº 1 do Feijo Portugal - Almada - Escola Básica c/JI nº 1 de Vale Flores Portugal - Almancil - Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas de Almancil Portugal - Almodôvar - Escola EB 2,3/S Dr. João de Brito CamachoPortugal - Almodôvar - Escola EB 2,3/S Dr. João de Brito Camacho Portugal - Almodôvar - Agrupamento de Escolas de Almodôvar Portugal - Alverca - Escola Secundária de Gago Coutinho - Alverca Portugal - Amadora - Escola Secundária Mães D'Água Portugal - Amadora - Escola Secundária Seomara da Costa Primo Portugal - Amadora - EB 2,3 Dom Francisco Manuel de Melo Portugal - Amadora - Agrupamento de Escolas de Fernando Namora, Brandoa Portugal - Amadora - Escola Luís Madureira - Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Amadora Portugal - Amadora - Escola Básica Sophia de Mello Breyner Portugal - Amadora - Escola Secundária da Amadora Portugal - Amadora - Agrupamento de Escolas Amadora 3 Portugal - Amadora - escola secundária Fernando Namora- Amadora3 Portugal - Amadora - Escola Dr. Azevedo Neves Portugal - Amarante - Escola EB 2 e 3 de Amarante Portugal - Amarante - Colégio de São GonçaloPortugal - Amarante - Colégio de São GonçaloPortugal - Amarante - Colégio de São GonçaloPortugal - Amarante - Colégio de São GonçaloPortugal - Amarante - Colégio de São GonçaloPortugal - Amarante - Colégio de São GonçaloPortugal - Amarante - Colégio de São Gonçalo Portugal - Amarante - Agrupamento de Escolas de Amarante Portugal - Amarante - E.B.2,3 de Amarante Portugal - Amarante - Escola Secundária de Amarante Portugal - Amareleja - Agrupamento de Escolas de Amareleja Portugal - Amareleja - EB1 Póvoa de S. Miguel Portugal - Amora - Agrupamento de Escolas Pedro Eanes Lobato Portugal - Amora - Escola Secundária Manuel Cargaleiro Portugal - Amorim - Colégio de Amorim Portugal - Anadia - Escola Básica e Secundária de Anadia Portugal - Angra do Heroísmo - Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de AndradePortugal - Angra do Heroísmo - Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de AndradePortugal - Angra do Heroísmo - Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de AndradePortugal - Angra do Heroísmo - Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de AndradePortugal - Angra do Heroísmo - Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade Portugal - Anobra - Escola Básica Nº1 de Condeixa-a-Nova Portugal - ANOBRA - Escola Básica Nº2 de Condeixa-a-Nova Portugal - ANOBRA - Escola Básica 1º Ciclo de Anobra Portugal - Ansião - Agrupamento de Escolas de Ansião Portugal - Arcozelo - Escola Básica de Miramar Portugal - Arcozelo - Escola Básica de Sá Portugal - Arcozelo - Jardim de Infância de Aguda Portugal - Arcozelo - Escola Básica do 2.º e 3.º ciclos Sophia de Mello Breyner Portugal - Arcozelo - Escola Básica de Aguda e JI Portugal - Arcozelo - Escola Básica de Boavista Portugal - Arcozelo - Escola Básica de Corvo e JI Portugal - Armação de Pera - EB 2,3 de Armação de Pera Portugal - Arouca - Escola Secundária de Arouca Portugal - Arrentela - Seixal - Agrupamento de Escolas Nun´Alvares - Arrentela - Seixal Portugal - Arrifana, Guarda - Escola Regional Dr. José Dinis da Fonseca, Guarda Portugal - Assentiz - Centro Escolar de Assentis e Chancelaria Portugal - Aveiro - Agrupamento de Escolas José Estêvão Portugal - Aveiro - agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro Portugal - Avintes - Escola Básica Adriano Correia de Oliveira Portugal - Avis - Escola Básica Mestre de Avis Portugal - Avis - Escola Básica de Ervedal Portugal - Avis - Escola Básica de Avis Portugal - Azeitão - Escola Básica da BrejoeiraPortugal - Azeitão - Escola Básica da Brejoeira Portugal - Azeitão - E.B1 de Vila Nogueira de Azeitão Portugal - Azões - Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Neiva Portugal - Barcelinhos - Colégio LaSalle - Barcelos Portugal - Barcelinhos - EB1/JI Assento - Moure, Barcelinhos Portugal - Barcelos - Escola Básica e Secundária de Vale D`Este, Viatodos Portugal - Barrancos - Agrupamento de Escolas de Barrancos Portugal - Barreiro - EB1 JI Prof José Joaquim Rita Seixas Portugal - Barreiro - Agrupamento de Escolas Alfredo da Silva, Sintra Portugal - Barreiro - Escola Basica 2,3 Alvaro VelhoPortugal - Barreiro - Escola Basica 2,3 Alvaro VelhoPortugal - Barreiro - Escola Basica 2,3 Alvaro Velho Portugal - Barreiro - Escola Básica Alfredo da Silva Portugal - Barroca Grande - EB1 Barroca Grande Portugal - Barroca Grande - Jardim de Infância da Barroca Portugal - Batalha - Escola Básica e Secundária da Batalha Portugal - Beja - Agrupamento de Escolas nº 1 de Beja Portugal - Belas - Colégio Vasco da GamaPortugal - Sintra - Colégio Vasco da Gama Portugal - Belide - Escola Básica 1º Ciclo de Belide Portugal - Bemposta - E.B. 2/3 D. João II - Alvor Portugal - Benavente - Agrupamento de Escolas de Benavente (Escola Secundária de Benavente) Portugal - Benavila - Jardim de Infancia de Benavila Portugal - Benavila - Escola Básica de Benabila Portugal - Benavila (Avis) - Escola Profissional Abreu Calado Portugal - Bobadela - EB1 nº 2 da Bobadela Portugal - Bobadela - EB1 nº 3 da Bobadela Portugal - Bobadela - EB da Bobadela (1º, 2º e 3ºCiclos) Portugal - Bobadela - JI da Bobadela Portugal - Bobadela - EB1 nº 1 da Bobadela Portugal - Braga - Escola EB 2,3 de Palmeira Portugal - Braga - EB 2,3 de Nogueira, Braga Portugal - Braga - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Maria II - Braga Portugal - Braga - EB Stª Tecla - Ag Esc. D. Maria II Portugal - Braga - Escola Secundária Carlos Amarante Portugal - Braga - EB1 Ponte Pedrinha EB23 André Soares Portugal - Braga - Colégio Leonardo da Vinci Portugal - Braga - Escola Básica de Ribeira do Neiva Portugal - Braga - Colégio Teresiano de Braga Portugal - Braga - Escola Secundária Sá de Miranda Portugal - Braga - E.B. 2/3 de Lamaçães - Braga Portugal - Braga - Externato Paulo VI Portugal - Cabeceiras de Basto - Agrupamento de Escolas de Cabeceiras de Basto Portugal - Cacém - Agrupamento de Escolas Agualva Mira Sintra Portugal - Cacém - Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de Matias Aires Portugal - Cacém - Escola Secundária Matias Aires Portugal - Cacém - Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias Portugal - Caldas da Rainha - Escola Secundária de Raul ProençaPortugal - Caldas da Rainha - Escola Secundária de Raul ProençaPortugal - Caldas da Rainha - Escola Secundária de Raul ProençaPortugal - Caldas da Rainha - Escola Secundária de Raul ProençaPortugal - Caldas da Rainha - Escola Secundária de Raul Proença Portugal - Caldas da Rainha - Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro Portugal - Calheta, Madeira - Escola Básica e Secundária da Calheta Portugal - Câmara de Lobos, Madeira - Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Luís Maurílio Silva Dantas Portugal - Camarate - Agrupamento de Escolas de Camarate D. Nuno Álvares Pereira Portugal - Camarate - Escola Secundária de Camarate Portugal - Caniço - EB 2/3 do Caniço Portugal - Cantanhede - Escola Técnico Profissional de CantanhedePortugal - Cantanhede - Escola Técnico Profissional de CantanhedePortugal - Cantanhede - Escola Técnico Profissional de Cantanhede Portugal - Caparica - JI da Fonte SantaPortugal - Caparica - JI da Fonte Santa Portugal - Caparica - Agrupamento de Escolas Miradouro de Alfazina Portugal - Carcavelos - Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo e Jardim de Infância de Sassoeiros Portugal - Carcavelos - Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo e Jardim de Infância dos Lombos Portugal - Carcavelos - Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo de Carcavelos Portugal - Carcavelos - Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo da Rebelva Portugal - Carcavelos - Escola Báscia e Secundária de Carcavelos Portugal - Carcavelos - Agrupamento de Escolas de Carcavelos Portugal - Carcavelos - EB1 da RebelvaPortugal - Carcavelos - EB1 da Rebelva Portugal - Carcavelos - Jardim de Infância do Arneiro - Conde Ferreira Portugal - Carcavelos - Jardim de Infância de Carcavelos Portugal - Carcavelos - Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo e Jardim de Infância do Arneiro Portugal - Carregado - EBI do Carregado Portugal - Cartaxo - Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita do Cartaxo Portugal - Casal de Cambra - Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Agostinho da Silva Portugal - Casal de Cambra - EB 2,3 Professor Agostinho da Silva Portugal - Cascais - Agrupamento de escolas da Cidadela Portugal - Cascais - Escola Os Aprendizes Portugal - Cascais - Escola Básica e Secundária do NUCLIO Portugal - Cascais - Colégio Quinta do Lago Portugal - Cascais - Colégio da Bafureira Portugal - Cascais - Escola Básica e Secundária Matilde Rosa Araújo Portugal - Cascais - externato nossa senhora do rosário Portugal - Caxias - Escola Básica de São Bruno Portugal - Caxias - Escola Básica Samuel Johnson Portugal - Caxias - Jardim de Infância Nossa Senhora do Vale Portugal - Caxias - EBI de São Bruno Portugal - Chãos Velhos - Escola Básica de Chãos Velhos e JI Portugal - Chavães - Escola Básica e Secundária de Vale de Ovil - BaiãoPortugal - Vale de Ovil - Baião - Escola Básica e Secundária de Vale de Ovil - Baião Portugal - Chaves - Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. António Granjo - Chaves Portugal - Chaves - Escola Secundária Fernão de Magalhães Portugal - Chaves - Escola Secundária Dr. Júlio Martins Portugal - Coimbra - CCV - Exploratório Portugal - Coimbra - Colégio S. Martinho Portugal - Coimbra - Escola Secundária Infanta D. Maria Portugal - Condeixa-a-Nova - Escola Básica Nº3 de Condeixa-a-Nova (Centro Educativo) Portugal - Condeixa-a-Nova - EB n.º3 Condeixa-a-Nova Portugal - CONDEIXA-A-NOVA - Jardim de Infância de Ega Portugal - Condeixa-a-Nova - EB n.º 3 de Condeixa Portugal - Constância - Escola Básica e Secundária Luís de Camões - Constância Portugal - Corroios - Escola Básica do Alto do MoinhoPortugal - Corroios - Escola Básica do Alto do Moinho Portugal - Corroios - Colégio GuadalupePortugal - Corroios - Colégio GuadalupePortugal - Corroios - Seixal - Colégio Guadalupe Portugal - Cortes do Meio - EB1 Cortes do Meio Portugal - Coruche - Agrupamento de Escolas de Coruche Portugal - Coutada - EB1 Coutada Portugal - Covilhã - Escola Secundária Frei Heitor Pinto Portugal - Damaia - Agrupamento de Escolas da Damaia Portugal - Damaia - Escola Básica Pedro D'Orey da Cunha Portugal - Darque, Viana do Castelo - EB 2,3 Carteado Mena Portugal - Dominguizo - EB1 Dominguiso Portugal - Dume - Colégio João Paulo II Portugal - EGA - Jardim de Infância de São Fipo Portugal - Ega - Escola Básica 1º Ciclo de Ega Portugal - Eiriz - Baião - EB 2,3 de Eiriz - Baião Portugal - Elvas - Agrupamento de Escolas Nº 3 de Elvas, Escola Secundária D. Sancho II Portugal - Entroncamento - Escola Secundária do EntroncamentoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Secundária do EntroncamentoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Secundária do EntroncamentoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Secundária do EntroncamentoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Secundária do Entroncamento Portugal - Entroncamento - Escola Básica António GedeãoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Básica António GedeãoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Básica António Gedeão Portugal - Entroncamento - Escola Básica do BonitoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Básica do BonitoPortugal - Entroncamento - Escola Básica do Bonito Portugal - Ericeira - Escola Básica António Bento Franco da Ericeira Portugal - Ericeira - Escola Básica António Bento Franco Portugal - Ermesinde - Escola Básica 2,3 S. Lourenço Portugal - Escalhão - Escola Básica do 1º ciclo de Escalhão, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Portugal - Esgueira - Agrupamento de Escolas de Esgueira Portugal - Esmoriz - Agrupamento de Escolas de Esmoriz - Ovar Norte Portugal - Esmoriz - Agrupamento de Escolas de Esmoriz Ovar Norte Portugal - Espinho - Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Gomes Almeida Portugal - Espinho - Escola Básica n.º 2 de Espinho Portugal - Espinho - Escola Básica de Silvalde Portugal - Espinho - Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Manuel Gomes de Almeida Portugal - Espinho - Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Manuel Laranjeira Portugal - Espinho - Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Gomes de Almeida Portugal - Esposende - Escola Secundária Henrique Medina Portugal - Estarreja - Escola Secundária de Estarreja Portugal - Estoril - Colégio Senhora Boa Nova Portugal - Estoril - Escola Salesiana do EstorilPortugal - Estoril - Escola Salesiana do EstorilPortugal - Estoril - Escola Salesiana do Estoril Portugal - Estoril - Agrupamento de Escolas de Alapraia Portugal - Estoril - Colégio Sr.ª Boa Nova Portugal - Estoril - E. B. 2, 3 de Alapraia Portugal - Estoril - EB 2,3 da GalizaPortugal - Estoril - EB 2,3 da Galiza Portugal - Évora - Salesianos de Évora Portugal - Fafe - Agrupamento de Escolas de Montelongo - EB de Travassós - Fafe Portugal - Fafe - Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Carlos Teixeira Portugal - Faro - Escola Secundária João de DeusPortugal - Faro - Escola Secundária João de DeusPortugal - Faro - Escola Secundária João de DeusPortugal - Faro - Escola Secundária João de Deus Portugal - Faro - Escola Básica 2,3 de Sto. António Portugal - Fátima - Colégio de São Miguel Portugal - Felgueiras - Agrupamento de Escolas de Felgueiras Portugal - Fermentelos - Escola Básica Prof. Artur Nunes Vidal Portugal - Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - Escola do 1º ciclo da Reigada e Jardim de Infância de Reigada Portugal - Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - Escola do 1º Ciclo de Vermiosa e Jardim de Infância de Vermiosa Portugal - Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - Escola Básica do 1º ciclo 1 de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo e Jardim de infância de FCR Portugal - Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - Escola Básica n.º 2 de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo Portugal - Freiria - Escola Básica de Freiria Portugal - Fronteira - Agrupamento de Escolas de Fronteira Portugal - Funchal - Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia Portugal - Funchal - Escola Secundária Jaime MonizPortugal - Funchal - Escola Secundária Jaime MonizPortugal - Funchal - Escola Secundária Jaime MonizPortugal - Funchal - Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz Portugal - Funchal - Escola dos 2 e 3 Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de GouveiaPortugal - Funchal - Escola dos 2 e 3 Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de GouveiaPortugal - Funchal - Escola dos 2 e 3 Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de GouveiaPortugal - Funchal - Escola dos 2 e 3 Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia Portugal - Funchal - Escola Secundária Francisco Franco Portugal - Gafanha da Nazaré - Agrupamento de Escolas da Gafanha da Nazaréc Portugal - Gaia - Escola EB 2,3 Sofia de Mello Breyner Portugal - Gavião - Agrupamento de Escolas de Gavião Portugal - Geme - EB1 da Igreja - Gême Portugal - Ginetes, Açores - Escola Básica Integrada de GINETES Portugal - Gondomar - Agrupamento de Escolas À Beira Douro Portugal - Gouveia - Secundária de Gouveia Portugal - Grândola - Secundária de Grândola Portugal - Grândola - Escola Secundária António Inácio da Cruz - Grândola Portugal - Guia - Agrupamento de escolas de Guia Portugal - Guimarães - Escola Secundária das Caldas das Taipas Portugal - Guimarães - Escola Secundária Abel Salazar Portugal - Guimarães - EB 2/3 Gil Vicente - Guimarães Portugal - Ílhavo - Escola Secundária Dr. João Carlos Celestino Gomes Portugal - Ílhavo - Agrupamento de Escolas de Ílhavo Portugal - Junqueira - EB 2,3 Dr. Carlos Pinto Ferreira Portugal - Lagos - Escola Secundária Júlio Dantas Portugal - Lamego - Escola Secundária Latino Coelho Portugal - Laranjeiro - Agrupamento de Escolas António Gedeão Portugal - Leceia - Escola Básica Visconde de Leceia Portugal - Leiria - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Dinis Portugal - Leiria - Colégio Conciliar de Maria Imaculada Portugal - Lijó - Escola Básica e Secundária Vale do Tamel Portugal - Linda-a-Velha - Escola Sec. Professor José Augusto Lucas Portugal - Linda-a-Velha - Escola Secundária Professor José Augusto Lucas Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Secundária José Gomes Ferreira - A. E. Benfica Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas Piscinas Olivais Portugal - Lisboa - Escola 2, 3/ Sec. Dr. Azevedo Neves Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas do Alto do Lumiar Portugal - Lisboa - Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental Portugal - Lisboa - CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Casa Pia de LisboaPortugal - Lisboa - CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Casa Pia de LisboaPortugal - Lisboa - CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Casa Pia de LisboaPortugal - Lisboa - CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Casa Pia de Lisboa Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Secundária Padre António Vieira Portugal - Lisboa - Básica e Secundária Josefa de Óbidos - Lisboa Portugal - Lisboa - EB1/JI Veiga Ferreira Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade Portugal - Lisboa - Externato da Luz Portugal - Lisboa - Colégio Moderno Portugal - Lisboa - Escola EB 2,3 Almirante Gago Coutinho Portugal - Lisboa - Externato João XXIII Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas Vergílio Ferreira Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento D. Filipa de Lencastre Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas de Benfica - Escola Secundária José Gomes Ferreira (Lisboa - Portugal) Portugal - Lisboa - Museu Ciência FCUL Portugal - Lisboa - Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian Portugal - Lisboa - Salesianos de Lisboa - Oficinas de S. José Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Básica 2.º e 3.º Ciclo Vialonga Portugal - Lisboa - Salesianos de Lisboa - Oficinas de São José Portugal - Lisboa - Escola E.B.2,3/S Josefa de Óbidos Portugal - Lisboa - Centro Helen Keller Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Secundária D. Dinis Lisboa Portugal - Lisboa - Colégio Pedro Arrupe Portugal - Lisboa - ASPEA Portugal - Lisboa - Escola E. B. 2,3 António Gedeão Portugal - Lisboa - Colégio Integrado Monte Maior Portugal - Lisboa - Escola basica Marquesa de Alorna Portugal - Lisboa - Escola E.B.1/ J.I. Quinta da Condessa Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas Francisco Simões Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Básica 2,3 Ciclos das Piscinas - Lisboa Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Secundária do Lumiar Portugal - Lisboa - EB/S Passos Manuel Portugal - Lisboa - E. B. 2,3 dos Olivais Portugal - Lisboa - St. Julian's School Portugal - Lisboa - Escola Salesiana de Lisboa Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas das Piscinas dos Olivais – Escola EB2 Portugal - Lisboa - EB 2,3 Piscinas - Lisboa Portugal - Lisboa - Agrupamento de Escolas Patrício Prazeres Portugal - Lisbon - Escola Básica de Santo AmaroPortugal - Lisbon - Escola Básica de Santo Amaro Portugal - Lisbon - EB1/JI Vale de AlcântaraPortugal - Lisbon - EB1/JI Vale de AlcântaraPortugal - Lisbon - EB1/JI Vale de AlcântaraPortugal - Lisbon - EB1/JI Vale de Alcântara Portugal - Lisbon - CED D. Nuno Álvares Pereira Portugal - Lisbon - Escola Básica Parque Silva Porto Portugal - Loulé - EB 2,3 Engº Duarte Pacheco- Loulé Portugal - Loulé - Escola Secundária de LouléPortugal - Loulé - Escola Secundária de LouléPortugal - Loulé - Escola Secundária de Loulé Portugal - Loulé - EB Prof. Manuel Martins Alves - Agrup. Escolas Padre J.Coelho Cabanita Portugal - Loulé - Colégio Internacional de Vilamoura Portugal - Loures - EB do Catujal Portugal - Loures - EB1 João Villare Portugal - Loures - Escola Básica Luís Sttau Monteiro Portugal - Loures - Escola Secundária Dr Antonio Carvalho Figueiredo Portugal - Loures - Agrupamento de Escolas nº 1 de Loures Portugal - Lourinhã - Escola Básica 2,3 de Santa Catarina Portugal - Lourinhã - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Lourenço Vicente - Lourinhã Portugal - Lourinhã - Escola Básica Dr. Afonso Rodrigues Pereira Portugal - Lourinhã - Escola Dr João das Regras Portugal - Lousã - Agrupamento de escolas da lousã Portugal - Lousada - Escola Secundária de Lousada Portugal - Madeira - Escola Básica e Secundária de Sta Cruz Portugal - Mafra - Agrupamento de Escolas de Mafra Portugal - Mafra - Escola Secundária José Saramago Portugal - Mafra - Escola Básica de Mafra Portugal - Maia - Escola Secundária da Maia Portugal - Maia - Ag. de Escolas Dr. Vieira de Carvalho Portugal - Maia - EB 2,3 da Maia Portugal - Malveira - Escola Básica Professor Armando de Lucena - Malveira Portugal - Malveira - Escola Básica Prof. Armando de Lucena Portugal - Manique do Intendente - Escola Básica Integrada de Manique do Intendente Portugal - Marco de Canaveses - Agrupamento de Escolas do Marco de CanavesesPortugal - Marco de Canaveses - Agrupamento de Escolas do Marco de CanavesesPortugal - Marco de Canaveses - Agrupamento de Escolas do Marco de CanavesesPortugal - Marco de Canaveses - Agrupamento de Escolas do Marco de Canaveses Portugal - Marco de Canaveses - Escola Profissional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Marco de CanavesesPortugal - Marco de Canaveses - Escola Profissional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Marco de CanavesesPortugal - Marco de Canaveses - Escola Profissional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Marco de Canaveses Portugal - Marco de Canavezes - Agrupamento de Escolas de Sande Portugal - Matos-Cheirinhos - EB1 Tires 2 Portugal - Matosinhos - Escola Básica de Matosinhos e JI Portugal - Matosinhos - Escola Básica Irmãos Passos Portugal - Matosinhos - Escola Secundária Augusto Gomes - Matosinhos Portugal - Medas - Agrupamento de Escolas À Beira Rio - Medas Portugal - Medas - Agrupamento À Beira Douro - Medas Portugal - Mem Martins - EB 2,3 Visconde de Juromenha Portugal - Mem Martins - Escola Básica e Secundária Mestre Domingos Saraiva Portugal - Mem Martins - Colégio D. Afonso V Portugal - Mértola - Agrupamento de Escolas de Mértola Portugal - Milharado - Escola Básica S. Miguel do Milharado (pré/1c) Portugal - Milharado - Escola Básica João Dias Agudo (pré/1c) Portugal - Minas da Panasqueira - EB1 S. Jorge da Beira Portugal - Miomães - Externato D. Afonso Henriques - Resende Portugal - Mira-Sintra - Escola Básica 2,3 D. Domingos Jardo Portugal - Mirandela - Agrupamento de Escolas de Mirandela Portugal - Moimenta da Beira - Escola Básica e Secundária de Moimenta da BeiraPortugal - Moimenta da Beira - Escola Básica e Secundária de Moimenta da Beira Portugal - Moimenta da Beira - EB1 de Moimenta da Beira Portugal - Moimenta da Beira - Agrupamento de Escolas de Moimenta da Beira Portugal - Moita - Agrupamento de Escolas da Moita Portugal - Moita - Escola Secundária da Moita Portugal - Montalegre - Escola Baixo Barroso Portugal - Montalegre - Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Bento da Cruz de Montalegre Portugal - Montargil - Escola Básica Nº 1 de Montargil Portugal - Montelavar - Escola Básica 2,3 Dr. Rui Grácio Portugal - Montelavar - Agrupamento de Escolas Lapiás Portugal - Montemor-o-Novo - Agrupamento de Escolas de Montemor-o-Novo Portugal - Montijo - Agrupamento de Escolas do Montijo Portugal - Mora, Évora - Escola Básica se Secundária de Mora Portugal - Mortágua - Agrupamento de Escolas de Mortágua Portugal - Moure, Barcelos - Escola Básica1/JI Assento - Moure, Barcelinhos Portugal - Mundão - EB 2,3 de Mundão Portugal - Odemira - EB1 de OdemiraPortugal - Odemira - EB1 de Odemira Portugal - Odemira - Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Candeias GonçalvesPortugal - Odemira - Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Candeias GonçalvesPortugal - Odemira - Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Candeias Gonçalves Portugal - Odivelas - EB1/JI Porto PinheiroPortugal - Odivelas - EB1/JI Porto PinheiroPortugal - Odivelas - EB1/JI Porto Pinheiro Portugal - Odivelas - Escola Básica Eça de Queirós Portugal - Odivelas - Agrupamento de Escolas a Sudoeste de Odivelas - Escola Básica António Gedeão Portugal - Odivelas - Agrupamento de Escolas Vasco Santana Portugal - Odivelas - Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo Braamcamp Freire, Pontinha Portugal - Odivelas - Secundária de Odivelas Portugal - Odivelas - Escola E.B 2,3 Vasco Santana -Ramada (Odivelas) Portugal - Odivelas - EB2,3 Moinhos da Arroja Portugal - Odivelas - 1º ciclo EB/JI Manuel Coco Portugal - Oeiras - Secundária c/ 3CEB Quinta do Marquês, Oeiras Portugal - Oeiras - Escola Secundária Quinta do MarquêsPortugal - Oeiras - Escola Secundária Quinta do Marquês Portugal - Oeiras - Agrupamento de Escolas Conde Oeiras Portugal - Oeiras - EB1/JI Sá de Miranda Portugal - Oeiras - EB1/JI de Porto Salvo Portugal - Oeiras - Escola Secundária Sebastião e Silva Portugal - Oeiras - E.B.1/J.I. Sá de Miranda, Agrupamento de Escolas do Conde de Oeiras Portugal - Olaia - Centro Escolar de Olaia e Paço Portugal - Olhão - Escola Secundária Dr. Francisco Fernandes Lopes Portugal - Olhão - AE Dr Francisco Fernandes Lopes Portugal - Olhão - Escola E.B. I/JI José Carlos da Maia Portugal - Olivais - E.B. 1/J.I. Santa Maria dos Olivais Portugal - Oliveira de Azeméis - EB1 de AreosaPortugal - Oliveira de Azeméis - EB1 de AreosaPortugal - Oliveira de Azeméis - EB1 de AreosaPortugal - Oliveira de Azeméis - EB1 de Areosa Portugal - Oliveira do Bairro - Escola Secundária de Oliveira do Bairro Portugal - Oliveira do Bairro - Agrupamento de Escolas de Oliveira do Bairro Portugal - Oliveira do Hospital - Escola Profissional de Oliveira do HospitalPortugal - Oliveira do Hospital - Escola Profissional de Oliveira do HospitalPortugal - Oliveira do Hospital - Escola Profissional de Oliveira do HospitalPortugal - Oliveira do Hospital - Escola Profissional de Oliveira do Hospital Portugal - Oliveira do Hospital - EPTOLIVA - Escola Profissional De Oliveira Do Hospital, Tábua e Arganil Portugal - Outeiro de Polima, Abóboda - EB1 JI Abóboda, Nº2 Portugal - Paço de Arcos - Escola Secundária Luís de Freitas Branco Portugal - PAÇO DE ARCOS - Agrupamento de Escolas de Paço de Arcos Portugal - Paço de Sousa - Escola Básica 2,3 de Paço de Sousa Portugal - Paço do Lumiar, Lisboa - Colégio Manuel Bernardes Portugal - Paços de Ferreira - Colégio Nova Encosta Portugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária de PalmelaPortugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária de PalmelaPortugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária de Palmela Portugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária do Pinhal NovoPortugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária do Pinhal NovoPortugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária do Pinhal NovoPortugal - Palmela - Escola Secundária do Pinhal Novo Portugal - Palmela - Escola Básica José Saramago Portugal - Palmela - Colégio St. Peter's School Portugal - Paramos - Escola Básica de Paramos Portugal - Parede - Esc.Sec.Fernando Lopes Graça, Agrupamento de Escolas da Parede Portugal - Parede - Colégio Marista de Carcavelos Portugal - Parede - Agrupamento de Escolas da Parede Portugal - Parede - Associação de Escolas 31 de janeiro Portugal - Parede - Escola Sexundária Fernando Lopes Graça Portugal - Paul - Escola Básica N.º 2 do Paul Portugal - Paul - EB1 Paul Portugal - Pedrógão - Centro Escolar da Serra de Aire Portugal - Penafiel - Escola Secundária de PenafielPortugal - Penafiel - Escola Secundária de PenafielPortugal - Penafiel - Escola Secundária de PenafielPortugal - Penafiel - Escola Secundária de PenafielPortugal - Penafiel - Escola Secundária de Penafiel Portugal - Penafiel - Escola Básica e Secundária de PinheiroPortugal - Penafiel - Escola Básica e Secundária de Pinheiro Portugal - Penafirme - Externato de Penafirme Portugal - Pendilhe - Escola Pendilhe Portugal - Peniche - Escola Básica de Peniche Portugal - Peso - EB1 Peso Portugal - Pinhal Novo - Escola Secundária com 3º CEB de Pinhal Novo Portugal - Pinhel - Escola Secundária/3 do PinhelPortugal - Pinhel - Escola Secundária/3 do PinhelPortugal - Pinhel - Escola Secundária/3 do Pinhel Portugal - Poceirão - Agrupamento de Escolas José Saramago - Poceirão Portugal - Ponta Delgada - EBI de Arrifes Portugal - Ponta Delgada - Colegio do Castanheiro Portugal - Ponta Delgada - Escola Básica I. Canto da Maia Portugal - Ponta Delgada - Escola Secundária Domingos Rebelo Portugal - Ponta Delgada - EBI de GINETES Portugal - Ponta Delgada - EBI Vila das Capelas Portugal - Ponte - Escola Básica de Corvite - Agrupamento de Escolas Arqueólogo Mário Cardoso Portugal - Ponte - Escola Básica de Cerca do Paço - Agrupamento Arqueólogo Mário Cardoso Portugal - Ponte - Escola Básica de Deserto - Agrupamento Arqueólogo Mário Cardoso Portugal - Ponte - Agrupamento de Escolas Arqueólogo Mário Cardoso Portugal - Ponte de Lima - Agrupamento de Escolas António Feijó Portugal - Ponte de Lima - Escola Secundária de Ponte de Lima Portugal - Ponte de Lima - Agrupamento de Escolas de Arcozelo, Ponte de Lima Portugal - Ponte de Sôr - Secundária de Ponte de Sor/Escola Secundária de Sa da Bandeira Portugal - Ponte de Sor - Escola Secundária de Ponte de Sor Portugal - Ponte de Sôr - Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Sôr Portugal - Ponte de Sor - Escola Básica João Pedro de Andrade Portugal - Pontinha - Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire Portugal - Pontinha - EB1/JI Famões Portugal - Portalegre - Escola Secundária Mouzinho da SilveiraPortugal - Portalegre - Escola Secundária Mouzinho da SilveiraPortugal - Portalegre - Escola Secundária Mouzinho da Silveira Portugal - Portel - Agrupamento Vertical de Portel Portugal - Portela de Sacavém - Agrupamento de Escolas da Portela e Moscavide Portugal - Portela de Sacavém - Agrupamento de Escolas da Portela e Moscavide - Escola Secundária da Portela Portugal - Portela de Sacavém - Agrupamento de Escolas de Portela e Moscavide Portugal - Portimão - Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas do Marco Nº1 Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas Garcia de Orta Portugal - Porto - Escola Básica Augusto GilPortugal - Porto - Escola Básica Augusto GilPortugal - Porto - Escola Básica Augusto Gil Portugal - Porto - Colégio de Nossa Senhora da Esperança Portugal - Porto - Escola EB 2,3 de Miragaia Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas Fontes Pereira de Melo Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas Clara de Resende Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento Rodrigues de Freitas Portugal - Porto - Colégio D. Dinis Portugal - Porto - Conservatório de Música do Porto Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco Portugal - Porto - Escola Artística Soares dos Reis Portugal - Porto - Curso de Música Silva Monteiro Portugal - Porto - Colégio Luso-FrancêsPortugal - Porto - Colégio Luso-Francês Portugal - Porto - Escola Secundária Garcia de Orta Portugal - Porto - Externato das Escravas do Sagrado Coração de Jesus Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas Rodrigues de Freitas Portugal - Porto - Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Gomes Ferreira Alves Portugal - Porto - Escola Básica de Miragaia Portugal - Porto - Agrupamento de Escolas de Fontes Pereira de Melo Porto Portugal - Póvoa de Lanhoso - Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Gonçalo Sampaio - Póvoa de Lanhoso Portugal - Póvoa de Santa Iria - Agrupamento de Escolas Póvoa de Santa Iria Portugal - Póvoa de Santa Iria - Escola Básica e Secundária D. Martinho Vaz de Castelo Branco Portugal - Póvoa de Santa Iria - Escola Básica e Secundária D. Martinho Vaz de Castelo BrancoPortugal - Póvoa de Santa Iria - Escola Básica e Secundária D. Martinho Vaz de Castelo Branco Portugal - Póvoa de Santa Iria - EB1 Prof. Maria Costa Portugal - Póvoa de Santo Adrião - Escola Secundária Pedro AlexandrinoPortugal - Póvoa de Santo Adrião - Escola Secundária Pedro Alexandrino Portugal - Póvoa de Varzim - Secundária Eça de Queirós Portugal - Quarteira - Escola Secundária Dra Laura Ayres Portugal - Quarteira - Agrupamento de Escolas Dra Laura Ayres Portugal - Quarteira - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Dinis - Quarteira Portugal - Queluz - Secundária Miguel Torga Portugal - Queluz - Agrupamento de Escolas Queluz Belas Portugal - Queluz - Secundária Padre Alberto Neto Portugal - Queluz - Escola Básica Professor Galopim de Carvalho Portugal - Quinta do Conde - Agrupamento de Escolas da Boa Água Portugal - Quinta do Conde - Agrupamento de Escolas da Quinta do Conde Portugal - Rebordosa - Escola Básica nº 1 de Rebordosa Portugal - Rebordosa - Jardim de Infância São Marcos Portugal - Reguengos de Monsaraz - Escola Básica Nº 1 de Reguengos de Monsaraz Portugal - Reguengos de Monsaraz - Agrupamento de Escolas de Reguengos de Monsaraz Portugal - Resende - Agrupamento de Escolas de Resende Portugal - Resende - Escola Secundária de Resende, Dom Egas Moniz Portugal - Resende - Escola Secundária Dom Egas Moniz, em Resende Portugal - Riba de Ave - Didáxis - Cooperativa de Ensino, CRL Portugal - Rio Maior - Agrupamento de Escolas Marinhas do Sal Portugal - Rio Tinto - EB 2,3 Rio TintoPortugal - Rio Tinto - EB 2,3 Rio TintoPortugal - Rio Tinto - EB 2,3 Rio Tinto Portugal - Rio Tinto - Escola Secundária de Rio Tinto Portugal - Rio Tinto - Escola Básica 2,3 Nº2 de Rio Tinto Portugal - Rio Tinto - Agrupamento de Escolas Rio Tinto Portugal - Runfe - EB1 DE GEMUNDE Portugal - S. Domingos de Rana - Centro de Educação Infantil de Matos Cheirinhos Portugal - S. João da Madeira - Escola Secundária Oliveira Júnior Portugal - S. João da Talha - Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha Portugal - Sacavém - Agrupamento de Escolas Eduardo Gageiro Portugal - Salvaterra de Magos - Escola Secundária de Salvaterra de MagosPortugal - Salvaterra de Magos - Escola Secundária de Salvaterra de MagosPortugal - Salvaterra de Magos - Escola Secundária de Salvaterra de MagosPortugal - Salvaterra de Magos - Escola Secundária de Salvaterra de Magos Portugal - Salvaterra de Magos - Agrupamento de Escolas de Salvaterra de Magos Portugal - Sanguedo Santa Maria da Feira - Colégio Santa Eulália Portugal - Santa Comba Dão - Agrupamento de Escolas de Santa Comba Dão Portugal - Santa Maria - Escola Básica e Secundária de Santa MariaPortugal - Santa Maria, Açores - Escola Básica e Secundária de Santa Maria Portugal - Santa Maria da Feira - E.B. 2,3 Fernando Pessoa Portugal - Santa Maria de Lamas - Colégio Liceal de Santa Maria de Lamas Portugal - Santa Marta de Penaguião - Escola Básica 2,3 de Santa Marta de Penaguião Portugal - Santana - Açores - Observatório Astronómico de Santana - Açores Portugal - Santarem - Escola Secundária de Maria LamasPortugal - Santarem - Escola Secundária de Maria LamasPortugal - Santarem - Escola Secundária de Maria LamasPortugal - Santarem - Escola Secundária de Maria LamasPortugal - Santarem - Escola Secundária de Maria Lamas Portugal - Santarém - Agrupamento Nº 2 de Abrantes Portugal - Santo Estevão das Galés - Escola Básica de Santo Estevão das Galés Portugal - São Brás de Alportel - Escola Básica 2,3 Poeta Bernardo Passos Portugal - São Brás de Alportel - Escola Básica 2,3 Poeta Bernardo de Passos Portugal - São Domingos de Rana - E.B.1 nº 1 de São Domingos de Rana Portugal - São Domingos de Rana - Agrupamento de Escolas Matilde Rosa Araújo Portugal - São Félix da M.nha - Escola Básica de Monte Portugal - São Félix da M.nha - Escola Básica de Brito (JI) Portugal - São Félix da Marinha - Escola Básica de Espinho e JI Portugal - São Félix da Marinha - Escola Básica de Granja Portugal - São Félix da Marinha - Escola Básica de Moinhos e JI Portugal - São João da Madeira - Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Serafim Leite Portugal - São João da Madeira - Agrupamento de Escolas Oliveira Júnior Portugal - São João do Estoril - Agrupamento de Escolas São João do Estoril Portugal - São João do Estoril - EB1/JI das Areias Portugal - São João dos Montes - Escola Básica 2,3 Soeiro Pereira Gomes Portugal - São Miguel, Açores - Escola Básica e Secundária de Vila Franca do Campo Portugal - São Pedro da Cova - Escola Eb2,3 S.Pedro da Cova Portugal - São Pedro do Sul - Agrupamento de Escolas de S. Pedro do Sul Portugal - Saramago, Mafra - Escola Secundária José Saramago, Mafra Portugal - SEBAL - Jardim de Infância de Avenal Portugal - SEBAL - Jardim de Infância de Sebal Grande Portugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Santa Marta do PinhalPortugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Santa Marta do PinhalPortugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Santa Marta do Pinhal Portugal - Seixal - Secundária José Afonso - Seixal Portugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Infante D. AugustoPortugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Infante D. AugustoPortugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Infante D. AugustoPortugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Infante D. AugustoPortugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Infante D. Augusto Portugal - Seixal - Agrupamento de Escolas de Pinhal de Frades - Seixal Portugal - Seixal - EB1 da Quinta dos FrancesesPortugal - Seixal - EB1 da Quinta dos Franceses Portugal - Seixal - Escola Básica Carlos Ribeiro Portugal - Serzedo - Escola Básica de Curvadelo Portugal - Serzedo - Escola Básica de Outeiro Portugal - Setúbal - Escola Básica 2,3 de Pegões Portugal - Setúbal - Escola profissional Solisform Portugal - Setúbal - Escola Básica dos Arcos Portugal - Setúbal - EB Barbosa Du Bocage Portugal - Setúbal - Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo da Bela Vista Portugal - Setúbal - Escola Básica e Secundária Lima de Freitas Portugal - Setúbal - Agrupamento de Escolas Sebastião da Gama - EB 2,3 Aranguez Portugal - Setúbal - Secundária de Bocage Portugal - Setúbal - Escola Secundária D. João II, Setúbal Portugal - Setúbal - Agrupamento de Escolas da Ordem Sant'Iago Portugal - Setúbal - Escola Secundária Dom Manuel Martins Portugal - Silvalde - Escola Básica Domingos Capela Portugal - Silves - Escola EB1 de Silves n.º2 Portugal - Silves - EB 2,3 de Algoz Portugal - Sines - Secundária/3.ºCEB Poeta Al Berto, Sines Portugal - Sintra - Escola Stuart Carvalhais Portugal - Sintra - Escola Escultor Francisco dos Santos Portugal - Sintra - EB Ribeiro de CarvalhoPortugal - Sintra - EB Ribeiro de Carvalho Portugal - Sintra - Secundária Stuart Carvalhais Portugal - Sintra - JI/Birre nº 2 - Cobre Portugal - Sintra - Escola Básica Integrada D. Carlos I Portugal - Sintra - Agrupamento de escolas D. Carlos I Portugal - Sintra - EB1/JI Casal da Cavaleira Portugal - Sintra - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Carlos I - Sintra Portugal - Sobral de Monte Agraço - Escola Básica e Secundária de Sobral de Monte Agraço Portugal - Sobral de Monte Agraço - Escola Básica e Secundária Sobral de Monte Agraço Portugal - Sobral de Monte Agraço - Agrupamento de Escolas Joaquim Inácio da Cruz Sobral Portugal - Sousel - Escola Básica Padre Joaquim Maria Fernandes Portugal - Sousel - Agrupamento de Escolas de Sousel Portugal - Souselas - Instituto Educativo de Souselas Portugal - Tábua - Agrupamento de Escolas de Tábua Portugal - Tábua - Eptoliva Pólo de Tábua Portugal - Tancos - E.B. 2,3/S D. Maria II de Vila Nova da BarquinhaPortugal - Vila Nova da Barquinha - E.B. 2,3/S D. Maria II de Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Tavira - EB D. Manuel I - Tavira Portugal - Terrugem - Agrupamento de Escolas Alto do Moinho Portugal - Tomar - Escola Jácome Ratton - Tomar Portugal - Tomar - Escola Secundária Jacome Ratton Portugal - Tondela - Agrupamento de Escolas de Tondela Cândido Figueiredo Portugal - Torres Novas - Escola Secundária Artur Gonçalves Portugal - Torres Novas - EB1 Visconde de S. Gião, Torres Novas Portugal - Torres Novas - Escola Secundária Maria Lamas Portugal - Torres Novas - Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Paes Portugal - Torres Novas - Escola Básica Manuel Figueiredo Portugal - Torres Novas - Agrupamento de Escolas Artur Gonçalves Portugal - Torres Novas - Jardim de Infância da Tufeiras Portugal - Torres Vedras - Escola Básica 2,3 de FreiriaPortugal - Torres Vedras - Escola Básica 2,3 de FreiriaPortugal - Torres Vedras - Escola Básica 2,3 de Freiria Portugal - Torres Vedras - Escola Básica São Gonçalo Portugal - Torres Vedras - Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira Portugal - Tortosendo - Escola Básica 2,3 do Tortosendo Portugal - Tortosendo - EB1 Montes Hermínios - Tortosendo Portugal - Tortosendo - EB1 Largo da Feira - Tortosendo Portugal - Touro - Escola Touro Portugal - Trofa - Escola Básica do Castro, Trofa Portugal - Trofa - Escola Básica e Secundária de Coronado e Castro Portugal - Unhais da Serra - EB1 Unhais da Serra Portugal - Valadares - Escola Secundária Doutor Joaquim Gomes Ferreira Alves Portugal - Valadares - Escola ES/3 Dr. Joaquim Gomes Ferreira Alves Portugal - Vale de Amoreira - Secundária da Baixa da Banheira Portugal - Vale de Milhaços - Agrupamento de Vale de Milhaços Portugal - Vales do Rio - EB1 Vales do Rio Portugal - Vales do Rio - Jardim de Infância de Vales do Rio Portugal - Valongo - Escola Básica 2,3 Vallis Longus Portugal - Valpaços - Agrupamento de Escolas de Valpaços Portugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Escola Básica da Venda do PinheiroPortugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Escola Básica da Venda do PinheiroPortugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Escola Básica da Venda do PinheiroPortugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Escola Básica da Venda do Pinheiro Portugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Escola Básica Venda do Pinheiro (2,3) Portugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Escola Básica da Venda do Pinheiro (1c) Portugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Agrupamento de Escolas de Pinheiro Portugal - Venda do Pinheiro - Colégio de Sto André Portugal - Vendas Novas - Agrupamento de Escolas de Vendas Novas Portugal - Vialonga - Escola Básica 2,3 de VialongaPortugal - Vialonga - Escola Básica 2,3 de VialongaPortugal - Vialonga - Escola Básica 2,3 de Vialonga Portugal - Vialonga - Escola Básica 2,3 Ciclos de Vialonga Portugal - Viana do Castelo - Agrupamento de Escolas de Monserrate Portugal - Vieira do Minho - Agrupamento de Escolas Vieira de Araújo Portugal - Vila Cova - Escola Vila Cova Portugal - Vila das Capelas - Escola Básica Integrada Vila das Capelas Portugal - Vila do Conde - Escola EB 2.3 Junqueira - Vila Do Conde Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Agrupamento de Escolas do Bom Sucesso Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Básica Integrada do Bom Sucesso Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Professor Reynaldo dos Santos, Vila Franca de Xira Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Básica de Malva RosaPortugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Básica de Malva RosaPortugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Básica de Malva Rosa Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Agrupamento de Escolas D. António de Ataíde Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Secundária de Alves Redol Portugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Básica da Quinta da ValaPortugal - Vila Franca de Xira - Escola Básica da Quinta da Vala Portugal - Vila Nova da Barquinha - Escola Básica 2,3 e Secundária D. Maria II Portugal - Vila Nova da Barquinha - Agrupamento de Escolas Vila Nova da Barquinha Portugal - Vila Nova de Anha - Agrupamento de Escolas Monte da Ola Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - EB 2,3 Julio Brandão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - EB 2,3 Julio Brandão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - EB 2,3 Julio Brandão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Agrupamento de Escolas de Padre Benjamim Salgado Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco, Famalicão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco, Famalicão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco, Famalicão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco, Famalicão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco, Famalicão Portugal - Vila Nova de Famalicão - Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco Portugal - Vila Nova de Gaia - Escola Sec de Canelas Portugal - Vila Nova de Gaia - Escola Básica Manuel António Pina Portugal - Vila Nova de Gaia - Escola Basica de Vilar de Andorinho (Agrupamento Oliveira do Douro nº1) Portugal - Vila Nova de Gaia - Colégio Cedros Portugal - Vila Nova de Gaia - EB 2,3 Sophia Mello Breyner Portugal - Vila Nova de Paiva - Escola Secundaria V.N. Paiva Portugal - Vila Nova de Paiva - EB23 Aquilino Ribeiro Portugal - Vila Nova de Poiares - Agrupamento de escolas de Vila Nova de Poiares Portugal - Vila Nova do Campo - EBIS Jean Piaget, Viseu Portugal - Vila Real - Escola Básica Abade de Mouçós Portugal - Vila Real - Escola Básica Abade de Mouçós Portugal - Vila Real - Centro Escolar Araucária – EB nº7Portugal - Vila Real - Centro Escolar Araucária – EB nº7Portugal - Vila Real - Centro Escolar Araucária – EB nº7Portugal - Vila Real - Centro Escolar Araucária – EB nº7 Portugal - Vila Real - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo BrancoPortugal - Vila Real - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo BrancoPortugal - Vila Real - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo BrancoPortugal - Vila Real - Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco Portugal - Vila Real - Agrupamento de Escolas Morgado de Mateus Portugal - Vila Real - Escola Diogo Cão Portugal - Vila Real - Centro Escolar da Araucária Portugal - Vila Real - Escola S/3 de S. Pedro Portugal - Vila Real - Escola Secundária de Camilo Castelo Branco Portugal - Vila Real - Escola Profissional e Rural de Carvalhais Portugal - Vila Verde - Escola Básica de Gême, Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Verde Portugal - Vila Verde - EB1 de Lanhas Cidade Portugal - Vila Verde - Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Verde - Escola Básica de Lanhas Portugal - Vila Verde - Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Verde Portugal - Vila Verde ou Sintra? - Escola Básica nº2 de Vila Verde Portugal - Vilela (Paredes) - Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela (Paredes) Portugal - Viseu - Escola Básica D.Duarte Portugal - Viseu - Escola Básica Dr. Azeredo Perdigão - Abraveses Portugal - Viseu - Colégio da Imaculada Conceição Portugal - Viseu - Escola Secundaria Emídio Navarro Portugal - Vizela - Agrupamento de Escolas de Infias - Vizela Portugal - Vizela - Escola EB 2,3/S de Infias Portugal - Vizela - Escola Básica e Secundária de InfiasPortugal - Vizela - Escola Básica e Secundária de InfiasPortugal - Vizela - Escola Básica e Secundária de Infias Portugal - Vizela - Escola Básica e Secundária de Vizela Reunion - SAINTE MARIE, Reunion - LYCEE LE VERGER Romania - Liceul Tehnologic "Duiliu Zamfirescu", Dragalina, Călăraşi Romania - Alexandru Colfescu School, Alexandria Romania - - Székely Mikó Kollégium Romania - Andreiasu de Jos - Scoala Gimnaziala Andreiasu de Jos Romania - Constanța 900178 - Colegiul Naţional De Arte Regina Maria Romania - Filipeştii de Târg - Scoala Gimnaziala Filipestii de Tirg Romania - 1 Decembrie, IF - Scoala gimnaziala nr. 1, 1 Decembrie Romania - 550165, Sibiu - Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu Romania - Adjud - Scoala Gimnaziala "Angela Gheorghiu" Adjud Romania - Adjud - Scoala Gimnaziala "Principele Radu" Adjud Romania - Adjud - Colegiul Tehnic "Gheorghe Bals" Romania - Aghires - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Aghires Romania - Agnita - Colegiul Tehnic August Treboniu Laurian Romania - AIUD - COLEGIUL TEHNIC AIUD Romania - Alba Iulia - Scoala Gimnaziala " Ion Agarbiceanu" Alba Iulia Romania - ALBA IULIA - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA ION AGARBICEANU ALBA IULIA Romania - Alba Iulia - Colegiul National Militar "Mihai Viteazul" Alba-Iulia Romania - Alba Iulia - COLEGIUL TEHNIC "APULUM", ALBA IULIA Romania - Alba Iulia - Colegiul Tehnic Dorin Pavel Romania - Alba Iulia - Colegiul National "Horea, Closca si Crisan" Alba Iulia, Alba county, Romania Romania - Alba Iulia - Colegiul economic Dionisie Pop Martian Romania - Alba Iulia - Liceul de Arte "Regina Maria" Romania - Alesd, Bihor - Liceul Teoretic Constantin Serban Alesd, Bihor Romania - Alexandria - Liceul Pedagogic "Mircea Scarlat" Alexandria Romania - Alexandria, TR - Colegiul National Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica, Alexandria Romania - Alexandria, TR - Gradinita cu P.N. nr.1, Alexandria,Teleorman Romania - Aninoasa - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Sf. Varvara", Aninoasa Romania - Aninoasa - Scoala Gimnaziala Sfanta Varvara Aninoasa, structura Iscroni Romania - Apahida - Liceul Tehnologic "Stefan Pascu" Apahida Romania - Apostolache, PH - Scoala Gimnaziala Apostolache Romania - Arad - Liceul Tehnologic "Iuliu Maniu" Romania - Arad - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC FRANCISC NEUMAN ARAD Romania - Arad - Liceul Tehnologic de Industrie Alimentară Romania - Arad - Liceul Teoretic ADAM MULLER GUTTENBRUNN Romania - Arad - Scoala Gimnaziala,,Caius Iacob" Arad, Romania Romania - ARGU JIU, GORJ - COLEGIUL ECONOMIC VIRGIL MADGEARU TARGU JIU, GORJ Romania - ARMĂȘEȘTI - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC ”IORDACHE ZOSSIMA” Romania - Bacau - Scoala Gimnaziala "Ion Creanga" Romania - Bacau - Liceul Tehnologic "J. M. Elias" Romania - Bacau - Colegiul Tehnic Dumitru Mangeron Bacau Romania - Bacau - Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica Bacau Romania - Bacau - National College "Vasile ALECSANRI" Bacau Romania - Bacau - Colegiul Tehnic LETEA Bacau Romania - Baciu, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala Transilvania Baciu Romania - Baia Mare - LICEUL TEORETIC EMIL RACOVITA BAIA MAREA Romania - Baia Mare - Scoala Gimnaziala Bania Romania - Baia Mare - Colegiul Tehnic Anghel SalignyRomania - Rosiorii deb Vede - Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny Romania - Baia Mare - Scoala gimnaziala Nicolae Balcescu Baia Mare Romania - Baia Mare - Colegiul Economic "Nicolae Titulescu" Baia Mare Romania - Baia Mare - Colegiul Tehnic „C.D. Nenitescu” Romania - Baicoi - Liceul Tehnologic "Constantin Cantacuzino" Baicoi Romania - Baleni, DB - Liceul Tehnologic Udrea Baleanu Romania - Banita, HD - Banita Secondary School Romania - Baraganu, CT - Scoala Gimnaziala Emil Garleanu Baraganu Romania - Barlad - Clubul Copiilor "Spiru Haret" barlad Romania - Barlad - Scoala Gimnaziala de Arte ,,N. N. Tonitza" Romania - Barlad - Liceul Tehnologic ,,Petru Rares" Romania - Barlad - Colegiul Tehnic "Al.I.Cuza" Romania - Barlad - George Tutoveanu Middle School Romania - BASESTI, MARAMURES - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA BASESTI, MARAMURES Romania - Biled - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC "PETRE MITROI" Romania - Bistrita - Gradinita cu P.P. nr.6 Bistrita Romania - Bistrita - Scoala Gimnaziala Lucian Blaga Bistrita Romania - Bistrita - Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incluziva Nr.1 Bistrita Romania - Bistrita - Liceul Teoretic Sanitar Romania - Bistrita - Liceul de Arte "Corneliu Baba" Romania - Bistrita - Colegiul Tehnic Grigore Moisil Romania - Bistrita - Casa Corpului Didactic a Judetului Bistrita - Nasaud Romania - Blaj, Alba county - National College Inochentie Micu Clain, Blaj Romania - Blandiana, AB - Scoala Gimnaziala Blandiana Romania - Boldesti-Scaeni, PH - Technological High School "Teodor Diamant", Boldesti-Scaeni, PH Romania - BOROD, Bihor - LICEUL TEORETIC GABRIEL TEPELEA BORODP Romania - Botosani - Mihai Eminescu National College Romania - Botosani - LICEUL TEORETIC ,,GRIGORE ANTIPA,, Romania - Botosani - Liceul cu Program Sportiv Botosani Romania - Botosani - Children's Palace Botosani Romania - Botosani - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.11 Botosani Romania - Botosani - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.17 Botosani Romania - Botosani - Colegiul National "Mihai Eminescu" Botosani Romania - Botosani - Liceul Teoretic "Grigore Antipa" Botosani Romania - Botosani - School No.7 Botosani Romania - Bradeanu, BZ - Scoala Gimnaziala Bradeanu Romania - Bragadiru - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Bragadiru Romania - Braila - Scoala Gimnaziala Unirea, Structura Valea Canepii, Braila Romania - Braila - I.L.Caragiale Romania - Braila - Liceul Tehnologic Anghel Saligny Braila Romania - Braila - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA "ECATERINA TEODOROIU" Romania - Braila - Scoala gimnaziala ION BANCILA , BRAILA Romania - Brăila - Liceul Tehnologic ”Constantin Brancusi” Romania - Braila - Colegiul National Nicolae Balcescu Romania - Braila - Liceul Teoretic Mihail Sebastian Romania - Braila - Colegiul National "Gh.Munteanu-Murgoci" Braila Romania - Braila - Scoala I.L.Caragiale Romania - Braila - LICEUL CU PROGRAM SPORTIV BRAILA Romania - Braila - PALATUL COPIILOR Romania - Braila - Liceul Teoretic "Nicolae Iorga" Braila Romania - Brasov - College of Natural Sciences "Emil Racovita" Romania - Brasov - Colegiul National Unirea Brasov Romania Romania - Brasov - Scoala Profesionala Germana Kronstadt Romania - Brasov - Colegiul National Economic Andrei Barseanu Romania - Brasov - C.N. "Grigore Moisil" Romania - Brasov - GRADINITA CU PROGRAM PRELUNGIT DINTISORI DE LAPTE NR.23 Romania - Brasov - Colegiul National "Andrei Saguna" Brasov Romania - Brasov - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.9 Nicolae Orghidan Brasov Romania - Brasov - Colegiul National "Dr. Ioan Mesota" Brasov Romania - Brasov - Colegiul de Stiinte ale Naturii "Emil Racovita" Romania - Brasov - Mircea Cristea College Romania - Brasov - Liceul de Arte Plastice " Hans Mattis-Teutsch" Romania - Braşov - Şcoala generală nr.5 Romania - Brasov - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 5 Romania - Brașov 500313 - School No.9 ,,Nicolae Orghidan"Romania - Brașov 500313 - School No.9 ,,Nicolae Orghidan"Romania - Brașov 500313 - School No.9 ,,Nicolae Orghidan"Romania - Brașov 500313 - School No.9 ,,Nicolae Orghidan" Romania - Breaza, PH - National Military College "Dimitrie Cantemir" Breaza Romania - BROSTENI, MEHEDINTI - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA BROSTENI/MEHEDINTI Romania - BUCECEA - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC BUCECEA Romania - Bucharest - Gimnaziala Speciala pentru Deficienti de Vedere Romania - Bucharest - International Highschool of Bucharest Romania - Bucharest - Colegiul Tehnic Mihai Bravu Romania - Bucharest - “St. Mary “ Special Secondary School for The Hearing – Impaired Romania - Bucharest - Emil Racovita National College Romania - Bucharest - GIMNAZIALA SPECIALA NR.3 Romania - Bucharest - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.190 Romania - Bucharest - Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala pentru Deficienti de Vedere Romania - Bucharest - High school “Marin Preda” Romania - Bucharest - Colegiul Tehnic "Carol I" Romania - Bucharest - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 95 Romania - Bucharest - Liceul Teoretic Marin Preda Romania - Bucharest - Traian Vuia Highschool Romania - Bucharest - Colegiul Tehnic "Petru Maior" Romania - Bucharest - Scoala Superioara Comerciala "Nicolae Kretzulescu" Romania - BUCSESTI, BC - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA BUCSESTIRomania - Poduri, Bacau - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA BUCSESTI Romania - Bucuresti - COLEGIUL NATIONAL "MIHAI VITEAZUL" Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National Grigore MoisilRomania - Urziceni - Colegiul National Grigore Moisil Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul Naţional “Grigore Moisil” Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 3 Carei Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National de informatică “Tudor Vianu" Romania - Bucuresti - "TUDOR VLADIMIRESCU" Highschool Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Tehnologic de Metrologie „Traian Vuia” Romania - Bucuresti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.40-BUCURESTI Romania - Bucuresti - School TUDOR ARGHEZI Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National Matei Basarab - Bucuresti Romania - Bucuresti - College Technics MEDIA Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Anastasia Popescu Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teoretic C. A. Rosetti Romania - Bucuresti - ”Dante Alighieri” High School Romania - Bucuresti - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC ELIE RADU Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Greco-Catolic "Timotei Cipariu" Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National Mihai EminescuRomania - Buzau - Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala Mihai Viteazul Targoviste Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala "George Calinescu" Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.193 Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National de Informatica Tudor Vianu Romania - Bucuresti - Secondery School No.156 Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 194 Romania - Bucuresti - Alexandru Ioan Cuza Theoretical Highschool Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala nr.3, Bucuresti Romania - Bucuresti - COLEGIUL NATIONAL OCTAV ONICESCU Romania - Bucuresti - Arts High School Dinu Lipatti Romania - Bucuresti - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I.G.DUCA Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National Sfantul Sava Romania - Bucuresti - Elementary School Emil Racovita Romania - Bucuresti - Eugen Lovinescu Theoretical High School Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala "Serban Voda" Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul Romano-Catolic Sfantul Iosif Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teologic Adventist "Stefan Demetrescu" Romania - Bucuresti - Școala 200 București Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National ,,IULIA HASDEU" Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala "Pia Bratianu" Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Tehnologic Electronica Industriala Romania - Bucuresti - GHEORGHE AIRINEI Vocational High School Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teoretic Ion Barbu Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala Luceafarul Romania - Bucuresti - Gimnazial School no 311 Romania - Bucuresti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR. 307 Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teoretic Mihai Ionescu Romania - Bucuresti - Școala Gimnazială Nr. 10 Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul Tehnic "Iuliu Maniu" Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teoretic Mihail Sadoveanu Bucuresti Romania - Bucuresti - Școala Gimnazială Nr.1 Romania - Bucuresti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA "URUGUAY" Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teoretic Decebal Romania - Bucuresti - Knowledge Town Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Iorga Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul Economic "Costin C. Kiritescu" Bucuresti Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul cu Program Sportiv Mircea Eliade Romania - Bucuresti - Mark Twain International School Bucharest Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 150 Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul Naţional de informatică “Tudor Vianu" Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul Tehnic Feroviar Mihai I Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala gimnaziala nr. 169 Romania - Bucuresti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR. 307, BUCURESTI Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala nr 308 Bucuresti Romania - BUCURESTI - LICEUL TEORETIC "JEAN MONNET Romania - Bucuresti - School 5 Bucharest Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National "Nichita Stanescu"Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul National "Nichita Stanescu" Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Bucuresti Romania - Bucuresti - Liceul Tehnologic "Dimitrie Gusti" Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala ,,Sf. Nicolae', Bucuresti Romania - Bucuresti - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 195 Romania - Bucuresti - Colegiul National Gheorghe Sincai, Bucuresti Romania - Buftea - Liceul Tehnologic "Dumitru Dumitrescu" Romania - Buftea - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 - Buftea Romania - Buftea, IF - Scoala nr.2 Buftea Romania - Bumbesti - JIU - COLEGIUL MIHAI VITEAZUL Romania - Busteni - Scoala Gimnaziala "Regina Elisabeta" Romania - BUSTENI - Colegiul Ion Kalinderu, Scoala Sanatoriala , Busteni, PH Romania - Buzau - Liceul Tehnologic C. Nenitescu Buzau Romania - Buzau - Liceul Tehnologic Meserii si Servicii Romania - Buzau - Scoala Gimnaziala "George Emil Palade" Buzau Romania - Buzau - Liceul PrimaSchool Buzau Romania - Buzau - CASA CORPULUI DIDACTIC BUZAU Romania - Buzau - ȘCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ ,,SFANTUL APOSTOL ANDREI,, Romania - Buzau - LICEUL TEORETIC "ALEXANDRU MARGHILOMAN "BUZAU Romania - Buzau - School George Emil Palade Buzau Romania - Buzau - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA CISLAU Romania - Buzau - Spiru Haret Pedagogical High School Romania - Buzau - Colegiul National BP Hasdeu Buzau Romania - Buzau - Liceul Tehnologic ,,Grigore C. Moisil" Romania - Buzias - Liceul Teoretic Vidra Romania - Caiuti Bacau - Scoala Gimnaziala Caiuti Romania - CAJVANA - LICEUL TEHNOLOGICRomania - CAJVANA - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC Romania - Calarasi - Liceul "Danubius" Calarasi Romania - Campia Turzii, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala "Avram Iancu" Campia Turzii / Cluj Romania - Campina - Colegiul Tehnic Constantin Istrati Romania - Campu-Lung Moldovenesc - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,George Voevidca" Romania - CAMPULUNG/ARGES - COLEGIUL NATIONAL DINICU GOLESCU CAMPULUNG/ARGES Romania - Caracal - Scoala Gimnaziala Gheorghe Magheru Caracal Romania - Caracal - College Technical MATEI BASARAB Romania - Caracal - Colegiul Naţional Ioniţă Asan Romania - Caracal - COLEGIUL AGRICOL DIMITRIE PETRESCU Romania - Caracal - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 2 Caracal Romania - Caransebes - Liceul Tehnologic Dacia Caransebes Romania - CARCEA, DOLJ - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC CONSTANTIN IANCULESCU CARCEA, DOLJ Romania - Carei - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 29 "Mihai Viteazul" Constanta Romania - Carei - Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Lucaciu" Carei Romania - Carei - Liceul Teoretic Carei Romania - Caseiu, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala Caseiu, jud. Cluj Romania - Catelu-Glina, IF - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.2 Catelu-Glina Romania - Cernica, IF - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 2 Romania - Chiojdu, Buzau - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA,,C.GIURESCU" CHIOJDU Romania - Chislaz, Bihor - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Chislaz Romania - Cimpineanca, Vrancea - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Ioan Cimpineanu" Cimpineanca Romania - Ciolpani, IF - Scoala Gimnazialanr.1 Ciolpani Romania - Ciorogarla, Ilfov - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 1 Ciorogarla/ Ilfov Romania - Ciorogarla, Ilfov - Liceul Tehnologic Pamfil Seicaru, Ciorogarla, Ilfov Romania - Cisnadie - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.2 CISNADIE JUD. SIBIU Romania - Cisnadie - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.3 CISNADIE Romania - Ciurila, CJ - Scoala Gimnaziala Ciurila Romania - Clinceni - Liceul cu cls. I-XII Romania - Cluj - Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Gradinita cu Program Prelungit ,,Raza de Soare" Cluj-Napoca Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Liceul Teoretic Gheorghe Sincai Cluj-Napoca Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Constantin Brancusi Secondary School Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Colegiul Economic Iulian Pop Cluj-Napoca Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Liceul de Arte Vizuale Ladea,Cluj-Napoca Romania - Cluj-Napoca - ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ CONSTANTIN BRÂNCUŞI Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Casa Corpului Didactic Cluj Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Liceul Tehnologic "Alexandru Borza" Cluj-Napoca, Romania Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Scoala Gimnaziala Octavian Goga Cluj-Napoca Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi ,,Transilvania" Romania - Cluj-Napoca - Scoala Gimnazială Ion Agarbiceanu Romania - Cochirleanca, Buzau - Scoala Gimnaziala Cochirleanca - Buzau Romania - Codlea - LICEUL TEORETIC CODLEA Romania - Codlea - Colegiul Tehnic Simion Mehedinti Romania - Cojasca, Dambovita - Scoala Gimnaziala Cojasca, Jud. Dambovita Romania - Com. Ghimpați - Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 Ghimpați Romania - Comarnic, PH - Children's Club "Martha Bibescu" Romania - Comuna Budeasa - ȘcoalaGimnaziala Nr.1 Budeasa Romania - COMUNA RIU SADULUI - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA RIU SADULUI Romania - Constanta - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR. 20 GALATI Romania - Constanta - Pontica Technica College of Constanta Romania - Constanta - Liceul Teoretic "Ovidius" Constanta Romania - Constanta - Liceul Tehnologic "Gheorghe Duca" Romania - Constanta - School no 11 Dr.Constantin Angelescu Romania - Constanta - Scoala gimnaziala nr 11 dr Constantin Angelescu Romania - Constanta - Liceul cu Program Sportiv "Nicolae Rotaru" Constanta Romania - Constanta - Aurel Vlaicu Secondary School Romania - Constanta - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.6 "Nicolae Titulescu" Constanta Romania - Constanta - Liceul Tehnologic C. A. Rosetti Romania - Constanta - Liceul Tehnologic Independenta-Constanta Romania - Constanta - Liceul Tehnologic Dimitrie Leonida Romania - Constanta - Jean Bart Secondary School No.5 Romania - Constanta - Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Romania - Constanta - Liceul Teoretic Carmen Sylva Romania - Constanta - Colegiul National ʺMircea cel Batranʺ Romania - Constanta - Liceul Teoretic "Traian", Constanta Romania - Constanta - Colegiul Comercial ʺCarol Iʺ Romania - Copaceni, IF - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Copaceni Romania - Copsa Mica - Liceul Tehnologic "Nicolae Teclu" Copsa Mica Romania - CORLATEL, Mehedinti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA CORLATEL Romania - Cornetu, Ilfov - Sc. Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Cornetu Romania - COROCAIESTI - SUCEAVA - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA COROCAIESTI - SUCEAVA Romania - Cotofenii din Dos, Dolj - Scoala Gimnaziala Cotofenii din Dos Romania - Covasna - Liceul teoretic Mircea Eliade Intorsura Buzaului Romania - Craiova - "George Bibescu" Technological High School Romania - Craiova - Scoala Gimnaziala "Ion Tuculescu" Craiova, Romania Romania - Craiova - National College "Carol I", Craiova, Romania Romania - Craiova - Secondary School Sf.Dumitru Romania - Craiova - Constantin Brancusi, Technical College Romania - Craiova - Colegiul "Stefan Odobleja", Craiova Romania - Craiova - Scoala Gimnaziala "Nicolae Romanescu" Romania - Craiova - Mircea Eliade Secondary School Romania - Craiova - Liceul de Arte "Marin Sorescu" Romania - Craiova - Children Palace Craiova Romania - Craiova - Colegiul Tehnic Costin D.Nenițescu Romania - Craiova - Nicolae Titulescu Secondary School Romania - Craiova - Colegiul National Elena Cuza, Craiova Romania - Craiova - Palatul Copiilor Craiova Romania - Craiova 200170 - Colegiul Tehnic Energetic, Craiova Romania - CRISTESTI - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC CRISTESTI Romania - Cristesti, Iasi - Liceul Tehnologic Cristesti Romania - Cristesti, Iasi - NO. 1 SECONDARY SCHOOL CRISTESTI, BOTOSANI Romania - Cristian, Sibiu - Gymnazial School of Cristian, Sibiu county Romania - Cuci, Mures - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA CU CLS. I-VIII CUCI Romania - Cuza Voda, Calarasi - Scoala gimnaziala nr. 1 Cuza Voda Calarasi Romania Romania - DANEASA, Olt - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA BERINDEI-DANEASA, jud. Olt Romania - DANESTI, GORJ - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.1 DANESTI - GORJ Romania - Dej, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Mihai Eminescu" Dej Romania - Dej, Cluj - scoala gimnaziala speciala dej Romania - Deveselu, Olt - Școala Gimnazială Deveselu -Olt Romania - Dorohoi, BT - SEMINARUL TEOLOGIC LICEAL "SF. IOAN IACOB" Romania - Dr. Tr. Severin - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 15 Romania - Dragaesti-Pamanteni, Dambovita - Scoala Gimnaziala Dragaesti-Pamanteni, judet Dambovita Romania - Dragasani, Valcea - Colegiul National GIB MIHAESCU Dragasani, Valcea Romania - DRAGHICENI, Olt - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA DRAGHICENI Romania - Dragomiresti Vale, IF - Liceul Tehnologic Vintila Bratianu Romania - Dragotesti-Corobai, Gorj - Romania, Scoala Dragotesti-Corobai Romania - Drobeta Turnu Severin - Colegiul National Pedagogic STEFAN ODOBLEJA Romania - Drobeta Turnu Severin - Colegiul National ”Traian” Romania - Drobeta Turnu Severin - Scoala Gimnaziala Constantin Negreanu Drobeta Turnu Severin Romania - Drobeta Turnu Severin - Colegiul Tehnic Lorin Salagean Romania - Drobeta Turnu Severin - Liceul de Arte I. St. Paulian Drobeta Turnu Severin Romania - Drobeta-Turnu Severin 220174 - Scoala Gimnaziala ”Constantin Negreanu” Romania - Dumbrăveni,Suceava - Liceul Tehnologic ,, Mihai Eminescu'' Romania - DUMBRAVITA - GRADINITA CU PN DUMBRAVITA Romania - Eforie Nord - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Eforie Nord Romania - Eforie Sud - Liceul teoretic "Carmen Sylva" Romania - Fagaras - Scoala Gimnaziala Ovid Densusianu Fagaras Romania - Faget, TM - Liceul Teoretic "Traian Vuia " Romania - Falticeni - Colegiul National "Nicu Gane" Romania - Fântânele, Iasi - Technological High School of Fantanele (Iasi) Romania - Farcasele, Olt - Secondary School of Farcasele Romania - Fetesti - liceul tehnologic de industrie alimentara Romania - Filipestii de Padure, PH - Liceul Teoretic, comuna Filipestii de Padure Romania - Floresti, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala,,Gheorghe Sincai''Floresti jud.Cluj Romania - Floresti, Prahova - Scoala Gimnaziala Gh.Sincai Floresti Romania - Focsani - "Duiliu Zamfirescu" Romania - Focsani - Liceul Tehnologic "G.G.Longinescu" Focsani Romania - Focșani - Școala Gimnazială ION BASGAN Romania - Focsani - Colegiul Tehnic Edmond Nicolau Romania - Focsani - scoala gimnaziala nr.3 focsani/vrancea/ romania Romania - Fundulea - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC NR.1 Romania - Gadinti- Neamt - Scoala Gimnaziala, Comuna Gadinti Romania - Galaţi - Scoala Miron COSTIN Romania - Galati - Scoala ,,Constantin Gh. Marinescu ʺ Romania - Galati - Scoala Gimnaziala "Constantin Gh. Marinescu" Romania - Galati - Colegiul Economic "Virgil Madgearu" Municipiul Ploiesti Romania - Galati - Liceul de Arte "Dimitrie Cuclin" Romania - Galati - Scoala Gimnaziala "Mihail Sadoveanu" Romania - Galati - Colegiul National "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Galati Romania - Galati - Technological High “Simion Mehedinti” Romania - GALATI - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC NR.1 COROD, GALATI Romania - Galati - COLEGIUL DE INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARA"ËLENA DOAMNA"' Romania - Galati - Colegiul Economic "Virgil Madgearu" Romania - Galati - Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati Romania - Galati - Liceul de Arte ʺDimitrie Cuclinʺ Romania - Galati - Romania, Secondary school "Grigore Moisil" - Galati Romania - Galati - Liceul tehnologic Simion Mehedinti Romania - Galati - Colegiul Tehnic Radu Negru Galati Romania - Galati - Colegiul Naţional “Costache Negri” Romania - Gherla - Liceul Tehnologic Gherla Romania - Giurgiu - Liceul Teoretic Tudor Vianu Giurgiu Romania - Giurgiu - Seminarul Teologic ,,Teoctist Patriarhul" giurgiu Romania - Giurgiu - Scoala Gimnaziala Savin Popescu Romania - Gologanu, VN - Scoala Gimnaziala,, Profesor General Gheorghe Gherghiu" Gologanu Romania - Gruiu, IF - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Gruiu Romania - GURGHIU - COLEGIUL SILVIC GURGHIU Romania - Habeni, Dambovita - Scoala Gimnaziala Habeni, Dambovita, Romania Romania - HALINGA,MEHEDINTI - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC HALINGA,HALINGA,MEHEDINTI Romania - Halmagiu - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC MOGA VOIEVOD Romania - Hirlau - Scoala Gimnaziala Petru Rares Romania - Horlesti-Rediu, Vaslui - Scoala Horlesti-Rediu Romania - Hunedoara - Colegiul Tehnic "Matei Corvin" Hunedoara Romania - Iasi - COLEGIUL NATIONAL IASI Romania - Iasi - Colegiul Economic Administrativ Iasi Romania - Iasi - "Vasile Alecsandri" High School Romania - Iasi - The "Mihail Sturdza" Technical College Romania - Iasi - Liceul Teoretic de Informatica Grigore Moisil Iasi Romania - Iasi - Costache Negruzzi High School Romania - Iasi - Colegiul National "Garabet Ibraileanu" Iasi Romania - Iasi - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NICOLAE IORGA Romania - Iasi - Scoala Gimnaziala Rediu Romania - Iasi - GR.CUV.PARASCHEVA,IASI,ROMANIA Romania - Iernut - Liceul Tehnologic Iernut Romania - Ilfov - Scoala Gimnaziala Dragomiresti Romania - Iratosu - Scoala Gimnaziala Comuna Iratosu Romania - Isvoarele, Giurgiu - Scoala Gimnaziala "Stolnicul Constantin Cantacuzino" Isvoarele Romania - Izbiceni, Olt - Scoala Gimnaziala Izbiceni Romania - Izvoarele - Liceul Tehnologic Izvoarele Romania - Jilava, IF - Scoala Gimnaziala nr 2 Jilava Romania - Jimbolia - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA JIMBOLIA Romania - Josenii Birgaului, BN - Scoala Gimnaziala Josenii Birgaului Romania - Judeţul Iaşi 707405 - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA REDIU Romania - Leu, Dolj - Scoala gimnaziala Leu Romania - Liliesti Baicoi, Prahova - Scoala Gimnaziala Liliesti Baicoi, Prahova Romania - Liteni, SV - Varnav Iorgu Liteanu technological high school Romania - loc. Adâncata, jud. Suceava - Școala Gimnazială ”Ioan Băncescu” Romania - Ludus - Scoala Gimnaziala "Ioan Vladutiu" Romania - Ludus - Clubul Copiilor Ludus Romania - Ludus - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 1. Ludus Romania - Luduș 545200 - Școala Gimnazială Ioan Vlăduțiu Romania - Lugoj - Scoala Gimnaziala "Eftimie Murgu" Lugoj Romania - Lugoj - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.4 Lugoj Romania - Lugoj - COLEGIUL NATIONAL "CORIOLAN BREDICEANU" LUGOJ, ROMANIA Romania - Lugoj - Liceul Tehnologic "Aurel Vlaicu" Lugoj Romania - Lugoj - Scoala Gimnaziala"Anisoara Odeanu" Lugoj Romania - Luna, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala Luna Romania - Lunca Ilvei - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Romania - Macin, Tulcea - Liceul Teoretic "Gh. M. Murgoci" - Gradinita cu P.P. nr.4 Macin/ Tulcea Romania - MAGURELE- ILFOV - LICEUL TEORETIC ,,HORIA HULUBEI"- MAGURELE- ILFOV Romania - Mandra, Brasov - Scoala Gimnaziala Mandra, jud. Brasov, Romania Romania - Manesti, Prahova - Scoala gimnaziala Gheorghe Dibos Manesti, Prahova Romania - Mangalia - Liceul Teoretic Callatis Romania - Margaritesti, Olt - Scoala Gimnaziala Margaritesti - Olt Romania - Margineni-Slobozia, Olt - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Gh. Popescu" Margineni-Slobozia Romania - Maxineni - Liceul tehnologic ”Matei Basarab” Romania - Medgidia - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA MIRCEA DRAGOMIRESCU MEDGIDIA Romania - Medgidia - Liceul Teoretic "Nicolae Balcescu" Medgidia Romania - Medias - Colegiul Tehnic Mediensis Medias Romania - Micesti, Arges - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Micesti Romania - Micula, Satu Mare - Scoala Gimnaziala "Gellert Sandor" Micula, Satu Mare Romania - Miercurea Ciuc - Colegiul National "Octavian Goga" Miercurea Ciuc Romania - Mihai Viteazu,Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Mihai Voda,, comuna Mihai Viteazu, jud. Cluj Romania - Milcovu din Deal, VN - Scoala Gimnaziala Milcovu din Deal Romania - Mioveni - Scoala Gimnaziala Liviu Rebreanu Mioveni, Arges Romania - Mirosi - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA "PROF. EMIL NEGOITA" MIROSI Romania - Mizil, PH - Scoala Sfanta Maria Mizil Romania - Mizil, PH - Grigore Tocilescu Theoretical High School Romania - Moara Vlasiei, IF - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Moara Vlasiei Romania - Mogosoaia - Scoala gimnaziala nr.1 Mogosoaia Romania - Moinesti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA "ALEXANDRU SEVER" Romania - Moreni - Liceul Teoretic I.L.Caragiale, Moreni Romania - Mures - Scoala Gimnaziala Sanger MS Romania - Nasaud - Colegiul Economic Nasaud Romania - Nasaud - Colegiul National "George Cosbuc" Nasaud Romania - Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud - Colegiul Sivic Transilvania Romania - Neamt - LICEUL CU PROGRAM SPORTIV Romania - Nedelea - Prahova - scoala speciala profesionala Nedelea - Prahova Romania - Nojorid- Bihor - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Nojorid Romania - NUCET, DB - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NUCET Romania - Ocnele Mari - Scoala Gimnaziala Costea Marinoiu Romania - Oltenita - Liceul Teoretic "Neagoe Basarab" Romania - Onesti - Colegiul Tehnic Gh. Asachi Romania - Onesti - Colegiul Tehnic "Gheorghe Asachi" Romania - Or. Victoria - Colegiul tehnic, D.r.Alexandru Barbat" -C.S.E.I. VICTORIA Romania - Oradea - Liceul Teoretic "Aurel Lazar" Romania - Oradea - Gradinita cu Program Prelungit nr.34 Oradea Romania - Oradea - Scoala Gimnaziala Dacia Oradea Romania - Oradea - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC ECONOMIC ,,N. IORGA'' Romania - Oradea - Scoala Gimnaziala "Oltea Doamna" Romania - Oradea - C.T. ,, Mihai Viteazul,, Oradea Romania - Oradea - Colegiul Tehnic "Traian Vuia" Romania - Oradea - Scoala Gimnaziala Octavian Goga Oradea Romania - Oradea - Colegiul National "Mihai Eminescu" Oradea Romania - Oradea - Liceul Teologic Romano Catolic Szent Laszlo Oradea Romania - Oradea - National College Emanuil Gojdu Romania - Oradea - Liceul Teoretic "Lucian Blaga" Oradea Romania - ORASTIE - COLEGIUL NATIONAL AUREL VLAICU Romania - Orastie - Scoala Gimnaziala "Dr.Aurel Vlad" Romania - Oravita - Scoala Gimnaziala "Romul Ladea", Oravita Romania - Osica de Sus, Olt - "Ion Gh. Rosca" High School Romania - Otopeni, IF - Theoretical Hight School "Ioan Petrus" Romania - Papiu Ilarian, Mures - Papiu Ilarian Secondary School Romania - Pascani - Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala Pascani Romania - Pascani - Children's Club Pascani (Clubul Copiilor Pascani) Romania - Pascani, Iasi - Colegiul National "Mihail Sadoveanu" Romania - Pascani, Iasi - School ”Iordache Cantacuzino” Romania - Pascani, Iasi - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC ECONOMIC ,,N. IORGA'' Romania - Pascani, Iasi - ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ GÎŞTEŞTI Romania - Pascani, Iasi county, 705200 - Clubul Copiilor Pascani Romania - Pascani, Iasi, 705200 - Secondary School "Iordache Cantacuzino" Romania - Patrauti, SV - Scoala Gimnaziala Patrauti Romania - PETRESTI, DB - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA PETRESTI, DAMBOVITA Romania - Petrila - Secundary School I. D. Sirbu- Petrila Romania - Petrila - Colegiul Tehnic Constantin Brancusi Romania - Petrosani - COLEGIUL TEHNIC DIMITRIE LEONIDA Romania - Petrosani, HD - Scoala Gimnaziala "I.G.Duca" Romania - Petrosani, HD - COLEGIUL ECONOMIC ,,HERMES" Romania - Petrosani, HD - No.7 secondary school petrosani Romania - Piatra Neamt - Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas Romania - Piatra Neamt - Gheorghe Cartianu Romania - Piatra Neamt - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR. 3 PIATRA NEAMT Romania - Piatra Neamt - National College of Computer Science Romania - Piatra Neamt - Colegiul Tehnic "Gheorghe Cartianu" Romania - Piatra Neamt - CENTRUSCOLAR PENTRU EDUCATIE INCLUZIVA ALEXANDRU ROSCA Romania - Piatra Neamt - Scoala gimnaziala nr.2 Piatra Neamt Romania - Piatra Neamt - Colegiul National de Informatica Piatra Neamt Romania - Piatra Neamt - Liceul Tehnologic Economic Administrativ Piatra Neamt Romania - Piatra Neamt - Colegiul Naţional "Petru Rareş" Romania - Piatra Olt - Liceul Tehnologic Piatra Olt Romania - Piatra Soimului, Neamt - Scoala Gimnaziala Comuna Piatra Soimului Romania - PIATRA-NEAMT - SCOALA POSTLICEALA SANITARA PIATRA-NEAMT Romania - Piatra-Neamt, Neamt county, 610004 - COLEGIUL NATIONAL „CALISTRAT HOGAS„ PIATRA-NEAMT Romania - Pitesti - Colegiul Tehnic Costin D Nenitescu Romania - Pitesti - Liceul Tehnologic "Mihai Viteazul" Pitesti Romania - Pitesti - Scoala Gimnaziala "Adrian Paunescu" Romania - Pitesti - Colegiul National Alexandru Odobescu Romania - Pitesti - Liceul Tehnologic Dacia Romania - Pitesti - Liceul Tehnologic,, C.Brancusi,, Romania - PItesti - Palatul Copiilor Pitești Romania - PItesti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA "AL.DAVILA" Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul Tehnic "Lazar Edeleanu" Romania - Ploiesti - Scoala Gimnaziala "Grigore Moisil" Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul National Jean Monnet Ploiesti Romania - Ploiesti - Liceu Tehnologic de Servicii Sfantul Apostol Andrei Romania - Ploiesti - Technical College "Toma N. Socolescu" Romania - Ploiesti - Scoala Gimnaziala Anton Pann Ploiesti Romania Romania - Ploiesti - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Andrei Muresanu" Ploiesti Prahova Romania - Ploiesti - Liceul Tehnologic Anghel Saligny Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul National "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Romania - Ploiesti - Liceul Tehnologic "1 Mai" Ploiesti ,Romania Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul National "I.L.Caragiale" Ploiesti Romania - Ploiesti - Colegiul Tehnic "Toma N. Socolescu" Ploiesti Romania - Ploiesti - Școala Gimnazială Sfânta Vineri Ploiești Romania - PLOIESTI - COLEGIUL NATIONAL "MIHAI VITEAZUL" PLOIESTI Romania - Ploiesti - Secondary School Toma Caragiu Romania - Ploiești, 100466 - Toma Socolescu Technical High-school Romania - Poeni - Scoala Gimnaziala nr 1 Poeni Romania - Pogana - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.1 POGANA Romania - Pogonesti - Scoala gimnaziala Dimitrie Negrutiu" Pogonesti Romania - Popești - Școala gimnazială Profesor Doctor General Gheorghe V Zaharia Romania - Popesti - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA PROFESOR DOCTOR GENERAL GHEORGHE V. ZAHARIA POPESTI Romania - Popeşti-Leordeni - Liceul Teoretic Radu Popescu Romania - Popesti-Leordeni - Liceul Teoretic ,,Radu Popescu" Popesti -Leordeni Romania - Popesti-Leordeni - Secondary School Ioan Badescu Romania - POTCOAVA, Olt - HIGH SCHOOL" ȘTEFAN DIACONESCU" POTCOAVA Romania - PRUNDU/GIURGIU - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC NR.1 PRUNDU Romania - Pui, HD - Scoala Gimnaziala Pui Romania - Puiesti, Vaslui - Liceul Tehnologic sat Puiesti Vaslui Romania - Racovita - Scoala Gimnaziala Racovita Romania - Ramnicu Sarat - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1- Ramnicu Sarat Romania - Ramnicu Sarat - Şcoala cu clasele I – VIII nr. 1 Romania - Ramnicu Valcea - Colegiul National "Mircea cel Batran" Romania - Ramnicu Valcea - Colegiul National de Informatica "Matei Basarab" Romania - Ramnicu Valcea - Liceul Tehnologic Henri Coanda Rm. Valcea Romania - Ramnicu-Sarat, Buzau - Liceul Teoretic "Stefan cel Mare" Romania - Ramnicu-Sarat, Buzau - CN Alexandru Vlahuta R Sarat Romania - Ramnicu-Sarat, Buzau - Scoala gimnaziala "Vasile Cristoforeanu" Ramnicu-Sarat, Buzau Romania - Rasinari - Scoala Gimnaziala "S. P. Barcianu" Rasinari, Romania Romania - Resca, Dobrosloveni, OLT - Resca/Dobrosloveni School Romania - Resita - Liceul Teoretic Traian Vuia Romania - Resita, Caras-Severin - “Traian Vuia”, Resita High School Romania - Rimnicu Valcea - National College "Mircea cel Batran" Romania - Roman - Colegiul Tehnic Danubiana Romania - Roman - Colegiul Tehnic "Petru Poni " Roman Romania - Roman, Neamt - Secondary School Mihai Eminescu Romania - Roman, Neamt - Scoala gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Romania - Roman, Neamt - Colegiul Tehnic "Petru Poni " Romania - Roman, Neamt - Colegiul Tehnic "Miron Costin" Roman Romania - Roman, Neamt - Colegiul National "Roman-Voda" Romania - Roseti, Calarasi - Scoala gimnaziala "Iancu Rosetti" Roseti Calarasi Romania Romania - Rosia Jiu Farcasesti - Liceul Tehnologic Rosia Jiu Farcasesti Romania - Rosiori de Vede - Colegiul National "Anastasescu Romania - Roșiori de Vede, 145100 - TEHNOLOGICAL HIGH SCHOOL VIRGIL MADGEARU Romania - Rosiorii de Vede - Liceul Tehnologic „Virgil Madgearu” Romania - Rosiorii de Vede - Scoala Gimnaziala Dan Berindei Romania - Rosiorii de Vede - Scoala Gimnaziala "Alexandru Deparateanu" Rosiorii de Vede Romania - Rosiorii de Vede - Colegiul National "Anastasescu" Romania - Rosiorii de Verde - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC "VIRGIL MADGEARU" ROSIORI DE VEDE Romania - Rosu-Chiajna - Liceul Tehnologic Doamna Chiajna Romania - RUSANESTI, Olt - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR 2 RUSANESTI Romania - Sabaoani - Liceul Teoretic Vasile Alecsandri Romania - Salaj - Scoala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Ip Romania - Sanduleni - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 SANDULENI Romania - Sannicoara, Cluj - Liceul Tehnologic "Stefan Pascu" Apahida, Scoala Gimnaziala Sannicoara, Cluj Romania - Sapoca - Scoala Gimnaziala Sapoca Romania - Satu Mare - Colegiul National Ioan Slavici Satu Mare Romania - Satu Mare - Gradinita cu program prelungit nr 33 Satu Mare Romania - Satu Mare - Colegiul National ”Mihai Eminescu” Romania - Satu Mare - Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi si Telecomunicatii "Ion I.C.Bratianu" Romania - Satu Mare - Scoala Gimnaziala Balcescu Petofi Satu Mare Romania - Satu Mare - Colegiul National "Doamna Stanca" Romania - Satu Mare - Scoala Gimnaziala Dr Vasile Lucaciu Romania - Satu Mare - Liceul Teoretic German "Johann Ettinger" Romania - Satu Mare - Colegiul Economic "Gheorghe Dragoş" Romania - Satu Mare - gpp dumbrava minunata satu mare Romania - Satu-Mare - Colegiul Tehnic ʺElisa Zamfirescuʺ Romania - Scheia - Suceava - Scoala Gimnaziala "D. Pacurariu" Scheia - Suceava, Romania Romania - Sebeș, 515800 - Liceul Tehnologic SebesRomania - Sebeș, 515800 - Liceul Tehnologic SebesRomania - Sebeș, 515800 - Liceul Tehnologic Sebes Romania - Sfantu Gheorghe, CV - Ady Endre Gimnazial School Romania - Sfantu Gheorghe, CV - Székely Miko Theoretical High School Romania - Sibiu - Colegiul Tehnic Independenta Romania - Sibiu - August Treboniu Laurian High School Romania - Sibiu - Colegiul National "Samuel von Brukenthal" Romania - Sibiu - Liceul Teoretic Onisifor Ghibu Sibiu Romania - Sibiu - Colegiul Agricol Daniil Popovici Barcianu Sibiu Romania - Sibiu - National College "Samuel von Brukenthal" Romania - Sighetu Marmatiei, MM - Scoala Gimnaziala"Dr.Ioan Mihalyi de Apsa" Romania - Simeria - Colegiul Tehnic de ransport Feroviar Anghel Salgny Romania - Simian - Liceul Tehnologic "Tudor Vladimirescu" Romania - Siminicea - Școala Gimnazială Siminicea Romania - Simleul-Silvaniei, Salaj - Scoala Gimnaziala "Silvania" Romania - Siret - Colegiul Tehnic "Laţcu Vodă" Siret Romania - Sisesti - Vocational High School Sfantul Apostol Andrei Romania - Slatina - Colegiul National Ion Minulescu Slatina Romania - Slatina - Colegiul Tehnic "Alexe Marin" Romania - Slatina - Colegiul National Vocational Nicolae Titulescu Romania - Slatina, Olt - Liceul cu Program Sportiv Slatina Romania - Slatina, Olt - Scoala Gimnaziala "Stefan Protopopescu" Slatina , Olt Romania - Slatina, Olt - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.3 SLATINA Romania - Slobozia - Liceul Tehnologic "Inaltarea Domnului" Slobozia Romania - Slobozia - scoala gimnaziala nr 5 slobozia Romania - Smeura, Mosoaia - Gradinita Altina Romania - Snagov, IF - Liceul Teoretic Mihail Kogalniceanu Romania - Stefanesti - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC DINU BRATIANU Romania - Stefanesti Arges - Liceul Tehnologic "Dinu Bratianu" Stefanesti Romania - STEFANESTII DE JOS ILFOV - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.1 STEFANESTII DE JOS ILFOV Romania - Suceava - Scoala nr.10 Romania - Suceava - Colegiul Naţional "Petru Rareş" Romania - Suceava - C. N. Stefan cel Mare Suceava Romania - Suceava - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.3 Romania - Suceava - Filadelfia Highschool Romania - Suceava - Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incluziva Romania - Suceava - Colegiul National de Informatica ”Spiru Haret” Romania - Suceava - Miron Costin Secondary School Suceava Romania - Suceava - Scoala Gimnaziala Todiresti Romania - Suceava - LICEUL NATANAEL SUCEAVA Romania - Suceava - Petru Musat Tehnical School Romania - Sura Mare, Sibiu - Scoala Gimnaziala "Andrei Saguna" Sura Mare Romania - TAMASENI, NEAMT - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC ADJUDENI, TAMASENI, NEAMT Romania - TANDAREI - LICEUL TEORETIC "PAUL GEORGESCU" TANDAREI Romania - Targoviste - Liceul Tehnologic Voievodul Mircea Romania - Târgoviște - "Mihai Viteazul" Secondary SchoolRomania - Târgoviște - "Mihai Viteazul" Secondary School Romania - Targoviste - CONSTANTIN CANTACUZINO” NATIONAL COLLEGE Romania - Targoviste - Liceul Teoretic "Ion Heliade Radulescu" Romania - Targoviste - Colegiul Național "Ienăchiță Văcărescu" Târgoviște Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA ,, PROF. PAUL BANICA,, TARGOVISTE Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Colegiul National CONSTANTIN CANTACUZINO Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - „CONSTANTIN CANTACUZINO” NATIONAL COLLEGE TARGOVISTE Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Scoala Gimnaziala Tudor Vladimirescu Targoviste, Dambovita Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Carlova/ Targoviste/ Dambovita Romania - Târgoviște, Dâmbovița - Colegiul National „Constantin Cantacuzino" Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Liceul Tehnologic Spiru Haret Targoviste Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Colegiul National "Constantin Carabella" Romania - Targoviste, Dambovita - Colegiul National "Ienachita Vacarescu" Romania - TARGU BUJOR - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA "GRIGORE HAGIU" Romania - Targu Frumos - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Garabet Ibraileanu" Romania - Targu Frumos - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Garabet Ibraileanu" Romania - Targu JIu - Scoala Gimnaziala Sfantul Nicolae Romania - Targu Jiu - Colegiul National "Tudor Vladimirescu" Romania - Targu Mures - Scoala Gimnaziala Liviu Rebreanu Romania - Targu Mures - Colegiul Economic Transilvania Romania - Targu Mures - Liceul cu Program Sportiv Szasz Adalbert Romania - Târgu Neamț 615200 - “Ion Creanga” Technical College Romania - TARGU-LAPUS - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC GRIGORE C. MOISIL TARGU-LAPUS Romania - Tariceni, Prahova - Secondary School Tariceni, Prahova Romania - Tarnaveni - LTABT (Liceul Teoretic "Andrei Bârseanu" Târnăveni) Romania - Tarnova, Arad - Scoala Gimnaziala Tarnova, Jud Arad Romania - Taureni, Mures - Scoala Gimnaziala Taureni Romania - Techirghiol - Liceul Teoretic "Emil Racovita" Techirghiol Romania - Tecuci - Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Elena Doamna" Romania - Tecuci - Scoala Gimnaziala ”Iorgu Iordan” Romania - Teius - Liceul Teoretic Teius Romania - Teleorman - Scoala Gimnaziala Gratia-Teleorman Romania - Teleorman - Școala Gimnazială Nr.4 Turnu MăgureleRomania - Teleorman - Școala Gimnazială Nr.4 Turnu MăgureleRomania - Teleorman - Școala Gimnazială Nr.4 Turnu MăgureleRomania - Teleorman - Școala Gimnazială Nr.4 Turnu Măgurele Romania - Tg Jiu - Colegiul Auto Traian Vuia Romania - Tg-Jiu, Gorj - Colegiul Tehnic nr. 2 Tg-Jiu Romania - Tg. Mures - Colegiul Agricol "Traian Savulescu" Romania - Timisoara - "Grigore Moisil" Theoretical Highschool Romania - Timisoara - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA REMETEA MARE TIMIS Romania - Timisoara - Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 7 "Sfanta Maria" Romania - Timisoara - Liceul Teoretic Special IRIS Timisoara Romania - Timisoara - COLEGIUL TEHNIC DE VEST TIMISOARA Romania - Timisoara - COLEGIUL NATIONAL BANATEAN TIMISOARA Romania - Timisoara - Liceul Teoretic “William Shakespeare” Romania - Timisoara - NATIONAL COLLEGE ,, CONSTANTIN DIACONOVICI LOGA” Romania - Timisoara - Şcoala cu clasele I – VIII nr. 7 “Sfânta Maria” Romania - Tinca, Bihor - Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Jiga Tinca Romania - Tîrgu Neamț - Scoala gimnaziala nr 3 „Ion Creangă” Romania - Tirgu-Mures - Scoala Gymnaziala Liviu Rebreanu Romania - Titu - Liceul Tehnologic "Goga Ionescu" - Titu Romania - Titu, DB - Tehnological High School "Goga Ionescu" Romania - Tomsani, Prahova - Secondary school Prof Dinu Mihail Dan sat Magula com Tomsani Prahova Romania - Tulcea - Scoala Gimnaziala "Constantin Gavenea" Tulcea Romania - Tulcea - Liceul Teoretic "Ion Creangă" Romania - Tulcea - Colegiul Tehnic "Henri Coanda", Tulcea Romania - Tulcea - Liceul Teoretic "Grigore Moisil" Romania - Tunari, Ilfov - Scoala gimnaziala nr. 1 Tunari, Ilfov Romania - Turda 401003 - Avram Iancu Secondary SchoolRomania - Turda 401003 - Avram Iancu Secondary SchoolRomania - Turda 401003 - Avram Iancu Secondary SchoolRomania - Turda 401003 - Avram Iancu Secondary School Romania - Turda, Cluj - Gymnasium School "Horea, Closca si Crisan", Turda, Cluj Romania - Turda, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala Ioan Opris Turda Romania - Turda, Cluj - Scoala Gimnaziala Avram Iancu Turda Romania - Turnu Magurele - Colegiul National Unirea Romania - Turnu Magurele - National College “Unirea” Romania - Tuzla, CT - Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Tuzla Romania - Urlati, PH - Brancoveanu Voda Theoretical Highschool Romania - Valcea - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA, SAT MOLOGESTI Romania - Valea Calugareasca - Colegiul Agricol Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti Valea Calugareasca Romania - Valeni - SCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ, COMUNA VĂLENI Romania - Vaslui - Mihail Kogalniceanu High School Romania - Vaslui - Liceul Teoretic Emil Racoviță Romania - Vaslui - Liceul Teoretic "Emil Racovita" Romania - Vaslui - Scoala Gimnaziala „Dimitrie Cantemir” Vaslui Romania - Vatra- Dornei - Liceul Teoretic "Ion Luca" Romania - Vetel - Scoala Gimnaziala Vetel Romania - Victor Vlad Delamarina, TM - Scoala Gimnaziala Victor Vlad Delamarina Romania - Videle - Liceul Tehnologic Videle Romania - Videle - Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Videle Romania - Vidra, Ilfov - Liceul Teoretic Alexandru Rosetti Romania - Vinatori, Vrancea - Scoala Gimnaziala Vinatori, Vrancea Romania - Vitomiresti - Liceul Tehnologic Vitomiresti OLT Romania - VLADENI, BT - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA VLADENI Romania - Volovat, SV - Scoala Gimnaziala Volovat Romania - Vorniceni, BT - Scoala Gimnaziala nr1, Vorniceni Romania - Vrancea - Scoala Gimnaziala RUGINESTI Romania - Vulcan, HD - Secondary School No. 6 Vulcan Romania - Vulcan, HD - Secondary School No. 4 Vulcan Romania - Vulturu, Vrancea - Scoala Gimnaziala Vulturu, Jud. Vrancea, Romania Romania - Zalau - Colegiul Tehnic ”Alesandru Papiu Ilarian” Romania - Zalau - Liceul cu Program Sportiv "Avram Iancu" Romania - Zalau - LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC VOIEVODUL GELU Romania - Zalau - Scoala Gimnaziala "Gheorghe Lazar" Romania - Zalau - Scoala Gymnaziala “Gheorghe Lazar” Romania - Zanesti, NT - Scoala gimnaziala Zanesti Romania - Zorleni - Colegiul Tehnic "Marcel Guguianu" Romania - ZORLENI, Vaslui - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NR.1, ZORLENI Serbia - Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Serbia - Gimnazija "Svetozar Marković" Serbia - Gimnazija “Bora Stankovic” Serbia - OŠ,,Vožd Karađorđe'' Serbia - Gimnazija Zajecar Serbia - Matematicki institut SANU Serbia - Medicinska škola " Dr. Milenko Hadžić" Serbia - ratko pavlovic Serbia - Šabačka gimnazija Serbia - Srednja škola Blace Serbia - Osnovna skola "Bratstvo Jedinstvo" Serbia - Mašinska škola "Pančevo" Serbia - Elektrotehnička škola "Nikola Tesla"Serbia - Pančevo - Elektrotehnička škola "Nikola Tesla"Serbia - Pančevo - Elektrotehnička škola "Nikola Tesla" Serbia - OS Sveti Sava Pancevo Serbia - 19320 Кладово - Srednja škola u Kladovu Serbia - Aleksinac - Grammar School Aleksinac Serbia - Aleksinac - Aleksinačka gimnazija Serbia - Aleksinac - OS za obrazovanje i vaspitanje dece i omladine sa smetnjama u razvoju ,,Smeh i suza'' Serbia - Aranđelovac - Technical School "Mileta Nikolić" Serbia - Aranđelovac - "Svetolik Ranković" Primary School Serbia - Backa Palanka - Secondary Economic School "Dr Radivoj Uvalic" Serbia - Bačka Palanka - Technical School "9. maj" Serbia - Belgrade - 4th Belgrade Grammar School Serbia - Belgrade - Primary School “Miroslav Antić” Serbia - Beograd - Primary School " Dr Dragan Hercog" Serbia - Beograd - Chemical and Food Technology School Serbia - Beograd - 6th Belgrade Grammar School Serbia - Beograd - "Kralj Aleksandar I" Primary School Serbia - Beograd - Srednja škola EPA Serbia - Beograd - Secondary Technical Postal School Serbia - Beograd - OŠ "Miroslav Antić" Serbia - Beograd - High school of economics, law and administration Serbia - Beograd - "Đura Jakšić" Primary School Serbia - Beograd - 15th Belgrade Grammar School Serbia - Beograd - Primary School ''Đura Daničić' Serbia - Čačak - Food Catering School Serbia - Čačak - Osnovna škola "Tanasko Rajić" Serbia - Čačak - Primary school "Dr Dragiša Mišović" Serbia - Čajetina - "Dimitrije Tucović" Primary School Serbia - Ćuprija - "Đura Jakšić" Primary School Serbia - Donja Trnava - Primary school ''Branislav Nušić'' Serbia - Inđija - Dušan Jerković Serbia - Jagodina - Elektrotehničko građevinska škola " Nikola Tesla" Serbia - Jagodina - Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering School "Nikola Tesla" Serbia - Karajukića Bunari, Sjenica - "Rifat Burdžović Tršo" Primary School Serbia - Kikinda - Primary School Sveti Sava Serbia - Kikinda - "Sveti Sava" Primary SchoolSerbia - Prijepolje - "Sveti Sava" Primary School Serbia - Kikinda - Djura Jaksic Serbia - Kikinda - OŠ Sveti Sava Serbia - Knjaževac - "Vuk Karadžić" Primary School Serbia - Knjazevac - Technical school Serbia - Knjaževac - Knjaževačka gimnazija Serbia - Kovin - Primary School “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Serbia - Kovin - Primary school "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Serbia - Kovin - OS Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj Kovin Serbia - Kragujevac - "Stanislav Sremčević" Primary School Serbia - Kragujevac - Medical school "Sestre Ninkovic" Serbia - Kragujevac - "Milutin i Draginja Todorovic" Primary School Serbia - Kragujevac - Polytechnic School Serbia - Kragujevac - Elementary school Sveti Sava Serbia - Kula - "Mihajlo Pupin" Sacondary Technical School Serbia - Lazarevac - Gimnazija Lazarevac Serbia - Lebane - "Radovan Kovačević-Maksim" Primary School Serbia - Leposavić - S.S. Nikola Tesla Serbia - Loznica - "Vuk Karadžić" Grammar School Serbia - Mačkat, Čajetina - Primary School "Milivoje Borović" Serbia - Merošina, Niš - "Jastrebački partizani" Primary School Serbia - Mionica - Srednja škola "Mionica" Serbia - Mionica - OŠ "Milan Rakić" Serbia - Nis - Primary School “Kralj Petar I” Serbia - Niš - Osnovna škola "Učitelj Tasa" Serbia - Nis - Electrotechnical school "Nikola Tesla" Serbia - Niš - "Stevan Sremac", 1st Niš Grammar School Serbia - Niš - Primary school "Sreten Mladenović Mika" Serbia - Novi Pazar - School for Textile and Leather Design Serbia - Novi Sad - Primary school Vasa Stajic Serbia - Novi Sad - "Miloš Crnjanski" Primary School Serbia - Novi Sad - Secondary School "Svetozar Miletić" Serbia - Novi Sad - School for Primary and Secondary Education "Milan Petrović" with the boarding school Serbia - Novi Sad - "Branko Radičević" Primary School Serbia - Pančevo - Electrical Engineering School "Nikola Tesla" Serbia - Pancevo - Technical school "23.maj" Serbia - Pivnice, Bačka Palanka - "15. oktobar" Primary School Serbia - Pribojska Banja, Priboj - "Nikola Tesla" Primary School Serbia - Prokuplje - Technical school ,,15th May" Serbia - Prokuplje - Technical School "15. maj" Serbia - Prokuplje - Technical school "15.may" Serbia - Ražanj - Primary School Ivan Vušović Serbia - Ruma - "Zmaj Jova Jovanović" Primary School Serbia - Sabac - CSU Serbia - Sabac - OS "Nikolaj Velimirovic" Serbia - Sabac - OŠ "Nikolaj Velimirović" Serbia - Šabac - OŠ "Janko Veselinović" Serbia - Sevojno,Uzice - "Aleksa Dejović" Primary School Serbia - Šid - Osnovna škola "Sremski front" Serbia - Smederevo - "Branislav Nušić" Primary School Serbia - Smederevska Palanka - OS "Hero Radmila Šišković" Serbia - Sombor - "Nikola Vukićević" Primary School Serbia - Srbobran - "Svetozar Miletic" Grammar School Serbia - Subotica - "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Primary School Serbia - Subotica - OS "Ivan Goran Kovacic" Serbia - Topola - "Karađorđe" Primary School Serbia - Topola - OS Zivko Tomic Serbia - Trupale - OS '' Prvi maj '' Trupale Serbia - Vršac - School Centar "Nikola Tesla", Secondary School Serbia - Vrsac - School center "Nikola Tesla" Serbia - Zaječar - Medical school Serbia - Zrenjanin - "9.maj" Primary and Secondary School Russia - Kronshtadt - GBOU SOSH 418 Russia - Moscow - Average number obsheobrazovatelnaya School 2005 Saudi Arabia - Zulfi - Riyadh highschool Saudi Arabia - Zulfi - Riyadh High School Sweden - Soderkoping - Nystromska school Sweden - Stockholm - Montessoriskolan Castello Slovenia - Ljubljana - ERSΕ G Vegova Ljubljana Slovenia - Vipava - OŠ Draga Bajca Vipava Slovakia - Ljubljana - ERSŠG Vegova Ljubljana Slovakia - Ljubljana - Danila Kumar International School Slovakia - Prešov - CZŠ s MŠ bl. Pavla Petra Gojdiča Slovakia - Štúrovo - Gymnázium - Gimnázium Štúrovo Sao Tome and Principe - São Tomé - Instituto Diocesano de Formação João Paulo II Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome - Instituto Diocesano de formação João Paulo II Turkey - Beşiktaş - Korkmaz Yigit Anatolian Highschool Turkey - Küçükçekmece, İstanbul - Yunus Emre Ortaokulu Turkey - ANKARA - Ibrahim Baltaci Elementary School Turkey - Antakya/Hatay - Odabaşı Mustafa Kemal Ortaokulu Turkey - AYDIN - Makbule Hasan Ucar Anatolian High School Turkey - AYDIN - Kusadasi Ataturk Secondary School Turkey - AYDIN - Kuşadası Makbule Hasan Uçar Anatolian High School Turkey - Babadağ / Denizli - Babadağ Müşerref Yılmaz İlköğretim Okulu Turkey - Bayındır, İzmir - Fırınlı Ortaokulu Turkey - Buca, İzmir - Makbule Süleyman Alkan Ortaokulu Turkey - Buca, İzmir - Makbule Süleyman Alkan Ortaokulu Turkey - Buca, Izmir - Buca Sinav Koleji Turkey - Buldan, Denizli, - Gülalan Özer Vural Ortaokulu Turkey - Doğubayazıt - Karabulak Regional Boarding Secondary SchoolTurkey - Doğubayazıt - Karabulak Regional Boarding Secondary SchoolTurkey - Doğubayazıt - Karabulak Regional Boarding Secondary School Turkey - Gaziantep - TED College Turkey - Istanbul - ALKEV Schools Turkey - İstanbul - ALKEV College Turkey - izmir - Türkbirliği prımary school Turkey - Izmir - Bornova Bahcesehir College Turkey - Izmir - DEUZEMTurkey - Izmir - DEUZEM Turkey - Izmir - Bornova Bahcesehir Private School Turkey - Karamürsel/Kocaeli - 4 Temmuz Şehit Hüseyin Güldal Ortaokulu Turkey - Karşıyaka, İzmir - Bilim Merkezi Turkey - Karşıyaka/İzmir - İstek CollegeTurkey - Karşıyaka/İzmir - İstek College Turkey - Köprü / Konak - İzmir Türk Koleji Turkey - Kuşadası, Aydın - Davutlar Vali Kadir Uysal Ortaokulu Turkey - Mustafakemalpaşa/Bursa - Mustafakmalpaşa Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Turkey - Narlıdere - Hasan İçyer Ortaokulu Turkey - Narlıdere - Hasan İçyer İlkokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - Kılıçaslan Ortaokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - Oğuzhan Ortaokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - İhsan Çelikten Ortaokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - Didem Işıklı İlkokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - Prof.Dr. Aziz Sancar Ortaokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - İnönü İlkokulu Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - Narlıdere Cahide Ahmet Dalyanoğlu Anadolu Lisesi Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - Arkas Narlıdere MTAL Turkey - Narlıdere/İzmir - İlhan Onat İlkokulu Turkey - Rize - Tevfik İleri Anadolu Lisesi Rize Turkey Turkey - Salihli / Manisa - Şazimet Uysal Ortaokulu Turkey - Samsun - Özel Ezgililer Ortaokulu Turkey - Samsun - Private Ezgililer Education Institute Turkey - Samsun - Private Ezgililer Educational Institute Turkey - Samsun - TED Samsun Koleji Özel Ortaokulu Turkey - SÜLEYMANPAŞA/TEKİRDAĞ - Tekirdağ Ebru Nayim Fen Lisesi Tanzania - Morogoro Tanzania - Kigurunyembe Secondary School United States - Tenafly High School United States - Abilene - Abilene High School United States - Arden Hills, Saint Paul, MN - Mounds View High School United States - Bloomington - Oak Grove MIddle School United States - Caldwell - Vallivue High School United States - Chicago - Bernard Zell School United States - Chicago - Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School United States - Commerce Georgia - Commerce High School United States - Eugene - South Eugene High School United States - Fremont - Academy - Fremont United States - Greensboro - North Carolina A&T State University United States - Minneapolis - South High United States - Minneapolis - South High School United States - Ottawa - Ottawa High School United States - Pikesville, MD - Pikesville High School United States - Rockville - Richard Montgomery High School United States - San Francisco - Adda Clevenger School United States - Sleepy Eye - Sleepy Eye Public High School United States - Waynesboro - Fishburne Military School Uruguay - Barros Blancos - Liceo Barros Blancos No. 2 - Uruguay Uruguay - Montevideo - José Pedro Varela Vietnam - Cầu Giấy, Hà Nộ - Astro World Center South Africa - KZN - Irene Open Academy of Excellence